blob: a80c2b8b6373d2adf87fc92c313f5688a26a294a [file] [log] [blame]
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"""Automatic naming support for symbolic API."""
import contextvars
class NameManager:
"""NameManager to do automatic naming.
Developers can also inherit from this class to change naming behavior.
def __init__(self):
self._counter = {}
self._old_manager = None
def get(self, name, hint):
"""Get the canonical name for a symbol.
This is the default implementation.
If the user specifies a name,
the user-specified name will be used.
When user does not specify a name, we automatically generate a
name based on the hint string.
name : str or None
The name specified by the user.
hint : str
A hint string, which can be used to generate name.
full_name : str
A canonical name for the symbol.
if name:
return name
if hint not in self._counter:
self._counter[hint] = 0
name = f'{hint}{self._counter[hint]}'
self._counter[hint] += 1
return name
def __enter__(self):
# Token can't be pickled and Token.old_value is Token.MISSING if _current.get() uses default value
self._old_manager = _current.get()
return self
def __exit__(self, ptype, value, trace):
class Prefix(NameManager):
"""A name manager that attaches a prefix to all names.
>>> import mxnet as mx
>>> data = mx.symbol.Variable('data')
>>> with'mynet_'):
net = mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data, num_hidden=10, name='fc1')
>>> net.list_arguments()
['data', 'mynet_fc1_weight', 'mynet_fc1_bias']
def __init__(self, prefix):
self._prefix = prefix
def get(self, name, hint):
name = super().get(name, hint)
return self._prefix + name
_current = contextvars.ContextVar('namemanager', default=NameManager())
def current():
"""Returns the current name manager."""
return _current.get()