newtmgr mpstat

Read memory pool statistics from a device.


    newtmgr mpstat -c <conn_profile> [flags] 

Global Flags:

  -c, --conn string       connection profile to use
  -h, --help              help for newtmgr
  -l, --loglevel string   log level to use (default "info")
      --name string       name of target BLE device; overrides profile setting
  -t, --timeout float     timeout in seconds (partial seconds allowed) (default 10)
  -r, --tries int         total number of tries in case of timeout (default 1)


Reads and displays the memory pool statistics from a device. Newtmgr uses the conn_profile connection profile to connect to the device. It lists the following statistics for each memory pool:

  • name: Memory pool name
  • blksz: Size (number of bytes) of each memory block
  • cnt: Number of blocks allocated for the pool
  • free: Number of free blocks
  • min: The lowest number of free blocks that were available


newtmgr mpstat -c profile01Reads and displays the memory pool statistics from a device. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the profile01 connection profile.

Here is an example output for the myble application from the Enabling Newt Manager in any app tutiorial:

$ newtmgr mpstat -c myserial 
                         name blksz  cnt free  min
          ble_att_svr_entry_pool    20   75    0    0
     ble_att_svr_prep_entry_pool    12   64   64   64
                  ble_gap_update    24    1    1    1
             ble_gattc_proc_pool    56    4    4    4
          ble_gatts_clt_cfg_pool    12    2    1    1
         ble_hci_ram_evt_hi_pool    72    2    2    1
         ble_hci_ram_evt_lo_pool    72    8    8    8
                ble_hs_conn_pool    92    1    1    1
              ble_hs_hci_ev_pool    16   10   10    9
             ble_l2cap_chan_pool    28    3    3    3
         ble_l2cap_sig_proc_pool    20    1    1    1
                bletiny_chr_pool    36   64   64   64
                bletiny_dsc_pool    28   64   64   64
                bletiny_svc_pool    36   32   32   32
                          msys_1   292   12    9    6