Update tutorials to reflect recent newt and repos

This applies clean ups and updates outputs to what would be expected
when running on recent newt and repos (1.7.0 or later).

Signed-off-by: Fabio Utzig <utzig@apache.org>
diff --git a/docs/get_started/project_create.rst b/docs/get_started/project_create.rst
index 637166c..3cfbdf7 100644
--- a/docs/get_started/project_create.rst
+++ b/docs/get_started/project_create.rst
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
     $ cd ~/dev
     $ newt new myproj
     Downloading project skeleton from apache/mynewt-blinky...
+    Downloading repository mynewt-blinky (commit: master) ...
     Installing skeleton in myproj...
     Project myproj successfully created.
@@ -153,28 +154,14 @@
 .. code-block:: console
     $ newt upgrade
-    Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: [...])
+    Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: master) ...
+    Downloading repository mynewt-mcumgr (commit: master) ...
+    Downloading repository mynewt-nimble (commit: master) ...
+    Downloading repository mcuboot (commit: master) from ...
+    Making the following changes to the project:
     apache-mynewt-core successfully upgraded to version 1.7.0
-**Note:** If you get the following error:
-.. code-block:: console
-    ReadDesc: No matching branch for apache-mynewt-core repo
-    Error: No matching branch for apache-mynewt-core repop
-You must edit the ``project.yml`` file and change the line
-``repo: incubator-mynewt-core`` as shown in the following example to
-``repo: mynewt-core``:
-.. code-block:: yaml
-    :emphasize-lines: 5
-    repository.apache-mynewt-core:
-        type: github
-        vers: 1-latest
-        user: apache
-        repo: incubator-mynewt-core
+    apache-mynewt-nimble successfully upgraded to version 1.2.0
+    mcuboot successfully upgraded to version 1.3.1
 View the core of the Apache Mynewt OS that is downloaded into your local
@@ -183,52 +170,61 @@
 .. code-block:: console
-    $ tree -L 2 repos/apache-mynewt-core/
-    repos/apache-mynewt-core/
-    ├── LICENSE
-    ├── NOTICE
-    ├── README.md
-    ├── RELEASE_NOTES.md
+    $ repos/apache-mynewt-core/
     ├── apps
-    │   ├── blecent
-    │   ├── blehci
-    │   ├── bleprph
     │   ├── bleprph_oic
     │   ├── blesplit
-    │   ├── bletest
     │   ├── bleuart
-    │   ├── boot
-    │   ├── btshell
-    │   ├── fat2native
+    │   ├── bsncent
+    │   ├── bsnprph
+    │   ├── bus_test
+    │   ├── coremark
+    │   ├── crypto_test
     │   ├── ffs2native
+    │   ├── flash_loader
+    │   ├── iptest
+    │   ├── lora_app_shell
+    │   ├── loraping
+    │   ├── lorashell
+    │   ├── metrics
     │   ├── ocf_sample
+    │   ├── pwm_test
+    │   ├── sensors_test
     │   ├── slinky
     │   ├── slinky_oic
     │   ├── spitest
     │   ├── splitty
-    │   ├── test
     │   ├── testbench
-    │   └── timtest
+    │   ├── timtest
+    │   └── trng_test
     ├── boot
-    │   ├── boot_serial
-    │   ├── bootutil
     │   ├── split
     │   └── split_app
     ├── compiler
+    │   ├── arc
     │   ├── arm-none-eabi-m0
+    │   ├── arm-none-eabi-m3
+    │   ├── arm-none-eabi-m33
     │   ├── arm-none-eabi-m4
+    │   ├── arm-none-eabi-m7
     │   ├── gdbmacros
     │   ├── mips
+    │   ├── riscv64
     │   ├── sim
-    │   └── sim-mips
+    │   ├── sim-armv7
+    │   ├── sim-mips
+    │   └── xc32
     ├── crypto
     │   ├── mbedtls
     │   └── tinycrypt
     ├── docs
-    │   └── doxygen.xml
+    │   ├── conf.py
+    │   ├── doxygen.xml
+    │   ├── index.rst
+    │   ├── Makefile
+    │   ├── os
+    │   └── README.rst
     ├── encoding
     │   ├── base64
     │   ├── cborattr
@@ -238,19 +234,28 @@
     │   ├── disk
     │   ├── fatfs
     │   ├── fcb
+    │   ├── fcb2
     │   ├── fs
     │   └── nffs
     ├── hw
+    │   ├── battery
     │   ├── bsp
+    │   ├── bus
+    │   ├── charge-control
     │   ├── cmsis-core
     │   ├── drivers
     │   ├── hal
     │   ├── mcu
-    │   └── scripts
+    │   ├── mips-hal
+    │   ├── scripts
+    │   ├── sensor
+    │   └── util
     ├── kernel
-    │   └── os
+    │   ├── os
+    │   └── sim
     ├── libc
     │   └── baselibc
+    ├── LICENSE
     ├── mgmt
     │   ├── imgmgr
     │   ├── mgmt
@@ -258,39 +263,61 @@
     │   └── oicmgr
     ├── net
     │   ├── ip
-    │   ├── nimble
+    │   ├── lora
+    │   ├── mqtt
     │   ├── oic
     │   └── wifi
+    ├── NOTICE
     ├── project.yml
+    ├── README.md
+    ├── RELEASE_NOTES.md
     ├── repository.yml
     ├── sys
     │   ├── config
     │   ├── console
     │   ├── coredump
     │   ├── defs
+    │   ├── fault
     │   ├── flash_map
     │   ├── id
     │   ├── log
+    │   ├── metrics
     │   ├── mfg
     │   ├── reboot
     │   ├── shell
     │   ├── stats
-    │   └── sysinit
+    │   ├── sys
+    │   ├── sysdown
+    │   ├── sysinit
+    │   └── sysview
     ├── targets
     │   └── unittest
     ├── test
     │   ├── crash_test
     │   ├── flash_test
+    │   ├── i2c_scan
     │   ├── runtest
+    │   ├── spiflash_stress_test
     │   └── testutil
     ├── time
-    │   └── datetime
-    └── util
-        ├── cbmem
-        ├── crc
-        └── mem
+    │   ├── datetime
+    │   ├── timepersist
+    │   └── timesched
+    ├── uncrustify.cfg
+    ├── util
+    │   ├── cbmem
+    │   ├── cmdarg
+    │   ├── crc
+    │   ├── debounce
+    │   ├── easing
+    │   ├── mem
+    │   ├── parse
+    │   ├── rwlock
+    │   ├── streamer
+    │   └── taskpool
+    └── version.yml
-    94 directories, 9 files
+    131 directories, 14 files
 Testing the Project Packages
@@ -306,17 +333,17 @@
 .. code-block:: console
     $ newt test @apache-mynewt-core/sys/config
-    Testing package @apache-mynewt-core/sys/config/test-fcb
-    Compiling bootutil_misc.c
-    Compiling image_ec.c
-    Compiling image_rsa.c
-    Compiling image_validate.c
+    Testing package @apache-mynewt-core/sys/config/selftest-fcb
+    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/tinycrypt/src/aes_decrypt.c
+    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/tinycrypt/src/aes_encrypt.c
+    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/tinycrypt/src/cbc_mode.c
+    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/tinycrypt/src/ccm_mode.c
+    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/tinycrypt/src/cmac_mode.c
-    Linking ~/dev/myproj/bin/targets/unittest/sys_config_test-fcb/app/sys/config/test-fcb/sys_config_test-fcb.elf
-    Executing test: ~/dev/myproj/bin/targets/unittest/sys_config_test-fcb/app/sys/config/test-fcb/sys_config_test-fcb.elf
-    Testing package @apache-mynewt-core/sys/config/test-nffs
+    Linking ~/dev/myproj/bin/targets/unittest/sys_config_selftest-fcb/app/sys/config/selftest-fcb/sys_config_selftest-fcb.elf
+    Executing test: ~/dev/myproj/bin/targets/unittest/sys_config_selftest-fcb/app/sys/config/selftest-fcb/sys_config_selftest-fcb.elf
+    Testing package @apache-mynewt-core/sys/config/selftest-nffs
     Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/encoding/base64/src/hex.c
     Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/fs/fs/src/fs_cli.c
     Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/fs/fs/src/fs_dirent.c
@@ -331,9 +358,9 @@
-    Linking ~/dev/myproj/bin/targets/unittest/sys_config_test-nffs/app/sys/config/test-nffs/sys_config_test-nffs.elf
-    Executing test: ~/dev/myproj/bin/targets/unittest/sys_config_test-nffs/app/sys/config/test-nffs/sys_config_test-nffs.elf
-    Passed tests: [sys/config/test-fcb sys/config/test-nffs]
+    Linking ~/dev/myproj/bin/targets/unittest/sys_config_selftest-nffs/app/sys/config/selftest-nffs/sys_config_selftest-nffs.elf
+    Executing test: ~/dev/myproj/bin/targets/unittest/sys_config_selftest-nffs/app/sys/config/selftest-nffs/sys_config_selftest-nffs.elf
+    Passed tests: [sys/config/selftest-fcb sys/config/selftest-nffs]
     All tests passed
 **Note:** If you installed the latest gcc using homebrew on your Mac,
@@ -359,19 +386,22 @@
 .. code-block:: console
     $ newt test all
-    Testing package @apache-mynewt-core/boot/boot_serial/test
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/boot_serial/test/src/boot_test.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/boot_serial/test/src/testcases/boot_serial_setup.c
+    Testing package @apache-mynewt-core/crypto/mbedtls/selftest
+    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/mbedtls/src/aesni.c
+    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/mbedtls/src/aria.c
+    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/mbedtls/src/arc4.c
+    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/mbedtls/src/aes.c
-    Linking ~/dev/myproj/bin/targets/unittest/boot_boot_serial_test/app/boot/boot_serial/test/boot_boot_serial_test.elf
+    Linking ~/dev/myproj/bin/targets/unittest/crypto_mbedtls_selftest/app/@apache-mynewt-core/crypto/mbedtls/selftest/@apache-mynewt-core_crypto_mbedtls_selftest.elf
+    Executing test: ~/dev/myproj/bin/targets/unittest/crypto_mbedtls_selftest/app/@apache-mynewt-core/crypto/mbedtls/selftest/@apache-mynewt-core_crypto_mbedtls_selftest.elf
     ...lots of compiling and testing...
-    Linking ~/dev/myproj/bin/targets/unittest/util_cbmem_test/app/util/cbmem/test/util_cbmem_test.elf
-    Executing test: ~/dev/myproj/bin/targets/unittest/util_cbmem_test/app/util/cbmem/test/util_cbmem_test.elf
-    Passed tests: [boot/boot_serial/test boot/bootutil/test crypto/mbedtls/test encoding/base64/test encoding/cborattr/test encoding/json/test fs/fcb/test fs/nffs/test kernel/os/test net/ip/mn_socket/test net/nimble/host/test net/oic/test sys/config/test-fcb sys/config/test-nffs sys/flash_map/test sys/log/full/test util/cbmem/test]
+    Linking ~/dev/myproj/bin/targets/unittest/boot_boot_serial_test/app/@mcuboot/boot/boot_serial/test/@mcuboot_boot_boot_serial_test.elf
+    Executing test: ~/dev/myproj/bin/targets/unittest/boot_boot_serial_test/app/@mcuboot/boot/boot_serial/test/@mcuboot_boot_boot_serial_test.elf
+    Passed tests: [crypto/mbedtls/selftest encoding/base64/selftest encoding/cborattr/selftest encoding/json/selftest fs/fcb/selftest fs/fcb2/selftest fs/nffs/selftest hw/drivers/flash/enc_flash/selftest hw/drivers/trng/trng_sw/selftest hw/sensor/selftest kernel/os/selftest net/ip/mn_socket/selftest net/oic/selftest sys/config/selftest-fcb sys/config/selftest-nffs sys/flash_map/selftest sys/log/full/selftest/align1 sys/log/full/selftest/align2 sys/log/full/selftest/align4 sys/log/full/selftest/align8 sys/log/full/selftest/fcb_bookmarks sys/log/modlog/selftest util/cbmem/selftest util/debounce/selftest util/rwlock/selftest cborattr/test nimble/controller/test nimble/host/test boot/boot_serial/test]
     All tests passed
 Building and Running the Simulated Blinky Application
diff --git a/docs/mynewt_faq/newt_faq.rst b/docs/mynewt_faq/newt_faq.rst
index 464244c..c2b28a4 100644
--- a/docs/mynewt_faq/newt_faq.rst
+++ b/docs/mynewt_faq/newt_faq.rst
@@ -5,13 +5,6 @@
   :depth: 1
-Newt Commands: ``upgrade``, ``install``, ``sync``
-**Q**: What’s the difference between ``newt upgrade``, ``newt install``, and ``newt sync``?
-**A**: Only use ``newt upgrade``.  The other two commands (``install`` and ``sync``) are deprecated and will be removed soon.
 ``newt size`` Command vs. Elf File Size
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/ble/ble_bare_bones.rst b/docs/tutorials/ble/ble_bare_bones.rst
index 3522c99..f789411 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/ble/ble_bare_bones.rst
+++ b/docs/tutorials/ble/ble_bare_bones.rst
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
     ~/dev$ cd my_proj1
     ~/dev/my_proj1$ newt upgrade
-    Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: [...])
+    Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: master) ...
     apache-mynewt-core successfully upgraded to version 1.7.0
 Now it's time to create your own app.
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/ble/blehci_project.rst b/docs/tutorials/ble/blehci_project.rst
index 4be9655..bb371b4 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/ble/blehci_project.rst
+++ b/docs/tutorials/ble/blehci_project.rst
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
     $ cd mblehciproj 
     $ newt upgrade
-    Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: [...])
+    Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: master) ...
     apache-mynewt-core successfully upgraded to version 1.7.0
 Create targets
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/blinky/arduino_zero.rst b/docs/tutorials/blinky/arduino_zero.rst
index 2f852c9..d100a67 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/blinky/arduino_zero.rst
+++ b/docs/tutorials/blinky/arduino_zero.rst
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
         Project myproj successfully created.
         $ cd myproj
         $ newt upgrade
-        Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: [...])
+        Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: master) ...
         apache-mynewt-core successfully upgraded to version 1.7.0
@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@
 .. code-block:: console
     $ newt upgrade
-    Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: [...])
-    Downloading repository mynewt_arduino_zero (commit: [...])
+    Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: master) ...
+    Downloading repository mynewt_arduino_zero (commit: master) ...
     apache-mynewt-core successfully upgraded to version 1.7.0
     mynewt_arduino_zero successfully upgraded to version 1.7.0
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/blinky/blinky_primo.rst b/docs/tutorials/blinky/blinky_primo.rst
index 1bab609..592e145 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/blinky/blinky_primo.rst
+++ b/docs/tutorials/blinky/blinky_primo.rst
@@ -61,8 +61,14 @@
         Project myproj successfully created.
         $ cd myproj
         $ newt upgrade
-        Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: [...])
+        Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: master) ...
+        Downloading repository mynewt-nimble (commit: master) ...
+        Downloading repository mcuboot (commit: master) ...
+        Downloading repository mynewt-mcumgr (commit: master) ...
+        Making the following changes to the project:
         apache-mynewt-core successfully upgraded to version 1.7.0
+        apache-mynewt-nimble successfully upgraded to version 1.2.0
+        mcuboot successfully upgraded to version 1.3.1
 Create the Targets
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/blinky/blinky_stm32f4disc.rst b/docs/tutorials/blinky/blinky_stm32f4disc.rst
index 7fed5d2..2b95c37 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/blinky/blinky_stm32f4disc.rst
+++ b/docs/tutorials/blinky/blinky_stm32f4disc.rst
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
         Project myproj successfully created.
         $ cd myproj
         $ newt upgrade
-        Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: [...])
+        Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: master) ...
         apache-mynewt-core successfully upgraded to version 1.7.0
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/blinky/nRF52.rst b/docs/tutorials/blinky/nRF52.rst
index 877a480..f8b4ce9 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/blinky/nRF52.rst
+++ b/docs/tutorials/blinky/nRF52.rst
@@ -45,8 +45,14 @@
         Project myproj successfully created.
         $ cd myproj
         $ newt upgrade
-        Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: [...])
+        Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: master) ...
+        Downloading repository mynewt-nimble (commit: master) ...
+        Downloading repository mcuboot (commit: master) ...
+        Downloading repository mynewt-mcumgr (commit: master) ...
+        Making the following changes to the project:
         apache-mynewt-core successfully upgraded to version 1.7.0
+        apache-mynewt-nimble successfully upgraded to version 1.2.0
+        mcuboot successfully upgraded to version 1.3.1
 Create the Targets
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/blinky/olimex.rst b/docs/tutorials/blinky/olimex.rst
index 147f78e..d4f5ae1 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/blinky/olimex.rst
+++ b/docs/tutorials/blinky/olimex.rst
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
         $ cd myproj
         $ newt upgrade
-        Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: [...])
+        Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: master) ...
         apache-mynewt-core successfully upgraded to version 1.7.0
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/blinky/rbnano2.rst b/docs/tutorials/blinky/rbnano2.rst
index 69a5b4c..42353d8 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/blinky/rbnano2.rst
+++ b/docs/tutorials/blinky/rbnano2.rst
@@ -34,8 +34,14 @@
         Project myproj successfully created.
         $ cd myproj
         $ newt upgrade
-        Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: [...])
+        Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: master) ...
+        Downloading repository mynewt-nimble (commit: master) ...
+        Downloading repository mcuboot (commit: master) ...
+        Downloading repository mynewt-mcumgr (commit: master) ...
+        Making the following changes to the project:
         apache-mynewt-core successfully upgraded to version 1.7.0
+        apache-mynewt-nimble successfully upgraded to version 1.2.0
+        mcuboot successfully upgraded to version 1.3.1
 Create the Targets
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/lora/lorawanapp.rst b/docs/tutorials/lora/lorawanapp.rst
index faca263..8dca8c9 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/lora/lorawanapp.rst
+++ b/docs/tutorials/lora/lorawanapp.rst
@@ -47,8 +47,9 @@
-        $ newt upgrade -v 
-        Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: [...])
+        $ newt upgrade -v
+        Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: master) ...
+        ...
         apache-mynewt-core successfully upgraded to version 1.7.0
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/other/wi-fi_on_arduino.rst b/docs/tutorials/other/wi-fi_on_arduino.rst
index 5cb9644..59b887e 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/other/wi-fi_on_arduino.rst
+++ b/docs/tutorials/other/wi-fi_on_arduino.rst
@@ -54,12 +54,18 @@
         $ cd ~/dev
         $ newt new arduinowifi
         Downloading project skeleton from apache/mynewt-blinky...
+        Downloading repository mynewt-blinky (commit: master) ...
         Installing skeleton in arduinowifi...
         Project arduinowifi successfully created.
         $ cd arduinowifi
         $ newt upgrade
-        Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: [...])
+        Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: master) ...
+        Downloading repository mcuboot (commit: master) ...
+        Downloading repository mynewt-nimble (commit: master) ...
+        Making the following changes to the project:
         apache-mynewt-core successfully upgraded to version 1.7.0
+        apache-mynewt-nimble successfully upgraded to version 1.2.0
+        mcuboot successfully upgraded to version 1.3.1
 Fetch External Packages
@@ -97,25 +103,25 @@
 .. code-block:: console
    :emphasize-lines: 7, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
-    $ more project.yml 
+    $ more project.yml
     project.name: "my_project"
-    project.repositories: 
-        - apache-mynewt-core 
+    project.repositories:
+        - apache-mynewt-core
         - mynewt_arduino_zero
-    repository.apache-mynewt-core: 
+    repository.apache-mynewt-core:
         type: github
         vers: 1-latest
         user: apache
         repo: mynewt-core
-    repository.mynewt_arduino_zero: 
-        type: github 
-        vers: 1-latest 
-        user: runtimeco 
-        repo: mynewt_arduino_zero 
+    repository.mynewt_arduino_zero:
+        type: github
+        vers: 1-latest
+        user: runtimeco
+        repo: mynewt_arduino_zero
 Install the project dependencies using the ``newt upgrade`` command
@@ -124,9 +130,11 @@
 .. code-block:: console
     $ newt upgrade
-    Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: [...])
-    Downloading repository mynewt_arduino_zero (commit: [...])
-    apache-mynewt-core successfully upgraded to version 1.7.0
+    Downloading repository mynewt_arduino_zero (commit: master) ...
+    Skipping "apache-mynewt-core": already upgraded (1.7.0)
+    Skipping "apache-mynewt-nimble": already upgraded (1.2.0)
+    Skipping "mcuboot": already upgraded (1.3.1)
+    Making the following changes to the project:
     mynewt_arduino_zero successfully upgraded to version 1.7.0
@@ -188,7 +196,7 @@
     Archiving util_mem.a
-    Linking ~/dev/arduinowifi/bin/targets/mkr1000_boot/app/boot/mynewt/mynewt.elf
+    Linking ~/dev/arduinowifi/bin/targets/mkr1000_boot/app/@mcuboot/boot/mynewt/mynewt.elf
     Target successfully built: targets/mkr1000_boot
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/sensors/air_quality_sensor.rst b/docs/tutorials/sensors/air_quality_sensor.rst
index a401ef8..c09fea2 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/sensors/air_quality_sensor.rst
+++ b/docs/tutorials/sensors/air_quality_sensor.rst
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
             repo: mynewt-core
         [user@IsMyLaptop:~/src/air_quality]$ newt upgrade
-        Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: [...])
-        Downloading repository mynewt-nimble (commit: [...])
+        Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: master) ...
+        Downloading repository mynewt-nimble (commit: master) ...
         apache-mynewt-core successfully upgraded to version 0.0.0
         apache-mynewt-nimble successfully upgraded to version 0.0.0
         [user@IsMyLaptop:~/src/air_quality]$ ls repos/
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/sensors/nrf52_adc.rst b/docs/tutorials/sensors/nrf52_adc.rst
index aa7202d..649d5d4 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/sensors/nrf52_adc.rst
+++ b/docs/tutorials/sensors/nrf52_adc.rst
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
         $ cd ~/dev
         $ newt new myadc
         Downloading project skeleton from apache/mynewt-blinky...
+        Downloading repository mynewt-blinky (commit: master) ...
         Installing skeleton in myadc...
         Project myadc successfully created.
         $ cd myadc
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@
     project.name: "my_project"
-        - apache-mynewt-core 
+        - apache-mynewt-core
         - mynewt_nordic
     # Use github's distribution mechanism for core ASF libraries.
@@ -65,9 +66,9 @@
         type: github
         vers: 0-dev
         user: apache
-        repo: incubator-mynewt-core
-If you already have newt previously installed, you can still change the repo version in your ``project.yml`` file, but you will need to run ``newt upgrade`` for the change to take effect. 
+        repo: mynewt-core
+If you already have newt previously installed, you can still change the repo version in your ``project.yml`` file, but you will need to run ``newt upgrade`` for the change to take effect.
 Install Everything
@@ -77,13 +78,15 @@
 .. code-block:: console
-    $ newt upgrade -v 
-    Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: [...])
-    Downloading repository mynewt-nimble (commit: [...])
-    Downloading repository mcuboot (commit: [...])
-    apache-mynewt-core successfully upgraded to version 1.7.0
-    apache-mynewt-nimble successfully upgraded to version 1.2.0
-    mcuboot successfully upgraded to version 1.3.1
+    $ newt upgrade -v
+    Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: master) ...
+    Downloading repository mynewt-nimble (commit: master) ...
+    Downloading repository mynewt-mcumgr (commit: master) ...
+    Downloading repository mcuboot (commit: master) ...
+    apache-mynewt-core successfully installed version 0.0.0
+    apache-mynewt-nimble successfully installed version 0.0.0
+    apache-mynewt-mcumgr successfully installed version 0.0.0
+    mcuboot successfully installed version 0.0.0
 Create the App and Targets
@@ -98,14 +101,14 @@
 .. code-block:: console
-    $ cat apps/nrf52_adc/pkg.yml 
-    ... 
+    $ cat apps/nrf52_adc/pkg.yml
+    ...
     pkg.name: apps/nrf52_adc
-    pkg.type: app 
+    pkg.type: app
     pkg.description: Simple BLE peripheral
-    application for ADC Sensors. 
-    pkg.author: "Apache Mynewt <dev@mynewt.incubator.apache.org>" 
-    pkg.homepage: "http://mynewt.apache.org/" 
+    application for ADC Sensors.
+    pkg.author: "Apache Mynewt <dev@mynewt.incubator.apache.org>"
+    pkg.homepage: "http://mynewt.apache.org/"
@@ -207,36 +210,36 @@
 .. code-block:: console
-    $ newt load nrf52_boot 
+    $ newt load nrf52_boot
     $ newt load nrf52_adc
 **Note:** If you want to erase the flash and load the image again, you can use JLinkExe to issue an `erase` command.
 .. code-block:: console
-    $ JLinkExe -device nRF52 -speed 4000 -if SWD 
+    $ JLinkExe -device nRF52 -speed 4000 -if SWD
     SEGGER J-Link Commander
-    V5.12c (Compiled Apr 21 2016 16:05:51) 
+    V5.12c (Compiled Apr 21 2016 16:05:51)
     DLL version V5.12c, compiled Apr 21 2016 16:05:45
-    Connecting to J-Link via USB...O.K. 
+    Connecting to J-Link via USB...O.K.
     Firmware: J-Link
-    OB-SAM3U128-V2-NordicSemi compiled Mar 15 2016 18:03:17 
-    Hardware version: V1.00 
-    S/N: 682863966 
+    OB-SAM3U128-V2-NordicSemi compiled Mar 15 2016 18:03:17
+    Hardware version: V1.00
+    S/N: 682863966
     VTref = 3.300V
     Type "connect" to establish a target connection, '?' for help
-    J-Link>erase 
-    Cortex-M4 identified. 
-    Erasing device (0;?i?)... 
-    Comparing flash     [100%] Done. 
-    Erasing flash       [100%] Done. 
-    Verifying flash     [100%] Done. 
+    J-Link>erase
+    Cortex-M4 identified.
+    Erasing device (0;?i?)...
+    Comparing flash     [100%] Done.
+    Erasing flash       [100%] Done.
+    Verifying flash     [100%] Done.
     J-Link: Flash download: Total time needed: 0.363s (Prepare: 0.093s, Compare: 0.000s, Erase: 0.262s, Program: 0.000
-    s, Verify: 0.000s, Restore: 0.008s) 
-    Erasing done. 
-    J-Link>exit 
+    s, Verify: 0.000s, Restore: 0.008s)
+    Erasing done.
+    J-Link>exit
 So you have a BLE app, but really all you've done is change the name of
@@ -365,7 +368,7 @@
                 goto err;
             my_result_mv = adc_result_mv(adc, 0, adc_result);
-        }        
+        }
         adc_buf_release(adc, buffer, buffer_len);
         return my_result_mv;
@@ -479,8 +482,8 @@
     pkg.author: "Apache Mynewt <dev@mynewt.incubator.apache.org>"
     pkg.homepage: "http://mynewt.apache.org/"
-    pkg.deps: 
+    pkg.deps:
         - "@apache-mynewt-core/boot/split"
         - "@mcuboot/boot/bootutil"
         - "@apache-mynewt-core/kernel/os"
@@ -526,30 +529,30 @@
 highlighted code to ``main()`` as shown below. You can also change the name of your Bluetooth device in ``ble_svc_gap_device_name_set``:
 .. code-block:: c
-    /* Set the default device name. */ 
-    rc = ble_svc_gap_device_name_set("nimble-adc"); 
+    /* Set the default device name. */
+    rc = ble_svc_gap_device_name_set("nimble-adc");
     assert(rc == 0);
     /* Initialize adc sensor task eventq */
-    /* Create the ADC reader task.  
+    /* Create the ADC reader task.
      * All sensor operations are performed in this task.
     os_task_init(&adc_task, "sensor", adc_task_handler,
             adc_stack, ADC_STACK_SIZE);
-We'll need that ``adc_task_handler()`` function to exist, and that's where 
-we'll initialize the ADC Device and set the event handler. In the task's 
-while() loop, we'll just make a call to``adc_sample()`` to cause the ADC 
+We'll need that ``adc_task_handler()`` function to exist, and that's where
+we'll initialize the ADC Device and set the event handler. In the task's
+while() loop, we'll just make a call to``adc_sample()`` to cause the ADC
 driver to sample the adc device.
 .. code-block:: c
@@ -566,7 +569,7 @@
         adc = adc_init();
         rc = adc_event_handler_set(adc, adc_read_event, (void *) NULL);
         assert(rc == 0);
         while (1) {
             /* Wait 2 second */
@@ -601,7 +604,7 @@
         return (0);
         return (rc);
-    } 
+    }
 This is where we actually read the ADC value and then update the BLE
 Characteristic for that value.
@@ -637,7 +640,7 @@
     #define ADC_SNS_TYPE          0xDEAD
     #define ADC_SNS_STRING "eTape Liquid Level Sensor"
     #define ADC_SNS_VAL           0xBEAD
-    uint16_t gatt_adc_val; 
+    uint16_t gatt_adc_val;
 The first is the UUID of the service, followed by the 2 characteristics
 we are going to offer. The first characteristic is going to advertise
@@ -656,7 +659,7 @@
 service and characteristic offering that we set up:
 .. code-block:: c
     static const struct ble_gatt_svc_def gatt_svr_svcs[] = {
             /*** Service: Security test. */
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/slinky/project-nrf52-slinky.rst b/docs/tutorials/slinky/project-nrf52-slinky.rst
index ada818b..67243ec 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/slinky/project-nrf52-slinky.rst
+++ b/docs/tutorials/slinky/project-nrf52-slinky.rst
@@ -33,12 +33,13 @@
     $ newt new slinky
     Downloading project skeleton from apache/mynewt-blinky...
-    Installing skeleton in slink...
+    Installing skeleton in slinky...
     Project slinky successfully created
     $ cd slinky
     $ newt upgrade
-    Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: [...])
-    apache-mynewt-core successfully upgraded to version 1.7.0
+    Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: master) ...
+    ...
+    mcuboot successfully upgraded to version 1.3.1
 Create the Targets
@@ -73,22 +74,21 @@
 .. code-block:: console
-    $ newt build nrf52-boot
+    $ newt build nrf52_boot
     Building target targets/nrf52_boot
-    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec256.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/caps.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/encrypted.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/bootutil_misc.c
+    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky/src/main.c
     Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec256.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ed25519.c
     Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_rsa.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/mbedtls/src/aes.c
-    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/loader.c
-    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_validate.c
-    Compiling repos/mucboot/boot/bootutil/src/bootutil_misc.c
-    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/mynewt/src/main.c
+    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/split/src/split_config.c
-    Archiving sys_mfg.a
-    Archiving sys_sysinit.a
-    Archiving util_mem.a
-    Linking ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/nrf52_boot/app/boot/mynewt/mynewt.elf
+    Archiving @apache-mynewt-core_util_rwlock.a
+    Archiving @apache-mynewt-core_util_streamer.a
+    Linking ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/nrf52_boot/app/@mcuboot/boot/mynewt/mynewt.elf
     Target successfully built: targets/nrf52_boot
 Run the ``newt build nrf52_slinky`` command to build the Slinky
@@ -98,22 +98,19 @@
     $newt build nrf52_slinky
     Building target targets/nrf52_slinky
-    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec256.c
-    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec.c
-    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_rsa.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/split/src/split.c
-    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/loader.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/caps.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/encrypted.c
     Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/bootutil_misc.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/split/src/split_config.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/mbedtls/src/aesni.c
-    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_validate.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/mbedtls/src/aes.c
     Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky/src/main.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec256.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ed25519.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_rsa.c
+    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/split/src/split_config.c
-    Archiving util_mem.a
-    Linking ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/nrf52_slinky/app/apps/slinky/slinky.elf
+    Archiving @apache-mynewt-core_util_rwlock.a
+    Archiving @apache-mynewt-core_util_streamer.a
+    Linking ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/nrf52_slinky/app/@apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky/slinky.elf
     Target successfully built: targets/nrf52_slinky
 Sign and Create the Slinky Application Image
@@ -126,7 +123,7 @@
 .. code-block:: console
     $ newt create-image nrf52_slinky 1.0.0
-    App image succesfully generated: ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/nrf52_slinky/app/apps/slinky/slinky.img
+    App image succesfully generated: ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/nrf52_slinky/app/@apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky/slinky.img
 Connect to the Board
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/slinky/project-sim-slinky.rst b/docs/tutorials/slinky/project-sim-slinky.rst
index 2031893..630dcaf 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/slinky/project-sim-slinky.rst
+++ b/docs/tutorials/slinky/project-sim-slinky.rst
@@ -29,12 +29,14 @@
     $ newt new slinky
     Downloading project skeleton from apache/mynewt-blinky...
-    Installing skeleton in slink...
-    Project slinky successfully created
+    Installing skeleton in slinky...
+    Project slinky successfully created.
     $ cd slinky
-    $newt upgrade
-    Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: [...])
+    $ newt upgrade
+    Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: master) ...
+    ...
     apache-mynewt-core successfully upgraded to version 1.7.0
+    mcuboot successfully upgraded to version 1.3.1
 Setting up your target build
@@ -57,25 +59,24 @@
 .. code-block:: console
-        $ newt build sim_slinky 
+        $ newt build sim_slinky
         Building target targets/sim_slinky
-        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec256.c
-        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_rsa.c
-        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec.c
-        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/split/src/split.c
-        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/image_validate.c
-        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/loader.c
-        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/bootutil/src/bootutil_misc.c
-        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/mbedtls/src/aesni.c
-        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/mbedtls/src/aes.c
-        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/split/src/split_config.c
+        Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/caps.c
+        Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/encrypted.c
+        Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/bootutil_misc.c
         Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky/src/main.c
+        Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec.c
+        Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec256.c
+        Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ed25519.c
+        Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_rsa.c
+        Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/split/src/split_config.c
+        Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/loader.c
-        Archiving util_crc.a
-        Archiving util_mem.a
-        Linking ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/sim_slinky/app/apps/slinky/slinky.elf
+        Archiving @apache-mynewt-core_util_rwlock.a
+        Archiving @apache-mynewt-core_util_streamer.a
+        Linking ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/sim_slinky/app/@apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky/slinky.elf
         Target successfully built: targets/sim_slinky
 Run the target
@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@
         $ newtmgr conn add sim1 type=serial connstring=/dev/ttys005
         Connection profile sim1 successfully added
         $ newtmgr conn show
-        Connection profiles: 
+        Connection profiles:
           sim1: type=serial, connstring='/dev/ttys005'
 Executing newtmgr commands with the target
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/slinky/project-stm32-slinky.rst b/docs/tutorials/slinky/project-stm32-slinky.rst
index 9a7b837..4c7902a 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/slinky/project-stm32-slinky.rst
+++ b/docs/tutorials/slinky/project-stm32-slinky.rst
@@ -32,12 +32,14 @@
     $ newt new slinky
     Downloading project skeleton from apache/mynewt-blinky...
-    Installing skeleton in slink...
+    Installing skeleton in slinky...
     Project slink successfully created
     $ cd slinky
     $ newt upgrade
-    Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: [...])
+    Downloading repository mynewt-core (commit: master) ...
+    ...
     apache-mynewt-core successfully upgraded to version 1.7.0
+    mcuboot successfully upgraded to version 1.3.1
 Create the Targets
@@ -74,21 +76,19 @@
     $ newt build stm32_boot
     Building target targets/stm32_boot
-    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec256.c
-    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_rsa.c
-    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/loader.c
-    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec.c
-    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_validate.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/crypto/mbedtls/src/aes.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/caps.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/encrypted.c
     Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/bootutil_misc.c
-    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/mynewt/src/main.c
+    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky/src/main.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec256.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ed25519.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_rsa.c
+    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/split/src/split_config.c
-    Archiving sys_mfg.a
-    Archiving sys_sysinit.a
-    Archiving util_mem.a
-    Linking ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/stm32_boot/app/boot/mynewt/mynewt.elf
+    Archiving @apache-mynewt-core_util_rwlock.a
+    Archiving @apache-mynewt-core_util_streamer.a
+    Linking ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/stm32_boot/app/@mcuboot/boot/mynewt/mynewt.elf
     Target successfully built: targets/stm32_boot
@@ -99,20 +99,19 @@
     $newt build stm32_slinky
     Building target targets/stm32_slinky
-    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec.c
-    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_rsa.c
-    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec256.c
-    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/loader.c
-    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_validate.c
-    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/split/src/split.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/caps.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/encrypted.c
     Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/bootutil_misc.c
     Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky/src/main.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ec256.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_ed25519.c
+    Compiling repos/mcuboot/boot/bootutil/src/image_rsa.c
+    Compiling repos/apache-mynewt-core/boot/split/src/split_config.c
-    Archiving util_crc.a
-    Archiving util_mem.a
-    Linking ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/stm32_slinky/app/apps/slinky/slinky.elf
+    Archiving @apache-mynewt-core_util_rwlock.a
+    Archiving @apache-mynewt-core_util_streamer.a
+    Linking ~/dev/slinky/bin/targets/stm32_slinky/app/@apache-mynewt-core/apps/slinky/slinky.elf
     Target successfully built: targets/stm32_slinky