BLE Peripheral Project

Connection callbacks


Every BLE connection has a connection callback associated with it. A connection callback is a bit of application code which NimBLE uses to inform you of connection-related events. For example, if a connection is terminated, NimBLE lets you know about it with a call to that connection's callback.

In the advertising section of this tutorial, we saw how the application specifies a connection callback when it begins advertising. NimBLE uses this callback to notify the application that a central has connected to your peripheral after receiving an advertisement. Let's revisit how bleprph specifies its connection callback when advertising:

    /* Begin advertising. */
    rc = ble_gap_adv_start(BLE_GAP_DISC_MODE_GEN, BLE_GAP_CONN_MODE_UND,
                           NULL, 0, NULL, bleprph_on_connect, NULL);
    if (rc != 0) {
        BLEPRPH_LOG(ERROR, "error enabling advertisement; rc=%d\n", rc);


The bleprph_on_connect() function is bleprph's connection callback; NimBLE calls this function when the advertising operation leads to connection establishment. Upon connecting, this callback becomes permanently associated with the connection; all subsequent events related to this connection are communicated through this callback.

Now let's look at the function that bleprph uses for all its connection callbacks: bleprph_on_connect().

static int
bleprph_on_connect(int event, int status, struct ble_gap_conn_ctxt *ctxt,
                   void *arg)
    switch (event) {
        BLEPRPH_LOG(INFO, "connection %s; status=%d ",
                    status == 0 ? "up" : "down", status);
        BLEPRPH_LOG(INFO, "\n");

        if (status != 0) {
            /* Connection terminated; resume advertising. */

    return 0;

Connection callbacks are used to communicate a variety of events related to a connection. An application determines the type of event that occurred by inspecting the value of the event parameter. The full list of event codes can be found in net/nimble/host/include/host/ble_gatt.h. bleprph only concerns itself with a single event type: BLE_GAP_EVENT_CONN. This event indicates that a new connection has been established, or an existing connection has been terminated; the status parameter clarifies which. As you can see, bleprph uses the status parameter to determine if it should resume advertising.

The ctxt parameter contains additional information about the connection event. bleprph does nothing more than log some fields of this struct, but some apps will likely want to perform further actions, e.g., perform service discovery on the connected device. The struct ble_gap_conn_ctxt type is defined as follows:

struct ble_gap_conn_ctxt {
    struct ble_gap_conn_desc *desc;

    union {
        struct {
            struct ble_gap_upd_params *self_params;
            struct ble_gap_upd_params *peer_params;
        } update;

        struct ble_gap_sec_params *sec_params;

As shown, a connection context object consists of two parts:

  • desc: The connection descriptor; indicates properties of the connection.
  • anonymous union: The contents are event-specific; check the event code to determine which member field (if any) is relevant.

For events of type BLE_GAP_EVENT_CONN, the anonymous union is not used at all, so the only information carried by the context struct is the connection descriptor. The struct ble_gap_conn_desc type is defined as follows:

struct ble_gap_conn_desc {
    uint8_t peer_addr[6];
    uint16_t conn_handle;
    uint16_t conn_itvl;
    uint16_t conn_latency;
    uint16_t supervision_timeout;
    uint8_t peer_addr_type;

We will examine these fields in a slightly different order from how they appear in the struct definition.

peer_addrThe 48-bit address of the peer device.
peer_addr_typeWhether the peer is using a public or random address.The address type list is documented in net/nimble/include/nimble/hci_common.h.
conn_handleThe 16-bit handle associated with this connection.This number is how your app and the NimBLE stack refer to this connection.
Low-level properties of the connection.


It is important to know what your application code is allowed to do from within a connection callback.

No restrictions on NimBLE operations

Your app is free to make calls into the NimBLE stack from within a connection callback. bleprph takes advantage of this freedom when it resumes advertising upon connection termination. All other NimBLE operations are also allowed (service discovery, pairing initiation, etc).

All context data is transient

Pointers in the context object point to data living on the stack. Your callback is free to read (or write, if appropriate) through these pointers, but you should not store these pointers for later use. If your application needs to retain some data from a context object, it needs to make a copy.