blob: 81d12d78122bbab8e7dcdd9e2ba9cd4e3ec1b0df [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
'use strict';
var u = require('url');
var assert = require('assert');
var querystring = require('querystring');
var request = require('request');
var errs = require('errs');
var _ = require('underscore');
var follow = require('follow');
var logger = require('./logger');
var nano;
module.exports = exports = nano = function dbScope(cfg) {
var serverScope = {};
if (typeof cfg === 'string') {
cfg = {url: cfg};
assert.equal(typeof cfg, 'object',
'You must specify the endpoint url when invoking this module');
assert.ok(/^https?:/.test(cfg.url), 'url is not valid');
cfg = _.clone(cfg);
serverScope.config = cfg;
cfg.requestDefaults = cfg.requestDefaults || {jar: false};
var httpAgent = (typeof cfg.request === 'function') ? cfg.request :
var followAgent = (typeof cfg.follow === 'function') ? cfg.follow : follow;
var log = typeof cfg.log === 'function' ? cfg.log : logger(cfg);
var parseUrl = 'parseUrl' in cfg ? cfg.parseUrl : true;
function maybeExtractDatabaseComponent() {
if (!parseUrl) {
var path = u.parse(cfg.url);
var pathArray = path.pathname.split('/').filter(function(e) { return e; });
var db = pathArray.pop();
var rootPath = path.pathname.replace(/\/?$/, '/..');
if (db) {
cfg.url = urlResolveFix(cfg.url, rootPath).replace(/\/?$/, '');
return db;
function scrub(str) {
if (str) {
str = str.replace(/\/\/(.*)@/,"//XXXXXX:XXXXXX@");
return str;
function relax(opts, callback) {
if (typeof opts === 'function') {
callback = opts;
opts = {path: ''};
if (typeof opts === 'string') {
opts = {path: opts};
if (!opts) {
opts = {path: ''};
callback = null;
var qs = _.extend({}, opts.qs);
var headers = {
'content-type': 'application/json',
accept: 'application/json'
var req = {
method: (opts.method || 'GET'),
headers: headers,
uri: cfg.url
var parsed;
var rh;
var isJar = opts.jar || cfg.jar;
if (isJar) {
req.jar = isJar;
if (opts.db) {
req.uri = urlResolveFix(req.uri, encodeURIComponent(opts.db));
if (opts.multipart) {
req.multipart = opts.multipart;
req.headers = _.extend(req.headers, opts.headers, cfg.defaultHeaders);
if (opts.path) {
req.uri += '/' + opts.path;
} else if (opts.doc) {
if (!/^_design/.test(opts.doc)) {
req.uri += '/' + encodeURIComponent(opts.doc);
} else {
req.uri += '/' + opts.doc;
if (opts.att) {
req.uri += '/' + opts.att;
// prevent bugs where people set encoding when piping
if (opts.encoding !== undefined && callback) {
req.encoding = opts.encoding;
delete req.headers['content-type'];
delete req.headers.accept;
if (opts.contentType) {
req.headers['content-type'] = opts.contentType;
delete req.headers.accept;
if (cfg.cookie) {
req.headers['X-CouchDB-WWW-Authenticate'] = 'Cookie';
req.headers.cookie = cfg.cookie;
if (typeof opts.qs === 'object' && !_.isEmpty(opts.qs)) {
['startkey', 'endkey', 'key', 'keys'].forEach(function(key) {
if (key in opts.qs) {
qs[key] = JSON.stringify(opts.qs[key]);
req.qs = qs;
if (opts.body) {
if (Buffer.isBuffer(opts.body) || opts.dontStringify) {
req.body = opts.body;
} else {
req.body = JSON.stringify(opts.body, function(key, value) {
// don't encode functions
if (typeof(value) === 'function') {
return value.toString();
} else {
return value;
if (opts.form) {
req.headers['content-type'] =
'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8';
req.body = querystring.stringify(opts.form).toString('utf8');
if (!callback) {
return httpAgent(req);
return httpAgent(req, function(e, h, b) {
rh = h && h.headers || {};
rh.statusCode = h && h.statusCode || 500;
rh.uri = req.uri;
if (e) {
log({err: 'socket', body: b, headers: rh});
return callback(errs.merge(e, {
message: 'error happened in your connection',
scope: 'socket',
errid: 'request'
delete rh.server;
delete rh['content-length'];
if (opts.dontParse) {
parsed = b;
} else {
try { parsed = JSON.parse(b); } catch (err) { parsed = b; }
if (rh.statusCode >= 200 && rh.statusCode < 400) {
log({err: null, body: parsed, headers: rh});
return callback(null, parsed, rh);
log({err: 'couch', body: parsed, headers: rh});
// cloudant stacktrace
if (typeof parsed === 'string') {
parsed = {message: parsed};
if (!parsed.message && (parsed.reason || parsed.error)) {
parsed.message = (parsed.reason || parsed.error);
// fix cloudant issues where they give an erlang stacktrace as js
delete parsed.stack;
// scrub credentials
req.uri = scrub(req.uri);
rh.uri = scrub(rh.uri);
if (req.headers.cookie) {
req.headers.cookie = "XXXXXXX";
message: 'couch returned ' + rh.statusCode,
scope: 'couch',
statusCode: rh.statusCode,
request: req,
headers: rh,
errid: 'non_200'
}, errs.create(parsed)));
function auth(username, password, callback) {
return relax({
method: 'POST',
db: '_session',
form: {
name: username,
password: password
}, callback);
function session(callback) {
return relax({db: '_session'}, callback);
function updates(qs, callback) {
if (typeof qs === 'function') {
callback = qs;
qs = {};
return relax({
db: '_db_updates',
qs: qs
}, callback);
function followUpdates(qs, callback) {
return followDb('_db_updates', qs, callback);
function createDb(dbName, callback) {
return relax({db: dbName, method: 'PUT'}, callback);
function destroyDb(dbName, callback) {
return relax({db: dbName, method: 'DELETE'}, callback);
function getDb(dbName, callback) {
return relax({db: dbName}, callback);
function listDbs(callback) {
return relax({db: '_all_dbs'}, callback);
function compactDb(dbName, ddoc, callback) {
if (typeof ddoc === 'function') {
callback = ddoc;
ddoc = null;
return relax({
db: dbName,
doc: '_compact',
att: ddoc,
method: 'POST'
}, callback);
function changesDb(dbName, qs, callback) {
if (typeof qs === 'function') {
callback = qs;
qs = {};
return relax({db: dbName, path: '_changes', qs: qs}, callback);
function followDb(dbName, qs, callback) {
if (typeof qs === 'function') {
callback = qs;
qs = {};
qs.db = urlResolveFix(cfg.url, encodeURIComponent(dbName));
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
return followAgent(qs, callback);
} else {
return new followAgent.Feed(qs);
function _serializeAsUrl(db) {
if (typeof db === 'object' && db.config && db.config.url && db.config.db) {
return urlResolveFix(db.config.url, encodeURIComponent(db.config.db));
} else {
return db;
function replicateDb(source, target, opts, callback) {
if (typeof opts === 'function') {
callback = opts;
opts = {};
opts.source = _serializeAsUrl(source); = _serializeAsUrl(target);
return relax({db: '_replicate', body: opts, method: 'POST'}, callback);
function docModule(dbName) {
var docScope = {};
dbName = decodeURIComponent(dbName);
function insertDoc(doc, qs, callback) {
var opts = {db: dbName, body: doc, method: 'POST'};
if (typeof qs === 'function') {
callback = qs;
qs = {};
if (typeof qs === 'string') {
qs = {docName: qs};
if (qs) {
if (qs.docName) {
opts.doc = qs.docName;
opts.method = 'PUT';
delete qs.docName;
opts.qs = qs;
return relax(opts, callback);
function destroyDoc(docName, rev, callback) {
if(!docName) {
callback("Invalid doc id", null);
else {
return relax({
db: dbName,
doc: docName,
method: 'DELETE',
qs: {rev: rev}
}, callback);
function getDoc(docName, qs, callback) {
if (typeof qs === 'function') {
callback = qs;
qs = {};
return relax({db: dbName, doc: docName, qs: qs}, callback);
function headDoc(docName, callback) {
return relax({
db: dbName,
doc: docName,
method: 'HEAD',
qs: {}
}, callback);
function copyDoc(docSrc, docDest, opts, callback) {
if (typeof opts === 'function') {
callback = opts;
opts = {};
var qs = {
db: dbName,
doc: docSrc,
method: 'COPY',
headers: {'Destination': docDest}
if (opts.overwrite) {
return headDoc(docDest, function(e, b, h) {
if (e && e.statusCode !== 404) {
return callback(e);
qs.headers.Destination += '?rev=' +
h.etag.substring(1, h.etag.length - 1);
return relax(qs, callback);
} else {
return relax(qs, callback);
function listDoc(qs, callback) {
if (typeof qs === 'function') {
callback = qs;
qs = {};
return relax({db: dbName, path: '_all_docs', qs: qs}, callback);
function fetchDocs(docNames, qs, callback) {
if (typeof qs === 'function') {
callback = qs;
qs = {};
qs = qs || {};
qs['include_docs'] = true;
return relax({
db: dbName,
path: '_all_docs',
method: 'POST',
qs: qs,
body: docNames
}, callback);
function fetchRevs(docNames, qs, callback) {
if (typeof qs === 'function') {
callback = qs;
qs = {};
return relax({
db: dbName,
path: '_all_docs',
method: 'POST',
qs: qs,
body: docNames
}, callback);
function view(ddoc, viewName, meta, qs, callback) {
if (typeof qs === 'function') {
callback = qs;
qs = {};
var viewPath = '_design/' + ddoc + '/_' + meta.type + '/' + viewName;
// Several search parameters must be JSON-encoded; but since this is an
// object API, several parameters need JSON endoding.
var paramsToEncode = ['counts', 'drilldown', 'group_sort', 'ranges', 'sort'];
paramsToEncode.forEach(function(param) {
if (param in qs) {
qs[param] = JSON.stringify(qs[param]);
if (qs && qs.keys) {
var body = {keys: qs.keys};
delete qs.keys;
return relax({
db: dbName,
path: viewPath,
method: 'POST',
qs: qs,
body: body
}, callback);
} else {
var req = {
db: dbName,
method: meta.method || 'GET',
path: viewPath,
qs: qs
if (meta.body) {
req.body = meta.body;
return relax(req, callback);
function viewDocs(ddoc, viewName, qs, callback) {
return view(ddoc, viewName, {type: 'view'}, qs, callback);
// geocouch
function viewSpatial(ddoc, viewName, qs, callback) {
return view(ddoc, viewName, {type: 'spatial'}, qs, callback);
// cloudant
function viewSearch(ddoc, viewName, qs, callback) {
return view(ddoc, viewName, {type: 'search'}, qs, callback);
function showDoc(ddoc, viewName, docName, qs, callback) {
return view(ddoc, viewName + '/' + docName, {type: 'show'}, qs, callback);
function updateWithHandler(ddoc, viewName, docName, body, callback) {
if (typeof body === 'function') {
callback = body;
body = undefined;
return view(ddoc, viewName + '/' + encodeURIComponent(docName), {
type: 'update',
method: 'PUT',
body: body
}, callback);
function viewWithList(ddoc, viewName, listName, qs, callback) {
return view(ddoc, listName + '/' + viewName, {
type: 'list'
}, qs, callback);
function bulksDoc(docs, qs, callback) {
if (typeof qs === 'function') {
callback = qs;
qs = {};
return relax({
db: dbName,
path: '_bulk_docs',
body: docs,
method: 'POST',
qs: qs
}, callback);
function insertMultipart(doc, attachments, qs, callback) {
if (typeof qs === 'string') {
qs = {docName: qs};
var docName = qs.docName;
delete qs.docName;
doc = _.extend({_attachments: {}}, doc);
var multipart = [];
attachments.forEach(function(att) {
doc._attachments[] = {
follows: true,
length: Buffer.isBuffer( ? : Buffer.byteLength(,
/* jscs:disable requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers */
'content_type': att.content_type
'content-type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify(doc)
return relax({
db: dbName,
method: 'PUT',
contentType: 'multipart/related',
doc: docName,
qs: qs,
multipart: multipart
}, callback);
function getMultipart(docName, qs, callback) {
if (typeof qs === 'function') {
callback = qs;
qs = {};
qs.attachments = true;
return relax({
db: dbName,
doc: docName,
encoding: null,
contentType: 'multipart/related',
qs: qs
}, callback);
function insertAtt(docName, attName, att, contentType, qs, callback) {
if (typeof qs === 'function') {
callback = qs;
qs = {};
return relax({
db: dbName,
att: attName,
method: 'PUT',
contentType: contentType,
doc: docName,
qs: qs,
body: att,
dontStringify: true
}, callback);
function getAtt(docName, attName, qs, callback) {
if (typeof qs === 'function') {
callback = qs;
qs = {};
return relax({
db: dbName,
att: attName,
doc: docName,
qs: qs,
encoding: null,
dontParse: true
}, callback);
function destroyAtt(docName, attName, qs, callback) {
return relax({
db: dbName,
att: attName,
method: 'DELETE',
doc: docName,
qs: qs
}, callback);
// db level exports
docScope = {
info: function(cb) {
return getDb(dbName, cb);
replicate: function(target, opts, cb) {
return replicateDb(dbName, target, opts, cb);
compact: function(cb) {
return compactDb(dbName, cb);
changes: function(qs, cb) {
return changesDb(dbName, qs, cb);
follow: function(qs, cb) {
return followDb(dbName, qs, cb);
auth: auth,
session: session,
insert: insertDoc,
get: getDoc,
head: headDoc,
copy: copyDoc,
destroy: destroyDoc,
bulk: bulksDoc,
list: listDoc,
fetch: fetchDocs,
fetchRevs: fetchRevs,
config: {url: cfg.url, db: dbName},
multipart: {
insert: insertMultipart,
get: getMultipart
attachment: {
insert: insertAtt,
get: getAtt,
destroy: destroyAtt
show: showDoc,
atomic: updateWithHandler,
updateWithHandler: updateWithHandler,
search: viewSearch,
spatial: viewSpatial,
view: viewDocs,
viewWithList: viewWithList
docScope.view.compact = function(ddoc, cb) {
return compactDb(dbName, ddoc, cb);
return docScope;
// server level exports
serverScope = _.extend(serverScope, {
db: {
create: createDb,
get: getDb,
destroy: destroyDb,
list: listDbs,
use: docModule,
scope: docModule,
compact: compactDb,
replicate: replicateDb,
changes: changesDb,
follow: followDb,
followUpdates: followUpdates,
updates: updates
use: docModule,
scope: docModule,
request: relax,
relax: relax,
dinosaur: relax,
auth: auth,
session: session,
updates: updates,
followUpdates: followUpdates
var db = maybeExtractDatabaseComponent();
return db ? docModule(db) : serverScope;
* and now an ascii dinosaur
* _
* / _) ROAR! i'm a vegan!
* .-^^^-/ /
* __/ /
* /__.|_|-|_|
* thanks for visiting! come again!
nano.version = require('../package.json').version;
nano.path = __dirname;
function urlResolveFix(couchUrl, dbName) {
if (/[^\/]$/.test(couchUrl)) {
couchUrl += '/';
return u.resolve(couchUrl, dbName);