blob: d2f798ec3a103683435ffaeb54c0357f9bfd828e [file] [log] [blame]
To upgrade lwIP within the apache-mynewt-core repo:
1. Delete the old version of lwIP. Remove everything in the `net/ip/lwip_base`
directory, *except* `MYNEWT` (this file) and `pkg.yml`:
rm -r * && git checkout MYNEWT pkg.yml
2. Copy the lwIP repo contents into this directory (adjust source directory as
cp -r ~/repos/lwip/* .
3. Move the `src/include` directory to the top-level:
mv src/include .
4. Delete the Windows-only makefsdata app:
rm -r src/apps/httpd/makefsdata
5. Delete the pppoe files (not Apache-license-compatible):
rm include/netif/ppp/pppoe.h src/netif/ppp/pppoe.c