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<h1 class="title">How This VDL Document Is Organized</h1>
<div class="subTitle">This VDL (View Declaration Language) document has pages
corresponding to the items in the navigation bar, described as follows.</div>
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The <a href="overview-summary.html">Overview</a> page is the front page of
this VDL documentation and provides a list of all tag libraries with a summary
for each.
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<p>Each tag library has a page that contains a list of its tags and
functions, with a summary for each. This page can contain two categories:</p>
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<p>A tag library can have zero or more tags. Each tag has its own page that
describes the tag and depending on the tag type, information about the UI
component, behaviour, converter and/or validator, along with all attributes
in detail.</p>
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<p>A tag library can contain zero or more EL functions. If a tag library has
at least one function, a page is generated that lists all functions, the
class that implements the function, the function signature, and an optional
example use of the function.</p>
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Output generated by <a href="" target="_blank">Vdldoc</a> View Declaration Language Documentation Generator.