blob: 777a528ee8075ccd13dde50171862d54326152a2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package nmp
import (
// These aliases just allow the ctor map to fit within 79 columns.
const op_wr = NMP_OP_WRITE_RSP
const op_rr = NMP_OP_READ_RSP
const gr_def = NMP_GROUP_DEFAULT
const gr_img = NMP_GROUP_IMAGE
const gr_sta = NMP_GROUP_STAT
const gr_cfg = NMP_GROUP_CONFIG
const gr_log = NMP_GROUP_LOG
const gr_cra = NMP_GROUP_CRASH
const gr_run = NMP_GROUP_RUN
const gr_fil = NMP_GROUP_FS
// Op-Group-Id
type Ogi struct {
Op uint8
Group uint16
Id uint8
type rspCtor func() NmpRsp
func echoRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewEchoRsp() }
func taskStatRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewTaskStatRsp() }
func mpStatRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewMempoolStatRsp() }
func dateTimeReadRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewDateTimeReadRsp() }
func dateTimeWriteRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewDateTimeWriteRsp() }
func resetRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewResetRsp() }
func imageUploadRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewImageUploadRsp() }
func imageStateRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewImageStateRsp() }
func coreListRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewCoreListRsp() }
func coreLoadRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewCoreLoadRsp() }
func coreEraseRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewCoreEraseRsp() }
func imageEraseRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewImageEraseRsp() }
func statReadRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewStatReadRsp() }
func statListRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewStatListRsp() }
func logReadRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewLogShowRsp() }
func logListRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewLogListRsp() }
func logModuleListRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewLogModuleListRsp() }
func logLevelListRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewLogLevelListRsp() }
func logClearRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewLogClearRsp() }
func crashRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewCrashRsp() }
func runTestRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewRunTestRsp() }
func runListRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewRunListRsp() }
func fsDownloadRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewFsDownloadRsp() }
func fsUploadRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewFsUploadRsp() }
func configReadRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewConfigReadRsp() }
func configWriteRspCtor() NmpRsp { return NewConfigWriteRsp() }
var rspCtorMap = map[Ogi]rspCtor{
{op_wr, gr_def, NMP_ID_DEF_ECHO}: echoRspCtor,
{op_rr, gr_def, NMP_ID_DEF_TASKSTAT}: taskStatRspCtor,
{op_rr, gr_def, NMP_ID_DEF_MPSTAT}: mpStatRspCtor,
{op_rr, gr_def, NMP_ID_DEF_DATETIME_STR}: dateTimeReadRspCtor,
{op_wr, gr_def, NMP_ID_DEF_DATETIME_STR}: dateTimeWriteRspCtor,
{op_wr, gr_def, NMP_ID_DEF_RESET}: resetRspCtor,
{op_wr, gr_img, NMP_ID_IMAGE_UPLOAD}: imageUploadRspCtor,
{op_rr, gr_img, NMP_ID_IMAGE_STATE}: imageStateRspCtor,
{op_wr, gr_img, NMP_ID_IMAGE_STATE}: imageStateRspCtor,
{op_rr, gr_img, NMP_ID_IMAGE_CORELIST}: coreListRspCtor,
{op_rr, gr_img, NMP_ID_IMAGE_CORELOAD}: coreLoadRspCtor,
{op_wr, gr_img, NMP_ID_IMAGE_CORELOAD}: coreEraseRspCtor,
{op_wr, gr_img, NMP_ID_IMAGE_ERASE}: imageEraseRspCtor,
{op_rr, gr_sta, NMP_ID_STAT_READ}: statReadRspCtor,
{op_rr, gr_sta, NMP_ID_STAT_LIST}: statListRspCtor,
{op_rr, gr_log, NMP_ID_LOG_SHOW}: logReadRspCtor,
{op_rr, gr_log, NMP_ID_LOG_LIST}: logListRspCtor,
{op_rr, gr_log, NMP_ID_LOG_MODULE_LIST}: logModuleListRspCtor,
{op_rr, gr_log, NMP_ID_LOG_LEVEL_LIST}: logLevelListRspCtor,
{op_wr, gr_log, NMP_ID_LOG_CLEAR}: logClearRspCtor,
{op_wr, gr_cra, NMP_ID_CRASH_TRIGGER}: crashRspCtor,
{op_wr, gr_run, NMP_ID_RUN_TEST}: runTestRspCtor,
{op_rr, gr_run, NMP_ID_RUN_LIST}: runListRspCtor,
{op_rr, gr_fil, NMP_ID_FS_FILE}: fsDownloadRspCtor,
{op_wr, gr_fil, NMP_ID_FS_FILE}: fsUploadRspCtor,
{op_rr, gr_cfg, NMP_ID_CONFIG_VAL}: configReadRspCtor,
{op_wr, gr_cfg, NMP_ID_CONFIG_VAL}: configWriteRspCtor,
func DecodeRspBody(hdr *NmpHdr, body []byte) (NmpRsp, error) {
cb := rspCtorMap[Ogi{hdr.Op, hdr.Group, hdr.Id}]
if cb == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized NMP op+group+id: %d, %d, %d",
hdr.Op, hdr.Group, hdr.Id)
r := cb()
cborCodec := new(codec.CborHandle)
dec := codec.NewDecoderBytes(body, cborCodec)
if err := dec.Decode(r); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid response: %s", err.Error())
return r, nil