| # Can't easily add license to rat-excludes file. |
| .rat-excludes |
| |
| # Temporary user files. |
| .gdb_history |
| .gdb_out |
| tags |
| |
| # Non-source files |
| repository.yml |
| .gitignore |
| 00readme.txt |
| uncrustify.cfg |
| README.md |
| .mailmap |
| version.txt |
| |
| # unit tests executables |
| bin |
| |
| # CRC16 - BSD License. |
| crc16.* |
| |
| # Nordic nRF51 SDK - BSD License. |
| nrf51dk_no_boot.ld |
| system_nrf51.c |
| gcc_startup_nrf51.s |
| nrf51dk-16kbram_no_boot.ld |
| boot-nrf51xxaa.ld |
| nrf51xxaa.ld |
| boot-nrf51xxac.ld |
| nrf51xxac.ld |
| split-nrf51dk.ld |
| boot-nrf51xxac.ld |
| nrf51xxac.ld |
| split-nrf51dk.ld |
| split-nrf51dk-16kbram.ld |
| nrf51.ld |
| nrf51.h |
| nrf51_bitfields.h |
| nrf51_deprecated.h |
| system_nrf51.h |
| gcc_startup_nrf51_split.s |
| |
| # Nordic nRF52 SDK - BSD License. |
| nrf52dk_no_boot.ld |
| bmd300eval_no_boot.ld |
| boot-nrf52xxaa.ld |
| nrf52xxaa.ld |
| primo_no_boot.ld |
| split-primo.ld |
| split-bmd300eval.ld |
| split-nrf52dk.ld |
| rb-nano2_no_boot.ld |
| split-rb-nano2.ld |
| nrf52.ld |
| ada_feather_nrf52_no_boot.ld |
| split_ada_feather_nrf52.ld |
| split-microbit.ld |
| system_nrf52.c |
| gcc_startup_nrf52.s |
| nrf51_to_nrf52.h |
| nrf52.h |
| nrf52_bitfields.h |
| system_nrf52.h |
| gcc_startup_nrf52_split.s |
| gcc_startup_nrf52840.s |
| nrf51_to_nrf52840.h |
| nrf52840.h |
| nrf52840_bitfields.h |
| nrf52840_peripherals.h |
| nrf52_to_nrf52840.h |
| system_nrf52840.c |
| system_nrf52840.h |
| |
| # Nordic nRF51 SDK - BSD License. |
| # Nordic nRF52 SDK - BSD License. |
| compiler_abstraction.h |
| nrf.h |
| nrf52_name_change.h |
| system_nrf51422.c |
| arm_startup_nrf51.s |
| arm_startup_nrf52.s |
| uicr_config.h |
| iar_startup_nrf51.s |
| iar_startup_nrf52.s |
| |
| # Nordic BLE400 SDK - BSD License |
| ble400_no_boot.ld |
| split-ble400.ld |
| |
| # Nordic nRF52 Thingy SDK - BSD License |
| nrf52-thingy_no_boot.ld |
| split-nrf52-thingy.ld |
| |
| # RedBear Blend2 SDK - BSD License |
| rb-blend2_no_boot.ld |
| split-rb-blend2.ld |
| |
| # Telenor ee02 SDK - BSD License |
| split-telee02.ld |
| telee02_no_boot.ld |
| |
| # VBLUno51 board - BSD License |
| split-vbluno51.ld |
| vbluno51_no_boot.ld |
| |
| # VBLUno52 board - BSD License |
| split-vbluno52.ld |
| vbluno52_no_boot.ld |
| |
| # STM32 HAL - BSD License |
| stm32_driver_mod_i2c_v1.c |
| stm32_driver_mod_i2c_v2.c |
| stm32_driver_mod_spi.c |
| stm32_driver_mod_timer.c |
| |
| # STM32CubeF4 - BSD License. |
| stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h |
| system_stm32f4xx.c |
| startup_STM32F40x.s |
| stm32f407xx.h |
| stm32f4xx.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_adc.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_adc_ex.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_can.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_cec.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_cortex.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_crc.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_cryp.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_cryp_ex.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_dac.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_dac_ex.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_dcmi.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_dcmi_ex.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_def.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_dma.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_dma2d.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_dma_ex.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_eth.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_flash.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_flash_ex.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_flash_ramfunc.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_fmpi2c.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_fmpi2c_ex.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_gpio.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_gpio_ex.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_hash.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_hash_ex.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_hcd.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_i2c.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_i2c_ex.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_i2s.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_i2s_ex.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_irda.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_iwdg.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_ltdc.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_nand.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_nor.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_pccard.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_pcd.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_pcd_ex.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_pwr.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_pwr_ex.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_qspi.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_rcc.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_rcc_ex.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_rng.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_rtc.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_rtc_ex.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_sai.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_sai_ex.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_sd.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_sdram.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_smartcard.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_spdifrx.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_spi.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_sram.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_tim.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_tim_ex.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_uart.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_usart.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_wwdg.h |
| stm32f4xx_ll_fmc.h |
| stm32f4xx_ll_fsmc.h |
| stm32f4xx_ll_sdmmc.h |
| stm32f4xx_ll_usb.h |
| system_stm32f4xx.h |
| stm32f4xx_hal_flash.c |
| stm32f4xx_hal_flash_ex.c |
| stm32f4xx_hal_gpio.c |
| stm32f4xx_hal_rcc.c |
| stm32f4xx_hal_uart.c |
| |
| # baselibc - BSD License. |
| # tinyprintf - BSD License. |
| # klibc - MIT License. |
| baselibc |
| |
| # CMSIS-CORE - BSD License. |
| core_ca9.h |
| core_caFunc.h |
| core_caInstr.h |
| core_ca_mmu.h |
| core_cm0.h |
| core_cm0plus.h |
| core_cm3.h |
| core_cm4.h |
| core_cm4_simd.h |
| core_cmFunc.h |
| core_cmInstr.h |
| cmsis_nvic.c |
| cmsis_nvic.h |
| HAL_CM0.s |
| HAL_CM3.s |
| HAL_CM4.s |
| SVC_Table.s |
| arm_common_tables.h |
| arm_const_structs.h |
| arm_math.h |
| cmsis_armcc.h |
| cmsis_armcc_V6.h |
| cmsis_gcc.h |
| core_cm7.h |
| core_cmSimd.h |
| core_sc000.h |
| core_sc300.h |
| HAL_CM7.s |
| |
| # microjson - BSD License. |
| json_decode.c |
| json_encode.c |
| |
| # queue.h - BSD License. |
| queue.h |
| |
| # FreeBSD - BSD License. |
| os_mbuf.c |
| base64.c |
| |
| # tinycrypt - BSD License. |
| tinycrypt |
| |
| # frdm-k64f clock configuration - BSD License. |
| clock_config.c |
| clock_config.h |
| |
| # CMSIS Cortex-M4, STM32f4 - BSD License. |
| STM32F4xx |
| STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver |
| |
| # NXP SDK - BSD License. |
| sdk-2.0-frdm-k64f_b160321 |
| MK64FN1M0xxx12_flash.ld |
| boot-MK64FN1M0xxx12_flash.ld |
| startup_MK64F12.S |
| |
| # LWIP - BSD License. |
| lwip_base |
| |
| # OIC - BSD License. |
| oic |
| |
| # FATFS ChaN License |
| diskio.h |
| ff.h |
| ffconf.h |
| integer.h |
| ff.c |
| unicode.c |
| 00history.txt |
| |
| #Codesoucery License |
| split-nrf52840pdk.ld |
| nrf52840pdk_no_boot.ld |
| |
| # Freescale Semiconductor License |
| boot-mkw41z512.ld |
| mkw41z512.ld |
| no-boot-mkw41z512.ld |
| gcc_startup_mkw41z.s |
| MKW41Z4.h |
| fsl_device_registers.h |
| system_MKW41Z4.h |
| MKW41Z4_features.h |
| system_MKW41Z4.c |
| |
| # Imagination Technologies - BSD License |
| mips-hal |
| ctx.S |
| excpt_isr.S |
| uhi32.ld |
| abiflags.S |
| |
| # Cygnus Support - MIT like License |
| gcc_startup_mips.S |
| |
| # HiFive1 - Apache License 2.0 |
| sifive |
| |
| # MQTT - Eclipse Public License |
| mqtt |
| |
| # CMSIS Cortex-M7, STM32f7 - BSD License. |
| STM32F7xx |
| STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver |
| |
| # LORA - BSD License |
| lora |
| |
| # loraping - BSD License (main.c only) |
| loraping |
| |
| # SEGGER Sysview - BSD License |
| sysview |
| |
| # SEGGER RTT - BSD License |
| rtt |
| |
| # Adafruit TSL2561 Sensor - BSD License |
| tsl2561 |
| |
| # pic32mx470f512h - BSD License |
| pic32mx470f512h |
| |
| # Sensorhub board - BSD License |
| startup_STM32F427xx.s |
| |
| # STM32F7 Discovery BSP - BSD License |
| stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h |
| system_stm32f7xx.c |
| startup_stm32f746xx.s |
| |
| # STM32F3 Discovery BSP - BSD License |
| startup_stm32f303xc.s |
| |
| # STM32F429 BSP - BSD License |
| startup_STM32F429x.s |
| |
| # STM32L152C BSP - BSD License |
| stm32l1xx_hal_conf.h |
| system_stm32l1xx.c |
| startup_stm32l152xc.s |
| |
| # NUCLEO-F767 BSP - BSD License |
| startup_stm32f767xx.s |
| |
| # NUCLEO-F413ZH BSP - BSD License |
| nucleo-f413zh |
| |
| # NUCLEO-L467rg BSP - BSD License |
| nucleo-l476rg |
| |
| # Microchip PIC32 SDK - BSD License |
| p32mz2048efg100.h |
| pic32_init_cache.S |
| pic32_init_tlb_ebi_sqi.S |
| cache-err-exception.S |
| cp0defs.h |
| simple-tlb-refill-exception.S |
| crt0.S |
| |
| # Calliope SDK - BSD Licence |
| split-calliope_mini.ld |
| |
| # Bluetooth Mesh - Apache 2.0 License |
| mesh |
| |
| # pic32mx470_6lp_clicker BSP - one BSD licensed file (other are Apache): |
| # /hw/bsp/pic32mx470_6lp_clicker/src/sbrk.c |
| pic32mx470_6lp_clicker |
| |
| # pic32mz2048_wi-fire BSP - one BSD licensed file (other are Apache): |
| # ./hw/bsp/pic32mz2048_wi-fire/src/sbrk.c |
| pic32mz2048_wi-fire |
| |
| # SDK for Apollo2 - MIT/BSD/Apache License |
| # hw/bsp/apollo2_evb/src/arch/cortex_m4/gcc_startup.s |
| apollo2_evb |
| |
| # BSP for Apollo2 - BSD License |
| AmbiqSuite |
| apollo2.h |
| system_apollo2.h |
| system_apollo2.c |
| apollo_nvic.h |
| |
| # Apollo2 linker script - MIT License |
| apollo2.ld |
| |
| # CMSIS Cortex-M4, STM32f3 - BSD License. |
| STM32F3xx |
| STM32F3xx_HAL_Driver |
| |
| # Nucleo-F303K8, Nucleo-F303RE - BSD License. |
| system_stm32f3xx.c |
| startup_stm32f303x8.s |
| startup_stm32f303xe.s |
| stm32f3xx_hal_conf.h |
| |
| # Ignore documentation folder |
| docs |
| |
| # nrfX - BSD License |
| nrfx |
| nrfx_glue.h |
| nrf52xxx |
| nrf52xxx-compat |
| |
| # cmsis-core - Apache License |
| cmsis-core |
| |
| # stm32l1xx - BSD License |
| stm32l1xx |
| |
| # stm32f1xx - BSD License |
| stm32f1xx |
| |
| # ARC - BSD License |
| arc |
| embarc_emsk |
| |
| # DWM1001 - BSD Licence |
| dwm1001-dev_no_boot.ld |
| split-dwm1001-dev.ld |
| |
| # olimex-p103 - BSD and APL 2.0 License |
| olimex-p103 |
| |
| # puckjs - BSD License |
| puckjs_no_boot.ld |
| split_puckjs.ld |
| |
| # STM32L0xx SDK - BSD License |
| stm32l0xx |
| |
| # STM32L4xx SDK - BSD License |
| stm32l4xx |
| |
| # Fanstel EVBT840 BSP linker scripts - BSD License |
| fanstel-ev-bt840_no_boot.ld |
| split-fanstel-ev-bt840.ld |
| |
| # B-L072Z-LRWAN1 BSP - BSD License |
| b-l072z-lrwan1 |