blob: f10e1ea5b8da3364460416f8d2527572216f2615 [file] [log] [blame]
Internals of nffs
Disk structure
On disk, each area is prefixed with the following header:
.. code:: c
/** On-disk representation of an area header. */
struct nffs_disk_area {
uint32_t nda_magic[4]; /* NFFS_AREA_MAGIC{0,1,2,3} */
uint32_t nda_length; /* Total size of area, in bytes. */
uint8_t nda_ver; /* Current nffs version: 0 */
uint8_t nda_gc_seq; /* Garbage collection count. */
uint8_t reserved8;
uint8_t nda_id; /* 0xff if scratch area. */
Beyond its header, an area contains a sequence of disk objects,
representing the contents of the file system. There are two types of
objects: *inodes* and *data blocks*. An inode represents a file or
directory; a data block represents part of a file's contents.
.. code:: c
/** On-disk representation of an inode (file or directory). */
struct nffs_disk_inode {
uint32_t ndi_magic; /* NFFS_INODE_MAGIC */
uint32_t ndi_id; /* Unique object ID. */
uint32_t ndi_seq; /* Sequence number; greater supersedes
lesser. */
uint32_t ndi_parent_id; /* Object ID of parent directory inode. */
uint8_t reserved8;
uint8_t ndi_filename_len; /* Length of filename, in bytes. */
uint16_t ndi_crc16; /* Covers rest of header and filename. */
/* Followed by filename. */
An inode filename's length cannot exceed 256 bytes. The filename is not
null-terminated. The following ASCII characters are not allowed in a
- / (slash character)
- :raw-latex:`\0` (NUL character)
.. code:: c
/** On-disk representation of a data block. */
struct nffs_disk_block {
uint32_t ndb_magic; /* NFFS_BLOCK_MAGIC */
uint32_t ndb_id; /* Unique object ID. */
uint32_t ndb_seq; /* Sequence number; greater supersedes lesser. */
uint32_t ndb_inode_id; /* Object ID of owning inode. */
uint32_t ndb_prev_id; /* Object ID of previous block in file;
NFFS_ID_NONE if this is the first block. */
uint16_t ndb_data_len; /* Length of data contents, in bytes. */
uint16_t ndb_crc16; /* Covers rest of header and data. */
/* Followed by 'ndb_data_len' bytes of data. */
Each data block contains the ID of the previous data block in the file.
Together, the set of blocks in a file form a reverse singly-linked list.
The maximum number of data bytes that a block can contain is determined
at initialization-time. The result is the greatest number which
satisfies all of the following restrictions:
- No more than 2048.
- At least two maximum-sized blocks can fit in the smallest area.
The 2048 number was chosen somewhat arbitrarily, and may change in the
ID space
All disk objects have a unique 32-bit ID. The ID space is partitioned as
| ID range | Node type |
| 0x00000000 - 0x0fffffff | Directory inodes |
| 0x10000000 - 0x7fffffff | File inodes |
| 0x80000000 - 0xfffffffe | Data blocks |
| 0xffffffff | Reserved (NFFS\_ID\_NONE) |
Scratch area
A valid nffs file system must contain a single "scratch area." The
scratch area does not contain any objects of its own, and is only used
during garbage collection. The scratch area must have a size greater
than or equal to each of the other areas in flash.
RAM representation
Every object in the file system is stored in a 256-entry hash table. An
object's hash key is derived from its 32-bit ID. Each list in the hash
table is sorted by time of use; most-recently-used is at the front of
the list. All objects are represented by the following structure:
.. code:: c
* What gets stored in the hash table. Each entry represents a data block or
* an inode.
struct nffs_hash_entry {
SLIST_ENTRY(nffs_hash_entry) nhe_next;
uint32_t nhe_id; /* 0 - 0x7fffffff if inode; else if block. */
uint32_t nhe_flash_loc; /* Upper-byte = area idx; rest = area offset. */
For each data block, the above structure is all that is stored in RAM.
To acquire more information about a data block, the block header must be
read from flash.
Inodes require a fuller RAM representation to capture the structure of
the file system. There are two types of inodes: *files* and
*directories*. Each inode hash entry is actually an instance of the
following structure:
.. code:: c
/** Each inode hash entry is actually one of these. */
struct nffs_inode_entry {
struct nffs_hash_entry nie_hash_entry;
SLIST_ENTRY(nffs_inode_entry) nie_sibling_next;
union {
struct nffs_inode_list nie_child_list; /* If directory */
struct nffs_hash_entry *nie_last_block_entry; /* If file */
uint8_t nie_refcnt;
A directory inode contains a list of its child files and directories
(*fie\_child\_list*). These entries are sorted alphabetically using the
ASCII character set.
A file inode contains a pointer to the last data block in the file
(*nie\_last\_block\_entry*). For most file operations, the reversed
block list must be walked backwards. This introduces a number of speed
- All data blocks must be read to determine the length of the file.
- Data blocks often need to be processed sequentially. The reversed
nature of the block list transforms this from linear time to an
O(n^2) operation.
Furthermore, obtaining information about any constituent data block
requires a separate flash read.
Inode cache and Data Block cache
The speed issues are addressed by a pair of caches. Cached inodes
entries contain the file length and a much more convenient doubly-linked
list of cached data blocks. The benefit of using caches is that the size
of the caches need not be proportional to the size of the file system.
In other words, caches can address speed efficiency concerns without
negatively impacting the file system's scalability.
nffs requires both caches during normal operation, so it is not possible
to disable them. However, the cache sizes are configurable, and both
caches can be configured with a size of one if RAM usage must be
The following data structures are used in the inode and data block
.. code:: c
/** Full data block representation; not stored permanently in RAM. */
struct nffs_block {
struct nffs_hash_entry *nb_hash_entry; /* Points to real block entry. */
uint32_t nb_seq; /* Sequence number; greater
supersedes lesser. */
struct nffs_inode_entry *nb_inode_entry; /* Owning inode. */
struct nffs_hash_entry *nb_prev; /* Previous block in file. */
uint16_t nb_data_len; /* # of data bytes in block. */
uint16_t reserved16;
.. code:: c
/** Represents a single cached data block. */
struct nffs_cache_block {
TAILQ_ENTRY(nffs_cache_block) ncb_link; /* Next / prev cached block. */
struct nffs_block ncb_block; /* Full data block. */
uint32_t ncb_file_offset; /* File offset of this block. */
.. code:: c
/** Full inode representation; not stored permanently in RAM. */
struct nffs_inode {
struct nffs_inode_entry *ni_inode_entry; /* Points to real inode entry. */
uint32_t ni_seq; /* Sequence number; greater
supersedes lesser. */
struct nffs_inode_entry *ni_parent; /* Points to parent directory. */
uint8_t ni_filename_len; /* # chars in filename. */
uint8_t ni_filename[NFFS_SHORT_FILENAME_LEN]; /* First 3 bytes. */
.. code:: c
/** Doubly-linked tail queue of cached blocks; contained in cached inodes. */
TAILQ_HEAD(nffs_block_cache_list, nffs_block_cache_entry);
/** Represents a single cached file inode. */
struct nffs_cache_inode {
TAILQ_ENTRY(nffs_cache_inode) nci_link; /* Sorted; LRU at tail. */
struct nffs_inode nci_inode; /* Full inode. */
struct nffs_cache_block_list nci_block_list; /* List of cached blocks. */
uint32_t nci_file_size; /* Total file size. */
Only file inodes are cached; directory inodes are never cached.
Within a cached inode, all cached data blocks are contiguous. E.g., if
the start and end of a file are cached, then the middle must also be
cached. A data block is only cached if its owning file is also cached.
Internally, cached inodes are stored in a singly-linked list, ordered by
time of use. The most-recently-used entry is the first element in the
list. If a new inode needs to be cached, but the inode cache is full,
the least-recently-used entry is freed to make room for the new one. The
following operations cause an inode to be cached:
- Querying a file's length.
- Seeking within a file.
- Reading from a file.
- Writing to a file.
The following operations cause a data block to be cached:
- Reading from the block.
- Writing to the block.
If one of the above operations is applied to a data block that is not
currently cached, nffs uses the following procedure to cache the
necessary block:
1. If none of the owning inode's blocks are currently cached, allocate a
cached block entry corresponding to the requested block and insert it
into the inode's list.
2. Else if the requested file offset is less than that of the first
cached block, bridge the gap between the inode's sequence of cached
blocks and the block that now needs to be cached. This is
accomplished by caching each block in the gap, finishing with the
requested block.
3. Else (the requested offset is beyond the end of the cache),
1. If the requested offset belongs to the block that immediately
follows the end of the cache, cache the block and append it to the
2. Else, clear the cache, and populate it with the single entry
corresponding to the requested block.
If the system is unable to allocate a cached block entry at any point
during the above procedure, the system frees up other blocks currently
in the cache. This is accomplished as follows:
- Iterate the inode cache in reverse (i.e., start with the
least-recently-used entry). For each entry:
1. If the entry's cached block list is empty, advance to the next
2. Else, free all the cached blocks in the entry's list.
Because the system imposes a minimum block cache size of one, the above
procedure will always reclaim at least one cache block entry. The above
procedure may result in the freeing of the block list that belongs to
the very inode being operated on. This is OK, as the final block to get
cached is always the block being requested.
The file system detection process consists of scanning a specified set
of flash regions for valid nffs areas, and then populating the RAM
representation of the file system with the detected objects. Detection
is initiated with the `nffs\_detect() <nffs_detect.html>`__ function.
Not every area descriptor passed to ``nffs_detect()`` needs to reference
a valid nffs area. Detection is successful as long as a complete file
system is detected somewhere in the specified regions of flash. If an
application is unsure where a file system might be located, it can
initiate detection across the entire flash region.
A detected file system is valid if:
1. At least one non-scratch area is present.
2. At least one scratch area is present (only the first gets used if
there is more than one).
3. The root directory inode is present.
During detection, each indicated region of flash is checked for a valid
area header. The contents of each valid non-scratch area are then
restored into the nffs RAM representation. The following procedure is
applied to each object in the area:
1. Verify the object's integrity via a crc16 check. If invalid, the
object is discarded and the procedure restarts on the next object in
the area.
2. Convert the disk object into its corresponding RAM representation and
insert it into the hash table. If the object is an inode, its
reference count is initialized to 1, indicating ownership by its
parent directory.
3. If an object with the same ID is already present, then one supersedes
the other. Accept the object with the greater sequence number and
discard the other.
4. If the object references a nonexistent inode (parent directory in the
case of an inode; owning file in the case of a data block), insert a
temporary "dummy" inode into the hash table so that inter-object
links can be maintained until the absent inode is eventually
restored. Dummy inodes are identified by a reference count of 0.
5. If a delete record for an inode is encountered, the inode's parent
pointer is set to null to indicate that it should be removed from
If nffs encounters an object that cannot be identified (i.e., its magic
number is not valid), it scans the remainder of the flash area for the
next valid magic number. Upon encountering a valid object, nffs resumes
the procedure described above.
After all areas have been restored, a sweep is performed across the
entire RAM representation so that invalid inodes can be deleted from
For each directory inode:
- If its reference count is 0 (i.e., it is a dummy), migrate its
children to the */lost+found* directory, and delete it from the RAM
representation. This should only happen in the case of file system
- If its parent reference is null (i.e., it was deleted), delete it and
all its children from the RAM representation.
For each file inode:
- If its reference count is 0 (i.e., it is a dummy), delete it from the
RAM representation. This should only happen in the case of file
system corruption. (We should try to migrate the file to the
lost+found directory in this case, as mentioned in the todo section).
When an object is deleted during this sweep, it is only deleted from the
RAM representation; nothing is written to disk.
When objects are migrated to the lost+found directory, their parent
inode reference is permanently updated on the disk.
In addition, a single scratch area is identified during the detection
process. The first area whose *fda\_id* value is set to 0xff is
designated as the file system scratch area. If no valid scratch area is
found, the cause could be that the system was restarted while a garbage
collection cycle was in progress. Such a condition is identified by the
presence of two areas with the same ID. In such a case, the shorter of
the two areas is erased and designated as the scratch area.
A new nffs file system is created via formatting. Formatting is achieved
via the `nffs\_format() <nffs_format.html>`__ function.
During a successful format, an area header is written to each of the
specified locations. One of the areas in the set is designated as the
initial scratch area.
Flash writes
The nffs implementation always writes in a strictly sequential fashion
within an area. For each area, the system keeps track of the current
offset. Whenever an object gets written to an area, it gets written to
that area's current offset, and the offset is increased by the object's
disk size.
When a write needs to be performed, the nffs implementation selects the
appropriate destination area by iterating though each area until one
with sufficient free space is encountered.
There is no write buffering. Each call to a write function results in a
write operation being sent to the flash hardware.
New objects
Whenever a new object is written to disk, it is assigned the following
- *ID:* A unique value is selected from the 32-bit ID space, as
appropriate for the object's type.
- *Sequence number:* 0
When a new file or directory is created, a corresponding inode is
written to flash. Likewise, a new data block also results in the writing
of a corresponding disk object.
Moving/Renaming files and directories
When a file or directory is moved or renamed, its corresponding inode is
rewritten to flash with the following properties:
- *ID:* Unchanged
- *Sequence number:* Previous value plus one.
- *Parent inode:* As specified by the move / rename operation.
- *Filename:* As specified by the move / rename operation.
Because the inode's ID is unchanged, all dependent objects remain valid.
Unlinking files and directories
When a file or directory is unlinked from its parent directory, a
deletion record for the unlinked inode gets written to flash. The
deletion record is an inode with the following properties:
- *ID:* Unchanged
- *Sequence number:* Previous value plus one.
- *Parent inode ID:* NFFS\_ID\_NONE
When an inode is unlinked, no deletion records need to be written for
the inode's dependent objects (constituent data blocks or child inodes).
During the next file system detection, it is recognized that the objects
belong to a deleted inode, so they are not restored into the RAM
If a file has an open handle at the time it gets unlinked, application
code can continued to use the file handle to read and write data. All
files retain a reference count, and a file isn't deleted from the RAM
representation until its reference code drops to 0. Any attempt to open
an unlinked file fails, even if the file is referenced by other file
Writing to a file
The following procedure is used whenever the application code writes to
a file. First, if the write operation specifies too much data to fit
into a single block, the operation is split into several separate write
operations. Then, for each write operation:
1. Determine which existing blocks the write operation overlaps (n =
number of overwritten blocks).
2. If *n = 0*, this is an append operation. Write a data block with the
following properties:
- *ID:* New unique value.
- *Sequence number:* 0.
3. Else *(n > 1)*, this write overlaps existing data.
1. For each block in *[1, 2, ... n-1]*, write a new block containing
the updated contents. Each new block supersedes the block it
overwrites. That is, each block has the following properties:
- *ID:* Unchanged
- *Sequence number:* Previous value plus one.
2. Write the nth block. The nth block includes all appended data, if
any. As with the other blocks, its ID is unchanged and its
sequence number is incremented.
Appended data can only be written to the end of the file. That is,
"holes" are not supported.
Garbage collection
When the file system is too full to accommodate a write operation, the
system must perform garbage collection to make room. The garbage
collection procedure is described below:
- The non-scratch area with the lowest garbage collection sequence
number is selected as the "source area." If there are other areas
with the same sequence number, the one with the smallest flash offset
is selected.
- The source area's ID is written to the scratch area's header,
transforming it into a non-scratch ID. This former scratch area is
now known as the "destination area."
- The RAM representation is exhaustively searched for collectible
objects. The following procedure is applied to each inode in the
- If the inode is resident in the source area, copy the inode record
to the destination area.
- If the inode is a file inode, walk the inode's list of data
blocks, starting with the last block in the file. Each block that
is resident in the source area is copied to the destination area.
If there is a run of two or more blocks that are resident in the
source area, they are consolidated and copied to the destination
area as a single new block (subject to the maximum block size
- The source area is reformatted as a scratch sector (i.e., is is fully
erased, and its header is rewritten with an ID of 0xff). The area's
garbage collection sequence number is incremented prior to rewriting
the header. This area is now the new scratch sector.