| #!/usr/bin/env python3 |
| |
| # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| # distributed with this work for additional information |
| # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| # software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| # specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| # under the License. |
| |
| # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
| """Tool to ease working with the build system and reproducing test results""" |
| |
| import argparse |
| import os |
| import sys |
| from subprocess import check_call |
| import shlex |
| from ci.util import retry, remember_cwd |
| from typing import List |
| from collections import OrderedDict |
| import logging |
| import yaml |
| import shutil |
| |
| |
| DEFAULT_PYENV=os.environ.get('DEFAULT_PYENV','py3_venv') |
| DEFAULT_PYTHON=os.environ.get('DEFAULT_PYTHON','python3') |
| DEFAULT_CMAKE_OPTIONS=os.environ.get('DEFAULT_CMAKE_OPTIONS','cmake_options.yml') |
| |
| |
| class Confirm(object): |
| def __init__(self, cmds): |
| self.cmds = cmds |
| |
| def __call__(self): |
| resp = input("This will run the following command(s) '{}' are you sure? yes / no: ".format(self.cmds)) |
| while True: |
| if resp.lower() == 'yes': |
| handle_commands(self.cmds) |
| return |
| elif resp.lower() == 'no': |
| return |
| else: |
| resp = input("Please answer yes or no: ") |
| |
| |
| class CMake(object): |
| def __init__(self, cmake_options_yaml=DEFAULT_CMAKE_OPTIONS, cmake_options_yaml_default='cmake/cmake_options.yml'): |
| if os.path.exists(cmake_options_yaml): |
| self.cmake_options_yaml = cmake_options_yaml |
| else: |
| self.cmake_options_yaml = cmake_options_yaml_default |
| logging.info('Using {} for CMake configuration'.format(self.cmake_options_yaml)) |
| self.cmake_options = None |
| self.read_config() |
| |
| def cmake_command(self) -> str: |
| """ |
| :return: Cmake command to run given the options |
| """ |
| cmd_lst = ['cmake', '-C', 'config.cmake'] |
| cmd_lst.extend(self._cmdlineflags()) |
| return cmd_lst |
| |
| def __call__(self, build_dir='build', generator='Ninja', build_cmd='ninja'): |
| logging.info("CMake / {} build in directory {}".format( |
| generator, os.path.abspath(build_dir))) |
| cmd_lst = self.cmake_command() |
| os.makedirs(build_dir, exist_ok=True) |
| with remember_cwd(): |
| os.chdir(build_dir) |
| cmd_lst.extend(['-G{}'.format(generator), '..']) |
| logging.info('Executing: {}'.format('\t\n'.join(cmd_lst))) |
| check_call(cmd_lst) |
| logging.info('Now building') |
| check_call(shlex.split(build_cmd)) |
| |
| |
| def create_virtualenv(venv_exe, pyexe, venv) -> None: |
| logging.info("Creating virtualenv in %s with python %s", venv, pyexe) |
| if not (venv_exe and pyexe and venv): |
| logging.warn("Skipping creation of virtualenv") |
| return |
| check_call([venv_exe, '-p', pyexe, venv]) |
| |
| |
| def create_virtualenv_default(): |
| create_virtualenv('virtualenv', DEFAULT_PYTHON, DEFAULT_PYENV) |
| logging.info("You can use the virtualenv by executing 'source %s/bin/activate'", DEFAULT_PYENV) |
| |
| |
| def provision_virtualenv(venv_path=DEFAULT_PYENV): |
| pip = os.path.join(venv_path, 'bin', 'pip') |
| if os.path.exists(pip): |
| # Install MXNet python bindigs |
| check_call([pip, 'install', '--upgrade', '--force-reinstall', '-e', 'python']) |
| # Install test dependencies |
| check_call([pip, 'install', '--upgrade', '--force-reinstall', '-r', |
| os.path.join('ci', 'docker', 'install', 'requirements')]) |
| else: |
| logging.warn("Can't find pip: '%s' not found", pip) |
| |
| |
| COMMANDS = OrderedDict([ |
| ('[Local] BUILD CMake/Ninja (using cmake_options.yaml (cp cmake/cmake_options.yml .) and edit) ({} virtualenv in "{}")'.format(DEFAULT_PYTHON, DEFAULT_PYENV), |
| [ |
| CMake(), |
| create_virtualenv_default, |
| provision_virtualenv, |
| ]), |
| ('[Local] Python Unit tests', |
| "pytest -v tests/python/unittest/" |
| ), |
| ('[Docker] Build the MXNet binary - outputs to "lib/"', |
| "ci/build.py --platform ubuntu_cpu /work/runtime_functions.sh build_ubuntu_cpu"), |
| ('[Docker] Build the Jekyll website - outputs to "docs/static_site/build/html/"', |
| "ci/build.py --platform ubuntu_cpu_jekyll /work/runtime_functions.sh build_jekyll_docs"), |
| ('[Docker] Build the Python API docs - outputs to "docs/python_docs/python/build/_build/html/"', |
| "ci/build.py --platform ubuntu_cpu /work/runtime_functions.sh build_python_docs"), |
| ('[Docker] sanity_check. Check for linting and code formatting and licenses.', |
| [ |
| "ci/build.py --platform ubuntu_cpu /work/runtime_functions.sh sanity_check", |
| ]), |
| ('[Docker] Python3 CPU unittests', |
| [ |
| "ci/build.py --platform ubuntu_cpu /work/runtime_functions.sh build_ubuntu_cpu_openblas", |
| "ci/build.py --platform ubuntu_cpu /work/runtime_functions.sh unittest_ubuntu_python3_cpu", |
| ]), |
| ('[Docker] Python3 GPU unittests', |
| [ |
| "ci/build.py --nvidiadocker --platform ubuntu_gpu /work/runtime_functions.sh build_ubuntu_gpu", |
| "ci/build.py --nvidiadocker --platform ubuntu_gpu /work/runtime_functions.sh unittest_ubuntu_python3_gpu", |
| ]), |
| ('[Docker] Python3 GPU+oneDNN unittests', |
| [ |
| "ci/build.py --nvidiadocker --platform ubuntu_gpu /work/runtime_functions.sh build_ubuntu_gpu_onednn", |
| "ci/build.py --nvidiadocker --platform ubuntu_gpu /work/runtime_functions.sh unittest_ubuntu_python3_gpu", |
| ]), |
| ('[Docker] Python3 CPU oneDNN unittests', |
| [ |
| "ci/build.py --platform ubuntu_cpu /work/runtime_functions.sh build_ubuntu_cpu_onednn", |
| "ci/build.py --platform ubuntu_cpu /work/runtime_functions.sh unittest_ubuntu_python3_cpu", |
| ]), |
| ('[Docker] Python3 ARMv7 unittests (QEMU)', |
| [ |
| "ci/build.py -p armv7", |
| "ci/build.py -p test.armv7 /work/runtime_functions.sh unittest_ubuntu_python3_arm" |
| ]), |
| ('Clean (RESET HARD) repository (Warning! erases local changes / DATA LOSS)', |
| Confirm("ci/docker/runtime_functions.sh clean_repo")) |
| ]) |
| |
| def clip(x, mini, maxi): |
| return min(max(x,mini), maxi) |
| |
| @retry((ValueError, RuntimeError), 3, delay_s = 0) |
| def show_menu(items: List[str], header=None) -> int: |
| print('\n-- MXNet dev menu --\n') |
| def hr(): |
| print(''.join(['-']*30)) |
| if header: |
| print(header) |
| hr() |
| for i,x in enumerate(items,1): |
| print('{}. {}'.format(i,x)) |
| hr() |
| choice = int(input('Choose option> ')) - 1 |
| if choice < 0 or choice >= len(items): |
| raise RuntimeError('Choice must be between {} and {}'.format(1, len(items))) |
| return choice |
| |
| def handle_commands(cmds) -> None: |
| def handle_command(cmd): |
| logging.info("Executing command: %s",cmd) |
| check_call(shlex.split(cmd)) |
| |
| if type(cmds) is list: |
| for cmd in cmds: |
| handle_commands(cmd) |
| elif type(cmds) is str: |
| handle_command(cmds) |
| elif callable(cmds): |
| cmds() |
| else: |
| raise RuntimeError("handle_commands(cmds): argument should be str or List[str] but is %s", type(cmds)) |
| |
| def use_menu_ui(args) -> None: |
| command_list = list(COMMANDS.keys()) |
| if hasattr(args, 'choice') and args.choice and args.choice[0].isdigit(): |
| choice = int(args.choice[0]) - 1 |
| else: |
| choice = show_menu(command_list, 'Available actions') |
| handle_commands(COMMANDS[command_list[choice]]) |
| |
| def build(args) -> None: |
| """Build using CMake""" |
| venv_exe = shutil.which('virtualenv') |
| pyexe = shutil.which(args.pyexe) |
| if not venv_exe: |
| logging.warn("virtualenv wasn't found in path, it's recommended to install virtualenv to manage python environments") |
| if not pyexe: |
| logging.warn("Python executable %s not found in path", args.pyexe) |
| if args.cmake_options: |
| cmake = CMake(args.cmake_options) |
| else: |
| cmake = CMake() |
| cmake() |
| create_virtualenv_default() |
| provision_virtualenv() |
| |
| def main(): |
| logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) |
| parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Utility for compiling and testing MXNet easily""") |
| parser.set_defaults(command='use_menu_ui') |
| |
| subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='sub-command help') |
| build_parser = subparsers.add_parser('build', help='build with the specified flags from file') |
| build_parser.add_argument('cmake_options', nargs='?', |
| help='File containing CMake options in YAML') |
| build_parser.add_argument('-v', '--venv', |
| type=str, |
| default=DEFAULT_PYENV, |
| help='virtualenv dir') |
| build_parser.add_argument('-p', '--pyexe', |
| type=str, |
| default=DEFAULT_PYTHON, |
| help='python executable') |
| build_parser.set_defaults(command='build') |
| |
| menu_parser = subparsers.add_parser('menu', help='jump to menu option #') |
| menu_parser.set_defaults(command='use_menu_ui') |
| menu_parser.add_argument('choice', nargs=1) |
| |
| args = parser.parse_args() |
| globals()[args.command](args) |
| return 0 |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| sys.exit(main()) |