GATT feature API for btshell

GATT(GENERIC ATTRIBUTE PROFILE) describes a service framework using the Attribute Protocol for discovering services, and for reading and writing characteristic values on a peer device. There are 11 features defined in the GATT Profile, and each of the features is mapped to procedures and sub-procedures:

Available commands

Parameters default values (if applicable) are marked red.


CommandParmeters** Possible values**Description
gatt-discover-characteristicDiscover GATT characteristics
conn[UINT16]Connection handle
uuid[UINT16]Characteristic UUID
start[UINT16]Discovery start handle
end[UINT16]Discovery end handle
gatt-discover-descriptorDiscover GATT descriptors
conn[UINT16]Connection handle
start[UINT16]Discovery start handle
end[UINT16]Discovery end handle
gatt-discover-serviceDiscover services
conn[UINT16]Connection handle
uuid16[UINT16]Service UUID
gatt-discover-fullDiscover services, characteristic and descriptors
conn[UINT16]Connection handle
gatt-find-included-servicesFind included services
conn[UINT16]Connection handle
start[UINT16]Discovery start handle
end[UINT16]Discovery end handle
gatt-exchange-mtuInitiate ATT MTU exchange procedure
conn[UINT16]Connection handle
gatt-readRead attribute
conn[UINT16]Connection handle
long[0-1]Long read
attr[UINT16]Attribute handle
offset[UINT16]Long read offset value
uuid[UINT16]Characteristic UUID
start[UINT16]Discovery start handle
end[UINT16]Discovery end handle
gatt-notifySend notification or indication to all subscribed peers
attr[UINT16]Attribute handle
gatt-service-changedSend Services Changed notification
start[UINT16]Start handle
end[UINT16]End handle
gatt-service-visibilitySet service visibility
handle[UINT16]Service handle
visibility[0-1]Service visibility
gatt-showShow remote devices discovered databases structure
gatt-show-localShow local database structure
gatt-writeWrite attribute
conn[UINT16]Connection handle
no_rsp[0-1]Use Write Without Response
long[0-1]Use Long Write procedure
attr[UINT16]Attribute handle
offset[UINT16]Long write offset value
valueXX:XX:XX...Data to write