CI Infra updates (#19903)

This PR makes a number of changes to make it more stable:

    Remove SafeDocker client which uses python docker package to run containers. Change to use "docker run" command directly using, because the python-docker client does not support a gpus parameter which newer docker versions use and we don't get timeout issues when using the docker command directly. This will allow us to update our AMIs to use newer docker versions.
    In order to support both docker variants simultaneously, we first try to use the --gpus all parameter to docker run, if it fails with error code 125 (which means docker run command itself failed,) then we retry using the old --runtime nvidia parameter.
    Remove the extra custom codecov calls (which usually fail and have to retry multiple times, even though the initial codecov command works.)
diff --git a/ci/Jenkinsfile_utils.groovy b/ci/Jenkinsfile_utils.groovy
index f679cc3..a77ab1c 100644
--- a/ci/Jenkinsfile_utils.groovy
+++ b/ci/Jenkinsfile_utils.groovy
@@ -112,20 +112,7 @@
 def publish_test_coverage() {
-    // CodeCovs auto detection has trouble with our CIs PR validation due the merging strategy
-    git_commit_hash = get_git_commit_hash()
-    if (env.CHANGE_ID) {
-      // PR execution
-      codecovArgs = "-B ${env.CHANGE_TARGET} -C ${git_commit_hash} -P ${env.CHANGE_ID}"
-    } else {
-      // Branch execution
-      codecovArgs = "-B ${env.BRANCH_NAME} -C ${git_commit_hash}"
-    }
-    // To make sure we never fail because test coverage reporting is not available
-    // Fall back to our own copy of the bash helper if it failed to download the public version
-    sh "(curl --retry 10 -s | bash -s - ${codecovArgs}) || (curl --retry 10 -s | bash -s - ${codecovArgs}) || true"
+    sh "curl -s | bash"
 def collect_test_results_unix(original_file_name, new_file_name) {
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index 1e9e23f..f7e8a9e 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
 import yaml
-from safe_docker_run import SafeDockerClient
 from util import *
@@ -104,8 +103,7 @@
     return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".ccache")
-def container_run(docker_client: SafeDockerClient,
-                  platform: str,
+def container_run(platform: str,
                   nvidia_runtime: bool,
                   docker_registry: str,
                   shared_memory_size: str,
@@ -114,17 +112,12 @@
                   environment: Dict[str, str],
                   dry_run: bool = False) -> int:
     """Run command in a container"""
-    container_wait_s = 600
-    #
-    # Environment setup
-    #
+    # set default environment variables
         'CCACHE_MAXSIZE': '500G',
         'CCACHE_TEMPDIR': '/tmp/ccache',  # temp dir should be local and not shared
-        'CCACHE_DIR': '/work/ccache',  # this path is inside the container as /work/ccache is
-                                       # mounted
-        'CCACHE_LOGFILE': '/tmp/ccache.log',  # a container-scoped log, useful for ccache
-                                              # verification.
+        'CCACHE_DIR': '/work/ccache',  # this path is inside the container as /work/ccache is mounted
+        'CCACHE_LOGFILE': '/tmp/ccache.log',  # a container-scoped log, useful for ccache verification.
     environment.update({k: os.environ[k] for k in ['CCACHE_MAXSIZE'] if k in os.environ})
@@ -136,13 +129,9 @@
     os.makedirs(local_ccache_dir, exist_ok=True)"Using ccache directory: %s", local_ccache_dir)
-    # Equivalent command
-    docker_cmd_list = [
-        "docker",
-        'run',
-        "--gpus all" if nvidia_runtime else "",
-        "--cap-add",
-        "SYS_PTRACE", # Required by ASAN
+    # Build docker command
+    docker_arg_list = [
+        "--cap-add", "SYS_PTRACE", # Required by ASAN
         # mount mxnet root
@@ -158,40 +147,27 @@
         '-e', "CCACHE_DIR={}".format(environment['CCACHE_DIR']),
         # a container-scoped log, useful for ccache verification.
         '-e', "CCACHE_LOGFILE={}".format(environment['CCACHE_LOGFILE']),
-        '-ti',
-        tag]
-    docker_cmd_list.extend(command)
-    docker_cmd = ' \\\n\t'.join(docker_cmd_list)
-"Running %s in container %s", command, tag)
-"Executing the equivalent of:\n%s\n", docker_cmd)
+    ]
+    docker_arg_list += [tag]
+    docker_arg_list.extend(command)
+    def docker_run_cmd(cmd):
+"Running %s in container %s", command, tag)
+"Executing command:\n%s\n", ' \\\n\t'.join(cmd))
+, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, check=True)
     if not dry_run:
-        #############################
-        #
-        signal.pthread_sigmask(signal.SIG_BLOCK, {signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM})
-        # noinspection PyShadowingNames
-        runtime = None
-        if nvidia_runtime:
-            # noinspection PyShadowingNames
-            # runc is default (docker info | grep -i runtime)
-            runtime = 'nvidia'
+        if not nvidia_runtime:
+            docker_run_cmd(['docker', 'run'] + docker_arg_list)
+        else:
+            try:
+                docker_run_cmd(['docker', 'run', '--gpus', 'all'] + docker_arg_list)
+            except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+                if e.returncode == 125:
+                    docker_run_cmd(['docker', 'run', '--runtime', 'nvidia'] + docker_arg_list)
+                else:
+                    raise
-        return
-            tag,
-            runtime=runtime,
-            command=command,
-            shm_size=shared_memory_size,
-            user='{}:{}'.format(os.getuid(), os.getgid()),
-            cap_add='SYS_PTRACE',
-            volumes={
-                mx_root:
-                    {'bind': '/work/mxnet', 'mode': 'rw'},
-                local_build_folder:
-                    {'bind': '/work/build', 'mode': 'rw'},
-                local_ccache_dir:
-                    {'bind': '/work/ccache', 'mode': 'rw'},
-            },
-            environment=environment)
     return 0
@@ -292,8 +268,6 @@
     args = parser.parse_args()
     command = list(chain.from_iterable(args.command))
-    docker_client = SafeDockerClient()
     environment = dict([(e.split('=')[:2] if '=' in e else (e, os.environ[e]))
                         for e in args.environment])
@@ -318,13 +292,13 @@
         ret = 0
         if command:
             ret = container_run(
-                docker_client=docker_client, platform=platform, nvidia_runtime=args.nvidiadocker,
+                platform=platform, nvidia_runtime=args.nvidiadocker,
                 shared_memory_size=args.shared_memory_size, command=command, docker_registry=args.docker_registry,
                 local_ccache_dir=args.ccache_dir, environment=environment)
         elif args.print_docker_run:
             command = []
             ret = container_run(
-                docker_client=docker_client, platform=platform, nvidia_runtime=args.nvidiadocker,
+                platform=platform, nvidia_runtime=args.nvidiadocker,
                 shared_memory_size=args.shared_memory_size, command=command, docker_registry=args.docker_registry,
                 local_ccache_dir=args.ccache_dir, dry_run=True, environment=environment)
@@ -332,7 +306,7 @@
             command = ["/work/mxnet/ci/docker/", "build_{}".format(platform)]
   "No command specified, trying default build: %s", ' '.join(command))
             ret = container_run(
-                docker_client=docker_client, platform=platform, nvidia_runtime=args.nvidiadocker,
+                platform=platform, nvidia_runtime=args.nvidiadocker,
                 shared_memory_size=args.shared_memory_size, command=command, docker_registry=args.docker_registry,
                 local_ccache_dir=args.ccache_dir, environment=environment)
@@ -340,7 +314,6 @@
             logging.critical("Execution of %s failed with status: %d", command, ret)
             return ret
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
deleted file mode 100644
index e014e87..0000000
--- a/ci/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-Docker command wrapper to guard against Zombie containers
-import argparse
-import atexit
-import logging
-import os
-import signal
-import sys
-from functools import reduce
-from itertools import chain
-from typing import Dict, Any
-import docker
-from docker.errors import NotFound
-from docker.models.containers import Container
-from util import config_logging
-class SafeDockerClient:
-    """
-    A wrapper around the docker client to ensure that no zombie containers are left hanging around
-    in case the script is not allowed to finish normally
-    """
-    @staticmethod
-    def _trim_container_id(cid):
-        """:return: trimmed container id"""
-        return cid[:12]
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._docker_client = docker.from_env(timeout=None)
-        self._containers = set()
-        self._docker_stop_timeout = DOCKER_STOP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS
-        self._container_wait_seconds = CONTAINER_WAIT_SECONDS
-        def signal_handler(signum, _):
-            signal.pthread_sigmask(signal.SIG_BLOCK, {signum})
-            logging.warning("Signal %d received, cleaning up...", signum)
-            self._clean_up()
-            logging.warning("done. Exiting with error.")
-            sys.exit(1)
-        atexit.register(self._clean_up)
-        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler)
-        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
-    def _clean_up(self):
-        if self._containers:
-            logging.warning("Cleaning up containers")
-        else:
-            return
-        # noinspection PyBroadException
-        try:
-            stop_timeout = int(os.environ.get("DOCKER_STOP_TIMEOUT", self._docker_stop_timeout))
-        except Exception:
-            stop_timeout = 3
-        for container in self._containers:
-            try:
-                container.stop(timeout=stop_timeout)
-      "☠: stopped container %s", self._trim_container_id(
-                container.remove()
-      "🚽: removed container %s", self._trim_container_id(
-            except Exception as e:
-                logging.exception(e)
-        self._containers.clear()
-"Cleaning up containers finished.")
-    def _add_container(self, container: Container) -> Container:
-        self._containers.add(container)
-        return container
-    def _remove_container(self, container: Container):
-        self._containers.remove(container)
-    def run(self, *args, **kwargs) -> int:
-        if "detach" in kwargs and kwargs.get("detach") is False:
-            raise ValueError("Can only safe run with 'detach' set to True")
-        else:
-            kwargs["detach"] = True
-        # These variables are passed to the container so the process tree killer can find runaway
-        # process inside the container
-        #
-        #
-        if "environment" not in kwargs:
-            kwargs["environment"] = {}
-        jenkins_env_vars = ["BUILD_NUMBER", "BUILD_ID", "BUILD_TAG"]
-        kwargs["environment"].update({k: os.environ[k] for k in jenkins_env_vars if k in os.environ})
-        ret = 0
-        try:
-            # Race condition:
-            # If the call to is interrupted, it is possible that
-            # the container won't be cleaned up. We avoid this by temporarily masking the signals.
-            signal.pthread_sigmask(signal.SIG_BLOCK, {signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM})
-            container = self._add_container(*args, **kwargs))
-            signal.pthread_sigmask(signal.SIG_UNBLOCK, {signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM})
-  "Started container: %s", self._trim_container_id(
-            stream = container.logs(stream=True, stdout=True, stderr=True)
-            sys.stdout.flush()
-            for chunk in stream:
-                sys.stdout.buffer.write(chunk)
-                sys.stdout.buffer.flush()
-            sys.stdout.flush()
-            stream.close()
-            try:
-      "Waiting for status of container %s for %d s.",
-                             self._trim_container_id(,
-                             self._container_wait_seconds)
-                wait_result = container.wait(timeout=self._container_wait_seconds)
-      "Container exit status: %s", wait_result)
-                ret = wait_result.get('StatusCode', 200)
-                if ret != 0:
-                    logging.error("Container exited with an error 😞")
-          "Executed command for reproduction:\n\n%s\n", " ".join(sys.argv))
-                else:
-          "Container exited with success 👍")
-          "Executed command for reproduction:\n\n%s\n", " ".join(sys.argv))
-            except Exception as err:
-                logging.exception(err)
-                return 150
-            try:
-      "Stopping container: %s", self._trim_container_id(
-                container.stop()
-            except Exception as e:
-                logging.exception(e)
-                ret = 151
-            try:
-      "Removing container: %s", self._trim_container_id(
-                container.remove()
-            except Exception as e:
-                logging.exception(e)
-                ret = 152
-            self._remove_container(container)
-            containers = self._docker_client.containers.list()
-            if containers:
-      "Other running containers: %s", [self._trim_container_id( for x in containers])
-        except NotFound as e:
-  "Container was stopped before cleanup started: %s", e)
-        return ret
-def _volume_mount(volume_dfn: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    """
-    Converts docker volume mount format, e.g. docker run --volume /local/path:/container/path:ro
-    to an object understood by the python docker library, e.g. {"local/path": {"bind": "/container/path", "mode": "ro"}}
-    This is used by the argparser for automatic conversion and input validation.
-    If the mode is not specified, 'rw' is assumed.
-    :param volume_dfn: A string to convert to a volume mount object in the format <local path>:<container path>[:ro|rw]
-    :return: An object in the form {"<local path>" : {"bind": "<container path>", "mode": "rw|ro"}}
-    """
-    if volume_dfn is None:
-        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Missing value for volume definition")
-    parts = volume_dfn.split(":")
-    if len(parts) < 2 or len(parts) > 3:
-        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Invalid volume definition {}".format(volume_dfn))
-    mode = "rw"
-    if len(parts) == 3:
-        mode = parts[2]
-    if mode not in ["rw", "ro"]:
-        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Invalid volume mount mode {} in volume definition {}".format(mode, volume_dfn))
-    return {parts[0]: {"bind": parts[1], "mode": mode}}
-def main(command_line_arguments):
-    config_logging()
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description="""Wrapper around docker run that protects against Zombie containers""", epilog="")
-    parser.add_argument("-u", "--user",
-                        help="Username or UID (format: <name|uid>[:<group|gid>])",
-                        default=None)
-    parser.add_argument("-v", "--volume",
-                        action='append',
-                        type=_volume_mount,
-                        help="Bind mount a volume",
-                        default=[])
-    parser.add_argument("--cap-add",
-                        help="Add Linux capabilities",
-                        action="append",
-                        type=str,
-                        default=[])
-    parser.add_argument("--runtime",
-                        help="Runtime to use for this container",
-                        default=None)
-    parser.add_argument("--name",
-                        help="Assign a name to the container",
-                        default=None)
-    parser.add_argument("image", metavar="IMAGE")
-    parser.add_argument("command", metavar="COMMAND")
-    parser.add_argument("args", nargs='*', metavar="ARG")
-    args = parser.parse_args(args=command_line_arguments)
-    docker_client = SafeDockerClient()
-    return, **{
-        "command": " ".join(list(chain([args.command] + args.args))),
-        "user": args.user,
-        "runtime": args.runtime,
-        "name":,
-        "volumes": reduce(lambda dct, v: {**dct, **v}, args.volume, {}),
-        "cap_add": args.cap_add
-    })
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a46d9b..0000000
--- a/ci/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-Safe docker run tests
-import itertools
-import os
-import signal
-import unittest
-from typing import Optional
-from unittest.mock import create_autospec, patch, call
-from docker import DockerClient
-from docker.models.containers import Container, ContainerCollection
-from safe_docker_run import SafeDockerClient, main
-def create_mock_container(status_code: int = 0):
-    """
-    Creates a mock docker container that exits with the specified status code
-    """
-    mock_container = create_autospec(Container, name="mock_container")
-    mock_container.wait.return_value = {
-        "StatusCode": status_code
-    }
-    return mock_container
-def create_mock_container_collection(container: Container):
-    """
-    Creates a mock ContainerCollection that return the supplied container when the 'run' method is called
-    """
-    mock_container_collection = create_autospec(ContainerCollection, name="mock_collection")
- = container
-    return mock_container_collection
-class MockDockerClient:
-    """
-    A mock DockerClient when docker.from_env is called
-    The supplied container will be returned when the method is called
-    """
-    def __init__(self, container: Container):
-        self._mock_client = create_autospec(DockerClient, name="mock_client")
-        self._mock_client.containers = create_mock_container_collection(container)
-        self._patch = patch("docker.from_env", return_value=self._mock_client)
-    def __enter__(self):
-        self._patch.start()
-        return self._mock_client
-    def __exit__(self, _, __, ___):
-        self._patch.stop()
-class TestSafeDockerRun(unittest.TestCase):
-    @patch("safe_docker_run.signal.pthread_sigmask")
-    @patch.dict(os.environ, {
-        "BUILD_ID": "BUILD_ID_1",
-        "BUILD_TAG": "BUILD_TAG_7"
-    })
-    def test_run_successful(self, mock_pthread_sigmask):
-        """
-        Tests successful run
-        """
-        mock_container = create_mock_container()
-        with MockDockerClient(mock_container) as mock_client:
-            safe_docker = SafeDockerClient()
-            # Check return code is 0
-            assert"image", "command") == 0
-            # Check call to container is correct
-            assert == [
-                call("image", "command", detach=True, environment={
-                    "BUILD_NUMBER": "BUILD_NUMBER_5",
-                    "BUILD_ID": "BUILD_ID_1",
-                    "BUILD_TAG": "BUILD_TAG_7"
-                })
-            ]
-            # Check correct signals are blocked then unblocked
-            assert mock_pthread_sigmask.call_args_list == [
-                call(signal.SIG_BLOCK, {signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM}),
-                call(signal.SIG_UNBLOCK, {signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM})
-            ]
-            # Assert container is stopped and removed
-            assert mock_container.stop.call_count == 1
-            assert mock_container.remove.call_count == 1
-            assert len(safe_docker._containers) == 0
-    def test_run_detach(self):
-        """
-        Tests detach=True is passed to the underlying call by default
-        """
-        mock_container = create_mock_container()
-        # Test detach=True is passed in even if not specified
-        with MockDockerClient(mock_container) as mock_client:
-            safe_docker = SafeDockerClient()
-            assert"image", "command") == 0
-            assert == 1
-            _, kwargs =
-            assert kwargs["detach"] is True
-        # Test passing in detach=True does not cause any issues
-        with MockDockerClient(mock_container) as mock_client:
-            safe_docker = SafeDockerClient()
-            assert"image", "command", detach=True) == 0
-            assert == 1
-            _, kwargs =
-            assert kwargs["detach"] is True
-        # Test detach=False fails
-        with MockDockerClient(mock_container) as mock_client:
-            safe_docker = SafeDockerClient()
-            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-      "image", "command", detach=False)
-                assert == []
-    def test_jenkins_vars(self):
-        """
-        Tests jenkins environment variables are appropriately passed to the underlying docker run call
-        """
-        # NOTE: It's important that these variables are passed to the underlying docker container
-        # These variables are passed to the container so the process tree killer can find runaway
-        # process inside the container
-        #
-        #
-        jenkins_vars = {
-            "BUILD_NUMBER": "BUILD_NUMBER_5",
-            "BUILD_ID": "BUILD_ID_1",
-            "BUILD_TAG": "BUILD_TAG_7"
-        }
-        mock_container = create_mock_container()
-        # Test environment is empty if the jenkins vars are not present
-        with MockDockerClient(mock_container) as mock_client:
-            safe_docker = SafeDockerClient()
-            assert"image", "command") == 0
-            assert == 1
-            _, kwargs =
-            assert kwargs["environment"] == {}
-        # Test environment contains jenkins env vars if they are present
-        with MockDockerClient(mock_container) as mock_client:
-            with patch.dict(os.environ, jenkins_vars):
-                safe_docker = SafeDockerClient()
-                assert"image", "command") == 0
-                assert == 1
-                _, kwargs =
-                assert kwargs["environment"] == jenkins_vars
-        # Test jenkins env vars are added to callers env vars
-        user_env = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}
-        with MockDockerClient(mock_container) as mock_client:
-            with patch.dict(os.environ, jenkins_vars):
-                safe_docker = SafeDockerClient()
-                assert"image", "command", environment=user_env) == 0
-                assert == 1
-                _, kwargs =
-                assert kwargs["environment"] == {**jenkins_vars, **user_env}
-    def test_run_args_kwargs_passed(self):
-        """
-        Tests args and kwargs are passed to the container run call
-        """
-        mock_container = create_mock_container()
-        # Test detach=True is passed in even if not specified
-        with MockDockerClient(mock_container) as mock_client:
-            safe_docker = SafeDockerClient()
-            assert
-                "image",
-                "command",
-                "another_arg",
-                str_param="value",
-                bool_param=True,
-                none_param=None,
-                int_param=5,
-                float_param=5.2,
-                list_param=["this", "is", "a", "list"],
-                map_param={
-                    "a": "5",
-                    "b": True,
-                    "c": 2
-                }) == 0
-            assert == [
-                call(
-                    "image",
-                    "command",
-                    "another_arg",
-                    detach=True,
-                    environment={},
-                    str_param="value",
-                    bool_param=True,
-                    none_param=None,
-                    int_param=5,
-                    float_param=5.2,
-                    list_param=["this", "is", "a", "list"],
-                    map_param={
-                        "a": "5",
-                        "b": True,
-                        "c": 2
-                    }
-                )
-            ]
-    def test_container_returns_non_zero_status_code(self):
-        """
-        Tests non-zero code from container is returned and the container
-        is cleaned up
-        """
-        mock_container = create_mock_container(status_code=10)
-        with MockDockerClient(mock_container):
-            safe_docker = SafeDockerClient()
-            # check return code and that container gets cleaned up
-            assert"image", "command") == 10
-            assert mock_container.stop.call_count == 1
-            assert mock_container.remove.call_count == 1
-            assert len(safe_docker._containers) == 0
-    def test_container_wait_raises_returns_150(self):
-        """
-        Tests 150 is returned if an error is raised when calling container.wait
-        """
-        mock_container = create_mock_container()
-        mock_container.wait.side_effect = RuntimeError("Something bad happened")
-        with MockDockerClient(mock_container):
-            safe_docker = SafeDockerClient()
-            assert"image", "command") == 150
-    def test_container_stop_raises_returns_151(self):
-        """
-        Tests 151 is returned if an error is raised when calling container.stop
-        """
-        mock_container = create_mock_container()
-        mock_container.stop.side_effect = RuntimeError("Something bad happened")
-        with MockDockerClient(mock_container):
-            safe_docker = SafeDockerClient()
-            assert"image", "command") == 151
-    def test_container_remove_raises_returns_152(self):
-        """
-        Tests 152 is returned if an error is raised when calling container.remove
-        """
-        mock_container = create_mock_container()
-        mock_container.remove.side_effect = RuntimeError("Something bad happened")
-        with MockDockerClient(mock_container):
-            safe_docker = SafeDockerClient()
-            assert"image", "command") == 152
-    def test_main(self):
-        """
-        Tests main function against different command line arguments
-        """
-        tests = [
-            # ( supplied command line arguments, expected call )
-            (
-                ["image", "command"],
-                call("image", command="command", runtime=None, user=None, name=None, volumes={}, cap_add=[])
-            ),
-            (
-                ["image", "command", "arg1", "arg2"],
-                call("image", command="command arg1 arg2", runtime=None, user=None, name=None, volumes={}, cap_add=[])
-            ),
-            (
-                ["--runtime", "nvidia", "image", "command"],
-                call("image", command="command", runtime="nvidia", user=None, name=None, volumes={}, cap_add=[])
-            ),
-            (
-                ["--user", "1001:1001", "image", "command"],
-                call("image", command="command", runtime=None, user="1001:1001", name=None, volumes={}, cap_add=[])
-            ),
-            ([
-                "--volume", "/local/path1:/container/path1",
-                "--volume", "/local/path2:/container/path2:ro",
-                "image",
-                "command"
-            ], call("image", command="command", runtime=None, user=None, name=None, volumes={
-                "/local/path1": {
-                    "bind": "/container/path1",
-                    "mode": "rw"
-                },
-                "/local/path2": {
-                    "bind": "/container/path2",
-                    "mode": "ro"
-                }
-            }, cap_add=[])),
-            ([
-                "--runtime", "nvidia",
-                "-u", "1001:1001",
-                "-v", "/local/path1:/container/path1",
-                "-v", "/local/path2:/container/path2:ro",
-                "--cap-add", "bob",
-                "--cap-add", "jimmy",
-                "--name",
-                "container_name",
-                "image",
-                "command",
-                "arg1",
-                "arg2"
-            ], call(
-                "image",
-                command="command arg1 arg2",
-                runtime="nvidia",
-                user="1001:1001",
-                name="container_name",
-                volumes={
-                    "/local/path1": {
-                        "bind": "/container/path1",
-                        "mode": "rw"
-                    },
-                    "/local/path2": {
-                        "bind": "/container/path2",
-                        "mode": "ro"
-                    }
-                }, cap_add=["bob", "jimmy"])
-            )
-        ]
-        # Tests valid arguments
-        mock_docker = create_autospec(SafeDockerClient)
- = 0
-        with patch("safe_docker_run.SafeDockerClient", return_value=mock_docker):
-            for test in tests:
-                arguments, expected_call = test
-                main(arguments)
-                assert == expected_call
-        # Tests invalid arguments
-        tests = [
-            [],
-            None,
-            ["image"],
-            # Test some bad volume mounts
-            ["-v", "bob", "image", "args"],
-            ["-v", "/local/path", "image", "args"],
-            ["-v", "/local/path:/container/path:blah", "image", "args"],
-            ["-v", "", "image", "args"],
-            ["-v", "a:b:c:d", "image", "args"]
-        ]
-        mock_docker = create_autospec(SafeDockerClient)
-        with patch("safe_docker_run.SafeDockerClient", return_value=mock_docker):
-            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
-                for test in tests:
-                    main(test)
-    def test_clean_up(self):
-        """
-        Tests container clean up in case of SIGTERM and SIGINT
-        """
-        import subprocess
-        import time
-        import docker.errors
-        docker_client = docker.from_env()
-        container_name = "safedockertestcontainer1234"
-        def get_container(name: str) -> Optional[Container]:
-            try:
-                return docker_client.containers.get(name)
-            except docker.errors.NotFound:
-                return None
-        def remove_container_if_exists(name: str):
-            container = get_container(name)
-            if container:
-                container.stop()
-                container.remove()
-        def wait_for_container(name: str) -> bool:
-            for _ in itertools.count(5):
-                if get_container(name):
-                    return True
-                time.sleep(1)
-            return False
-        # Clear any containers with container name
-        remove_container_if_exists(container_name)
-        # None => not signal is emitted - we should still finish with no containers at the end due
-        # to the atexit
-        for sig in [None, signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT]:
-            # Execute the safe docker run script in a different process
-            proc = subprocess.Popen(['python3','', "--name", container_name, "ubuntu:18.04", "sleep 10"])
-            # NOTE: we need to wait for the container to come up as not all operating systems support blocking signals
-            if wait_for_container(container_name) is False:
-                raise RuntimeError("Test container did not come up")
-            # Issue the signal and wait for the process to finish
-            if sig:
-                proc.send_signal(sig)
-            proc.wait()
-            # The container should no longer exist
-            assert get_container(container_name) is None