newt pkg

Commands for creating and manipulating packages.


    newt pkg [command] [flags] 


 -t, --type string   Type of package to create: app, bsp, lib, sdk, unittest. (default "lib")

Global Flags:

    -h, --help              Help for newt commands
    -j, --jobs int          Number of concurrent build jobs (default 8)
    -l, --loglevel string   Log level (default "WARN")
    -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee output to
    -q, --quiet             Be quiet; only display error output
    -s, --silent            Be silent; don't output anything
    -v, --verbose           Enable verbose output when executing commands


The pkg command provides subcommands to create and manage packages. The subcommands take one or two package-name arguments.

copyThe copy <src-pkg> <dst-pkg> command creates the new dst-pkg package by cloning the src-pkg package.
moveThe move <old-pkg> <new-pkg> command moves the old-pkg package to the new-pkg package.
newThe new <new-pkg> command creates a new package named new-pkg, from a template, in the current directory. You can create a package of type app, bsp, lib, sdk, or unittest. The default package type is lib. You use the -t flag to specify a different package type.
removeThe remove <my-pkg> command deletes the my-pkg package.


copynewt pkg copy
apps/bletiny apps/new_bletiny
Copies the apps/bletiny package to the apps/new_bletiny.
movenewt pkg move
apps/slinky apps/new_slinky
Moves the apps/slinky package to the apps/new_slinky package.
newnewt pkg new apps/new_slinkyCreates a package named apps/new_slinky of type pkg in the current directory.
newnewt pkg new hw/bsp/myboard -t bspCreates a package named hw/bsp/myboard of type bsp in the current directory.
removenewt pkg remove hw/bsp/myboardRemoves the hw/bsp/myboard package.