NimBLE HCI transport


Transport is split into host (HS) and controller (LL) sides. Those do not necessarily represent actual host/controller, they can be just interfaces to external host (e.g. UART or USB) or controller (e.g.IPC to LL running on another core).

+----------+                       +----------+
| cmd pool |                       | evt pool |
+----------+                       +----------+
| acl pool |                       | acl pool |
+----------+                       +----------+
  ||                                       ||
+----+                                   +----+
|    | <--- ble_transport_to_hs_acl ---- |    |
|    | <--- ble_transport_to_hs_evt ---- |    |
| HS |                                   | LL |
|    | ---- ble_transport_to_ll_cmd ---> |    |
|    | ---- ble_transport_to_ll_acl ---> |    |
+----+                                   +----+

HS side allocates buffers for HCI commands and ACL data from dedicated pools using ble_transport_alloc_cmd and ble_transport_alloc_acl_from_hs calls respectively, then sends them to LL side using ble_transport_to_ll_cmd and ble_transport_to_ll_acl.

Similarly, LL side allocates buffers for HCI events and ACL data from dedicated pools using ble_transport_alloc_evt and ble_transport_alloc_acl_from_ll calls respectively, then sends them to HS side using ble_transport_to_hs_evt and ble_transport_to_hs_acl.

Both HCI command and events buffers are freed using ble_transport_free, ACL data are freed as regular os_mbuf.

Selecting native transport for either HS or LL side will use actual NimBLE host or controller respectively directly instead of transport implementation. Both NimBLE host and controller do not use decidated pools for ACL data and allocate data directly from msys pool - relevant ACL pools will be disabled automatically.

Actual transport implementation for each side can be set using BLE_TRANSPORT_HS and BLE_TRANSPORT_LL syscfg for HS and LL sides respectively. Selecting transport in either direction will automatically add dependencies to required transport implementation packages, there's no need to do this manually. Selecting native transport for HS and/or LL side will automatically add dependencies to NimBLE host and/or controller packages.

The order of initialization is defined as follows:

  • ble_transport_init - generic transport initialization
  • ble_transport_hs_init - HS side initialization
  • ble_transport_ll_init - LL side initialization

Initialization functions for HS and LL sides shall be implemented by transport implementation. There's no need to define those functions as sysinit stages since this is already done by generic transport implementation along with proper dependencies.

Application configuration

To ensure that application can be easily run on different BSPs, it's strongly recommended not to put hard dependencies to any transport in pkg.yml and use automatic dependencies instead. That means an application that uses NimBLE host should only include nimble/host in its dependencies (i.e. no direct dependency to nimble/controler or any transport implementation). This will pull nimble/transport automatically, force BLE_TRANSPORT_HS: native and allow changing LL side using BLE_TRANSPORT_LL to any supported controller.

Multicore SoCs

On multicore SoCs with dedicated application and network cores (e.g. nRF5340, DA1469x) NimBLE host and controller will run on different cores. In such setup application core uses LL transport implementation instead of an actual NimBLE controller and similarly network core uses HS transport implementation instead of NimBLE host. Both sides of transport implementation are provided by the same transport, e.g. nrf5340 for nRF5340 or dialog_cmac for DA1469x, and exchange data via IPC. This process is transparent from application point of view, assuming it's properly configured (see above).

     Application core           |            Network core
+----+               +----+     |     +----+               +----+
|    |               | LL |     |     | HS |               |    |
|    | <- acl/evt -- |    |     |     |    | <- acl/evt -- |    |
| HS |               | tr | <- ipc -> | tr |               | LL |
|    | -- cmd/acl -> | an |     |     | an | -- cmd/acl -> |    |
|    |               | sp |     |     | sp |               |    |
+----+               +----+     |     +----+               +----+

Build configurations

Combined build

This setup runs both NimBLE host and controller on the same core. It's a typical configuration when running application on SoCs like nRF51 or nRF52.

Note: this is the default configuration, no need to set it explicitly.


Controller-only build

This setup makes NimBLE controller accessible to external host connected via e.g. UART or USB, so it can be used as an external Bluetooth LE controller. The controller runs on the same core as external interface. It's typically used with blehci application running on SoCs like nRF51 or nRF52.


Multicore build

This is a variant of combined build but with NimBLE host and controller running on different cores, like e.g. nRF5340 or DA1469x. Application core can run any application while network core runs blehci.

Note: BSPs for nRF5340 and DA1469x will automatically select proper transport for LL side if NimBLE host or transport is included in build, so usually there's no need to configure manually.

Application core

BLE_TRANSPORT_LL: dialog_cmac

Network core

BLE_TRANSPORT_HS: dialog_cmac

Bridge build

This is a variant of controller-only build but with NimBLE controller running on different core than external interface used to access it, like e.g. nRF5340 or DA1469x. In this setup both cores run blehci application.

Note: BSPs for nRF5340 and DA1469x will automatically select proper transport for LL side if NimBLE host or transport is included in build, so usually there's only need to select required transport for external interface on application core.

Application core


Network core