blob: 44487d9cad6a275040b98ef24fb45f2872a3999d [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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import itertools
import numpy as np
import itertools
import mxnet as mx
import mxnet.lr_scheduler as lr_scheduler
from mxnet import gluon
import unittest
from import raises
import math
from mxnet.test_utils import *
from common import setup_module, with_seed, teardown
def test_learning_rate():
o1 = mx.optimizer.Optimizer(learning_rate=0.01)
assert o1.learning_rate == 0.2
lr_s = lr_scheduler.FactorScheduler(step=1)
o2 = mx.optimizer.Optimizer(lr_scheduler=lr_s, learning_rate=0.3)
assert o2.learning_rate == 0.3
o2.lr_scheduler.base_lr = 0.4
assert o2.learning_rate == 0.4
def test_learning_rate_expect_user_warning():
lr_s = lr_scheduler.FactorScheduler(step=1)
o = mx.optimizer.Optimizer(lr_scheduler=lr_s, learning_rate=0.3)
def test_lr_wd_mult():
data = mx.sym.Variable('data')
bias = mx.sym.Variable('fc1_bias', lr_mult=1.0)
fc1 = mx.sym.FullyConnected(data=data, bias=bias, name='fc1', num_hidden=10, lr_mult=0)
fc2 = mx.sym.FullyConnected(data=fc1, name='fc2', num_hidden=10, wd_mult=0.5)
mod = mx.mod.Module(symbol=fc2, label_names=None, context=default_context())
mod.bind(data_shapes=[('data', (5,10))])
mod.init_optimizer(optimizer_params={'learning_rate': 1.0})
args1, _ = mod.get_params()
args1 = {k: v.asnumpy() for k, v in args1.items()}
mod.forward([mx.random.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, shape=(5,10))], label=None), is_train=True)
args2, _ = mod.get_params()
args2 = {k: v.asnumpy() for k, v in args2.items()}
assert mod._optimizer.lr_mult == {'fc1_bias': 1.0, 'fc1_weight': 0.0}
assert mod._optimizer.wd_mult == {'fc2_bias': 0.5, 'fc2_weight': 0.5, 'fc1_bias': 0.0}
assert mx.test_utils.almost_equal(args1['fc1_weight'], args2['fc1_weight'], 1e-10)
assert not mx.test_utils.almost_equal(args1['fc1_bias'], args2['fc1_bias'], 1e-1)
assert not mx.test_utils.almost_equal(args1['fc2_weight'], args2['fc2_weight'], 1e-1)
class PySGD(mx.optimizer.Optimizer):
"""python reference implemenation of sgd"""
def __init__(self, learning_rate=0.01, momentum=0.0, multi_precision=False, **kwargs):
super(PySGD, self).__init__(learning_rate=learning_rate, **kwargs)
self.momentum = momentum
self.multi_precision = multi_precision
def create_state(self, index, weight):
"""Create additional optimizer state: momentum
weight : NDArray
The weight data
momentum = None
weight_master_copy = None
do_multi_precision = self.multi_precision and weight.dtype == np.float16
if do_multi_precision:
if self.momentum != 0.0:
momentum = mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context, dtype=np.float32)
weight_master_copy = array(weight, ctx=weight.context, dtype=np.float32)
return (momentum, weight_master_copy)
if self.momentum != 0.0:
momentum = mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context, dtype=weight.dtype)
return momentum
def create_state_multi_precision(self, index, weight):
return self.create_state(index, weight)
def update(self, index, weight, grad, state):
"""Update the parameters.
index : int
An unique integer key used to index the parameters
weight : NDArray
weight ndarray
grad : NDArray
grad ndarray
state : NDArray or other objects returned by init_state
The auxiliary state used in optimization.
lr = self._get_lr(index)
wd = self._get_wd(index)
use_multi_precision = isinstance(state, list) or isinstance(state, tuple)
if not use_multi_precision:
if self.momentum == 0.0:
if self.clip_gradient is not None:
weight[:] = ((1 - lr*wd)*weight -
lr*mx.nd.clip(grad*self.rescale_grad, -self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient))
weight[:] = (1 - lr*wd)*weight - lr*self.rescale_grad*grad
mom = state
if self.clip_gradient is not None:
mom[:] = (self.momentum*mom - lr*wd*weight -
lr*mx.nd.clip(grad*self.rescale_grad, -self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient))
weight += mom
mom[:] = self.momentum*mom - lr*wd*weight - lr*self.rescale_grad*grad
weight += mom
grad32 = array(grad, ctx=grad.context, dtype=np.float32)
mom = state[0]
weight32 = state[1]
if self.momentum == 0.0:
if self.clip_gradient is not None:
weight32[:] = ((1 - lr*wd)*weight32 -
lr*mx.nd.clip(grad32*self.rescale_grad, -self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient))
weight32[:] = (1 - lr*wd)*weight32 - lr*self.rescale_grad*grad32
if self.clip_gradient is not None:
mom[:] = (self.momentum*mom - lr*wd*weight32 -
lr*mx.nd.clip(grad32*self.rescale_grad, -self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient))
weight32 += mom
mom[:] = self.momentum*mom - lr*wd*weight32 - lr*self.rescale_grad*grad32
weight32 += mom
tmp = weight32.astype(weight.dtype)
def update_multi_precision(self, index, weight, grad, state):
self.update(index, weight, grad, state)
def test_sgd():
opt1 = PySGD
opt2 = mx.optimizer.SGD
shape = (3, 4, 5)
mom_options = [{}, {'momentum': 0.9}]
cg_options = [{}, {'clip_gradient': 0.4}, {'clip_gradient': 0.5}]
rg_options = [{}, {'rescale_grad': 0.14}, {'rescale_grad': 0.8}]
wd_options = [{}, {'wd': 0.03}, {'wd': 0.05}, {'wd': 0.07}]
mp_options = [{}, {'multi_precision': False}, {'multi_precision': True}]
for dtype in [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64]:
for mom_option in mom_options:
for cg_option in cg_options:
for rg_option in rg_options:
for wd_option in wd_options:
for mp_option in mp_options:
kwarg = {}
if (dtype == np.float16 and
('multi_precision' not in kwarg or
not kwarg['multi_precision'])):
if dtype == np.float16:
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape, dtype, rtol=1e-3)
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape, dtype)
# test operator fallback on cpu
if dtype != np.float16:
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape[:2],
dtype, w_stype='csr', g_stype='csr')
class PySparseSGD(mx.optimizer.Optimizer):
"""python reference implemenation of sgd"""
def __init__(self, learning_rate=0.01, momentum=0.0, **kwargs):
super(PySparseSGD, self).__init__(learning_rate=learning_rate, **kwargs)
self.momentum = momentum
def create_state(self, index, weight):
"""Create additional optimizer state: momentum
weight : NDArray
The weight data
if self.momentum == 0.0:
return None
return mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context, dtype=weight.dtype)
def update(self, index, weight, grad, state):
"""Update the parameters.
index : int
An unique integer key used to index the parameters
weight : NDArray
weight ndarray
grad : NDArray
grad ndarray
state : NDArray or other objects returned by init_state
The auxiliary state used in optimization.
lr = self._get_lr(index)
wd = self._get_wd(index)
num_rows = weight.shape[0]
if self.momentum == 0.0:
# Update on a per row basis, skip all-zero rows
for row in range(num_rows):
grad_row = grad[row].asnumpy()
all_zeros = mx.test_utils.almost_equal(grad_row, np.zeros_like(grad_row))
if all_zeros:
if self.clip_gradient is not None:
weight[row] = ((1 - lr*wd)*weight[row] -
-self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient))
weight[row] = (1 - lr*wd)*weight[row] - lr*self.rescale_grad*grad[row]
mom = state
for row in range(num_rows):
grad_row = grad[row].asnumpy()
all_zeros = mx.test_utils.almost_equal(grad_row, np.zeros_like(grad_row))
if all_zeros:
if self.clip_gradient is not None:
mom[row] = (self.momentum*mom[row] - lr*wd*weight[row] -
lr*mx.nd.clip(grad[row]*self.rescale_grad, -self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient))
weight[row] += mom[row]
mom[row] = self.momentum*mom[row] - lr*wd*weight[row] - lr*self.rescale_grad*grad[row]
weight[row] += mom[row]
def test_sparse_sgd():
opt1 = PySparseSGD
opt2 = mx.optimizer.SGD
shape = (3, 4, 5)
mom_options = [{}, {'momentum': 0.9}]
cg_options = [{}, {'clip_gradient': 0.4}, {'clip_gradient': 0.5}]
rg_options = [{}, {'rescale_grad': 0.14}, {'rescale_grad': 0.8}]
wd_options = [{}, {'wd': 0.03}, {'wd': 0.05}, {'wd': 0.07}]
mp_options = [{}, {'multi_precision': False}, {'multi_precision': True}]
for dtype in [np.float32]:
for mom_option in mom_options:
for cg_option in cg_options:
for rg_option in rg_options:
for wd_option in wd_options:
for mp_option in mp_options:
kwarg = {}
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape, dtype,
w_stype='row_sparse', g_stype='row_sparse')
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape, dtype,
w_stype='default', g_stype='row_sparse')
def test_std_sparse_sgd():
opt1 = PySGD
opt2 = mx.optimizer.SGD
shape = (3, 4, 5)
mom_options = [{'momentum': 0.0}, {'momentum': 0.9}]
cg_options = [{}, {'clip_gradient': 0.4}, {'clip_gradient': 0.5}]
rg_options = [{}, {'rescale_grad': 0.14}, {'rescale_grad': 0.8}]
wd_options = [{}, {'wd': 0.03}, {'wd': 0.05}, {'wd': 0.07}]
for dtype in [np.float32]:
for mom_option in mom_options:
for cg_option in cg_options:
for rg_option in rg_options:
for wd_option in wd_options:
kwarg = {}
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(lazy_update=False, **kwarg), shape, dtype,
w_stype='row_sparse', g_stype='row_sparse')
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(lazy_update=False, **kwarg), shape, dtype,
w_stype='default', g_stype='row_sparse')
class PyNAG(PySGD):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(PyNAG, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def create_state(self, index, weight):
"""Create additional optimizer state: momentum
weight : NDArray
The weight data
momentum = None
weight_master_copy = None
do_multi_precision = self.multi_precision and weight.dtype == np.float16
if do_multi_precision:
if self.momentum != 0.0:
momentum = mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context, dtype=np.float32)
weight_master_copy = array(weight, ctx=weight.context, dtype=np.float32)
return (momentum, weight_master_copy)
if self.momentum != 0.0:
momentum = mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context, dtype=weight.dtype)
return momentum
def create_state_multi_precision(self, index, weight):
return self.create_state(index, weight)
def update(self, index, weight, grad, state):
"""Update the parameters.
index : int
An unique integer key used to index the parameters
weight : NDArray
weight ndarray
grad : NDArray
grad ndarray
state : NDArray or other objects returned by init_state
The auxiliary state used in optimization.
lr = self._get_lr(index)
wd = self._get_wd(index)
use_multi_precision = isinstance(state, list) or isinstance(state, tuple)
if not use_multi_precision:
grad = grad * self.rescale_grad
if self.clip_gradient is not None:
grad = mx.nd.clip(grad, -self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient)
if self.momentum == 0.0:
weight[:] += -lr * (grad + wd * weight)
mom = state
weight[:] += (self.momentum**2 * mom) - lr*(self.momentum + 1)*(grad + wd*weight)
mom[:] = (self.momentum*mom) - lr*(grad + wd*weight)
grad32 = array(grad, ctx=grad.context, dtype=np.float32)
grad32 = grad32 * self.rescale_grad
if self.clip_gradient is not None:
grad32 = mx.nd.clip(grad32, -self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient)
mom = state[0]
weight32 = state[1]
if self.momentum == 0.0:
weight32[:] += -lr * (grad32 + wd * weight32)
weight32[:] += (self.momentum**2 * mom) - lr*(self.momentum+1)*(grad32 + wd*weight32)
mom[:] = (self.momentum*mom) - lr*(grad32 + wd*weight32)
tmp = weight32.astype(weight.dtype)
def test_nag():
opt1 = PyNAG
opt2 = mx.optimizer.NAG
shape = (3, 4, 5)
mom_options = [{}, {'momentum': 0.9}]
cg_options = [{}, {'clip_gradient': 0.4}, {'clip_gradient': 0.5}]
rg_options = [{}, {'rescale_grad': 0.14}, {'rescale_grad': 0.8}]
wd_options = [{}, {'wd': 0.03}, {'wd': 0.05}, {'wd': 0.07}]
mp_options = [{}, {'multi_precision': False}, {'multi_precision': True}]
for dtype in [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64]:
for params in itertools.product(mom_options, cg_options, rg_options,
wd_options, mp_options):
kwarg = {k: v for param in params for k, v in param.items()}
if (dtype == np.float16 and ('multi_precision' not in kwarg or
not kwarg['multi_precision'])):
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape, dtype, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-4)
# LAMB optimizer
class PyLAMB(mx.optimizer.Optimizer):
Python reference implementation of LAMB optimizer.
def __init__(self, learning_rate=0.001, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-6,
lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None, bias_correction=False, **kwargs):
super(PyLAMB, self).__init__(learning_rate=learning_rate, **kwargs)
self.beta1 = beta1
self.beta2 = beta2
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.lower_bound = lower_bound
self.upper_bound = upper_bound
self.bias_correction = bias_correction
def create_state(self, index, weight):
stype = weight.stype
return (mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context, dtype=np.float32, stype=stype),
mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context, dtype=np.float32, stype=stype))
def update(self, index, weight, grad, state):
lr = self._get_lr(index)
wd = self._get_wd(index)
t = self._index_update_count[index]
use_multi_precision = self.multi_precision
if use_multi_precision:
mp_weight = weight
grad = array(grad, ctx=grad.context, dtype=np.float32)
weight = state[0]
mean, var = state[1]
mean, var = state
grad *= self.rescale_grad
if self.clip_gradient is not None:
grad = mx.nd.clip(grad, -self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient)
mean[:] = self.beta1 * mean + (1. - self.beta1) * grad
var[:] = self.beta2 * var + (1. - self.beta2) * mx.nd.square(grad)
mean_hat = mean
var_hat = var
r1 = weight.norm()
if self.lower_bound:
r1 = mx.nd.maximum(r1, self.lower_bound)
if self.upper_bound:
r1 = mx.nd.minimum(r1, self.upper_bound)
if self.bias_correction:
mean_hat = mean / (1. - mx.nd.power(self.beta1, t))
var_hat = var / (1. - mx.nd.power(self.beta2, t))
g = mean_hat / (mx.nd.sqrt(var_hat) + self.epsilon) + wd * weight
r2 = g.norm()
# calculate lamb_trust_ratio
r = 1. if r1 == 0. or r2 == 0. else r1 / r2
lr *= r
# update weight
weight[:] -= lr * g
if use_multi_precision:
tmp = weight.astype(mp_weight.dtype)
def update_multi_precision(self, index, weight, grad, state):
self.update(index, weight, grad, state)
def test_lamb():
opt1 = PyLAMB
opt2 = mx.optimizer.LAMB
shape = (3, 4, 5)
cg_options = [{}, {'clip_gradient': 0.4}, {'clip_gradient': 0.5}]
rg_options = [{}, {'rescale_grad': 0.14}, {'rescale_grad': 0.8}]
wd_options = [{}, {'wd': 0.03}, {'wd': 0.05}, {'wd': 0.07}]
bc_options = [{}, {'bias_correction': False}, {'bias_correction': True}]
lb_options = [{}, {'lower_bound': None}, {'lower_bound': 1e-3}]
ub_options = [{}, {'upper_bound': None}, {'upper_bound': 10}]
for params in itertools.product(cg_options, rg_options, wd_options, bc_options, lb_options, ub_options):
kwarg = {k: v for param in params for k, v in param.items()}
kwarg['multi_precision'] = False
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape, np.float32)
kwarg['multi_precision'] = True
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape, np.float16, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
class PySGLD(mx.optimizer.Optimizer):
"""python reference implementation of SGLD"""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(PySGLD, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def create_state(self, index, weight):
return None
def update(self, index, weight, grad, state):
assert(isinstance(weight, mx.nd.NDArray))
assert(isinstance(grad, mx.nd.NDArray))
lr = self._get_lr(index)
wd = self._get_wd(index)
grad = grad * self.rescale_grad
if self.clip_gradient is not None:
grad = mx.nd.clip(grad, -self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient)
weight[:] += - lr/2 * (grad + wd * weight) + mx.random.normal(0, math.sqrt(lr), shape=weight.shape,
dtype=weight.dtype, ctx=weight.context)
def test_sgld():
opt1 = PySGLD
opt2 = mx.optimizer.SGLD
shape = (3, 4, 5)
ns_options = [1234, 42]
cg_options = [{}, {'clip_gradient': 0.4}, {'clip_gradient': 0.5}]
wd_options = [{}, {'wd': 0.03}, {'wd': 0.05}, {'wd': 0.07}]
mp_options = [{}, {'multi_precision': False}, {'multi_precision': True}]
def compare_optimizer_noise_seeded(opt1, opt2, shape, dtype, noise_seed,
w_stype='default', g_stype='default',
rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-5, compare_states=True):
"""Compare opt1 and opt2 with the added functionality that the seed for generating random noise
in the SGLD optimizer update is set so that the same noise is used in opt1 and opt2.
if w_stype == 'default':
w2 = mx.random.uniform(shape=shape, ctx=default_context(), dtype=dtype)
w1 = w2.copyto(default_context())
elif w_stype == 'row_sparse' or w_stype == 'csr':
w2 = rand_ndarray(shape, w_stype, density=1, dtype=dtype)
w1 = w2.copyto(default_context()).tostype('default')
raise Exception("type not supported yet")
if g_stype == 'default':
g2 = mx.random.uniform(shape=shape, ctx=default_context(), dtype=dtype)
g1 = g2.copyto(default_context())
elif g_stype == 'row_sparse' or g_stype == 'csr':
g2 = rand_ndarray(shape, g_stype, dtype=dtype)
g1 = g2.copyto(default_context()).tostype('default')
raise Exception("type not supported yet")
state1 = opt1.create_state_multi_precision(0, w1)
state2 = opt2.create_state_multi_precision(0, w2)
if compare_states:
compare_ndarray_tuple(state1, state2)
# set seed for Gaussian noise replication
opt1.update_multi_precision(0, w1, g1, state1)
opt2.update_multi_precision(0, w2, g2, state2)
if compare_states:
compare_ndarray_tuple(state1, state2, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
assert_almost_equal(w1.asnumpy(), w2.asnumpy(), rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
for seed in ns_options:
for dtype in [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64]:
for params in itertools.product(cg_options, wd_options, mp_options):
kwarg = {k: v for param in params for k, v in param.items()}
if (dtype == np.float16 and ('multi_precision' not in kwarg or
not kwarg['multi_precision'])):
atol = 1e-2 if dtype == np.float16 else 1e-3
rtol = 1e-4 if dtype == np.float16 else 1e-5
compare_optimizer_noise_seeded(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape, dtype, seed, atol=atol, rtol=rtol)
class PyFTML(mx.optimizer.Optimizer):
"""python reference implemenation of FTML"""
def __init__(self, beta1=0.6, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8, **kwargs):
super(PyFTML, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.beta1 = beta1
self.beta2 = beta2
self.epsilon = epsilon
def create_state(self, index, weight):
return (mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context, dtype=weight.dtype), # d_0
mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context, dtype=weight.dtype), # v_0
mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context, dtype=weight.dtype)) # z_0
def update(self, index, weight, grad, state):
assert(isinstance(weight, mx.nd. NDArray))
assert(isinstance(grad, mx.nd.NDArray))
lr = self._get_lr(index)
wd = self._get_wd(index)
t = self._index_update_count[index]
grad = grad * self.rescale_grad + wd * weight
if self.clip_gradient is not None:
grad = mx.nd.clip(grad, -self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient)
# get previous states
prev_d, prev_v, prev_z = state
# compute states
v_t = self.beta2 * prev_v + (1 - self.beta2) * mx.nd.square(grad)
d_t = (1 - pow(self.beta1, t)) / lr * (mx.nd.sqrt(v_t / (1 - pow(self.beta2, t))) + self.epsilon)
sigma_t = d_t - self.beta1 * prev_d
z_t = self.beta1 * prev_z + (1 - self.beta1) * grad - sigma_t * weight
# update weight
weight[:] = - z_t / d_t
# update states
prev_d[:] = d_t
prev_v[:] = v_t
prev_z[:] = z_t
def test_ftml():
opt1 = PyFTML
opt2 = mx.optimizer.FTML
shape = (3, 4, 5)
beta1_options = [{}, {'beta1': 0.5}, {'beta1': 0.7}]
beta2_options = [{}, {'beta2': 0.8}, {'beta2': 0.9}]
cg_options = [{}, {'clip_gradient': 0.4}, {'clip_gradient': 0.5}]
rg_options = [{}, {'rescale_grad': 0.14}, {'rescale_grad': 0.8}]
wd_options = [{}, {'wd': 0.03}, {'wd': 0.05}, {'wd': 0.07}]
for dtype in [np.float32]:
for beta1_option in beta1_options:
for beta2_option in beta2_options:
for cg_option in cg_options:
for rg_option in rg_options:
for wd_option in wd_options:
kwarg = {}
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape, dtype, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-4)
class PyAdam(mx.optimizer.Optimizer):
"""python reference implemenation of adam"""
def __init__(self, learning_rate=0.001, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8,
lazy_update=True, **kwargs):
super(PyAdam, self).__init__(learning_rate=learning_rate, **kwargs)
self.beta1 = beta1
self.beta2 = beta2
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.lazy_update = lazy_update
def create_state(self, index, weight):
"""Create additional optimizer state: mean, variance
weight : NDArray
The weight data
return (mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context, dtype=weight.dtype), # mean
mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context, dtype=weight.dtype)) # variance
def update(self, index, weight, grad, state):
"""Update the parameters.
index : int
An unique integer key used to index the parameters
weight : NDArray
weight ndarray
grad : NDArray
grad ndarray
state : NDArray or other objects returned by init_state
The auxiliary state used in optimization.
lr = self._get_lr(index)
t = self._index_update_count[index]
mean, variance = state
wd = self._get_wd(index)
num_rows = weight.shape[0]
coef1 = 1. - self.beta1**t
coef2 = 1. - self.beta2**t
lr *= math.sqrt(coef2)/coef1
for row in range(num_rows):
# check row slices of all zeros
all_zeros = mx.test_utils.almost_equal(grad[row].asnumpy(), np.zeros_like(grad[row].asnumpy()))
# skip zeros during lazy update
if all_zeros and self.lazy_update:
grad[row] = grad[row] * self.rescale_grad + wd * weight[row]
# clip gradients
if self.clip_gradient is not None:
mx.nd.clip(grad[row], -self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient, out=grad[row])
# update mean
mean[row] *= self.beta1
mean[row] += grad[row] * (1. - self.beta1)
# update variance
variance[row] *= self.beta2
variance[row] += (1 - self.beta2) * mx.nd.square(grad[row], out=grad[row])
# update weight
weight[row] -= lr*mean[row]/(mx.nd.sqrt(variance[row]) + self.epsilon)
def test_adam():
opt1 = PyAdam
opt2 = mx.optimizer.Adam
shape = (3, 4, 5)
cg_options = [{}, {'clip_gradient': 0.4}, {'clip_gradient': 0.5}]
rg_options = [{}, {'rescale_grad': 0.14}, {'rescale_grad': 0.8}]
wd_options = [{}, {'wd': 0.03}, {'wd': 0.05}, {'wd': 0.07}]
mp_options = [{}, {'multi_precision': False}, {'multi_precision': True}]
for dtype in [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64]:
for cg_option in cg_options:
for rg_option in rg_options:
for wd_option in wd_options:
for mp_option in mp_options:
kwarg = {}
if (dtype == np.float16 and
('multi_precision' not in kwarg or
not kwarg['multi_precision'])):
# atol 2e-5 needed to pass with seed 1248389097
compare_optimizer(opt1(lazy_update=False, **kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape, dtype,
rtol=1e-4, atol=2e-5)
# atol 2e-5 needed to pass with seed 781809840
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape,
dtype, w_stype='row_sparse', g_stype='row_sparse',
rtol=1e-4, atol=2e-5)
compare_optimizer(opt1(lazy_update=False, **kwarg), opt2(lazy_update=False, **kwarg), shape,
dtype, w_stype='row_sparse', g_stype='row_sparse',
rtol=1e-4, atol=2e-5)
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape,
dtype, w_stype='default', g_stype='row_sparse',
rtol=1e-4, atol=2e-5)
compare_optimizer(opt1(lazy_update=False, **kwarg), opt2(lazy_update=False, **kwarg), shape,
dtype, w_stype='default', g_stype='row_sparse',
rtol=1e-4, atol=2e-5)
# MultiLAMB
class PyMultiLAMB(mx.optimizer.Optimizer):
"""python reference implemenation of lamb"""
def __init__(self, learning_rate=0.001, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-6,
lower_bound=1e-3, upper_bound=10.0, bias_correction=False,
multi_precision=False, clip_gradient=-1, **kwargs):
super(PyMultiLAMB, self).__init__(learning_rate=learning_rate, **kwargs)
self.beta1 = beta1
self.beta2 = beta2
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.lower_bound = lower_bound
self.upper_bound = upper_bound
self.bias_correction = bias_correction
self.multi_precision = multi_precision
self.clip_gradient = clip_gradient
def create_state(self, index, weight):
return (mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context, dtype=weight.dtype),
mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context, dtype=weight.dtype),
mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context, dtype=weight.dtype))
def update(self, index, weight, grad, state):
lr = self._get_lr(index)
wd = self._get_wd(index)
index_update_count = self._index_update_count[index]
grad *= self.rescale_grad
if self.clip_gradient >= 0:
grad = mx.nd.clip(grad, -self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient)
mean, var, temp_g = state
mean[:] = self.beta1 * mean + (1. - self.beta1) * grad.astype(mean.dtype)
var[:] = self.beta2 * var + (1. - self.beta2) * mx.nd.square(grad.astype(mean.dtype))
r1 = weight.norm()
if self.lower_bound:
r1 = mx.nd.maximum(r1, self.lower_bound)
if self.upper_bound:
r1 = mx.nd.minimum(r1, self.upper_bound)
if self.bias_correction:
mean_hat = mean / (1. - mx.nd.power(self.beta1, index_update_count))
var_hat = var / (1. - mx.nd.power(self.beta2, index_update_count))
mean_hat = mean
var_hat = var
temp_g[:] = mean_hat / (mx.nd.sqrt(var_hat) + self.epsilon) + wd * weight
r2 = temp_g.norm()
# calculate lamb_trust_ratio
r = 1. if r1 == 0. or r2 == 0. else r1 / r2
lr *= r
weight[:] -= lr * temp_g
def test_multilamb():
opt1 = PyMultiLAMB
opt2 = mx.optimizer.MultiLAMB
# shapes as Bert-large
dims_x = [1024, 4096, 1024, 1024]
dims_y = [1, 1, 1024, 4096]
dims_occurrences = [9, 1, 4, 2]
nlayers = 4 # 24
extra_dims_x=[30522, 512, 30522]
extra_dims_y=[1, 1024, 1024]
for l in range(nlayers):
for i, (dx,dy) in enumerate(zip(dims_x, dims_y)):
for j in range(dims_occurrences[i]):
for dx,dy in zip(extra_dims_x, extra_dims_y):
cg_options = [{}, {'clip_gradient': 0.4}, {'clip_gradient': 0.5}]
rg_options = [{}, {'rescale_grad': 0.14}, {'rescale_grad': 0.8}]
wd_options = [{}, {'wd': 0.03}, {'wd': 0.05}, {'wd': 0.07}]
bias_options = [{'bias_correction': False}, {'bias_correction': True}]
for dtype in [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64]:
for cg_option in cg_options:
for rg_option in rg_options:
for wd_option in wd_options:
for bias_option in bias_options:
kwarg = {}
if (dtype == np.float16):
kwarg.update({'multi_precision': True})
atol = 1e-3
rtol = 1e-6
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shapes, dtype,
rtol=rtol, atol=atol, ntensors=len(shapes))
# AdaMax
class PyAdamax(mx.optimizer.Optimizer):
"""The python reference of AdaMax optimizer.
This class implements the AdaMax optimizer, one variant of Adam based on the infinity norm,
available at Section 7.
The optimizer updates the weight by::
grad = clip(grad * rescale_grad + wd * weight, clip_gradient)
m = beta1 * m_t + (1 - beta1) * grad
u = maximum(beta2 * u, abs(grad))
weight -= lr / (1 - beta1**t) * m / u
This optimizer accepts the following parameters in addition to those accepted
by :class:`.Optimizer`.
beta1 : float, optional
Exponential decay rate for the first moment estimates.
beta2 : float, optional
Exponential decay rate for the second moment estimates.
def __init__(self, learning_rate=0.002, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, **kwargs):
super(PyAdamax, self).__init__(learning_rate=learning_rate, **kwargs)
self.beta1 = beta1
self.beta2 = beta2
def create_state(self, index, weight):
return (mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context, dtype=weight.dtype), # mean
mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context, dtype=weight.dtype)) # variance
def update(self, index, weight, grad, state):
lr = self._get_lr(index)
wd = self._get_wd(index)
t = self._index_update_count[index]
lr /= (1. - self.beta1**t)
# preprocess grad
grad = grad * self.rescale_grad + wd * weight
if self.clip_gradient is not None:
grad = mx.nd.clip(grad, -self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient)
# update m_t and u_t
m_t, u_t = state
m_t[:] = self.beta1 * m_t + (1. - self.beta1) * grad
u_t[:] = mx.nd.maximum(self.beta2 * u_t, mx.nd.abs(grad))
# update weight
weight[:] -= lr * m_t / u_t
def test_adamax():
opt1 = PyAdamax
opt2 = mx.optimizer.Adamax
shape = (3, 4, 5)
cg_options = [{}, {'clip_gradient': 0.4}, {'clip_gradient': 0.5}]
rg_options = [{}, {'rescale_grad': 0.14}, {'rescale_grad': 0.8}]
wd_options = [{}, {'wd': 0.03}, {'wd': 0.05}, {'wd': 0.07}]
mp_options = [{}, {'multi_precision': False}, {'multi_precision': True}]
for dtype in [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64]:
for params in itertools.product(cg_options, rg_options, wd_options, mp_options):
kwarg = {k: v for param in params for k, v in param.items()}
if (dtype == np.float16 and
('multi_precision' not in kwarg or
not kwarg['multi_precision'])):
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape, dtype)
# Signum
class PySignum(mx.optimizer.Optimizer):
"""The python reference of Signum optimizer.
The optimizer updates the weight by:
rescaled_grad = rescale_grad * clip(grad, clip_gradient) + wd * weight
state = momentum * state + (1-momentum)*rescaled_grad
weight = (1 - lr * wd_lh) * weight - lr * sign(state)
See the original paper at:
For details of the update algorithm see
:class:`~mxnet.ndarray.signsgd_update` and :class:`~mxnet.ndarray.signum_update`.
This optimizer accepts the following parameters in addition to those accepted
by :class:`.Optimizer`.
momentum : float, optional
The momentum value.
wd_lh : float, optitional
The amount of decoupled weight decay regularization.
def __init__(self, learning_rate=0.01, momentum=0.9, wd_lh = 0.0, **kwargs):
super(PySignum, self).__init__(learning_rate = learning_rate, **kwargs)
self.momentum = momentum
self.wd_lh = wd_lh
def create_state(self, index, weight):
momentum = None
if self.momentum != 0.0:
momentum = mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context, dtype=weight.dtype, stype=weight.stype)
return momentum
def update(self, index, weight, grad, state):
lr = self._get_lr(index)
wd = self._get_wd(index)
if state is not None:
mom = state
if self.clip_gradient is not None:
mom[:] = (self.momentum*mom - (1-self.momentum)*(wd*weight +
mx.nd.clip(grad*self.rescale_grad, -self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient)))
mom[:] = self.momentum*mom - (1-self.momentum)*wd*weight - (1-self.momentum)*self.rescale_grad*grad
weight[:] = (1 - lr*self.wd_lh)*weight + lr*mx.nd.sign(mom)
weight[:] = (1 - lr*(wd+self.wd_lh))*weight - lr*mx.nd.sign(grad)
def test_signum():
opt1 = PySignum
opt2 = mx.optimizer.Signum
shape = (3, 4, 5)
cg_options = [{}, {'clip_gradient': 0.4}, {'clip_gradient': 0.5}]
rg_options = [{}, {'rescale_grad': 0.14}, {'rescale_grad': 0.8}]
wd_options = [{}, {'wd': 0.03}, {'wd': 0.05}, {'wd': 0.07}]
wd_lh_options = [{}, {'wd_lh': 0.015}, {'wd_lh': 0.0}]
mom_options = [{}, {'momentum': 0.9}]
lr_options = [{'learning_rate': 0.05},{'learning_rate': 0.01}]
for dtype in [np.float32, np.float64]:
for cg_option in cg_options:
for rg_option in rg_options:
for wd_option in wd_options:
for mp_option in wd_lh_options:
for lr_option in lr_options:
for mom_option in mom_options:
kwarg = {}
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape, dtype)
# RMSProp
class PyRMSProp(mx.optimizer.Optimizer):
"""RMSProp optimizer of Tieleman & Hinton, 2012,
For centered=False, the code follows the version in by
Tieleman & Hinton, 2012
For centered=True, the code follows the version in Eq(38) - Eq(45) by Alex Graves, 2013.
learning_rate : float, optional
Step size.
Default value is set to 0.001.
gamma1: float, optional
decay factor of moving average for gradient, gradient^2.
Default value is set to 0.9.
gamma2: float, optional
"momentum" factor.
Default value if set to 0.9.
Only used if centered=True
epsilon : float, optional
Default value is set to 1e-8.
centered : boolean, optional
Use Graves or Tielemans & Hintons version of RMSProp
wd : float, optional
L2 regularization coefficient add to all the weights
rescale_grad : float, optional
rescaling factor of gradient.
clip_gradient : float, optional
clip gradient in range [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient]
clip_weights : float, optional
clip weights in range [-clip_weights, clip_weights]
def __init__(self, learning_rate=0.001, gamma1=0.9, gamma2=0.9,
epsilon=1e-8, centered=False, clip_weights=None, **kwargs):
super(PyRMSProp, self).__init__(learning_rate=learning_rate, **kwargs)
self.centered = centered
self.gamma1 = gamma1
self.gamma2 = gamma2
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.clip_weights = clip_weights
def create_state(self, index, weight):
"""Create additional optimizer state.
For centered=False: n
For centered=True: n, g, delta
weight : NDArray
The weight data
if self.centered:
return (mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context), # n
mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context), # g
mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context)) # delta
return (mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context), ) # n
def update(self, index, weight, grad, state):
"""Update the parameters.
index : int
An unique integer key used to index the parameters
weight : NDArray
weight ndarray
grad : NDArray
grad ndarray
state : NDArray or other objects returned by init_state
The auxiliary state used in optimization.
lr = self._get_lr(index)
wd = self._get_wd(index)
grad = grad * self.rescale_grad + wd * weight
if not self.centered:
(n, ) = state
if self.clip_gradient is not None:
grad = mx.nd.clip(grad, -self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient)
n[:] = (1 - self.gamma1) * (grad * grad) + self.gamma1 * n
weight[:] -= lr * grad/(mx.nd.sqrt(n + self.epsilon))
n, g, delta = state
if self.clip_gradient is not None:
grad = mx.nd.clip(grad, -self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient)
n[:] = (1 - self.gamma1) * (grad * grad) + self.gamma1 * n
g[:] = (1 - self.gamma1) * grad + self.gamma1 * g
delta[:] = (self.gamma2) * delta - lr * grad/(mx.nd.sqrt(n - g*g + self.epsilon))
weight[:] += delta
if self.clip_weights:
mx.ndarray.clip(weight, -self.clip_weights, self.clip_weights, out=weight)
def test_rms():
opt1 = PyRMSProp
opt2 = mx.optimizer.RMSProp
shape = (3, 4, 5)
cg_options = [{}, {'clip_gradient': 0.4}, {'clip_gradient': 0.5}]
cw_options = [{}, {'clip_weights': 0.01}]
center_options = [{}, {'centered': False}, {'centered': True}]
rg_options = [{}, {'rescale_grad': 0.14}, {'rescale_grad': 0.8}]
wd_options = [{}, {'wd': 0.03}, {'wd': 0.05}, {'wd': 0.07}]
mp_options = [{}, {'multi_precision': False}, {'multi_precision': True}]
for dtype in [np.float16, np.float32]:
# Reduce foating point compare tolerance to avoid flaky test failure.
rtol, atol = (1e-1, 1e-1) if dtype is np.float16 else (1e-2, 1e-2)
for cw_option in cw_options:
for cg_option in cg_options:
for center_option in center_options:
for rg_option in rg_options:
for wd_option in wd_options:
for mp_option in mp_options:
kwarg = {}
if (dtype == np.float16 and
('multi_precision' not in kwarg or
not kwarg['multi_precision'])):
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape, dtype, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
if (default_context() == mx.cpu()):
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape, dtype, g_stype='row_sparse', rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
class PyFtrl(mx.optimizer.Optimizer):
"""The Ftrl optimizer.
Referenced from *Ad Click Prediction: a View from the Trenches*, available at
lamda1 : float, optional
L1 regularization coefficient.
learning_rate : float, optional
The initial learning rate.
beta : float, optional
Per-coordinate learning rate correlation parameter.
eta :
.. math::
\\eta_{t,i} = \\frac{learningrate}{\\beta+\\sqrt{\\sum_{s=1}^tg_{s,i}^t}}
def __init__(self, lamda1=0.01, learning_rate=0.1, beta=1, lazy_update=False, **kwargs):
super(PyFtrl, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.lamda1 = lamda1
self.beta = beta = learning_rate
self.lazy_update = lazy_update
def create_state(self, index, weight):
return (mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context, dtype=weight.dtype), # dn
mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context, dtype=weight.dtype)) # n
def update(self, index, weight, grad, state):
wd = self._get_wd(index)
lr = self._get_lr(index)
num_rows = weight.shape[0]
dn, n = state
for row in range(num_rows):
all_zeros = mx.test_utils.almost_equal(grad[row].asnumpy(), np.zeros_like(grad[row].asnumpy()))
if all_zeros and self.lazy_update:
grad[row] = grad[row] * self.rescale_grad
if self.clip_gradient is not None:
mx.nd.clip(grad[row], -self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient, out=grad[row])
#update dn, n
dn[row] += grad[row] - (mx.nd.sqrt(n[row] + grad[row] * grad[row]) - mx.nd.sqrt(n[row])) * weight[row] / lr
n[row] += grad[row] * grad[row]
# update weight
weight[row] = (mx.nd.sign(dn[row]) * self.lamda1 - dn[row]) / \
((self.beta + mx.nd.sqrt(n[row])) / lr + wd) * (mx.nd.abs(dn[row]) > self.lamda1)
def test_ftrl():
opt1 = PyFtrl
opt2 = mx.optimizer.Ftrl
shape = (3, 4, 5)
kwargs = [{},
{'clip_gradient': 0.5},
{'clip_gradient': 0.4, 'rescale_grad': 0.14},
{'rescale_grad': 0.8},
{'clip_gradient': 0.5, 'wd': 0.07},
{'clip_gradient': 0.4, 'rescale_grad': 0.14, 'wd': 0.03},
{'rescale_grad': 0.8, 'wd': 0.05},
{'rescale_grad': 0.8, 'wd': 0.05, 'lamda1': 0.01},
{'clip_gradient': 0.5, 'wd': 0.07, 'lamda1': 1.0}]
for kwarg in kwargs:
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape, np.float32)
compare_optimizer(opt1(lazy_update=True, **kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape,
np.float32, w_stype='row_sparse', g_stype='row_sparse')
def test_nadam():
def get_net(num_hidden, flatten=True):
data = mx.symbol.Variable('data')
fc1 = mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data, name='fc1', num_hidden=128, flatten=flatten)
act1 = mx.symbol.Activation(fc1, name='relu1', act_type="relu")
fc2 = mx.symbol.FullyConnected(act1, name = 'fc2', num_hidden = 64, flatten=flatten)
act2 = mx.symbol.Activation(fc2, name='relu2', act_type="relu")
fc3 = mx.symbol.FullyConnected(act2, name='fc3', num_hidden=num_hidden, flatten=flatten)
return fc3
N = 20
data = mx.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape=(N, 10))
label = mx.random.uniform(-1, 1, shape=(N, 1))
data_iter =, label, batch_size=5, label_name='label', shuffle=True)
output = get_net(1)
l = mx.symbol.Variable('label')
Loss = gluon.loss.L1Loss()
loss = Loss(output, l)
loss = mx.sym.make_loss(loss)
mod = mx.mod.Module(loss, data_names=('data',), label_names=('label',)), num_epoch=60, optimizer_params={'learning_rate': 0.001, 'wd': 0.0005},
initializer=mx.init.Xavier(magnitude=2), eval_metric=mx.metric.Loss(),
assert mod.score(data_iter, eval_metric=mx.metric.Loss())[0][1] < 0.11
# AdaGrad
class PyAdaGrad(mx.optimizer.Optimizer):
"""The python reference of AdaGrad optimizer.
This class implements the AdaGrad optimizer described in *Adaptive Subgradient
Methods for Online Learning and Stochastic Optimization*, and available at
Updates are applied by::
rescaled_grad = clip(grad * rescale_grad + wd * weight, clip_gradient)
history = history + square(rescaled_grad)
w = w - learning_rate * rescaled_grad / sqrt(history + epsilon)
This optimizer accepts the following parameters in addition to those accepted
by :class:`.Optimizer`.
eps: float, optional
Small value to avoid division by 0.
def __init__(self, eps=1e-7, **kwargs):
super(PyAdaGrad, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.float_stable_eps = eps
def create_state(self, index, weight):
return mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context, stype=weight.stype)
def update(self, index, weight, grad, state):
lr = self._get_lr(index)
wd = self._get_wd(index)
history = state
grad = grad * self.rescale_grad
if self.clip_gradient is not None:
grad = mx.nd.clip(grad, -self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient)
history[:] += mx.nd.square(grad)
div = grad / mx.nd.sqrt(history + self.float_stable_eps)
weight[:] += (div + weight * wd) * -lr
def test_adagrad():
opt1 = PyAdaGrad
opt2 = mx.optimizer.AdaGrad
shape = (3, 4, 5)
eps_options = [{}, {'eps': 1e-8}]
cg_options = [{}, {'clip_gradient': 0.4}, {'clip_gradient': 0.5}]
rg_options = [{}, {'rescale_grad': 0.14}, {'rescale_grad': 0.8}]
wd_options = [{}, {'wd': 0.0}]
for dtype in [np.float32]:
for eps_option in eps_options:
for cg_option in cg_options:
for rg_option in rg_options:
for wd_option in wd_options:
kwarg = {}
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape, dtype)
if wd_option.get('wd', 0.0) == 0.0:
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape, dtype,
w_stype='row_sparse', g_stype='row_sparse')
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape, dtype,
# AdaDelta
class PyAdaDelta(mx.optimizer.Optimizer):
"""The python reference of AdaDelta optimizer.
This class implements AdaDelta, an optimizer described in *ADADELTA: An adaptive
learning rate method*, available at
This optimizer updates each weight by::
grad = clip(grad * rescale_grad + wd * weight, clip_gradient)
acc_grad = rho * acc_grad + (1. - rho) * grad ** 2
cur_delta = sqrt(acc_delta + epsilon) / sqrt(acc_grad + epsilon) * grad
acc_delta = rho * acc_delta + (1. - rho) * cur_delta ** 2
weight -= (cur_delta + wd * weight)
This optimizer accepts the following parameters in addition to those accepted
by :class:`.Optimizer`.
rho: float
Decay rate for both squared gradients and delta.
epsilon : float
Small value to avoid division by 0.
def __init__(self, rho=0.90, epsilon=1e-5, **kwargs):
super(PyAdaDelta, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.rho = rho
self.epsilon = epsilon
def create_state(self, index, weight):
return (mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context),
mx.nd.zeros(weight.shape, weight.context))
def update(self, index, weight, grad, state):
wd = self._get_wd(index)
grad *= self.rescale_grad
if self.clip_gradient is not None:
grad = mx.nd.clip(grad, -self.clip_gradient, self.clip_gradient)
acc_grad, acc_delta = state
acc_grad[:] = self.rho * acc_grad + (1. - self.rho) * grad ** 2
current_delta = (mx.nd.sqrt(acc_delta + self.epsilon) /
mx.nd.sqrt(acc_grad + self.epsilon)) * grad
acc_delta[:] = self.rho * acc_delta + (1. - self.rho) * current_delta ** 2
# update weight
weight[:] -= current_delta + wd * weight
def test_adadelta():
opt1 = PyAdaDelta
opt2 = mx.optimizer.AdaDelta
shape = (3, 4, 5)
rho_options = [{'rho': 0.9}]
eps_options = [{}, {'epsilon': 1e-8}]
cg_options = [{}, {'clip_gradient': 0.4}, {'clip_gradient': 0.5}]
rg_options = [{}, {'rescale_grad': 0.14}, {'rescale_grad': 0.8}]
wd_options = [{}, {'wd': 0.0}]
for dtype in [np.float16, np.float32]:
for params in itertools.product(rho_options, eps_options, cg_options,
rg_options, wd_options):
kwarg = {k: v for param in params for k, v in param.items()}
if dtype is np.float16:
kwarg.update({'multi_precision': True})
compare_optimizer(opt1(**kwarg), opt2(**kwarg), shape, dtype)
def test_factor_scheduler():
base_lr = 1
step = 100
factor = 0.1
sched = mx.lr_scheduler.FactorScheduler(step, factor, stop_factor_lr=1e-4, base_lr=base_lr,
warmup_steps=20, warmup_begin_lr=0.1, warmup_mode='constant')
assert (sched(0) == 0.1)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(sched(10), 0.1)
assert (sched(21) == base_lr), sched(21)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(sched(101), base_lr * factor)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(sched(201), base_lr * factor * factor)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(sched(1000), 1e-4)
def test_multifactor_scheduler():
base_lr = 0.1
steps = [15, 25]
factor = 0.1
sched = mx.lr_scheduler.MultiFactorScheduler(steps, factor, base_lr=base_lr,
warmup_steps=10, warmup_begin_lr=0.05, warmup_mode='linear')
assert sched(0) == 0.05
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(sched(5), 0.05 + (base_lr - 0.05)/2)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(sched(15), base_lr)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(sched(16), base_lr * factor)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(sched(20), base_lr * factor)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(sched(26), base_lr * factor * factor)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(sched(100), base_lr * factor * factor)
def test_poly_scheduler():
base_lr = 3
final_lr = 0
steps = 1000
poly_sched = mx.lr_scheduler.PolyScheduler(steps, base_lr=base_lr, pwr=2, final_lr=final_lr,
warmup_steps=100, warmup_begin_lr=0, warmup_mode='linear')
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(poly_sched(0), 0)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(poly_sched(50), float(base_lr)/2)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(poly_sched(100), base_lr)
assert (poly_sched(101) < poly_sched(100))
assert (poly_sched(500) < 1.6)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(poly_sched(steps), final_lr)
def test_cosine_scheduler():
# also tests case without warmup
base_lr = 3
final_lr = 0.1
steps = 1000
cosine_sched = mx.lr_scheduler.CosineScheduler(steps, base_lr=base_lr, final_lr=final_lr)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cosine_sched(0), base_lr)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(cosine_sched(steps), final_lr)
assert (cosine_sched(500) > 1.5)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import nose