blob: da17c19b562cfc87137098db248ea4f969e025cd [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- mode: groovy -*-
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// Triggers a downstream jenkins job responsible for building, testing
// and publishing all the variants for a particular 'job_type'.
// The 'job_type' should be the name of the directory that contains the
// 'Jenkins_pipeline.groovy' file and has the pipeline definition for the
// artifact (docker image, binary, pypi or maven package, etc.) that should
// be published.
STATE_UPDATE="State Update"
def trigger_release_job(job_name, job_type, mxnet_variants) {
def run = build(
parameters: [
string(name: "RELEASE_JOB_NAME", value: "${job_name}"),
string(name: "RELEASE_JOB_TYPE", value: "${job_type}"),
string(name: "MXNET_VARIANTS", value: "${mxnet_variants}"),
booleanParam(name: "RELEASE_BUILD", value: "${env.RELEASE_BUILD}"),
string(name: "COMMIT_ID", value: "${env.GIT_COMMIT}")
// If propagate is true, any result other than successful will
// mark this call as failure (inc. unstable).
propagate: false)
def result = run.getResult()
// In case the underlying release job is unstable,
// e.g. one or more (but not all) the variants failed, or;
// it is aborted (e.g. one of steps timed out),
// continue with the pipeline and try to post as many releases as possible
// but mark it as unstable
if (result == "UNSTABLE" || result == "ABORTED") {
currentBuild.result = "UNSTABLE"
// Throw an exception on failure, because this would mean the whole
// pipeline failed (i.e. for every variant)
if (result == "FAILURE") {
error "Downstream job: ${job_name} failed"
// This triggers a downstream release job with no
// variants and not job type. This will update
// the configuration of the release job in jenkins
// to the configuration of release job as defined in the
// Jenkinsfile _release_job for env.GIT_COMMIT revision
def update_release_job_state() {
parameters: [
string(name: "RELEASE_JOB_TYPE", value: STATE_UPDATE),
// Should be set to the current git commit
string(name: "COMMIT_ID", value: "${env.GIT_COMMIT}")
// Wraps variant pipeline with error catching and
// job status setting code
// If there's an error in one of the pipelines, set status to UNSTABLE
// If all pipelines fail, set to FAILURE
// This is to be used in conjunction with the error_checked_parallel
def wrap_variant_pipeline_fn(variant_pipeline, total_num_pipelines) {
// do not add def - seems to affect the scope
count = 0
return {
try {
} catch (ex) {
currentBuild.result = "UNSTABLE"
if (count == total_num_pipelines) {
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
throw ex
// Takes a map of key -> closure values to be executed in parallel.
// The outcome of the execution of each parallel step will affect
// the result (SUCCESS, FAILURE, ABORTED, UNSTABLE) of the overall job.
// If all steps fail or are aborted, the job will be set to failed.
// If some steps fail or are aborted, the job will be set to unstable.
def error_checked_parallel(variant_pipelines) {
pipelines = variant_pipelines.inject([:]) { mp, key, value ->
mp << ["${key}": wrap_variant_pipeline_fn(value, variant_pipelines.size())]
parallel pipelines
// pushes artifact to repository
def push_artifact(libmxnet_path, variant, libtype, license_paths = '', dependency_paths = '') {
if(license_paths == null) license_paths = ''
if(dependency_paths == null) dependency_paths = ''
sh "./cd/utils/ --push --verbose --libtype ${libtype} --variant ${variant} --libmxnet ${libmxnet_path} --licenses ${license_paths} --dependencies ${dependency_paths}"
return this