blob: 02359a8e2405a7b1e409753d607c2e572528ef90 [file] [log] [blame]
// {{esc .Name}} {{printf "implements %s (%s|%s) [%s]" .Name .OGF .OCF .Spec}}
type {{esc .Name}} struct {
{{range .Param}}{{range $k, $v := .}}{{printf "\t%s\t%s\n" (esc $k) $v}}{{end}}{{end}}
func (c *{{esc .Name}}) String() string {
return {{printf "\"%s (%s|%s)\"" .Name .OGF .OCF}}
// OpCode returns the opcode of the command.
func (c *{{esc .Name}}) OpCode() int { return {{printf "%s<<10 | %s" .OGF .OCF}} }
// Len returns the length of the command.
func (c *{{esc .Name}}) Len() int { return {{.Len}} }
{{if ge .Len 0}}
// Marshal serializes the command parameters into binary form.
func (c *{{esc .Name}}) Marshal(b []byte) error {
return marshal(c, b)
{{if .Return}}
// {{esc .Name}}RP returns the return parameter of {{.Name}}
type {{esc .Name}}RP struct {
{{range .Return}}{{range $k, $v := .}}{{printf "\t%s\t%s\n" (esc $k) $v}}{{end}}{{end}}
// Unmarshal de-serializes the binary data and stores the result in the receiver.
func (c *{{esc .Name}}RP) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
return unmarshal(c, b)