blob: cb7e896dce24f2e7239552314719183138d3c8e9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#ifndef H_MGMT_MGMT_
#define H_MGMT_MGMT_
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "tinycbor/cbor.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* MTU for newtmgr responses */
#define MGMT_MAX_MTU 1024
/** Opcodes; encoded in first byte of header. */
#define MGMT_OP_READ 0
#define MGMT_OP_READ_RSP 1
#define MGMT_OP_WRITE 2
* The first 64 groups are reserved for system level mcumgr commands.
* Per-user commands are then defined after group 64.
#define MGMT_GROUP_ID_OS 0
#define MGMT_GROUP_ID_FS 8
* mcumgr error codes.
#define MGMT_ERR_EOK 0
#define MGMT_ERR_EBADSTATE 6 /* Current state disallows command. */
#define MGMT_ERR_EMSGSIZE 7 /* Response too large. */
#define MGMT_ERR_ENOTSUP 8 /* Command not supported. */
#define MGMT_ERR_ECORRUPT 9 /* Corrupt */
#define MGMT_HDR_SIZE 8
* MGMT event opcodes.
#define MGMT_EVT_OP_CMD_RECV 0x01
#define MGMT_EVT_OP_CMD_DONE 0x03
struct mgmt_hdr {
uint8_t nh_op:3; /* MGMT_OP_[...] */
uint8_t _res1:5;
uint8_t _res1:5;
uint8_t nh_op:3; /* MGMT_OP_[...] */
uint8_t nh_flags; /* Reserved for future flags */
uint16_t nh_len; /* Length of the payload */
uint16_t nh_group; /* MGMT_GROUP_ID_[...] */
uint8_t nh_seq; /* Sequence number */
uint8_t nh_id; /* Message ID within group */
#define nmgr_hdr mgmt_hdr
struct mgmt_evt_op_cmd_status_arg {
int status;
struct mgmt_evt_op_cmd_done_arg {
int err; /* MGMT_ERR_[...] */
/** @typedef mgmt_on_evt_cb
* @brief Function to be called on MGMT event.
* This callback function is used to notify application about mgmt event.
* @param opcode MGMT_EVT_OP_[...].
* @param group MGMT_GROUP_ID_[...].
* @param id Message ID within group.
* @param arg Optional event argument.
typedef void mgmt_on_evt_cb(uint8_t opcode, uint16_t group, uint8_t id,
void *arg);
/** @typedef mgmt_alloc_rsp_fn
* @brief Allocates a buffer suitable for holding a response.
* If a source buf is provided, its user data is copied into the new buffer.
* @param src_buf An optional source buffer to copy user data
* from.
* @param arg Optional streamer argument.
* @return Newly-allocated buffer on success
* NULL on failure.
typedef void *mgmt_alloc_rsp_fn(const void *src_buf, void *arg);
/** @typedef mgmt_trim_front_fn
* @brief Trims data from the front of a buffer.
* If the amount to trim exceeds the size of the buffer, the buffer is
* truncated to a length of 0.
* @param buf The buffer to trim.
* @param len The number of bytes to remove.
* @param arg Optional streamer argument.
typedef void mgmt_trim_front_fn(void *buf, size_t len, void *arg);
/** @typedef mgmt_reset_buf_fn
* @brief Resets a buffer to a length of 0.
* The buffer's user data remains, but its payload is cleared.
* @param buf The buffer to reset.
* @param arg Optional streamer argument.
typedef void mgmt_reset_buf_fn(void *buf, void *arg);
/** @typedef mgmt_write_at_fn
* @brief Writes data to a CBOR encoder.
* Any existing data at the specified offset is overwritten by the new data.
* Any new data that extends past the buffer's current length is appended.
* @param writer The encoder to write to.
* @param offset The byte offset to write to,
* @param data The data to write.
* @param len The number of bytes to write.
* @param arg Optional streamer argument.
* @return 0 on success, MGMT_ERR_[...] code on failure.
typedef int mgmt_write_at_fn(struct cbor_encoder_writer *writer, size_t offset,
const void *data, size_t len, void *arg);
/** @typedef mgmt_init_reader_fn
* @brief Initializes a CBOR reader with the specified buffer.
* @param reader The reader to initialize.
* @param buf The buffer to configure the reader with.
* @param arg Optional streamer argument.
* @return 0 on success, MGMT_ERR_[...] code on failure.
typedef int mgmt_init_reader_fn(struct cbor_decoder_reader *reader, void *buf,
void *arg);
/** @typedef mgmt_init_writer_fn
* @brief Initializes a CBOR writer with the specified buffer.
* @param writer The writer to initialize.
* @param buf The buffer to configure the writer with.
* @param arg Optional streamer argument.
* @return 0 on success, MGMT_ERR_[...] code on failure.
typedef int mgmt_init_writer_fn(struct cbor_encoder_writer *writer, void *buf,
void *arg);
/** @typedef mgmt_init_writer_fn
* @brief Frees the specified buffer.
* @param buf The buffer to free.
* @param arg Optional streamer argument.
typedef void mgmt_free_buf_fn(void *buf, void *arg);
* @brief Configuration for constructing a mgmt_streamer object.
struct mgmt_streamer_cfg {
mgmt_alloc_rsp_fn *alloc_rsp;
mgmt_trim_front_fn *trim_front;
mgmt_reset_buf_fn *reset_buf;
mgmt_write_at_fn *write_at;
mgmt_init_reader_fn *init_reader;
mgmt_init_writer_fn *init_writer;
mgmt_free_buf_fn *free_buf;
* @brief Decodes requests and encodes responses for any mcumgr protocol.
struct mgmt_streamer {
const struct mgmt_streamer_cfg *cfg;
void *cb_arg;
struct cbor_decoder_reader *reader;
struct cbor_encoder_writer *writer;
* @brief Context required by command handlers for parsing requests and writing
* responses.
struct mgmt_ctxt {
struct CborEncoder encoder;
struct CborParser parser;
struct CborValue it;
/** @typedef mgmt_handler_fn
* @brief Processes a request and writes the corresponding response.
* A separate handler is required for each supported op-ID pair.
* @param ctxt The mcumgr context to use.
* @return 0 if a response was successfully encoded,
* MGMT_ERR_[...] code on failure.
typedef int mgmt_handler_fn(struct mgmt_ctxt *ctxt);
* @brief Read handler and write handler for a single command ID.
struct mgmt_handler {
mgmt_handler_fn *mh_read;
mgmt_handler_fn *mh_write;
* @brief A collection of handlers for an entire command group.
struct mgmt_group {
/** Points to the next group in the list. */
struct mgmt_group *mg_next;
/** Array of handlers; one entry per command ID. */
const struct mgmt_handler *mg_handlers;
uint16_t mg_handlers_count;
/* The numeric ID of this group. */
uint16_t mg_group_id;
* @brief Uses the specified streamer to allocates a response buffer.
* If a source buf is provided, its user data is copied into the new buffer.
* @param streamer The streamer providing the callback.
* @param src_buf An optional source buffer to copy user data
* from.
* @return Newly-allocated buffer on success
* NULL on failure.
void *mgmt_streamer_alloc_rsp(struct mgmt_streamer *streamer,
const void *src_buf);
* @brief Uses the specified streamer to trim data from the front of a buffer.
* If the amount to trim exceeds the size of the buffer, the buffer is
* truncated to a length of 0.
* @param streamer The streamer providing the callback.
* @param buf The buffer to trim.
* @param len The number of bytes to remove.
void mgmt_streamer_trim_front(struct mgmt_streamer *streamer, void *buf,
size_t len);
* @brief Uses the specified streamer to reset a buffer to a length of 0.
* The buffer's user data remains, but its payload is cleared.
* @param streamer The streamer providing the callback.
* @param buf The buffer to reset.
void mgmt_streamer_reset_buf(struct mgmt_streamer *streamer, void *buf);
* @brief Uses the specified streamer to write data to a CBOR encoder.
* Any existing data at the specified offset is overwritten by the new data.
* Any new data that extends past the buffer's current length is appended.
* @param streamer The streamer providing the callback.
* @param writer The encoder to write to.
* @param offset The byte offset to write to,
* @param data The data to write.
* @param len The number of bytes to write.
* @return 0 on success, MGMT_ERR_[...] code on failure.
int mgmt_streamer_write_at(struct mgmt_streamer *streamer, size_t offset,
const void *data, int len);
* @brief Uses the specified streamer to initialize a CBOR reader.
* @param streamer The streamer providing the callback.
* @param reader The reader to initialize.
* @param buf The buffer to configure the reader with.
* @return 0 on success, MGMT_ERR_[...] code on failure.
int mgmt_streamer_init_reader(struct mgmt_streamer *streamer, void *buf);
* @brief Uses the specified streamer to initializes a CBOR writer.
* @param streamer The streamer providing the callback.
* @param writer The writer to initialize.
* @param buf The buffer to configure the writer with.
* @return 0 on success, MGMT_ERR_[...] code on failure.
int mgmt_streamer_init_writer(struct mgmt_streamer *streamer, void *buf);
* @brief Uses the specified streamer to free a buffer.
* @param streamer The streamer providing the callback.
* @param buf The buffer to free.
void mgmt_streamer_free_buf(struct mgmt_streamer *streamer, void *buf);
* @brief Registers a full command group.
* @param group The group to register.
void mgmt_register_group(struct mgmt_group *group);
* @brief Unregisters a full command group.
* @param group The group to register.
mgmt_unregister_group(struct mgmt_group *group);
* @brief Finds a registered command handler.
* @param group_id The group of the command to find.
* @param command_id The ID of the command to find.
* @return The requested command handler on success;
* NULL on failure.
const struct mgmt_handler *mgmt_find_handler(uint16_t group_id,
uint16_t command_id);
* @brief Encodes a response status into the specified management context.
* @param ctxt The management context to encode into.
* @param status The response status to write.
* @return 0 on success, MGMT_ERR_[...] code on failure.
int mgmt_write_rsp_status(struct mgmt_ctxt *ctxt, int status);
* @brief Initializes a management context object with the specified streamer.
* @param ctxt The context object to initialize.
* @param streamer The streamer that will be used with the
* context.
* @return 0 on success, MGMT_ERR_[...] code on failure.
int mgmt_ctxt_init(struct mgmt_ctxt *ctxt, struct mgmt_streamer *streamer);
* @brief Converts a CBOR status code to a MGMT_ERR_[...] code.
* @param cbor_status The CBOR status code to convert.
* @return The corresponding MGMT_ERR_[,,,] code.
int mgmt_err_from_cbor(int cbor_status);
* @brief Byte-swaps an mcumgr header from network to host byte order.
* @param hdr The mcumgr header to byte-swap.
void mgmt_ntoh_hdr(struct mgmt_hdr *hdr);
* @brief Byte-swaps an mcumgr header from host to network byte order.
* @param hdr The mcumgr header to byte-swap.
void mgmt_hton_hdr(struct mgmt_hdr *hdr);
* @brief Register event callback function.
* @param cb Callback function.
void mgmt_register_evt_cb(mgmt_on_evt_cb *cb);
* @brief This function is called to notify about mgmt event.
* @param opcode MGMT_EVT_OP_[...].
* @param group MGMT_GROUP_ID_[...].
* @param id Message ID within group.
* @param arg Optional event argument.
void mgmt_evt(uint8_t opcode, uint16_t group, uint8_t id, void *arg);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* MGMT_MGMT_H_ */