MXNet Java Sample Project

This is a project demonstrating how to use the Maven published Scala/Java MXNet package. The examples provided include:

  • Hello World
  • NDArray creation
  • NDArray operation
  • Object Detection using the Inference API
  • Image Classification using the Predictor API


You are required to use Maven to build the package with the following commands under java-demo:

mvn package

This command will pick the default values specified in the pom file.

Note: If you are planning to use GPU, please add -Dmxnet.profile=linux-x86_64-gpu

Note: The Maven package is built with CUDA 9.2.

Use customized version set

You can use the following instruction as an alternative to achieve the same result: You may use mvn package to build the package, using the following commands:

mvn package -Dmxnet.profile=$SCALA_PKG_PROFILE \

These environment variable (SCALA_PKG_PROFILE, SCALA_VERSION_PROFILE) should be set before executing the line above. The SCALA_PKG_PROFILE should be chosen from osx-x86_64-cpu, linux-x86_64-cpu or linux-x86_64-gpu.



The Scala file is being executed using Java. You can execute the NDArrayCreation example as follows:

bash bin/

You can also run the following command manually:

java -cp $CLASSPATH sample.NDArrayCreation

However, you have to define the Classpath before you run the demo code. More information can be found in bin/ The CLASSPATH should point to the jar file you have downloaded.

It will load the library automatically and run the example

In order to use the Param Object. We requires user to place this line in the front:

static NDArray$ NDArray = NDArray$.MODULE$;

It would help to have the NDArray companion object static and accessable from the outside.

Object Detection using Inference API

We also provide an example to do object detection, which downloads a ImageNet trained resnet50 model and runs inference on an image to return the classification result as

Class: car
Probabilties: 0.99847263
Coord:312.21335, 72.02908, 456.01443, 150.66176
Class: bicycle
Probabilties: 0.9047381
Coord:155.9581, 149.96365, 383.83694, 418.94516
Class: dog
Probabilties: 0.82268167
Coord:83.82356, 179.14001, 206.63783, 476.78754

you can run using the command shown below:

bash bin/

or the command below as an alternative

java -cp $CLASSPATH sample.ObjectDetection

If you want to test run on GPU, you can set a environment variable as follows:


Clean up

Clean up for Maven package is simple:

mvn clean

Convert to Eclipse project (Optional)

You can convert the maven project to the eclipse one by running the following command:

mvn eclipse:eclipse

Q & A

If you are facing opencv issue on Ubuntu, please try as follows to install opencv 3.4 (required by 1.2.0 package and above)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:timsc/opencv-3.4
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install libopencv-imgcodecs3.4

Is there any other version available?

You can find nightly release version from here. Please keep the same version in the pom file or other versions in here to run this demo.