blob: 345534eef4722247a3c4955812d12afe70fb5d10 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
var helpers = require('../../helpers/integration');
var harness = helpers.harness(__filename);
var db = harness.locals.db;
var it =;
var rev;
it('should be able to insert a doc with att', function(assert) {
var att = {
name: 'att',
data: 'Hello World!',
'content_type': 'text/plain'
db.multipart.insert({'foo': 'baz'}, [att], 'foobaz', function(error, foo) {
assert.equal(error, null, 'should have stored foobaz');
assert.equal(foo.ok, true, 'response should be ok');
assert.equal(, 'foobaz', 'id is foobaz');
assert.ok(foo.rev, 'has rev');
rev = foo.rev;
it('should be able to get the document with the attachment', function(assert) {
db.multipart.get('foobaz', function(error, foobaz, headers) {
assert.equal(error, null, 'should get foobaz');
assert.ok(headers['content-type'], 'should have content type');
assert.equal(headers['content-type'].split(';')[0], 'multipart/related');
assert.equal(typeof foobaz, 'object', 'foobaz should be a buffer');