tree: 0abf87884a12ac1de38ecaab2d9ba8fef8b7e6ef [path history] [tgz]
  1. apache-proxy/
  2. tomcat/
  3. docker-compose.yml

Run the different Tobago versions on

The demo on tobago-vm works with docker. Each user with an account on the vm and member of the docker group can manage the containers.

How to become root access is described on the Apache site.

There is a copy of the source code repo of Tobago in the directory /opt/docker/tobago/ which contains the docker-compose configuration in tobago-example/tobago-example-demo/src/main/tobago-vm/docker/.

Initial installation

Copy these file to the server and login there:


cd /opt/docker
git clone tobago
chmod o+w -R tobago
cd /opt/docker/tobago/tobago-example/tobago-example-demo/src/main/tobago-vm/docker/

docker-compose up -d

Simple Update (only restart needed containers)

only minor changes like version, or staging for votes:

cd /opt/docker/tobago/tobago-example/tobago-example-demo/src/main/tobago-vm/docker/
git pull --rebase
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

Full Update

Update, rebuild, run:

cd /opt/docker/tobago/tobago-example/tobago-example-demo/src/main/tobago-vm/docker/
git pull --rebase
docker-compose down
docker pull tomcat:8.5-jre8
docker pull debian:stable-slim
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d