newt target

Commands to create, delete, configure and query targets.


    newt target [command] [flags]

Available Commands:

    amend       Add, change, or delete values for multi-value target variables
    config      View or populate a target's system configuration settings
    copy        Copy target
    create      Create a target
    delete      Delete target
    dep         View target's dependency graph
    revdep      View target's reverse-dependency graph
    set         Set target configuration variable
    show        View target configuration variables

Global Flags:

  -h, --help              Help for newt commands
  -j, --jobs int          Number of concurrent build jobs (default 8)
  -l, --loglevel string   Log level (default "WARN")
  -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee output to
  -q, --quiet             Be quiet; only display error output
  -s, --silent            Be silent; don't output anything
  -v, --verbose           Enable verbose output when executing commands


The target command provides subcommands to create, build, delete, and query targets. The subcommands take one or two target-name arguments.

amendThe amend command allows you to add, change, or delete values for multi-value target variables that you have set with the newt target set command. The format of the amend command is:
newt target amend <target-name> <var-name=var-value> [var-name=var-value...]
Specify the -d flag to delete values.

The following multi-value variables can be amended: aflags, cflags, lflags, syscfg.
The var-value format depends on the var-name as follows: aflags, cflags, lflags: A string of flags, with each flag separated by a space. These variables are saved in the target‘s pkg.yml file.syscfg: The syscfg variable allows you to assign values to configuration settings in your target’s syscfg.yml file.

The format is syscfg=setting-name1=setting-value1[:setting-name2=setting-value2...], where setting-name1 is a configuration setting name and setting-value1 is the value to assign to setting-name1. If setting-value1 is not specified, the setting is set to value 1. You use a : to delimit each setting when you amend multiple settings.

To delete a system configuration setting, you only need to specify the setting name. For example, syscfg=setting-name1:setting-name2 deletes configuration settings named setting-name1 and setting-name2.
configThe config command allows you to view or populate a target‘s system configuration settings. A target’s system configuration settings include the settings of all the packages it includes. The settings for a package are listed in the package‘s syscfg.yml file. The config command has two subcommands: show and init.

The config show <target-name> command displays the system configuration setting definitions and values for all the packages that the target-name target includes.

The config init <target-name> command populates the target’s syscfg.yml file with the system configuration values for all the packages that the target-name target includes.
copyThe copy <src-target> <dst-target> command creates a new target named dst-target by cloning the src-target target.
createThe create <target-name> command creates an empty target named target-name. It creates the targets/target-name directory and the skeleton pkg.yml and target.yml files in the directory.
deleteThe delete <target-name> command deletes the description for the target-name target. It deletes the ‘targets/target-name’ directory. It does not delete the ‘bin/targets/target-name’ directory where the build artifacts are stored. If you want to delete the build artifacts, run the newt clean <target-name> command before deleting the target.
depThe dep <target-name> command displays a dependency tree for the packages that the target-name target includes. It shows each package followed by the list of libraries or packages that it depends on.
revdepThe revdep <target-name> command displays the reverse dependency tree for the packages that the target-name target includes. It shows each package followed by the list of libraries or packages that depend on it.
setThe set <target-name> <var-name=var-value> [var-name=var-value...] command sets variables (attributes) for the <target-name> target. The set command overwrites your current variable values.

The valid var-name values are: app, bsp, loader, build_profile, cflags, lflags, aflags, syscfg.

The var-value format depends on the var-name as follows: app, bsp, loader: @<source-path>, where source-path is the directory containing the application or bsp source. These variables are stored in the target‘s target.yml file. For a simulated target, e.g. for software testing purposes, set bsp to @apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/native. build_profile: optimized or debugaflags, cflags, lflags: A string of flags, with each flag separated by a space. These variables are saved in the target’s pkg.yml file.syscfg: The syscfg variable allows you to assign values to configuration settings in your target's syscfg.yml file.
The format is syscfg=setting-name1=setting-value1[:setting-name2=setting-value2...], where setting-name1 is a configuration setting name and setting-value1 is the value to assign to setting-name1. If setting-value1 is not specified, the setting is set to value 1. You use a : to delimit each setting when you set multiple settings. You can specify var-name= or var-name="" to unset a variable value.

Warning: For multi-value variables, the command overrides all existing values. Use the newt target amend command to change or add new values for a multi-value variable after you have set the variable value. The multi-value variables are: aflags, cflags, lflags, and syscfg.

To display all the existing values for a target variable (attribute), you can run the newt vals <variable-name> command. For example, newt vals app displays the valid values available for the variable app for any target.
showThe show [target-name] command shows the values of the variables (attributes) for the target-name target. When target-name is not specified, the command shows the variables for all the targets that are defined for your project.


amendnewt target amend myble syscfg=CONFIG_NEWTMGR=0 cflags=“-DTEST”Changes (or adds) the CONFIG_NEWTMGR variable to value 0 in the syscfg.yml file and adds the -DTEST flag to pkg.cflags in the pkg.yml file for the myble target. Other syscfg setting values and cflags values are not changed.
amendnewt target amend myble -d syscfg=LOG_LEVEL:CONFIG_NEWTMGR cflags=“-DTEST”Deletes the LOG_LEVEL and CONFIG_NEWTMGR settings from the syscfg.yml file and the -DTEST flag from pkg.cflags for the myble target. Other syscfg setting values and cflags values are not changed.
config shownewt target config show rb_blinkyShows the system configuration settings for all the packages that the rb_blinky target includes.
config initnewt target config init my_blinkyCreates and populates the my_blinky target's syscfg.yml file with the system configuration setting values from all the packages that the my_blinky target includes.
copynewt target copy
rb_blinky rb_bletiny
Creates the rb_bletiny target by cloning the rb_blinky target.
createnewt target create
Creates the my_newt_target target. It creates the targets/my_new_target directory and creates the skeleton pkg.yml and target.yml files in the directory.
deletenewt target delete rb_bletinyDeletes the rb_bletiny target. It deletes the targets/rb_bletiny directory.
depnewt target dep mybleDisplays the dependency tree of all the package dependencies for the myble target. It lists each package followed by a list of packages it depends on.
revdepnewt target revdep mybleDisplays the reverse dependency tree of all the package dependencies for the myble target. It lists each package followed by a list of packages that depend on it.
setnewt target set myble
Use bletiny as the application to build for the myble target.
setnewt target set myble
cflags=“-DNDEBUG -Werror”
Set pkg.cflags variable with -DNDEBUG -Werror in the myble target's pkg.yml file..
setnewt target set myble syscfg=LOG_NEWTMGR=0:CONFIG_NEWTMGRSets the syscfg.vals variable in the myble target's syscfg.yml file with the setting values: LOG_NEWTMGR: 0 and CONFIG_NEWTMGR: 1. CONFIG_NEWTMGR is set to 1 because a value is not specified.
setnewt target set myble cflags=Unsets the pkg.cflags variable in the myble target's pkg.yml file.
shownewt target show mybleShows all variable settings for the myble target, i.e. the values that app, bsp, build_profile, cflags, aflags, ldflags, syscfg variables are set to. Note that not all variables have to be set for a target.
shownewt target showShows all the variable settings for all the targets defined for the project.