
struct os_mbuf *os_mbuf_get(struct os_mbuf_pool *omp, uint16_t leadingspace)

Get an mbuf from the mbuf pool. The mbuf is allocated, and initialized prior to being returned. The leadingspace parameter allows the user to specify the amount of leading space in the allocated mbuf.


omPointer to mbuf pool from which to allocate mbuf
leadingspaceAmount of leading space in allocated mbuf. Request cannot exceed the mbuf data buffer size.

Returned values

Returns a pointer to the allocated mbuf or NULL if there are no mbufs available or leadingspace was too large.


In most typical applications, the application developer does not need to call os_mbuf_get(); the other API will do this automatically. However, this API is provided for convenience as mbufs can also be a simple way to allocate temporary chunks of memory.


	struct os_mbuf *om;

    /* Get an mbuf */
    om = os_mbuf_get(&g_mbuf_pool, 0);
    if (om) {
        /* we have allocated an mbuf from the pool */