
   int json_read_object(struct json_buffer *jb, const struct json_attr_t *attrs)

This function reads in JSON data stream, while looking for name/value pairs described in attrs. attrs is an array; end of the array is indicated by an entry with NULL as the name.


jbjson_decoder to use
attrsarray of attributes to look for

Returned values

0 on success.


static int imgr_upload(struct nmgr_jbuf *njb) { ... const struct json_attr_t off_attr[4] = { [0] = { .attribute = "off", .type = t_uinteger, .addr.uinteger = &off, .nodefault = true }, [1] = { .attribute = "data", .type = t_string, .addr.string = img_data, .len = sizeof(img_data) }, [2] = { .attribute = "len", .type = t_uinteger, .addr.uinteger = &size, .nodefault = true } }; ... rc = json_read_object(&njb->njb_buf, off_attr); if (rc || off == UINT_MAX) { rc = OS_EINVAL; goto err; } ... }