HCI Throughput

Tool for measuring BLE throughput.

Packages versions

Python 3.8.10
Matplotlib 3.5.1

Install all required packages with:

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt


Prepare devices

This tool may be used with the existing controller or with any board with blehci app.

  • If you want to use the builtin PC controller, provide HCI index of the controller. Turn the Bluetooth ON on your device, run hciconfig in the terminal and get the HCI index. In the case below HCI index is equal to 0:
user@user:~$ hciconfig
hci0:	Type: Primary  Bus: USB
	BD Address: 64:BC:58:E2:9C:52  ACL MTU: 1021:4  SCO MTU: 96:6
	RX bytes:20003 acl:0 sco:0 events:3176 errors:0
	TX bytes:771246 acl:0 sco:0 commands:3174 errors:0
  • If you want to use the nimble controller, create the image and load the provided target (can be found under /targets for NRF52840 and NRF52832).
    • NRF52840 may use USB or UART as HCI transport. The target is configured for USB by default.
    • NRF52832 uses UART as HCI transport. This requires some additional configuration. Get the tty path and run in the terminal:
    sudo btattach -B /dev/ttyACM0 -S 1000000
    Then proceed with hciconfig as shown above.

Run tests

This tool opens a raw socket which requires running all scripts as sudo. Copy the config.yaml.sample file, change the name to config.yaml and fill the parameters. Optionally pass the path to the custom transport directory if used. Run main.py as shown below:

sudo python main.py -i <hci_idx_1> <hci_idx_2> -m rx tx -t <path/to/custom_transport_directory> -cf config.yaml

Switch <hci_idx_1> and <hci_idx_2> to corresponding hci indexes present in your computer. -m, -t and -cf may be omitted if the defaults are correct.
The output provides the plots of measured throughput in kb or kB as predefined in config.yaml. In addition to the throughput plots, when the flag_plot_packets is turned on, the number of packets transmitted/received in time is visualized.

When encountering issues with running tests, try to investigate the files in the log folder.

Set config.yaml file

To run once the throughput measurement with given parameters, set the flag_testing to false.

flag_testing: false

To run the throughput measurements more than once with the same parameters and to generate the plot of average throughputs, set config.yaml as shown below:

show_tp_plots: false
flag_testing: true
  change_param_group: null
  change_param_variable: null
  start_value: 0
  stop_value: 5
  step: 1

This configuration provides 5 measurements. The show_tp_plots flag is optionally set as false for speed, changing it to true will trigger rx and tx throughput plots at the end of every iteration.

To run the throughput measurement with some parameters changing within tests, fill config as below:

flag_testing: true
  - conn
  - conn
  - connection_interval_min
  - connection_interval_max
  start_value: 0x000A
  stop_value: 0x0320
  step: 20

This will run each test incrementing connection_interval_min and connection_interval_max by 20. the final plot will show the influence of the parameters change on the average throughput.


The main.py script usees all tools mentioned below and it is advised to use it above all. Nevertheless, the sub-tools may be used separately as shown below.

HCI device sub-tool

hci_device.py is a tool that manages one hci device. User can provide parameters and run it as receiver or transmitter as shown below:

sudo python hci_device.py -m rx -oa 00:00:00:00:00:00 -oat 0 -di 0 -pa 00:00:00:00:00:00 -pat 0 -pdi 0 -cf config.yaml

Run python hci_device.py --help for parameters description.
If properly configured init.yaml is present (it is created automatically while running main.py), the script can be run like this:

sudo python hci_device.py -m tx -if init.yaml

Check addr sub-tool

When given hci indexes, check_addr.py returns devices' address types and addresses. Optionally pass the path to the custom transport directory if used.

sudo python check_addr.py -i <hci_idx_1> <hci_idx_2> ... <hci_idx_N> -t <path/to/custom_transport_directory>

Throughput sub-tool

The timestamps of the received packets are stored in csv files (tp_receiver.csv and tp_transmitter.csv by default). If the program stopped in the middle of the measurements, you can still plot the values and get the average througput. Provide the filename, sample time and run the tool as shown below:

python throughput.py -f tp_receiver -s 0.1