
os_error_t os_sem_init(struct os_sem *sem, uint16_t tokens)    

Initialize a semaphore with a given number of tokens. Should be called before the semaphore is used.


*semPointer to semaphore
tokensInitial number of tokens allocated to semaphore

Returned values

OS_INVALID_PARM: returned when *sem is NULL on entry.

OS_OK: semaphore initialized successfully.


<Any special feature/special benefit that we want to tout. Does it need to be used with some other specific functions? Any caveats to be careful about (e.g. high memory requirements).>


The following example shows how to initialize a semaphore used for exclusive access.

struct os_sem g_os_sem;
os_error_t err;

err = os_sem_init(&g_os_sem, 1);
assert(err == OS_OK);