| --- |
| layout: page_category |
| title: Deep Learning Programming Paradigm |
| category: architecture |
| permalink: /api/architecture/program_model |
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| # Deep Learning Programming Paradigm |
| |
| However much we might ultimately care about performance, |
| we first need working code before we can start worrying about optimization. |
| Writing clear, intuitive deep learning code can be challenging, |
| and the first thing any practitioner must deal with is the language syntax itself. |
| Complicating matters, of the many deep learning libraries out there, |
| each has its own approach to programming style. |
| |
| In this document, we focus on two of the most important high-level design decisions: |
| 1. Whether to embrace the _symbolic_ or _imperative_ paradigm for mathematical computation. |
| 2. Whether to build networks with bigger (more abstract) or more atomic operations. |
| |
| Throughout, we'll focus on the programming models themselves. |
| When programming style decisions may impact performance, we point this out, |
| but we don't dwell on specific implementation details. |
| |
| |
| ## Symbolic vs. Imperative Programs |
| |
| If you are a Python or C++ programmer, then you're already familiar with imperative programs. |
| Imperative-style programs perform computation as you run them. |
| Most code you write in Python is imperative, as is the following NumPy snippet. |
| |
| ```python |
| import numpy as np |
| a = np.ones(10) |
| b = np.ones(10) * 2 |
| c = b * a |
| d = c + 1 |
| ``` |
| When the program executes ```c = b * a```, it runs the actual numerical computation. |
| |
| Symbolic programs are a bit different. With symbolic-style programs, |
| we first define a (potentially complex) function abstractly. |
| When defining the function, no actual numerical computation takes place. |
| We define the abstract function in terms of placeholder values. |
| Then we can compile the function, and evaluate it given real inputs. |
| In the following example, we rewrite the imperative program from above |
| as a symbolic-style program: |
| |
| ```python |
| A = Variable('A') |
| B = Variable('B') |
| C = B * A |
| D = C + Constant(1) |
| # compiles the function |
| f = compile(D) |
| d = f(A=np.ones(10), B=np.ones(10)*2) |
| ``` |
| As you can see, in the symbolic version, when ```C = B * A``` is executed, no computation occurs. |
| Instead, this operation generates a _computation graph_ (also called a _symbolic graph_) |
| that represents the computation. |
| The following figure shows a computation graph to compute ```D```. |
| |
|  |
| |
| Most symbolic-style programs contain, either explicitly or implicitly, a *compile* step. |
| This converts the computation graph into a function that we can later call. |
| In the above example, numerical computation only occurs in the last line of code. |
| The defining characteristic of symbolic programs is their clear separation |
| between building the computation graph and executing it. |
| For neural networks, we typically define the entire model as a single compute graph. |
| |
| Among other popular deep learning libraries, Torch, Chainer, and Minerva embrace the imperative style. |
| Examples of symbolic-style deep learning libraries include Theano, CGT, and TensorFlow. |
| We might also view libraries like CXXNet and Caffe, which rely on configuration files, as symbolic-style libraries. |
| In this interpretation, we'd consider the content of the configuration file as defining the computation graph. |
| |
| Now that you understand the difference between these two programming models, let's compare the advantages of each. |
| |
| |
| ### Imperative Programs Tend to be More Flexible |
| |
| When you're using an imperative-style library from Python, you are writing in Python. |
| Nearly anything that would be intuitive to write in Python, you could accelerate by calling down in the appropriate places to the imperative deep learning library. |
| On the other hand, when you write a symbolic program, you may not have access to all the familiar Python constructs, like iteration. |
| Consider the following imperative program, and think about how you can translate this into a symbolic program. |
| |
| ```python |
| a = 2 |
| b = a + 1 |
| d = np.zeros(10) |
| for i in range(d): |
| d += np.zeros(10) |
| ``` |
| This wouldn't be so easy if the Python for-loop weren't supported by the symbolic API. |
| When you write a symbolic program in Python, you're *not* writing in Python. |
| Instead, you're writing in a domain-specific language (DSL) defined by the symbolic API. |
| The symbolic APIs found in deep learning libraries |
| are powerful DSLs that generate callable computation graphs for neural networks. |
| <!-- In that sense, config-file input libraries are all symbolic. --> |
| |
| Intuitively, you might say that imperative programs |
| are more *native* than symbolic programs. |
| It's easier to use native language features. |
| For example, it's straightforward to print out the values |
| in the middle of computation or to use native control flow and loops |
| at any point in the flow of computation. |
| |
| ### Symbolic Programs Tend to be More Efficient |
| |
| As we've seen, imperative programs tend to be flexible |
| and fit nicely into the programming flow of a host language. |
| So you might wonder, why do so many deep learning libraries |
| embrace the symbolic paradigm? |
| The main reason is efficiency, both in terms of memory and speed. |
| Let's revisit our toy example from before. |
| |
| ```python |
| import numpy as np |
| a = np.ones(10) |
| b = np.ones(10) * 2 |
| c = b * a |
| d = c + 1 |
| ... |
| ``` |
| |
|  |
| |
| Assume that each cell in the array occupies 8 bytes of memory. |
| How much memory do you need to execute this program in the Python console? |
| |
| As an imperative program we need to allocate memory at each line. |
| That leaves us allocating 4 arrays of size 10. |
| So we'll need `4 * 10 * 8 = 320` bytes. |
| On the other hand, if we built a computation graph, |
| and knew in advance that we only needed `d`, |
| we could reuse the memory originally allocated for intermediate values. |
| For example, by performing computations in-place, |
| we might recycle the bits allocated for ```b``` to store `c`. |
| And we might recycle the bits allocated for `c` to store `d`. |
| In the end we could cut our memory requirement in half, |
| requiring just `2 * 10 * 8 = 160` bytes. |
| |
| Symbolic programs are more *restricted*. |
| When we call `compile` on D, we tell the system |
| that only the value of `d` is needed. |
| The intermediate values of the computation, |
| in this case ```c```, is then invisible to us. |
| |
| We benefit because the symbolic programs |
| can then safely reuse the memory for in-place computation. |
| But on the other hand, if we later decide that we need to access `c`, we're out of luck. |
| So imperative programs are better prepared to encounter all possible demands. |
| If we ran the imperative version of the code in a Python console, |
| we could inspect any of the intermediate variables in the future. |
| |
| <!-- Of course, this is somewhat misleading, because garbage collection can occur in imperative programs and memory could then be reused. |
| However, imperative programs do need to be "prepared to encounter all possible demands," and this limits the optimization you can perform. This is true for non-trivial cases, such |
| as gradient calculation, which we discuss in next section. --> |
| |
| Symbolic programs can also perform another kind of optimization, called operation folding. |
| Returning to our toy example, the multiplication and addition operations |
| can be folded into one operation, as shown in the following graph. |
| If the computation runs on a GPU processor, |
| one GPU kernel will be executed, instead of two. |
| In fact, this is one way we hand-craft operations |
| in optimized libraries, such as CXXNet and Caffe. |
| Operation folding improves computation efficiency. |
| |
|  |
| |
| Note, you can't perform operation folding in imperative programs, |
| because the intermediate values might be referenced in the future. |
| Operation folding is possible in symbolic programs |
| because you get the entire computation graph, |
| and a clear specification of which values will be needed and which are not. |
| |
| |
| ### Case Study: Backprop and AutoDiff |
| |
| In this section, we compare the two programming models |
| on the problem of auto differentiation, or backpropagation. |
| Differentiation is of vital importance in deep learning |
| because it's the mechanism by which we train our models. |
| In any deep learning model, we define a _loss function_. |
| A _loss function_ measures how far the model is from the desired output. |
| We then typically pass over training examples (pairs of inputs and ground-truth outputs). |
| At each step we update the model's _parameters_ to minimize the loss. |
| To determine the direction in which to update the parameters, |
| we need to take the derivative of the loss function with respect to the parameters. |
| |
| In the past, whenever someone defined a new model, |
| they had to work out the derivative calculations by hand. |
| While the math is reasonably straightforward, |
| for complex models, it can be time-consuming and tedious work. |
| All modern deep learning libraries make the practitioner/researcher's job |
| much easier, by automatically solving the problem of gradient calculation. |
| |
| Both imperative and symbolic programs can perform gradient calculation. |
| So let's take a look at how you might perform automatic differentiation with each. |
| |
| Let's start with imperative programs. |
| The following example Python code performs automatic differentiation using our toy example: |
| |
| ```python |
| class array(object) : |
| """Simple Array object that support autodiff.""" |
| def __init__(self, value, name=None): |
| self.value = value |
| if name: |
| self.grad = lambda g : {name : g} |
| |
| def __add__(self, other): |
| assert isinstance(other, int) |
| ret = array(self.value + other) |
| ret.grad = lambda g : self.grad(g) |
| return ret |
| |
| def __mul__(self, other): |
| assert isinstance(other, array) |
| ret = array(self.value * other.value) |
| def grad(g): |
| x = self.grad(g * other.value) |
| x.update(other.grad(g * self.value)) |
| return x |
| ret.grad = grad |
| return ret |
| |
| # some examples |
| a = array(1, 'a') |
| b = array(2, 'b') |
| c = b * a |
| d = c + 1 |
| print d.value |
| print d.grad(1) |
| # Results |
| # 3 |
| # {'a': 2, 'b': 1} |
| ``` |
| |
| In this code, each array object contains a grad function (it is actually a closure). |
| When you run ```d.grad```, it recursively invokes the grad function of its inputs, |
| backprops the gradient value back, and |
| returns the gradient value of each input. |
| |
| This might look a bit complicated, so let's consider |
| the gradient calculation for symbolic programs. |
| The following program performs symbolic gradient calculation for the same task. |
| |
| ```python |
| A = Variable('A') |
| B = Variable('B') |
| C = B * A |
| D = C + Constant(1) |
| # get gradient node. |
| gA, gB = D.grad(wrt=[A, B]) |
| # compiles the gradient function. |
| f = compile([gA, gB]) |
| grad_a, grad_b = f(A=np.ones(10), B=np.ones(10)*2) |
| ``` |
| |
| The grad function of ```D``` generates a backward computation graph, |
| and returns a gradient node, ```gA, gB```, |
| which correspond to the red nodes in the following figure. |
| |
|  |
| |
| The imperative program actually does the same thing as the symbolic program. |
| It implicitly saves a backward computation graph in the grad closure. |
| When you invoked ```d.grad```, you start from ```d(D)```, |
| backtrack through the graph to compute the gradient, and collect the results. |
| |
| The gradient calculations in both symbolic |
| and imperative programming follow the same pattern. |
| What's the difference then? |
| Recall the *be prepared to encounter all possible demands* requirement of imperative programs. |
| If you are creating an array library that supports automatic differentiation, |
| you have to keep the grad closure along with the computation. |
| This means that none of the history variables can be |
| garbage-collected because they are referenced by variable `d` by way of function closure. |
| |
| What if you want to compute only the value of `d`, |
| and don't want the gradient value? |
| In symbolic programming, you declare this with `f=compiled([D])`. |
| This also declares the boundary of computation, |
| telling the system that you want to compute only the forward pass. |
| As a result, the system can free the memory of previous results, |
| and share the memory between inputs and outputs. |
| |
| Imagine running a deep neural network with ```n``` layers. |
| If you are running only the forward pass, |
| not the backward(gradient) pass, |
| you need to allocate only two copies of |
| temporal space to store the values of the intermediate layers, |
| instead of ```n``` copies of them. |
| However, because imperative programs need to be prepared |
| to encounter all possible demands of getting the gradient, |
| they have to store the intermediate values, |
| which requires ```n``` copies of temporal space. |
| |
| As you can see, the level of optimization depends |
| on the restrictions on what you can do. |
| Symbolic programs ask you to clearly specify |
| these restrictions when you compile the graph. |
| One the other hand, imperative programs |
| must be prepared for a wider range of demands. |
| Symbolic programs have a natural advantage |
| because they know more about what you do and don't want. |
| |
| There are ways in which we can modify imperative programs |
| to incorporate similar restrictions. |
| For example, one solution to the preceding |
| problem is to introduce a context variable. |
| You can introduce a no-gradient context variable |
| to turn gradient calculation off. |
| |
| ```python |
| with context.NoGradient(): |
| a = array(1, 'a') |
| b = array(2, 'b') |
| c = b * a |
| d = c + 1 |
| ``` |
| |
| <!-- This provides an imperative program with the ability to impose some restrictions, but reduces efficiency. --> |
| |
| However, this example still must be prepared to encounter all possible demands, |
| which means that you can't perform the in-place calculation |
| to reuse memory in the forward pass (a trick commonly used to reduce GPU memory usage). |
| The techniques we've discussed generate an explicit backward pass. |
| Some of the libraries such as Caffe and CXXNet perform backprop implicitly on the same graph. |
| The approach we've discussed in this section also applies to them. |
| |
| Most configuration-file-based libraries, |
| such as CXXNet and Caffe are designed |
| to meet one or two generic requirements: |
| get the activation of each layer, |
| or get the gradient of all of the weights. |
| These libraries have the same problem: |
| the more generic operations the library has to support, |
| the less optimization (memory sharing) you can do, |
| based on the same data structure. |
| |
| As you can see, the trade-off between restriction |
| and flexibility is the same for most cases. |
| |
| ### Model Checkpoint |
| |
| It's important to able to save a model and load it back later. |
| There are different ways to *save* your work. |
| Normally, to save a neural network, |
| you need to save two things: a net configuration |
| for the structure of the neural network and the weights of the neural network. |
| |
| The ability to check the configuration is a plus for symbolic programs. |
| Because the symbolic construction phase does not perform computation, |
| you can directly serialize the computation graph, and load it back later. |
| This solves the problem of saving the configuration |
| without introducing an additional layer. |
| |
| ```python |
| A = Variable('A') |
| B = Variable('B') |
| C = B * A |
| D = C + Constant(1) |
| D.save('mygraph') |
| ... |
| D2 = load('mygraph') |
| f = compile([D2]) |
| # more operations |
| ... |
| ``` |
| |
| Because an imperative program executes as it describes the computation, |
| you have to save the code itself as the ```configuration```, |
| or build another configuration layer on top of the imperative language. |
| |
| ### Parameter Updates |
| |
| Most symbolic programs are data flow (computation) graphs. |
| Data flow graphs describe computation. |
| But it's not obvious how to use graphs to describe parameter updates. |
| That's because parameter updates introduce mutation, |
| which is not a data flow concept. |
| Most symbolic programs introduce a special update statement |
| to update persistent state in the programs. |
| |
| It's usually easier to write parameter updates in an imperative style, |
| especially when you need multiple updates that relate to each other. |
| For symbolic programs, the update statement is also executed as you call it. |
| So in that sense, most symbolic deep learning libraries |
| fall back on the imperative approach to perform updates, |
| while using the symbolic approach to perform gradient calculation. |
| |
| ### There Is No Strict Boundary |
| |
| In comparing the two programming styles, |
| some of our arguments might not be strictly true, |
| i.e., it's possible to make an imperative program |
| more like a traditional symbolic program or vice versa. |
| However, the two archetypes are useful abstractions, |
| especially for understanding the differences between deep learning libraries. |
| We might reasonably conclude that there is no clear boundary between programming styles. |
| For example, you can create a just-in-time (JIT) compiler in Python |
| to compile imperative Python programs, |
| which provides some of the advantages of global |
| information held in symbolic programs. |
| |
| |
| ## Big vs. Small Operations |
| |
| When designing a deep learning library, another important programming model decision |
| is precisely what operations to support. |
| In general, there are two families of operations supported by most deep learning libraries: |
| |
| - Big operations - typically for computing neural network layers (e.g. FullyConnected and BatchNormalize). |
| - Small operations - mathematical functions like matrix multiplication and element-wise addition. |
| |
| Libraries like CXXNet and Caffe support layer-level operations. |
| Libraries like Theano and Minerva support fine-grained operations. |
| |
| ### Smaller Operations Can Be More Flexible |
| It's quite natural to use smaller operations to compose bigger operations. |
| For example, the sigmoid unit can simply be composed of division, addition and an exponentiation: |
| |
| ```python |
| sigmoid(x) = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-x)) |
| ``` |
| Using smaller operations as building blocks, you can express nearly anything you want. |
| If you're more familiar with CXXNet- or Caffe-style layers, |
| note that these operations don't differ from a layer, except that they are smaller. |
| |
| ```python |
| SigmoidLayer(x) = EWiseDivisionLayer(1.0, AddScalarLayer(ExpLayer(-x), 1.0)) |
| ``` |
| This expression composes three layers, |
| with each defining its forward and backward (gradient) function. |
| Using smaller operations gives you the advantage of building new layers quickly, |
| because you only need to compose the components. |
| |
| ### Big Operations Are More Efficient |
| Directly composing sigmoid layers requires three layers of operation, instead of one. |
| |
| ```python |
| SigmoidLayer(x) = EWiseDivisionLayer(1.0, AddScalarLayer(ExpLayer(-x), 1.0)) |
| ``` |
| This code creates overhead for computation and memory (which could be optimized, with cost). |
| |
| Libraries like CXXNet and Caffe take a different approach. |
| To support coarse-grained operations, |
| such as BatchNormalization and the SigmoidLayer directly, |
| in each layer, the calculation kernel is hand crafted |
| with one or only some CUDA kernel launches. |
| This makes these implementations more efficient. |
| |
| ### Compilation and Optimization |
| |
| Can small operations be optimized? Of course, they can. |
| Let's look at the system optimization part of the compilation engine. |
| Two types of optimization can be performed on the computation graph: |
| |
| - Memory allocation optimization, to reuse the memory of the intermediate computations. |
| - Operator fusion, to detect sub-graph patterns, such as the sigmoid, and fuse them into a bigger operation kernel. |
| |
| Memory allocation optimization isn't restricted to small operations graphs. |
| You can use it with bigger operations graph, too. |
| However, optimization might not be essential |
| for bigger operation libraries like CXXNet and Caffe, |
| because you can't find the compilation step in them. |
| However, there's a (dumb) ```compilation step``` in these libraries, |
| that basically translates the layers into a fixed forward, |
| backprop execution plan, by running each operation one by one. |
| |
| For computation graphs with smaller operations, |
| these optimizations are crucial to performance. |
| Because the operations are small, |
| there are many sub-graph patterns that can be matched. |
| Also, because the final, generated operations |
| might not be enumerable, |
| an explicit recompilation of the kernels is required, |
| as opposed to the fixed amount of precompiled kernels |
| in the big operation libraries. |
| This creates compilation overhead for the symbolic libraries |
| that support small operations. |
| Requiring compilation optimization also creates engineering overhead |
| for the libraries that solely support smaller operations. |
| |
| As in the case of symbolic vs. imperative, |
| the bigger operation libraries "cheat" |
| by asking you to provide restrictions (to the common layer), |
| so that you actually perform the sub-graph matching. |
| This moves the compilation overhead to the real brain, which is usually not too bad. |
| |
| ### Expression Template and Statically Typed Language |
| You always have a need to write small operations and compose them. |
| Libraries like Caffe use hand-crafted kernels to build these bigger blocks. |
| Otherwise, you would have to compose smaller operations using Python. |
| |
| There's a third choice that works pretty well. |
| This is called the expression template. |
| Basically, you use template programming to |
| generate generic kernels from an expression tree at compile time. |
| For details, see [Expression Template Tutorial](https://github.com/dmlc/mshadow/blob/master/guide/exp-template/README.md). |
| CXXNet makes extensive use of an expression template, |
| which enables creating much shorter and more readable code that matches |
| the performance of hand-crafted kernels. |
| |
| The difference between using an expression template and Python kernel generation |
| is that expression evaluation is done at compile time for C++ with an existing type, |
| so there is no additional runtime overhead. |
| In principle, this is also possible with other statically typed languages that support templates, |
| but we've seen this trick used only in C++. |
| |
| Expression template libraries create a middle ground between Python operations |
| and hand-crafted big kernels by allowing C++ users to craft efficient big |
| operations by composing smaller operations. It's an option worth considering. |
| |
| ## Mix the Approaches |
| |
| Now that we've compared the programming models, which one should you choose? |
| Before delving into that, we should emphasize that depending on the problems you're trying to solve, |
| our comparison might not necessarily have a big impact. |
| |
| Remember [Amdahl's law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amdahl%27s_law): |
| If you are optimizing a non-performance-critical part of your problem, |
| you won't get much of a performance gain. |
| |
| As you've seen, there usually is a trade-off between efficiency, |
| flexibility, and engineering complexity. |
| The more suitable programming style depends on the problem you are trying to solve. |
| For example, imperative programs are better for parameter updates, |
| and symbolic programs for gradient calculation. |
| |
| We advocate *mixing* the approaches. |
| Sometimes the part that we want to be flexible |
| isn't crucial to performance. |
| In these cases, it's okay to leave some efficiency on the table |
| to support more flexible interfaces. |
| In machine learning, combining methods usually works better than using just one. |
| |
| If you can combine the programming models correctly, |
| you can get better results than when using a single programming model. |
| In this section, we discuss how to do so. |
| |
| ### Symbolic and Imperative Programs |
| There are two ways to mix symbolic and imperative programs: |
| |
| - Use imperative programs within symbolic programs as callbacks |
| - Use symbolic programs as part of imperative programs |
| |
| We've observed that it's usually helpful to write parameter updates imperatively, |
| and perform gradient calculations in symbolic programs. |
| |
| Symbolic libraries already mix programs because Python itself is imperative. |
| For example, the following program mixes the symbolic approach with NumPy, which is imperative. |
| |
| ```python |
| A = Variable('A') |
| B = Variable('B') |
| C = B * A |
| D = C + Constant(1) |
| # compiles the function |
| f = compile(D) |
| d = f(A=np.ones(10), B=np.ones(10)*2) |
| d = d + 1.0 |
| ``` |
| The symbolic graphs are compiled into a function that can be executed imperatively. |
| The internals are a black box to the user. |
| This is exactly like writing C++ programs and exposing them to Python, which we commonly do. |
| |
| Because parameter memory resides on the GPU, |
| you might not want to use NumPy as an imperative component. |
| Supporting a GPU-compatible imperative library |
| that interacts with symbolic compiled functions |
| or provides a limited amount of updating syntax |
| in the update statement in symbolic program execution |
| might be a better choice. |
| |
| ### Small and Big Operations |
| |
| There might be a good reason to combine small and big operations. |
| Consider applications that perform tasks such as changing |
| a loss function or adding a few customized layers to an existing structure. |
| Usually, you can use big operations to compose existing |
| components, and use smaller operations to build the new parts. |
| |
| Recall Amdahl's law. Often, the new components |
| are not the cause of the computation bottleneck. |
| Because the performance-critical part is already optimized by |
| the bigger operations, it's okay to forego optimizing the additional small operations, |
| or to do a limited amount of memory optimization instead |
| of operation fusion and directly running them. |
| |
| ### Choose Your Own Approach |
| |
| In this document, we compared multiple approaches |
| to developing programming environments for deep learning. |
| We compared both the usability and efficiency implications of each, |
| finding that many of these trade-offs (like imperative vs symbolic aren't necessarily black and white). |
| You can choose your approach, or combine the approaches |
| to create more interesting and intelligent deep learning libraries. |
| |
| ## Contribute to Apache MXNet |
| |
| This document is part of our effort to provide [open-source system design notes](overview) |
| for deep learning libraries. If you're interested in contributing to Apache MXNet or its |
| documentation, [fork us on GitHub](http://github.com/apache/mxnet). |
| |
| ## Next Steps |
| |
| * [Dependency Engine for Deep Learning](note_engine) |
| * [Squeeze the Memory Consumption of Deep Learning](note_memory) |
| * [Efficient Data Loading Module for Deep Learning](note_data_loading) |