blob: ae284278f2bbdb67c10801477bc5bcdcff1961c7 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Minimal Couch In Node
* Copyright 2011 Nuno Job <> (oO)--',--
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var request = require('request')
, fs = require('fs')
, qs = require('querystring')
, error = require('./error')
, headers = { "content-type": "application/json", "accept": "application/json" }
, nano;
* Nano is a library that helps you building requests on top of mikeals/request
* No more, no less.
* - As simple as possible, but no simpler than that
* - It is not an ORM for CouchDB
* - It is not all fancy and RoR like
* - It is not meant to prevent you from doing stupid things.
* Be creative. Be silly. Do stupid things. I won't thow exceptions back at you.
* Have fun! Relax, and don't forget to take the trash out. (compact)
module.exports = exports = nano = function database_module(cfg) {
var public_functions = {};
if(typeof cfg === "string") {
cfg = require(cfg); // No CFG? Maybe it's a file path?
if(cfg.proxy) { // Proxy support
request = request.defaults({proxy: cfg.proxy});
* aux *
* Request DB
* An auxiliary function to do the request to CouchDB
* Important Announcement: _airplane_voice_
* This function is public but does not try to prevent you from shooting
* yourself in the foot. Use only if you know _exactly_ what you are trying
* to do. Plus if you are using it directly and it's not part of the interface
* please consider emailing me about that, or telling me what it is, or
* doing a pull request!
* @error {request:socket} There was a problem connecting to CouchDB
* @error {couch:*} Any error that CouchDB returns when creating a DB
* @param {opts} The request options; e.g. {db: "test", method: "GET"}
* {opts.db} REQUIRED The database name
* {opts.method} REQUIRED The HTTP Method
* {opts.doc} The document URI, if any
* {opts.body} The body, if any
* @param {callback} The function to callback
* @return Execution of the code in your callback. Hopefully you are handling
function relax(opts,callback) {
var url = cfg.database(opts.db)
, req = { method: opts.method, headers: headers }
, params = opts.params
, status_code
, parsed
, rh;
if(!callback) { callback = function () { return; }; } // Void Callback
if(opts.doc) { url += "/" + opts.doc; } // Add the document to the URL
if(opts.body) {
if(typeof opts.body === "object") { req.body = JSON.stringify(opts.body); }
else { req.body = opts.body; }
req.uri = url + (params ? "?" + qs.stringify(params) : "");
request(req, function(e,h,b){
rh = h.headers;
status_code = h.statusCode;
if(e) {
parsed = JSON.parse(b);
if (status_code === 200 || status_code === 201 || status_code === 202) {
else { // Proxy the error
* db *
* Creates a CouchDB Database
* e.g. function recursive_retries_create_db(tried,callback) {
* nano.db.create(db_name, function (e,b) {
* if(tried.tried === tried.max_retries) {
* callback("Retries work");
* return;
* }
* else {
* tried.tried += 1;
* recursive_retries_create_db(tried,callback);
* }
* });
* }
* @see relax
function create_db(db_name, callback) {
relax({db: db_name, method: "PUT"},callback);
* Annihilates a CouchDB Database
* e.g. nano.db.delete(db_name);
* Even though this looks sync it is an async function
* and therefor order is not guaranteed
* @see relax
function destroy_db(db_name, callback) {
relax({db: db_name, method: "DELETE"},callback);
* Gets information about a CouchDB Database
* e.g. nano.db.get(db_name, function(e,b) {
* console.log(b);
* });
* @see relax
function get_db(db_name, callback) {
relax({db: db_name, method: "GET"},callback);
* Lists all the databases in CouchDB
* e.g. nano.db.list(function(e,b) {
* console.log(b);
* });
* @see relax
function list_dbs(callback) {
relax({db: "_all_dbs", method: "GET"},callback);
* Compacts a CouchDB Database
* e.g. nano.db.compact(db_name);
* @see relax
function compact_db(db_name, callback) {
relax({db: db_name, doc: "_compact", method: "POST"},callback);
* Replicates a CouchDB Database
* e.g. nano.db.replicate(db_1, db_2);
* @see relax
function replicate_db(source, target, continuous, callback) {
if(typeof continuous === "function") {
callback = continuous;
continuous = false;
var body = {source: source, target: target};
if(continuous) { body.continuous = true; }
relax({db: "_replicate", doc: "_compact", body: body, method: "POST"},callback);
* doc *
function document_module(db_name) {
var public_functions = {};
* Inserts a document in a CouchDB Database
* @see relax
function insert_doc(doc_name,doc,callback) {
var opts = {db: db_name};
if(typeof doc === "function") {
callback = doc;
opts.body = doc_name;
opts.method = "POST";
else {
opts.doc = doc_name;
opts.body = doc;
opts.method = "PUT";
* Updates a document in a CouchDB Database
* @see relax
function update_doc(doc_name,rev,doc,callback) {
doc._rev = rev;
relax({ db: db_name, doc: doc_name, method: "PUT", body: doc},callback);
* Destroy a document from CouchDB Database
* @see relax
function destroy_doc(doc_name,rev,callback) {
relax({db: db_name, doc: doc_name, method: "DELETE", params: {rev: rev}},
* Get's a document from a CouchDB Database
* @see relax
function get_doc(doc_name,callback) {
relax({db: db_name, doc: doc_name, method: "GET"},callback);
* Lists all the documents in a CouchDB Database
* @see relax
function list_docs(callback) {
relax({db: db_name, doc: "_all_docs", method: "GET"},callback);
public_functions = { info: function(cb) { get_db(db_name,cb); }
, replicate: function(target,continuous,cb) {
if(typeof continuous === "function") {
cb = continuous;
continuous = false;
, compact: function(cb) { compact_db(db_name,cb); }
//, changes: { add: add_listener
// , remove: remove_listener}
, insert: insert_doc
, update: update_doc
, get: get_doc
, destroy: destroy_doc
//, bulk: bulk_doc
, list: list_docs
//, views: {}
return public_functions;
public_functions = { db: { create: create_db
, get: get_db
, destroy: destroy_db
, list: list_dbs
, use: document_module // Alias
, scope: document_module // Alias
, compact: compact_db
, replicate: replicate_db
, use: document_module
, scope: document_module // Alias
, request: relax
return public_functions;
* And now an ASCII Dinosaur
* _
* / _) ROAR! I'm a vegan!
* .-^^^-/ /
* __/ /
* /__.|_|-|_|
* Thanks for visiting! Come Again!
nano.version = JSON.parse(
fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/package.json")).version;
nano.path = __dirname;