blob: c2349b0be663fbbb525e4c33d3d37b1d86a82b5f [file] [log] [blame]
.. _blinky_tutorials:
Project Blinky
.. toctree::
Blinky on Arduino Zero <arduino_zero>
Blinky on Arduino Primo <blinky_primo>
Blinky on Olimex <olimex>
Blinky on nRF52 DK <nRF52>
Blinky on RedBear Nano 2 <rbnano2>
Blinky on STM32F4-Discovery <blinky_stm32f4disc>
Add Console and Shell to Blinky <blinky_console>
The set of Blinky tutorials show you how to create, build, and run a
"Hello World" application that blinks a LED on the various target boards
that Mynewt supports. The tutorials use the same Blinky application from
the :doc:`../../get_started/project_create` tutorial.
.. contents::
:depth: 2
Learn how to use packages from a default application repository of
Mynewt to build your first *Hello World* application (Blinky) on a
target board. Once built using the *newt* tool, this application will
blink a LED light on the target board.
Available Tutorials
Tutorials are available for the following boards:
- :doc:`arduino_zero`
- :doc:`blinky_primo`
- :doc:`olimex`
- :doc:`nRF52`
- :doc:`rbnano2`
- :doc:`blinky_stm32f4disc`
We also have a tutorial that shows you how to add :doc:`blinky_console`.
Ensure that you meet the following prerequisites before
continuing with one of the tutorials.
- Have Internet connectivity to fetch remote Mynewt components.
- Have a computer to build a Mynewt application and connect to the
board over USB.
- Have a Micro-USB cable to connect the board and the computer.
- Install the newt tool and toolchains (See :doc:`../../get_started/index`).
- Read the Mynewt OS :doc:`../../concepts` section.
- Create a project space (directory structure) and populate it with the
core code repository (apache-mynewt-core) or know how to as explained
in :doc:`../../get_started/project_create`.
Overview of Steps
These are the general steps to create, load and run the Blinky application on your board:
- Create a project.
- Define the bootloader and Blinky application targets for the board.
- Build the bootloader target.
- Build the Blinky application target and create an application image.
- Connect to the board.
- Load the bootloader onto the board.
- Load the Blinky application image onto the board.
- See the LED on your board blink.
After you try the Blinky application on your boards, checkout out other
tutorials to enable additional functionality such as :doc:`remote
comms <../slinky/project-slinky>` on the current board. If you have BLE
(Bluetooth Low Energy) chip (e.g. nRF52) on your board, you can try
turning it into an :doc:`iBeacon <../ble/ibeacon>` or :doc:`Eddystone
Beacon <../ble/eddystone>`!
If you see anything missing or want to send us feedback, please sign up
for appropriate mailing lists on our `Community
Page </community>`__.