blob: 6e9f799329354e558e9d0b3194743d7f75d268f3 [file] [log] [blame]
Release Notes - MyFaces CODI - Version 1.0.2
** Bug
* [EXTCDI-220] - @PreDestroy not called when closing sub-groups
* [EXTCDI-221] - windowId parameter gets added twice on server restart and re-submit of a prev url
* [EXTCDI-227] - Injection in FacesConverter in composite components
* [EXTCDI-228] - Navigation with redirect isn't performed in combination with Trinidad 2 support module
* [EXTCDI-234] - NullPointerException in DefaultWindowContextManager#removeWindowContextIdHolderComponent
* [EXTCDI-239] - Expire RestScoped beans if it's used in different views
* [EXTCDI-242] - improve ClientSideWindowHandler windowId passing via cookie
** Improvement
* [EXTCDI-217] - use BeanManager#getPassivationCapableBean in ViewScopedContext as workaround for weld
* [EXTCDI-225] - upgrade to myfaces-parent-10
* [EXTCDI-229] - Optional SecurityViolationHandler
* [EXTCDI-243] - add better logging if bean canot be resolved
** New Feature
* [EXTCDI-171] - allow custom parameters for view-configs
* [EXTCDI-186] - Trinidad2-support-module
* [EXTCDI-216] - type-safe navigation for h:link and h:button
* [EXTCDI-223] - Provide @TransactionScoped Context for @Transactional
* [EXTCDI-232] - introduce a new RestScope for better GET support
* [EXTCDI-236] - ConfigurableDataSource
* [EXTCDI-240] - Enhance ClientSideWindowHandler - remove flickering, etc
* [EXTCDI-241] - Allow users of the ClientSideWindowHandler to specify if it should get applied per Request
** Task
* [EXTCDI-226] - upgrade codi to use OWB-1.1.2
* [EXTCDI-233] - update test dependencies
* [EXTCDI-238] - cleanup javadoc
* [EXTCDI-244] - preparations for v1.0.2