blob: 27f1cde01173ad08e79efae7555fcef7dec75f10 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "test_json_priv.h"
/* now test the decode on a string */
struct test_jbuf tjb;
struct test_jbuf tjb1;
struct test_jbuf tjbboolspacearr;
struct test_jbuf tjbboolemptyarr;
long long unsigned int uint_val;
long long int int_val;
bool bool_val;
char string1[16];
char string2[16];
long long int intarr[8];
int rc;
int rc1;
int rcbsa;
int array_count;
int array_countemp;
bool boolarr[2];
unsigned long long uintarr[5];
int array_count1;
int array_count1u;
bool boolspacearr[3];
bool boolemptyarr[2];
struct json_attr_t test_attr[7] = {
[0] = {
.attribute = "KeyBool",
.type = t_boolean,
.addr.boolean = &bool_val,
.nodefault = true
[1] = {
.attribute = "KeyInt",
.type = t_integer,
.addr.integer = &int_val,
.nodefault = true
[2] = {
.attribute = "KeyUint",
.type = t_uinteger,
.addr.uinteger = &uint_val,
.nodefault = true
[3] = {
.attribute = "KeyString",
.type = t_string,
.addr.string = string1,
.nodefault = true,
.len = sizeof(string1)
[4] = {
.attribute = "KeyStringN",
.type = t_string,
.addr.string = string2,
.nodefault = true,
.len = sizeof(string2)
[5] = {
.attribute = "KeyIntArr",
.type = t_array,
.addr.array = {
.element_type = t_integer, = intarr,
.maxlen = sizeof intarr / sizeof intarr[0],
.count = &array_count,
.nodefault = true,
.len = sizeof(intarr)
[6] = {
.attribute = NULL
test_buf_init(&tjb, output);
rc = json_read_object(&tjb.json_buf, test_attr);
TEST_ASSERT(bool_val == 1);
TEST_ASSERT(int_val == -1234);
TEST_ASSERT(uint_val == 1353214);
rc = memcmp(string1, "foobar", strlen("foobar"));
rc = memcmp(string2, "foobarlongstring", 10);
TEST_ASSERT(array_count == 3);
TEST_ASSERT(intarr[0] == 153);
TEST_ASSERT(intarr[1] == 2532);
TEST_ASSERT(intarr[2] == -322);
/*testing for the boolean*/
struct json_attr_t test_attr1[] = {
[0] = {
.attribute = "KeyBoolArr",
.type = t_array,
.addr.array = {
.element_type = t_boolean, = boolarr,
.maxlen = sizeof boolarr / sizeof boolarr[0],
.count =&array_count1,
.nodefault = true,
.len = sizeof( boolarr),
[1] = {
.attribute = "KeyUintArr",
.type = t_array,
.addr.array = {
.element_type = t_uinteger, = uintarr,
.maxlen = sizeof uintarr / sizeof uintarr[0],
.count =&array_count1u,
.nodefault = true,
.len = sizeof( uintarr),
[2] = { 0 },
test_buf_init(&tjb1, output1);
rc1 = json_read_object(&tjb1.json_buf, test_attr1);
TEST_ASSERT(boolarr[0] == true);
TEST_ASSERT(boolarr[1] == false);
TEST_ASSERT(uintarr[0] == 0);
TEST_ASSERT(uintarr[1] == 65535);
TEST_ASSERT(uintarr[2] == 4294967295ULL);
TEST_ASSERT(uintarr[3] == 8589934590ULL);
TEST_ASSERT(uintarr[4] == 3451257ULL);
/*testing arrays with empty spaces within the elements*/
struct json_attr_t test_boolspacearr[] = {
[0] = {
.attribute = "KeyBoolArr",
.type = t_array,
.addr.array = {
.element_type = t_boolean, = boolspacearr,
.maxlen = sizeof boolspacearr / sizeof boolspacearr[0],
.count =&array_count1,
.nodefault = true,
.len = sizeof( boolspacearr),
[1] = { 0 },
test_buf_init(&tjbboolspacearr, outputboolspace);
rcbsa = json_read_object(&tjbboolspacearr.json_buf, test_boolspacearr);
TEST_ASSERT(rcbsa == 0);
TEST_ASSERT(boolspacearr[0] == true);
TEST_ASSERT(boolspacearr[1] == false);
TEST_ASSERT(boolspacearr[2] == true);
/*testing array with empty value*/
struct json_attr_t test_boolemptyarr[] = {
[0] = {
.attribute = "KeyBoolArr",
.type = t_array,
.addr.array = {
.element_type = t_boolean, = boolemptyarr,
.maxlen = sizeof boolemptyarr / sizeof boolemptyarr[0],
.count =&array_countemp,
.nodefault = true,
.len = sizeof( boolemptyarr),
[1] = { 0 },
test_buf_init(&tjbboolemptyarr, outputboolempty);
rcbsa = json_read_object(&tjbboolemptyarr.json_buf, test_boolemptyarr);
TEST_ASSERT(rcbsa == 6);