[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag tobago-4.5.2
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release tobago-4.5.2
17 files changed
tree: 0b7b331d2b31b6aa1ef33f14ffc53cb8a3d720a9
  1. src/
  2. tobago-assembly/
  3. tobago-core/
  4. tobago-example/
  5. tobago-theme/
  6. tobago-tool/
  7. .gitignore
  8. build-site.sh
  9. Jenkinsfile
  10. pom.xml
  11. readme.md
  12. settings-example.xml
  13. tobago-pmd-config.xml

Apache Tobago


You need Maven 3 (at least 3.0.4) and Java 8 or later to build Tobago.

In the project directory you can use:

mvn install  

to run the install target on all sub projects. This will put all necessary artifacts into your local repository.


In the directory tobago-example/tobago-example-demo call:

mvn jetty:run