tree: a591f8fd0dc0c3ab80aa3a573356d0146e266784 [path history] [tgz]
  1. cuda/
  2. extension/
  3. packet/
  4. base.h
  5. bfloat.h
  6. dot_engine-inl.h
  7. expr_engine-inl.h
  8. expr_scalar-inl.h
  9. expression.h
  10. extension.h
  11. half.h
  12. io.h
  13. packet-inl.h
  14. random.h
  16. stream_gpu-inl.h
  17. tensor.h
  18. tensor_container.h
  19. tensor_cpu-inl.h
  20. tensor_gpu-inl.h

Code Guide

This readme contains notes about code in mshadow. MShadow generally follows Google's C++ Style.


  • Basically, all the files ends in -inl.h, -inl.cuh are implementations, and can be ignored if only using mshadow
  • The files ends in .h are heavily commented with doxyen format, and can be used to generate the corresponding document.