blob: 60b1fb1719f8e9897f730cf247c968463e3076ce [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
var helpers = require('../../helpers/integration');
var harness = helpers.harness(__filename);
var db = harness.locals.db;
var it =;
it('should handle crazy encodings', function(assert) {
var att = {
name: 'att',
data: 'काचं शक्नोम्यत्तुम् । नोपहिनस्ति माम् ॥',
'content_type': 'text/plain'
db.multipart.insert({'foo': 'bar'}, [att], 'foobar', function(error, foo) {
assert.equal(error, null, 'should have stored foo and attachment');
assert.equal(foo.ok, true, 'response should be ok');
assert.ok(foo.rev, 'response should have rev');
it('should test with presence of attachment', function(assert) {
var att = {
name: 'two',
data: 'Hello World!',
'content_type': 'text/plain'
db.attachment.insert('mydoc', 'one', 'Hello World!', 'text/plain',
function(err) {
assert.equal(err, null, 'should have stored the thingy');
db.get('mydoc', function(_, doc) {
db.multipart.insert(doc, [att], 'mydoc', function() {
db.get('mydoc', function(error, two) {
assert.equal(error, null, 'should get the doc');
assert.equal(Object.keys(two._attachments).length, 2,
'both attachments should be present');
it('should work with attachment as a buffer', function(assert) {
var att = {
name: 'att',
data: new Buffer('foo'),
'content_type': 'text/plain'
db.multipart.insert({'foo': 'bar'}, [att], 'otherdoc', function(error, foo) {
assert.equal(error, null, 'Should have stored foo and attachment');
assert.equal(foo.ok, true, 'Response should be ok');
assert.ok(foo.rev, 'Response should have rev');