NimBLE Host GATT Server Reference


The Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) manages all activities involving services, characteristics, and descriptors. The server half of the GATT API handles registration and responding to GATT clients.


#include "host/ble_hs.h"


BLE host GATT server definitions


ble_gatts_add_svcsQueues a set of service definitions for registration.
ble_gatts_svc_set_visibilityChanges visibility of a service with specified handle.
ble_gatts_count_cfgAdjusts a host configuration object's settings to accommodate the specified service definition array.
ble_gatts_find_chrRetrieves the pair of attribute handles associated with a local GATT characteristic.
ble_gatts_find_dscRetrieves the attribute handle associated with a local GATT descriptor.
ble_gatts_find_svcRetrieves the attribute handle associated with a local GATT service.