Trinidad-2501 Renderkit Test Improvements

Improve RenderKit Tests by:
1) Allowing the set of SuiteDefinition environment tests to be passed on the command line
2) Allowing the set of testScripts to be passed on the command line
3) Allowing test scripts to specify the set of accessibility modes they don't execute in
4) Allowing test cases to specify the set of accessibility modes that they don't execute in
5) Cleaning up the code
6) Fixing up the test scripts to set the unsupported accessibility modes so only the tests are aren't supported on a particular accessibility mode are skipped, rather than relying on the shotgun approach of running all of the tests in lenient mode
7) Fixing up the golden files to remove the test cases that shouldn't run
8) Make it easier to run the CoreRenderkitTestCase directly from an IDE with JUnit support without setting the system properties for the golden file directories
47 files changed