
void *os_malloc(size_t size)

Allocates size number of bytes from heap and returns a pointer to it.


sizeNumber of bytes to allocate

Returned values

: pointer to memory allocated from heap. NULL: not enough memory available.


os_malloc() calls malloc(), which is provided by C-library. The heap must be set up during platform initialization. Depending on which C-library you use, you might have to do the heap setup differently. Most often malloc() implementation will maintain a list of allocated and then freed memory blocks. If user asks for memory which cannot be satisfied from free list, they‘ll call platform’s sbrk(), which then tries to grow the heap.


    info = (struct os_task_info *) os_malloc(
            sizeof(struct os_task_info) * tcount);
    if (!info) {
        rc = -1;
        goto err;