blob: 88ffd461b45491a9e439273c0e31c8dc5172e110 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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import sys
import os
import time
import multiprocessing as mp
import mxnet as mx
import numpy as np
import pytest
import itertools
import scipy.sparse as sps
import mxnet.ndarray.sparse as mxsps
from mxnet.test_utils import check_consistency, set_default_device, assert_almost_equal, assert_allclose
from mxnet.test_utils import check_symbolic_forward, check_symbolic_backward, discard_stderr
from mxnet.test_utils import default_device, rand_shape_2d, rand_ndarray, same, environment, get_rtc_compile_opts, get_cuda_compute_capability
from mxnet.base import MXNetError
from mxnet import autograd
curr_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(__file__)))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(curr_path, '../unittest'))
from common import assert_raises_cudnn_not_satisfied, assert_raises_cuda_not_satisfied
from common import run_in_spawned_process
from test_operator import check_sequence_reverse, allclose_function
from test_operator import *
from test_numpy_ndarray import *
from test_numpy_op import *
from test_numpy_interoperability import *
from test_gluon_probability_v2 import *
from test_optimizer import *
from test_random import *
from test_exc_handling import *
from test_sparse_ndarray import *
from test_sparse_operator import *
from test_ndarray import *
from test_subgraph_op import *
from test_contrib_operator import test_multibox_target_op
from test_optimizer import test_adamW
del test_custom_op_fork #noqa
# For info purposes, log GPU compute cababilities. Run serially so output appears in log.
def test_report_compute_capabilities(capsys):
with capsys.disabled():
sys.stdout.write('= {} '.format(
[get_cuda_compute_capability(mx.gpu(i)) for i in range(mx.device.num_gpus())] ))
def check_countsketch(in_dim,out_dim,n):
data = mx.sym.Variable("data")
h = mx.sym.Variable("h")
s = mx.sym.Variable("s")
sym = mx.sym.contrib.count_sketch(data=data, h=h, s=s, name='countsketch',out_dim = out_dim)
shape = [(n,in_dim), (1,in_dim),(1,in_dim)] #shape of input x, hash h and hash s
arr = [mx.nd.empty(shape[i]) for i in range(3)]
arr_grad = [mx.nd.empty(shape[i]) for i in range(3)]
x = np.random.uniform(-10, 10, shape[0])
arr[0][:] = x #input x
h = np.random.randint(0, out_dim, shape[1])
arr[1][:] = h #hash h
s = np.random.randint(0, 2, shape[2])*2-np.ones(shape[2])
arr[2][:] = s #hash s
locations = {"data": x, "h": h, "s": s}
a = np.zeros((n,out_dim))
temp = np.multiply(x, s)
for num_sample in np.arange(0,n):
for idx in np.arange(0,in_dim):
a[num_sample][h[0][idx]] += temp[num_sample][idx]
check_symbolic_forward(sym, locations, [a], rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5, ctx=mx.gpu(0))
out_grad = mx.nd.empty((n,out_dim))
out_grad[:] = np.random.normal(-3, 3, (n,out_dim))
a = np.zeros((n,in_dim))
for j in np.arange(0,n):
for i in np.arange(0,in_dim):
a[j,i] = out_grad.asnumpy()[j, h[0,i]] * s[0,i]
check_symbolic_backward(sym, locations, [out_grad], [a], rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5, ctx=mx.gpu(0))
def test_countsketch():
minindim = 40
maxindim = 100
minoutdim = 5
maxoutdim = 30
maxn = 200
in_dim = np.random.randint(minindim, maxindim)
out_dim = np.random.randint(minoutdim, maxoutdim)
n = np.random.randint(1, maxn)
check_countsketch(in_dim, out_dim, n)
def check_fft(shape):
sym = mx.sym.contrib.fft(name='fft', compute_size = 128)
if len(shape) == 2:
if shape[1]%2 != 0:
lst = list(shape)
lst[1] = lst[1]*2
shape = tuple(lst)
shape_old = shape
if len(shape) == 4:
if shape[3]%2 != 0:
lst = list(shape)
lst[3] = lst[3]*2
shape = tuple(lst)
shape_old = shape
init = [np.random.normal(size=shape, scale=1.0)]
arr_grad = [mx.nd.empty(shape)]
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0),'fft_data': shape, 'type_dict': {'fft_data': np.float32}}]
exe_list = [sym._simple_bind(**ctx) for ctx in ctx_list]
for exe in exe_list:
for arr, iarr in zip(exe.arg_arrays, init):
arr[:] = iarr.astype(arr.dtype)
# forward
for exe in exe_list:
out1 = [exe.outputs[0].asnumpy() for exe in exe_list]
out = np.fft.fft(init, n=None, axis=-1, norm=None)
if len(shape) == 2:
out = np.reshape(out,(out.shape[1],out.shape[2]))
out2 = np.append(out.real, out.imag, axis = 1)
a = np.zeros(out1[0].shape)
p = 0
for i in range(out2.shape[1]//2):
a[:,p] = out2[:,i]
a[:,p+1] = out2[:,i+out2.shape[1]//2]
p = p+2
if len(shape) == 4:
out = np.reshape(out,(out.shape[1],out.shape[2],out.shape[3],out.shape[4]))
out2 = np.append(out.real, out.imag, axis = 1)
a = np.zeros(out1[0].shape)
for i in range(out1[0].shape[0]):
for j in range(out1[0].shape[1]):
p = 0
for k in range(out2.shape[3]):
a[i,j,:,p] = out2[i,j,:,k]
a[i,j,:,p+1] = out2[i,j+out1[0].shape[1],:,k]
p = p+2
assert_almost_equal(a, out1[0], rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5)
# backward
if len(shape) == 2:
out_grad = mx.nd.empty((shape[0],2*shape[1]))
out_grad[:] = np.random.normal(-3, 3, (shape[0],2*shape[1]))
# out_grad_to_complex
out_grad_complex = np.zeros(shape,dtype = np.complex64)
for i in range(0,shape[1]):
out_grad_complex.real[:,i] = out_grad.asnumpy()[:,2*i]
out_grad_complex.imag[:,i] = out_grad.asnumpy()[:,2*i+1]
for exe in exe_list:
a = np.fft.ifft(out_grad_complex, n=None, axis=-1, norm=None)
assert_almost_equal(a.real, exe.grad_arrays[0]/shape[1],rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5)
if len(shape) == 4:
out_grad = mx.nd.empty(out1[0].shape)
out_grad[:] = np.random.normal(-3, 3, out1[0].shape)
# out_grad_to_complex
out_grad_complex = np.zeros(shape,dtype = np.complex64)
for i in range(0,shape[3]):
out_grad_complex.real[:,:,:,i] = out_grad.asnumpy()[:,:,:,2*i]
out_grad_complex.imag[:,:,:,i] = out_grad.asnumpy()[:,:,:,2*i+1]
for exe in exe_list:
a = np.fft.ifft(out_grad_complex, n=None, axis=-1, norm=None)
assert_almost_equal(a.real, exe.grad_arrays[0]/shape[3],rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5)
def test_fft():
nrepeat = 2
maxdim = 10
for _ in range(nrepeat):
for order in [2,4]:
shape = tuple(np.random.randint(1, maxdim, size=order))
def _make_ndarrays(input_list, ctx=mx.gpu(0)):
return [mx.nd.array(arr, dtype=arr.dtype, ctx=ctx) for arr in input_list]
def check_multi_sum_sq(dtype, shapes, ctx, tol1, tol2):
values_arr = [np.random.rand(*shape).astype(dtype) * 10. for shape in shapes]
mx_vals = _make_ndarrays(values_arr, ctx=ctx)
sum_sq = mx.nd.multi_sum_sq(*mx_vals, num_arrays=len(shapes))
sum_sq2 = mx.nd.multi_sum_sq(*mx_vals, num_arrays=len(shapes))
# checks that operator is deterministic
assert np.array_equal(sum_sq.asnumpy(), sum_sq2.asnumpy())
ref_sum_sq = mx.nd.array([(v.astype('float32') ** 2).sum() for v in values_arr],
dtype='float32', ctx=ctx)
assert_almost_equal(ref_sum_sq.asnumpy(), sum_sq.asnumpy(), atol=tol1, rtol=tol1)
def test_multi_sum_sq():
min_nparam = 100
max_nparam = 120
min_dim = 50000
max_dim = 100000
max_ndim = 1
dtypes = ['float16','float32', 'float64']
for ctx in [mx.gpu(0)]:
for dtype in dtypes:
nparam = np.random.randint(min_nparam + 1, max_nparam + 1)
shapes = [np.random.randint(min_dim, max_dim + 1, size=max_ndim) for i in range(nparam)]
low_tol = ctx == mx.cpu(0) and ('float16'in [dtype])
tol1 = 1e-3 if low_tol else 1e-5
tol2 = 1e-6 if low_tol else 1e-7
check_multi_sum_sq(dtype, shapes, ctx, tol1, tol2)
def check_fast_lars(w_dtype, g_dtype, shapes, ctx, tol1, tol2):
weights_arr = [np.random.rand(*shape).astype(w_dtype) * 10. for shape in shapes]
grads_arr = [np.random.rand(*shape).astype(g_dtype) for shape in shapes]
lrs = (np.random.rand(len(shapes)).astype('float32') + 0.1) / 100.
wds = (np.random.rand(len(shapes)).astype('float32') + 0.1) / 1000.
eta = (np.random.rand() + 0.1)
eps = (np.random.rand() + 0.1) / 10000.
mx_w = _make_ndarrays(weights_arr, ctx=ctx)
mx_g = _make_ndarrays(grads_arr, ctx=ctx)
mx_lrs = mx.nd.array(lrs, dtype='float32', ctx=ctx)
mx_wds = mx.nd.array(wds, dtype='float32', ctx=ctx)
w_sum_sq = mx.nd.multi_sum_sq(*mx_w, num_arrays=len(shapes))
g_sum_sq = mx.nd.multi_sum_sq(*mx_g, num_arrays=len(shapes))
ref_w_sum_sq = mx.nd.array([(w.astype('float32') ** 2).sum() for w in weights_arr],
dtype='float32', ctx=ctx)
ref_g_sum_sq = mx.nd.array([(g.astype('float32') ** 2).sum() for g in grads_arr],
dtype='float32', ctx=ctx)
assert_almost_equal(ref_w_sum_sq.asnumpy(), w_sum_sq.asnumpy(), atol=tol1, rtol=tol1)
assert_almost_equal(ref_g_sum_sq.asnumpy(), g_sum_sq.asnumpy(), atol=tol1, rtol=tol1)
rescale_grad = (np.random.rand() + 0.5) * 100.
mx_new_lrs = mx.nd.multi_lars(mx_lrs, w_sum_sq, g_sum_sq, mx_wds, eta=eta, eps=eps,
ref_w_l2norm = mx.nd.sqrt(ref_w_sum_sq)
ref_g_l2norm = mx.nd.sqrt(ref_g_sum_sq * rescale_grad * rescale_grad)
ref_new_lrs = mx.nd.zeros(ref_w_l2norm.shape, dtype='float32', ctx=ctx)
for i in range(ref_w_l2norm.size):
_w = ref_w_l2norm[i]
_g = ref_g_l2norm[i]
if _w > 0.0 and _g > 0.0:
ref_new_lrs[i] = lrs[i] * eta * _w / (_g + wds[i] * _w + eps)
ref_new_lrs[i] = lrs[i]
assert_almost_equal(ref_new_lrs.asnumpy(), mx_new_lrs.asnumpy(), atol=tol2, rtol=tol2)
def test_fast_lars():
min_nparam = 50
max_nparam = 60
maxdim = 10000
maxndim = 1
dtypes = ['float16','float32', 'float64']
for ctx in [mx.cpu(0), mx.gpu(0)]:
for w_dtype in dtypes:
for g_dtype in dtypes:
nparam = np.random.randint(min_nparam + 1, max_nparam + 1)
shapes = [np.random.randint(1, maxdim + 1, size=maxndim) for i in range(nparam)]
lowTol = ctx == mx.cpu(0) and ('float16'in [w_dtype, g_dtype])
tol1 = 1e-3 if lowTol else 1e-5
tol2 = 1e-6 if lowTol else 1e-7
check_fast_lars(w_dtype, g_dtype, shapes, ctx, tol1, tol2)
def check_preloaded_multi_sgd(dtype, shapes, momentum, use_master_weights):
def _flatten_list(nested_list):
return [item for sublist in nested_list for item in sublist]
weights_arr = [np.random.rand(*shape).astype(dtype) * 100. for shape in shapes]
grads_arr = [np.random.rand(*shape).astype(dtype) * 100. for shape in shapes]
rescale_grad = (np.random.random() + 1.0)
mx_w = _make_ndarrays(weights_arr)
mx_g = _make_ndarrays(grads_arr)
mx_p_w = _make_ndarrays(weights_arr)
mx_p_g = _make_ndarrays(grads_arr)
lrs = list((np.random.random(size=len(shapes)).astype('float32') + 0.1) / 100.)
mx_lrs = mx.nd.array(lrs, dtype='float32', ctx=mx.gpu(0))
wds = list((np.random.random(size=len(shapes)).astype('float32') + 0.1) / 1000.)
mx_wds = mx.nd.array(wds, dtype='float32', ctx=mx.gpu(0))
if use_master_weights:
weights32_arr = [arr.astype('float32') for arr in weights_arr]
mx_w32 = _make_ndarrays(weights32_arr)
mx_p_w32 = _make_ndarrays(weights32_arr)
if momentum is None:
if use_master_weights:
*_flatten_list(zip(mx_w, mx_g, mx_w32)),
num_weights=len(shapes), lrs=lrs, wds=wds,
rescale_grad=rescale_grad, out=mx_w)
*(_flatten_list(zip(mx_p_w, mx_p_g, mx_p_w32)) +
[mx_lrs, mx_wds]), num_weights=len(shapes),
rescale_grad=rescale_grad, out=mx_p_w)
out = mx.nd.multi_sgd_update(
*_flatten_list(zip(mx_w, mx_g)),
num_weights=len(shapes), lrs=lrs, wds=wds,
rescale_grad=rescale_grad, out=mx_w)
preloaded_out = mx.nd.preloaded_multi_sgd_update(
*(_flatten_list(zip(mx_p_w, mx_p_g)) +
[mx_lrs, mx_wds]), num_weights=len(shapes),
rescale_grad=rescale_grad, out=mx_p_w)
if use_master_weights:
momentums_arr = [np.random.rand(*shape).astype("float32") for shape in shapes]
mx_m = _make_ndarrays(momentums_arr)
mx_p_m = _make_ndarrays(momentums_arr)
out = mx.nd.multi_mp_sgd_mom_update(
*_flatten_list(zip(mx_w, mx_g, mx_m, mx_w32)),
num_weights=len(shapes), lrs=lrs, wds=wds,
rescale_grad=0.95, momentum=momentum, out=mx_w)
preloaded_out = mx.nd.preloaded_multi_mp_sgd_mom_update(
*(_flatten_list(zip(mx_p_w, mx_p_g, mx_p_m, mx_p_w32)) +
[mx_lrs, mx_wds]), num_weights=len(shapes),
rescale_grad=0.95, momentum=momentum, out=mx_p_w)
momentums_arr = [np.random.rand(*shape).astype(dtype) for shape in shapes]
mx_m = _make_ndarrays(momentums_arr)
mx_p_m = _make_ndarrays(momentums_arr)
*_flatten_list(zip(mx_w, mx_g, mx_m)),
num_weights=len(shapes), lrs=lrs, wds=wds,
rescale_grad=0.95, momentum=momentum, out=mx_w)
*(_flatten_list(zip(mx_p_w, mx_p_g, mx_p_m)) +
[mx_lrs, mx_wds]), num_weights=len(shapes),
rescale_grad=0.95, momentum=momentum, out=mx_p_w)
def _assert_all_almost_equal(lhs_list, rhs_list, rtol, atol):
for _, (lhs, rhs) in enumerate(zip(lhs_list, rhs_list)):
assert_almost_equal(lhs.asnumpy(), rhs.asnumpy(), rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
if dtype == 'float16':
rtol = 1e-3
atol = 1e-2
rtol = 1e-5
atol = 1e-6
_assert_all_almost_equal(mx_p_w, mx_w, rtol, atol)
if momentum is not None:
_assert_all_almost_equal(mx_p_m, mx_m, rtol, atol)
if use_master_weights:
_assert_all_almost_equal(mx_p_w32, mx_w32, 1e-5, 1e-6)
def test_preloaded_multi_sgd():
dtypes = ['float16', 'float32']
momentums = [None, 0.9]
min_nparam = 5
max_nparam = 10
maxdim = 6
maxndim = 4
for dtype in dtypes:
use_master_weights_list = [False,] if dtype == 'float32' else [True, False]
for use_master_weights in use_master_weights_list:
for momentum in momentums:
nparam = np.random.randint(min_nparam + 1, max_nparam + 1)
shapes = [np.random.randint(1, maxdim + 1, size=maxndim) for i in range(nparam)]
check_preloaded_multi_sgd(dtype, shapes, momentum, use_master_weights)
def test_batchnorm_with_type():
ctx_list_v2_2D = [
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'norm_data': (5, 2, 5, 5), 'type_dict': {'norm_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'norm_data': (5, 2, 5, 5), 'type_dict': {'norm_data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'norm_data': (5, 2, 5, 5), 'type_dict': {'norm_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'norm_data': (5, 2, 5, 5), 'type_dict': {'norm_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'norm_data': (5, 2, 5, 5), 'type_dict': {'norm_data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'norm_data': (5, 2, 5, 5), 'type_dict': {'norm_data': np.float64}},
ctx_list_v2_1D = [
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'norm_data': (5, 2, 5), 'type_dict': {'norm_data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'norm_data': (5, 2, 5), 'type_dict': {'norm_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'norm_data': (5, 2, 5), 'type_dict': {'norm_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'norm_data': (5, 2, 5), 'type_dict': {'norm_data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'norm_data': (5, 2, 5), 'type_dict': {'norm_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'norm_data': (5, 2, 5), 'type_dict': {'norm_data': np.float64}},
ctx_list_v2_3D = [
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'norm_data': (3, 2, 3, 2, 3), 'type_dict': {'norm_data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'norm_data': (3, 2, 3, 2, 3), 'type_dict': {'norm_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'norm_data': (3, 2, 3, 2, 3), 'type_dict': {'norm_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'norm_data': (3, 2, 3, 2, 3), 'type_dict': {'norm_data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'norm_data': (3, 2, 3, 2, 3), 'type_dict': {'norm_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'norm_data': (3, 2, 3, 2, 3), 'type_dict': {'norm_data': np.float64}}
# V2, 2D
bools = [False, True]
for fix_gamma, cudnn_off in itertools.product(bools, bools):
sym = mx.sym.BatchNorm(name='norm', fix_gamma=fix_gamma, cudnn_off=cudnn_off)
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list_v2_2D)
# V2, 1D
for fix_gamma, cudnn_off in itertools.product(bools, bools):
sym = mx.sym.BatchNorm(name='norm', fix_gamma=fix_gamma, cudnn_off=cudnn_off)
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list_v2_1D)
# V2, 3D
for fix_gamma, cudnn_off in itertools.product(bools, [True,]):
sym = mx.sym.BatchNorm(name='norm', fix_gamma=fix_gamma, cudnn_off=cudnn_off)
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list_v2_3D)
def test_batchnorm_versions():
def test_batchnorm_versions_helper(batchnorm_op_list, data, fix_gamma, use_global_stats):
ctx_list = []
sym_list = []
# BatchNorm cpu
if 'batchnorm_cpu' in batchnorm_op_list:
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'batchnorm_data': data, 'type_dict': {'batchnorm_data': np.float32}})
# BatchNorm gpu (organic)
if 'batchnorm_gpu' in batchnorm_op_list:
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'batchnorm_data': data, 'type_dict': {'batchnorm_data': np.float32}})
name='batchnorm', cudnn_off=True))
# BatchNorm gpu cudnn (if cudnn is enabled)
if 'batchnorm_cudnn' in batchnorm_op_list:
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'batchnorm_data': data, 'type_dict': {'batchnorm_data': np.float32}})
name='batchnorm', cudnn_off=False))
check_consistency(sym_list, ctx_list)
def test_1d_batchnorm(fix_gamma, use_global_stats):
data = (2, 3, 20)
'batchnorm_gpu', 'batchnorm_cudnn'],
fix_gamma=fix_gamma, use_global_stats=use_global_stats)
def test_2d_batchnorm(fix_gamma, use_global_stats):
data = (2, 3, 10, 10)
'batchnorm_gpu', 'batchnorm_cudnn'],
fix_gamma=fix_gamma, use_global_stats=use_global_stats)
def test_3d_batchnorm(fix_gamma, use_global_stats):
data = (2, 3, 3, 5, 5)
fix_gamma=fix_gamma, use_global_stats=use_global_stats)
test_1d_batchnorm(True, False)
test_1d_batchnorm(False, False)
test_1d_batchnorm(False, True)
test_1d_batchnorm(True, True)
test_2d_batchnorm(True, False)
test_2d_batchnorm(False, False)
test_2d_batchnorm(False, True)
test_2d_batchnorm(True, True)
test_3d_batchnorm(True, False)
test_3d_batchnorm(False, False)
test_3d_batchnorm(False, True)
test_3d_batchnorm(True, True)
def test_convolution_with_type():
sym1 = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(3,3), name='conv')
data = mx.sym.Variable('conv_data')
w = mx.sym.Variable('conv_weight')
b = mx.sym.Variable('conv_bias')
w = mx.sym.transpose(w, axes=(0,2,3,1))
sym2 = mx.sym.transpose(data, axes=(0,2,3,1))
sym2 = mx.sym.Convolution(sym2, w, b, layout='NHWC', num_filter=3, kernel=(3,3))
sym2 = mx.sym.transpose(sym2, axes=(0,3,1,2), name='conv')
sym = [sym1, sym1, sym1, sym1, sym1, sym2, sym2]
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 10, 10), 'conv_weight': (3, 2, 3, 3),
'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float32, 'conv_weight': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 10, 10), 'conv_weight': (3, 2, 3, 3),
'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float16, 'conv_weight': np.float16}}
# wider tolerance needed for true-fp16 NCHW test above
tol = {np.dtype(np.float16): 0.5,
np.dtype(np.float32): 1e-3,
np.dtype(np.float64): 1e-5,
np.dtype(np.uint8): 0,
np.dtype(np.int32): 0}
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, rtol=tol, atol=tol)
# test ability to turn off training on bias
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, grad_req={'conv_data': 'write', 'conv_weight': 'write', 'conv_bias': 'null'}, rtol=tol, atol=tol)
# Apply N symbols against each of M contexts, checking that all NxM combinations match.
def check_consistency_NxM(sym_list, ctx_list):
# e.g. if sym_list=[sym1, sym2] and ctx_list=[ctx1, ctx2, ctx3], then resulting lists are:
# sym_list=[sym1, sym1, sym1, sym2, sym2, sym2] and ctx_list=[ctx1, ctx2, ctx3, ctx1, ctx2, ctx3]
check_consistency(np.repeat(sym_list, len(ctx_list)), ctx_list * len(sym_list), scale=0.5)
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="test fails intermittently. temporarily disabled till it gets fixed. tracked at")
def test_convolution_options():
# 1D convolution
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float32}}]
# Pad > 0
sym = mx.sym.Convolution(layout='NCW', num_filter=3, kernel=(3,), pad=(1,), name='conv')
sym_no_cudnn = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(3,), pad=(1,), cudnn_off=True, name='conv')
check_consistency_NxM([sym, sym_no_cudnn], ctx_list)
# Stride > 1
sym = mx.sym.Convolution(layout='NCW', num_filter=3, kernel=(3,), stride=(2,), name='conv')
sym_no_cudnn = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(3,), stride=(2,), cudnn_off=True, name='conv')
check_consistency_NxM([sym, sym_no_cudnn], ctx_list)
# Dilate > 1
sym = mx.sym.Convolution(layout='NCW', num_filter=3, kernel=(3,), dilate=(2,), name='conv')
sym_no_cudnn = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(3,), dilate=(2,), cudnn_off=True, name='conv')
check_consistency_NxM([sym, sym_no_cudnn], ctx_list)
# 1x1 convolution
sym = mx.sym.Convolution(layout='NCW', num_filter=3, kernel=(1,), pad=(0,), name='conv')
sym_no_cudnn = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(1,), pad=(0,), cudnn_off=True, name='conv')
check_consistency_NxM([sym, sym_no_cudnn], ctx_list)
# 2D convolution
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float32}}]
# Pad > 0
sym = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(3,3), pad=(1,1), name='conv')
sym_no_cudnn = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(3,3), pad=(1,1), cudnn_off=True, name='conv')
check_consistency_NxM([sym, sym_no_cudnn], ctx_list)
# Stride > 1
sym = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(3,3), stride=(2,2), name='conv')
sym_no_cudnn = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(3,3), stride=(2,2), cudnn_off=True, name='conv')
check_consistency_NxM([sym, sym_no_cudnn], ctx_list)
# Dilate > 1
sym = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(3,3), dilate=(2,2), name='conv')
sym_no_cudnn = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(3,3), dilate=(2,2), cudnn_off=True, name='conv')
check_consistency_NxM([sym, sym_no_cudnn], ctx_list)
# 1x1 convolution
sym = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(1,1), pad=(0,0), name='conv')
sym_no_cudnn = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(1,1), pad=(0,0), cudnn_off=True, name='conv')
check_consistency_NxM([sym, sym_no_cudnn], ctx_list)
# 3D convolution
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 5, 7, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 5, 7, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 5, 7, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 5, 7, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float32}}]
# Pad > 0
sym = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(2,3,3), pad=(1,1,1), name='conv')
sym_no_cudnn = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(2,3,3), pad=(1,1,1), cudnn_off=True, name='conv')
check_consistency_NxM([sym, sym_no_cudnn], ctx_list)
# Stride > 1
sym = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(2,3,3), stride=(2,2,2), name='conv')
sym_no_cudnn = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(2,3,3), stride=(2,2,2), cudnn_off=True, name='conv')
check_consistency_NxM([sym, sym_no_cudnn], ctx_list)
# 1x1 convolution
sym = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(1,1,1), pad=(0,0,0), name='conv')
sym_no_cudnn = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(1,1,1), pad=(0,0,0), cudnn_off=True, name='conv')
check_consistency_NxM([sym, sym_no_cudnn], ctx_list)
def test_conv_deconv_guards():
# Test cases for convolution and deconvolution via strided fft. Ensure that the framework
# guards against problematic CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_ALGO_FFT_TILING in cuDNN [7.3.1,7.5)
# see
for (op, opname) in [(mx.sym.Convolution, 'conv'), (mx.sym.Deconvolution, 'deconv')]:
dataname = opname + '_data'
ctx = {'ctx': mx.gpu(0), dataname: (32, 32, 64, 64), 'type_dict': {dataname: np.float32}}
test_cases = [
{'num_filter':32, 'kernel':(6,6), 'pad':(0,0), 'stride':(2,2), 'name': opname},
{'num_filter':32, 'kernel':(6,6), 'pad':(1,1), 'stride':(2,2), 'name': opname},
{'num_filter':32, 'kernel':(6,7), 'pad':(0,1), 'stride':(2,2), 'name': opname},
{'num_filter':32, 'kernel':(7,6), 'pad':(1,0), 'stride':(2,2), 'name': opname},
{'num_filter':32, 'kernel':(7,7), 'pad':(0,0), 'stride':(2,2), 'name': opname},
{'num_filter':32, 'kernel':(7,7), 'pad':(1,1), 'stride':(2,2), 'name': opname}]
for test_case_args in test_cases:
sym = op(**test_case_args)
sym_no_cudnn = op(cudnn_off=True, **test_case_args)
check_consistency([sym, sym_no_cudnn], [ctx, ctx], scale=0.1)
print('Test failure of mx.sym.{} with args: {}'.format(op.__name__, test_case_args))
def _conv_with_num_streams(seed):
with random_seed(seed):
# Try to expose timing-dependent improper workspace sharing by parallel dgrad and wgrad
num_trials = 20
for _ in range(num_trials):
size = np.random.randint(32, 128)
# The cudnn conv operator runs dgrad and wgrad in separate streams if enabled, with possible
# kernel overlap. The non-cudnn conv op doesn't do this so is used as the 'golden copy'.
ctx = {'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, size, size),
'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float32}}
# Adding 'flip' here isolates the model from the input node (which can't use inplace store)
flipped = mx.sym.flip(axis=0, name='conv')
sym = mx.sym.Convolution(data=flipped, num_filter=3, kernel=(3,3), pad=(1,1), name='conv')
flipped_no_cudnn = mx.sym.flip(axis=0, name='conv')
sym_no_cudnn = mx.sym.Convolution(data=flipped_no_cudnn, num_filter=3, kernel=(3,3), pad=(1,1),
cudnn_off=True, name='conv')
# tol can be pretty high- we're looking for a large diff due to garbaged workspace
check_consistency([sym, sym_no_cudnn], [ctx, ctx], rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-2)
print('Failing conv size = {}'.format(size))
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="skipping for now due to severe flakiness")
def test_convolution_multiple_streams():
for num_streams in ['1', '2']:
for engine in ['NaiveEngine', 'ThreadedEngine', 'ThreadedEnginePerDevice']:
print('Starting engine {} with {} streams.'.format(engine, num_streams), file=sys.stderr)
{'MXNET_GPU_WORKER_NSTREAMS' : num_streams, 'MXNET_ENGINE_TYPE' : engine})
print('Finished engine {} with {} streams.'.format(engine, num_streams), file=sys.stderr)
# This test is designed to expose an issue with cudnn v7.1.4 algo find() when invoked with large c.
# Algos returned by find() can fail to run with grad_req='add' (wgrad kernel beta parameter == 1.0f).
def test_convolution_large_c():
problematic_c = 64 * 1024
# The convolution accumulates many values, so scale the input magnitude.
scale = 0.1
def test_1D_with_width(width, grad_req):
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (1, problematic_c, width), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (1, problematic_c, width), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float64}}]
sym = mx.sym.Convolution(layout='NCW', num_filter=8, kernel=(2,), name='conv')
check_consistency([sym, sym], ctx_list, grad_req=grad_req, scale=scale)
def test_2D_with_width(width, grad_req):
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (1, problematic_c, 2, width), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (1, problematic_c, 2, width), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float64}}]
sym = mx.sym.Convolution(layout='NCHW', num_filter=4, kernel=(2,2), name='conv')
check_consistency([sym, sym], ctx_list, grad_req=grad_req, scale=scale)
# Run with different data tensor shapes to run cudnnFind() multiple times.
# First, populate algo and op caches with models that always use cudnnFind() (req == 'write').
# Then run models that must avoid cached cudnnFind() results in some cases (req == 'add').
widths = [4, 16, 64]
for req in ['write', 'add']:
for width in widths:
test_1D_with_width(width, req)
test_2D_with_width(width, req)
# This test is designed to expose an issue with cudnn v7.1.4 algo find() when invoked with large c.
# Algos returned by find() can fail to run with grad_req='add' (wgrad kernel beta parameter == 1.0f).
def test_deconvolution_large_c():
problematic_c = 64 * 1024
# The deconvolution accumulates many values, so scale the input magnitude.
scale = 0.1
def test_1D_with_width(width, grad_req):
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'deconv_data': (1, 8, width), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'deconv_data': (1, 8, width), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float64}}]
sym = mx.sym.Deconvolution(layout='NCW', num_filter=problematic_c, kernel=(2,), name='deconv')
check_consistency([sym, sym], ctx_list, grad_req=grad_req, scale=scale)
def test_2D_with_width(width, grad_req):
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'deconv_data': (1, 8, 2, width), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'deconv_data': (1, 8, 2, width), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float64}}]
sym = mx.sym.Deconvolution(layout='NCHW', num_filter=problematic_c, kernel=(2,2), name='deconv')
check_consistency([sym, sym], ctx_list, grad_req=grad_req, scale=scale)
# Run with different data tensor shapes to run cudnnFind() multiple times.
# First, populate algo and op caches with models that always use cudnnFind() (req == 'write').
# Then run models that must avoid cached cudnnFind() results in some cases (req == 'add').
widths = [4, 16, 64]
for req in ['write', 'add']:
for width in widths:
test_1D_with_width(width, req)
test_2D_with_width(width, req)
def test_convolution_versions():
# 2D convolution NCHW
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float32}}]
conv_cudnn = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(3,3), pad=(1,1), name='conv')
conv_cpu = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(3,3), pad=(1,1), name='conv')
conv_gpu = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(3,3), pad=(1,1), cudnn_off=True, name='conv')
syms = [conv_cudnn, conv_cpu, conv_gpu]
check_consistency(syms, ctx_list)
# 3D convolution NCDHW
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 5, 7, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 5, 7, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 5, 7, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float32}}]
conv_cudnn = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(2,3,3), pad=(1,1,1), name='conv')
conv_cpu = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(2,3,3), pad=(1,1,1), name='conv')
conv_gpu = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(2,3,3), pad=(1,1,1), cudnn_off=True, name='conv')
syms = [conv_cudnn, conv_cpu, conv_gpu]
check_consistency(syms, ctx_list)
# More max-pooling strides and pads to test cudnn pooling implementation code paths
def test_pooling_nhwc_with_convention():
def make_pooling_syms(**kwargs):
# Conventional NCHW layout pooling
sym = mx.sym.Pooling(**kwargs)
# NHWC pooling
data = mx.sym.Variable('pool_data')
sym_nhwc = mx.sym.transpose(data, axes=(0,2,3,1))
sym_nhwc = mx.sym.Pooling(sym_nhwc, layout='NHWC', **kwargs)
sym_nhwc = mx.sym.transpose(sym_nhwc, axes=(0,3,1,2), name='pool')
return [sym, sym_nhwc]
# While the float32 and float64 output is reliably consistent, float16 departs occasionally.
# We compare nhwc and nchw results only within a given precision.
for in_shape in [(3, 4, 8, 8), (2, 2, 20, 20)]:
for kernel in [(2,2), (3,3), (4,4)]:
for stride in [(1,1), (1,2), (2,1), (2,2)]:
for data_type in [np.float64, np.float32, np.float16]:
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'pool_data': in_shape,
'type_dict': {'pool_data': data_type}}]
symlist = make_pooling_syms(kernel=kernel, pool_type='max', stride=stride,
pooling_convention='valid', name='pool')
check_consistency_NxM(symlist, ctx_list)
symlist = make_pooling_syms(kernel=kernel, pool_type='max', stride=stride,
pooling_convention='full', name='pool')
check_consistency_NxM(symlist, ctx_list)
symlist = make_pooling_syms(kernel=(300,300), pool_type='max',
global_pool=True, name='pool')
check_consistency_NxM(symlist, ctx_list)
def test_pooling_with_type():
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'pool_data': (2, 2, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'pool_data': (2, 2, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'pool_data': (2, 2, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'pool_data': (2, 2, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'pool_data': (2, 2, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}}]
sym = mx.sym.Pooling(kernel=(3,3), pool_type='max', pooling_convention='valid', name='pool')
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, rand_type=np.float16)
sym = mx.sym.Pooling(kernel=(3,3), pool_type='max', pooling_convention='full', name='pool')
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, rand_type=np.float16)
sym = mx.sym.Pooling(kernel=(300,300), pool_type='max', global_pool=True, name='pool')
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, rand_type=np.float16)
def test_deconvolution_with_type():
# Test basic deconvolution without exercising stride, pad or dilation.
# 1D deconvolution
sym = mx.sym.Deconvolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(3,), name='deconv')
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'deconv_data': (2, 2, 7), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'deconv_data': (2, 2, 7), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'deconv_data': (2, 2, 7), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'deconv_data': (2, 2, 7), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'deconv_data': (2, 2, 7), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float32}}]
# wider tolerance needed for true-fp16 test above
tol = {np.dtype(np.float16): 0.3,
np.dtype(np.float32): 1e-3,
np.dtype(np.float64): 1e-5,
np.dtype(np.uint8): 0,
np.dtype(np.int32): 0}
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, rtol=tol, atol=tol)
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, rtol=tol, atol=tol, grad_req="add")
# 2D deconvolution
sym = mx.sym.Deconvolution(num_filter=2, kernel=(3,3), name='deconv')
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'deconv_data': (2, 2, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'deconv_data': (2, 2, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'deconv_data': (2, 2, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'deconv_data': (2, 2, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'deconv_data': (2, 2, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float32}}]
# wider tolerance needed for true-fp16 test above
tol = {np.dtype(np.float16): 0.3,
np.dtype(np.float32): 1e-3,
np.dtype(np.float64): 1e-5,
np.dtype(np.uint8): 0,
np.dtype(np.int32): 0}
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, rtol=tol, atol=tol)
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, rtol=tol, atol=tol, grad_req="add")
def test_deconvolution_options():
# 1D deconvolution
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'deconv_data': (2, 2, 7), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'deconv_data': (2, 2, 7), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'deconv_data': (2, 2, 7), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'deconv_data': (2, 2, 7), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'deconv_data': (2, 2, 7), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float32}}]
# Pad > 0
sym = mx.sym.Deconvolution(layout='NCW', num_filter=3, kernel=(3,), pad=(1,), name='deconv')
sym_no_cudnn = mx.sym.Deconvolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(3,), pad=(1,), cudnn_off=True, name='deconv')
check_consistency_NxM([sym, sym_no_cudnn], ctx_list)
# Stride > 1
sym = mx.sym.Deconvolution(layout='NCW', num_filter=3, kernel=(3,), stride=(2,), name='deconv')
sym_no_cudnn = mx.sym.Deconvolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(3,), stride=(2,), cudnn_off=True, name='deconv')
check_consistency_NxM([sym, sym_no_cudnn], ctx_list)
# Dilate > 1
sym = mx.sym.Deconvolution(layout='NCW', num_filter=3, kernel=(3,), dilate=(2,), name='deconv')
sym_no_cudnn = mx.sym.Deconvolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(3,), dilate=(2,), cudnn_off=True, name='deconv')
check_consistency_NxM([sym, sym_no_cudnn], ctx_list)
# 2D deconvolution
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'deconv_data': (2, 8, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'deconv_data': (2, 8, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'deconv_data': (2, 8, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'deconv_data': (2, 8, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'deconv_data': (2, 8, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'deconv_data': np.float32}}]
# Pad > 0
sym = mx.sym.Deconvolution(num_filter=2, kernel=(3,3), pad=(1,1), name='deconv')
sym_no_cudnn = mx.sym.Deconvolution(num_filter=2, kernel=(3,3), pad=(1,1), cudnn_off=True, name='deconv')
check_consistency_NxM([sym, sym_no_cudnn], ctx_list)
# Stride > 1
sym = mx.sym.Deconvolution(num_filter=2, kernel=(3,3), stride=(2,2), name='deconv')
sym_no_cudnn = mx.sym.Deconvolution(num_filter=2, kernel=(3,3), stride=(2,2), cudnn_off=True, name='deconv')
check_consistency_NxM([sym, sym_no_cudnn], ctx_list)
# Dilate > 1
sym = mx.sym.Deconvolution(num_filter=2, kernel=(3,3), dilate=(2,2), name='deconv')
sym_no_cudnn = mx.sym.Deconvolution(num_filter=2, kernel=(3,3), dilate=(2,2), cudnn_off=True, name='deconv')
check_consistency_NxM([sym, sym_no_cudnn], ctx_list)
# # 3D deconvolution (not yet enabled)
# ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 5, 7, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float64}},
# {'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 5, 7, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float64}},
# {'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 5, 7, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float64}},
# {'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 2, 5, 7, 7), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float32}}]
# # Pad > 0
# sym = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(2,3,3), pad=(1,1,1), name='conv')
# sym_no_cudnn = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(2,3,3), pad=(1,1,1), cudnn_off=True, name='conv')
# check_consistency_NxM([sym, sym_no_cudnn], ctx_list)
# # Stride > 1
# sym = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(2,3,3), stride=(2,2,2), name='conv')
# sym_no_cudnn = mx.sym.Convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(2,3,3), stride=(2,2,2), cudnn_off=True, name='conv')
# check_consistency_NxM([sym, sym_no_cudnn], ctx_list)
def test_bilinear_sampler_with_type():
data = mx.sym.Variable('data')
grid = mx.sym.Variable('grid')
sym = mx.sym.BilinearSampler(data=data, grid=grid)
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'data': (1, 5, 10, 10), 'grid': (1, 2, 10, 10),
'type_dict': {'data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'data': (1, 5, 10, 10), 'grid': (1, 2, 10, 10),
'type_dict': {'data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'data': (1, 5, 10, 10), 'grid': (1, 2, 10, 10),
'type_dict': {'data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'data': (1, 5, 10, 10), 'grid': (1, 2, 10, 10),
'type_dict': {'data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'data': (1, 5, 10, 10), 'grid': (1, 2, 10, 10),
'type_dict': {'data': np.float32}}]
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, grad_req="add")
def test_grid_generator_with_type():
data = mx.sym.Variable('data')
sym = mx.sym.GridGenerator(data=data, transform_type='affine', target_shape=(20, 20))
scale = 1
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'data': (3, 6), 'type_dict': {'data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'data': (3, 6), 'type_dict': {'data': np.float32}}]
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, scale=scale)
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, scale=scale, grad_req="add")
sym = mx.sym.GridGenerator(data=data, transform_type='warp', target_shape=(20, 20))
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'data': (3, 2, 20, 20), 'type_dict': {'data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'data': (3, 2, 20, 20), 'type_dict': {'data': np.float32}}]
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, grad_req="add")
def test_spatial_transformer_with_type():
data = mx.sym.Variable('data')
loc = mx.sym.Flatten(data)
loc = mx.sym.FullyConnected(data=loc, num_hidden=10)
loc = mx.sym.Activation(data=loc, act_type='relu')
loc = mx.sym.FullyConnected(data=loc, num_hidden=6)
sym = mx.sym.SpatialTransformer(data=data, loc=loc, target_shape=(10, 10),
transform_type="affine", sampler_type="bilinear", cudnn_off=True)
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'data': (1, 5, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'data': (1, 5, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'data': np.float64}}]
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, grad_req="add")
sym = mx.sym.SpatialTransformer(data=data, loc=loc, target_shape=(10, 10),
transform_type="affine", sampler_type="bilinear", cudnn_off=False)
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, grad_req="add")
def test_pooling_with_type2():
# While the float32 and float64 output is reliably consistent, float16 departs occasionally.
# We compare cpu and gpu results only within a given precision.
for data_type in [np.float64, np.float32, np.float16]:
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'pool_data': (10, 2, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'pool_data': data_type}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'pool_data': (10, 2, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'pool_data': data_type}}]
sym = mx.sym.Pooling(name='pool', kernel=(3,3), stride=(2,2), pool_type='max')
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
sym = mx.sym.Pooling(name='pool', kernel=(3,3), pad=(1,1), pool_type='avg')
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
sym = mx.sym.Pooling(name='pool', kernel=(5,5), pad=(2,2), pool_type='max')
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
sym = mx.sym.Pooling(name='pool', kernel=(3,3), pad=(1,1), pool_type='sum')
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
def test_pooling_nhwc_with_type():
def make_pooling_syms(**kwargs):
# Conventional NCHW layout pooling
sym = mx.sym.Pooling(**kwargs)
# NHWC pooling
data = mx.sym.Variable('pool_data')
sym_nhwc = mx.sym.transpose(data, axes=(0,2,3,1))
sym_nhwc = mx.sym.Pooling(sym_nhwc, layout='NHWC', **kwargs)
sym_nhwc = mx.sym.transpose(sym_nhwc, axes=(0,3,1,2), name='pool')
return [sym, sym_nhwc]
# While the float32 and float64 output is reliably consistent, float16 departs occasionally.
# We compare nhwc and nchw results only within a given precision.
for data_type in [np.float64, np.float32, np.float16]:
# NHWC pooling only enabled on GPU with CUDNN
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'pool_data': (10, 2, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'pool_data': data_type}}]
symlist = make_pooling_syms(name='pool', kernel=(3,3), stride=(2,2), pool_type='max')
check_consistency_NxM(symlist, ctx_list)
symlist = make_pooling_syms(name='pool', kernel=(3,3), pad=(1,1), pool_type='avg')
check_consistency_NxM(symlist, ctx_list)
symlist = make_pooling_syms(name='pool', kernel=(5,5), pad=(2,2), pool_type='max')
check_consistency_NxM(symlist, ctx_list)
def test_pooling_versions():
# Produce the name of the 'transposed' layout, given the dimension
def transposed_layout(ndim):
if ndim < 3 or ndim > 5:
raise RuntimeError("Invalid data dim, expecting 3, 4 or 5")
return ('NWC', 'NHWC', 'NDHWC')[ndim-3]
# default padding is all zeros
def is_default_pad(pad):
return pad == (0,) * len(pad)
# default stride is all ones
def is_default_stride(stride):
return stride == (1,) * len(stride)
# returns True/False randomly with equal probability
def random_choice():
return np.random.random(1)[0] < 0.5
def test_pooling_versions_helper(pool_op_list, data, kernel, pool_type, pad, stride,
pooling_convention='valid', global_pool=False, p_value=2,
count_include_pad=True, tol=None, dtype=np.float32):
ctx_list = []
sym_list = []
for pool_ctx in pool_op_list:
(pool_op, ctx_type) = pool_ctx.rsplit('_', 1)
expected_ctxs = ['cpu', 'gpu', 'cudnn']
if ctx_type not in expected_ctxs:
raise RuntimeError('Expected one of {}, saw {}.'.format(expected_ctxs, ctx_type))
ctx = mx.cpu(0) if ctx_type == 'cpu' else mx.gpu(0)
ctx_list.append({'ctx': ctx, 'pool_data': data, 'type_dict': {'pool_data': dtype}})
# start with pool args present in all cases
pool_op_args = {'kernel': kernel, 'pool_type': pool_type,
'pooling_convention' : pooling_convention, 'name' : 'pool'}
# add other args as needed
if global_pool:
pool_op_args['global_pool'] = True
# Add pad and stride param if needed, plus randomly when it matches the default
if not is_default_pad(pad) or random_choice():
pool_op_args.update({'pad' : pad})
if not is_default_stride(stride) or random_choice():
pool_op_args.update({'stride' : stride})
expected_pool_ops = ['pool', 'pool_transposed']
pool_op_args.update({'p_value' : p_value, 'count_include_pad' : count_include_pad})
if ctx_type != 'cpu':
pool_op_args['cudnn_off'] = ctx_type == 'gpu'
if pool_op == 'pool':
# isolate pooling input from symbol input to test shared tensor optimizations
buffered_input = mx.sym.identity(name='pool')
sym = mx.sym.Pooling(buffered_input, **pool_op_args)
elif pool_op == 'pool_transposed':
ndim = len(data)
# NCW->NWC axes=(0,2,1) NCHW->NHWC axes=(0,2,3,1) NCDHW->NDHWC axes=(0,2,3,4,1);
axes = (0,) + tuple(range(2,ndim)) + (1,)
transposed = mx.sym.transpose(axes=axes, name='pool')
pooled = mx.sym.Pooling(data=transposed, layout=transposed_layout(ndim),
# NWC->NCW axes=(0,2,1) NHWC->NCHW axes=(0,3,1,2) NDHWC->NCDHW axes=(0,4,1,2,3);
axes = (0, ndim-1) + tuple(range(1,ndim-1))
sym = mx.sym.transpose(data=pooled, axes=axes, name='pool')
raise RuntimeError('Expected one of {}, saw {}.'.format(expected_pool_ops,
check_consistency(sym_list, ctx_list, equal_nan=(not count_include_pad), rtol=tol, atol=tol)
def test_pooling_dim(dim, pool_type, dtype, pool_op_list, p_value=2, count_include_pad=True,
if dim == '1D':
data = (3, 3, 10)
kernels = [(4,), (4,), (5,)]
pads = [(0,), (2,), (2,)]
strides = [(1,), (2,), (1,)]
elif dim == '2D_no_padding':
data = (3, 2, 20, 20)
kernels = [(3, 3), (4, 5)]
pads = [(0, 0), (0, 0)]
strides = [(1, 1), (2, 1)]
elif dim == '2D':
data = (2, 2, 20, 20)
kernels = [(3, 3), (3, 5), (4, 5), (4, 5)]
pads = [(0, 0), (1, 2), (0, 0), (2, 3)]
strides = [(1, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (1, 1)]
elif dim == '3D':
data = (2, 3, 20, 20, 20)
kernels = [(4, 5, 3), (4, 5, 3), (3, 5, 7)]
pads = [(0, 0, 0), (2, 3, 2), (1, 2, 3)]
strides = [(1, 1, 1), (2, 3, 1), (1, 1, 1)]
raise RuntimeError('Unexpected pooling test class: {}.'.format(dim))
for kernel, pad, stride in zip(kernels, pads, strides):
for pooling_convention in ['valid', 'full']:
data=data, kernel=kernel, pad=pad, stride=stride,
pool_type=pool_type, pooling_convention=pooling_convention,
global_pool=False, p_value=p_value,
count_include_pad=count_include_pad, tol=tol, dtype=dtype)
print('pool_op_list = {}'.format(pool_op_list))
print('kernel={}, pad={}, stride={}'.format(kernel, pad, stride))
print('pool_type={}, pooling_convention={}, global_pool=False'.format(pool_type,
print('p_value={}, count_include_pad={}, dtype={}'.format(p_value,
count_include_pad, dtype))
print('environ = \n{}'.format(os.environ))
# Make sure kernel is ignored during global_pool by sometimes setting it to a crazy value
kernel = kernels[0]
if random_choice():
kernel = (300,) * len(kernel)
data=data, kernel=kernel, pad=None, stride=None,
pool_type=pool_type, global_pool=True, p_value=p_value,
count_include_pad=count_include_pad, tol=tol, dtype=dtype)
# The various implementations of the standard pooling operator
std_pool_op_list = ['pool_cpu', 'pool_transposed_cpu',
'pool_gpu', 'pool_transposed_gpu',
'pool_cudnn', 'pool_transposed_cudnn']
for dtype in [np.float32, np.float64, np.float16]:
# Testing of the standard (not 'v1') pooling operator is universal across all
# data dimensions, implementations and layouts.
for dim in ['1D', '2D', '3D']:
test_pooling_dim(dim, 'max', dtype, std_pool_op_list)
test_pooling_dim(dim, 'avg', dtype, std_pool_op_list, count_include_pad=True)
test_pooling_dim(dim, 'avg', dtype, std_pool_op_list, count_include_pad=False)
test_pooling_dim(dim, 'sum', dtype, std_pool_op_list)
test_pooling_dim(dim, 'lp', dtype, std_pool_op_list, p_value=1)
test_pooling_dim(dim, 'lp', dtype, std_pool_op_list, p_value=2)
test_pooling_dim(dim, 'lp', dtype, std_pool_op_list, p_value=3)
def test_pooling_full_2d():
def test_pooling_full_2d_type(pool_type):
data = (2, 2, 10, 10)
kernel = (4, 5)
pad = (1, 2)
stride = (3, 4)
convention = 'full'
ctx_list = []
sym_list = []
# o_h = ceil((10 + 1 + 1 - 4) / 3) + 1 = 4
# o_w = ceil((10 + 2 + 2 - 5) / 4) + 1 = 4
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'pool_data': data, 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}})
sym_list.append(mx.sym.Pooling(kernel=kernel, pad=pad, stride=stride, pool_type=pool_type,
pooling_convention=convention, global_pool=False, name='pool'))
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'pool_data': data, 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}})
sym_list.append(mx.sym.Pooling(kernel=kernel, pad=pad, stride=stride, pool_type=pool_type,
pooling_convention=convention, global_pool=False, name='pool'))
check_consistency(sym_list, ctx_list)
def test_flatten_slice_after_conv():
ctx_list = []
data = mx.sym.Variable('conv_data')
conv = mx.symbol.Convolution(data=data, name='conv', num_filter=16, kernel=(3,3), stride=(1,1))
flatten = mx.symbol.flatten(data=conv)
slice_sym = mx.symbol.slice(data=flatten, begin=0, end=1)
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 16, 16, 16), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'conv_data': (2, 16, 16, 16), 'type_dict': {'conv_data': np.float32}}]
check_consistency(slice_sym, ctx_list, scale=0.5)
def test_bilinear_resize_op():
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'data': (2, 2, 20, 20), 'type_dict': {'data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'data': (2, 2, 20, 20), 'type_dict': {'data': np.float32}}]
data = mx.sym.Variable('data')
sym = mx.sym.contrib.BilinearResize2D(data, height=10, width=5, align_corners=True)
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
sym = mx.sym.contrib.BilinearResize2D(data, height=10, width=5, align_corners=False)
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
sym = mx.sym.contrib.BilinearResize2D(data, None, scale_height=2, scale_width=0.5, mode='odd_scale', align_corners=True)
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
sym = mx.sym.contrib.BilinearResize2D(data, None, scale_height=2, scale_width=0.5, mode='odd_scale', align_corners=False)
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
sym = mx.sym.contrib.BilinearResize2D(data, None, scale_height=0.5, scale_width=2, mode='to_even_up', align_corners=True)
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
sym = mx.sym.contrib.BilinearResize2D(data, None, scale_height=0.5, scale_width=2, mode='to_even_up', align_corners=False)
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
def test_global_pooling():
def test_1d_pooling(pool_type, p_value=2):
data = (2, 3, 20)
kernel = (4,)
pad = (2,)
stride = (2,)
ctx_list = []
sym_list = []
pooling_convention = 'valid'
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'pool_data': data, 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}})
sym_list.append(mx.sym.Pooling(kernel=kernel, pad=pad, stride=stride, pool_type=pool_type,
pooling_convention=pooling_convention, global_pool=True, name='pool', p_value=p_value))
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'pool_data': data, 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}})
sym_list.append(mx.sym.Pooling(kernel=kernel, pool_type=pool_type,
pooling_convention=pooling_convention, global_pool=True, name='pool', p_value=p_value))
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'pool_data': data, 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}})
pooling_convention=pooling_convention, global_pool=True, name='pool', p_value=p_value))
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'pool_data': data, 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}})
sym_list.append(mx.sym.Pooling(kernel=kernel, pad=pad, stride=stride, pool_type=pool_type,
pooling_convention=pooling_convention, global_pool=True, p_value=p_value, cudnn_off=False, name='pool'))
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'pool_data': data, 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}})
sym_list.append(mx.sym.Pooling(kernel=kernel, pool_type=pool_type,
pooling_convention=pooling_convention, global_pool=True, p_value=p_value, cudnn_off=False, name='pool'))
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'pool_data': data, 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}})
pooling_convention=pooling_convention, global_pool=True, p_value=p_value, cudnn_off=False, name='pool'))
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'pool_data': data, 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}})
sym_list.append(mx.sym.Pooling(kernel=kernel, pad=pad, stride=stride, pool_type=pool_type,
pooling_convention=pooling_convention, global_pool=True, p_value=p_value, cudnn_off=True, name='pool'))
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'pool_data': data, 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}})
sym_list.append(mx.sym.Pooling(kernel=kernel, pool_type=pool_type,
pooling_convention=pooling_convention, global_pool=True, p_value=p_value, cudnn_off=True, name='pool'))
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'pool_data': data, 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}})
pooling_convention=pooling_convention, global_pool=True, p_value=p_value, cudnn_off=True, name='pool'))
check_consistency(sym_list, ctx_list)
def test_2d_pooling(pool_type, p_value=2):
data = (2, 3, 20, 20)
kernel = (4, 4)
pad = (2, 2)
stride = (2, 2)
ctx_list = []
sym_list = []
pooling_convention = 'valid'
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'pool_data': data, 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}})
sym_list.append(mx.sym.Pooling(kernel=kernel, pad=pad, stride=stride, pool_type=pool_type,
pooling_convention=pooling_convention, global_pool=True, p_value=p_value, name='pool'))
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'pool_data': data, 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}})
sym_list.append(mx.sym.Pooling(kernel=kernel, pool_type=pool_type,
pooling_convention=pooling_convention, global_pool=True, p_value=p_value, name='pool'))
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'pool_data': data, 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}})
pooling_convention=pooling_convention, global_pool=True, p_value=p_value, name='pool'))
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'pool_data': data, 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}})
sym_list.append(mx.sym.Pooling(kernel=kernel, pad=pad, stride=stride, pool_type=pool_type,
pooling_convention=pooling_convention, global_pool=True, p_value=p_value, cudnn_off=False, name='pool'))
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'pool_data': data, 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}})
sym_list.append(mx.sym.Pooling(kernel=kernel, pool_type=pool_type,
pooling_convention=pooling_convention, global_pool=True, p_value=p_value, cudnn_off=False, name='pool'))
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'pool_data': data, 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}})
pooling_convention=pooling_convention, global_pool=True, p_value=p_value, cudnn_off=False, name='pool'))
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'pool_data': data, 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}})
sym_list.append(mx.sym.Pooling(kernel=kernel, pad=pad, stride=stride, pool_type=pool_type,
pooling_convention=pooling_convention, global_pool=True, p_value=p_value, cudnn_off=True, name='pool'))
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'pool_data': data, 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}})
sym_list.append(mx.sym.Pooling(kernel=kernel, pool_type=pool_type,
pooling_convention=pooling_convention, global_pool=True, p_value=p_value, cudnn_off=True, name='pool'))
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'pool_data': data, 'type_dict': {'pool_data': np.float32}})
pooling_convention=pooling_convention, global_pool=True, p_value=p_value, cudnn_off=True, name='pool'))
check_consistency(sym_list, ctx_list)
test_1d_pooling('lp', p_value=1)
test_1d_pooling('lp', p_value=2)
test_1d_pooling('lp', p_value=3)
test_2d_pooling('lp', p_value=1)
test_2d_pooling('lp', p_value=2)
test_2d_pooling('lp', p_value=3)
def test_upsampling_with_type():
sym = mx.sym.UpSampling(scale=2, num_filter=2, name='up', sample_type='nearest', num_args=1)
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'up_arg0': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'up_arg0': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'up_arg0': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'up_arg0': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'up_arg0': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'up_arg0': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'up_arg0': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'up_arg0': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'up_arg0': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'up_arg0': np.float32}}]
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
def test_upsampling_bilinear_with_type():
sym = mx.sym.UpSampling(scale=2, num_filter=2, name='up', sample_type='bilinear', num_args=1)
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'up_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'up_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'up_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'up_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'up_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'up_data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'up_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'up_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'up_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'up_data': np.float32}}]
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
def test_concat_with_type():
sym = mx.sym.Concat(name='concat', num_args=2)
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'concat_arg1': (2, 10), 'concat_arg0': (2, 10),
'type_dict': {'concat_arg0': np.float64, 'concat_arg1': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'concat_arg1': (2, 10), 'concat_arg0': (2, 10),
'type_dict': {'concat_arg0': np.float32, 'concat_arg1': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'concat_arg1': (2, 10), 'concat_arg0': (2, 10),
'type_dict': {'concat_arg0': np.float16, 'concat_arg1': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'concat_arg1': (2, 10), 'concat_arg0': (2, 10),
'type_dict': {'concat_arg0': np.float64, 'concat_arg1': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'concat_arg1': (2, 10), 'concat_arg0': (2, 10),
'type_dict': {'concat_arg0': np.float32, 'concat_arg1': np.float32}}]
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
def test_elementwisesum_with_type():
dev_types = [[mx.gpu(0), [np.float64, np.float32, np.float16]],
[mx.cpu(0), [np.float64, np.float32]] ]
for num_args in range(1, 6):
ews_arg_shape = {}
for i in range(num_args):
ews_arg_shape['ews_arg'+str(i)] = (2, 10)
sym = mx.sym.ElementWiseSum(name='ews', num_args=num_args)
ctx_list = []
for dev, types in dev_types:
for dtype in types:
ews_arg_dtype = {'type_dict':{}}
for i in range(num_args):
ews_arg_dtype['type_dict']['ews_arg'+str(i)] = dtype
ctx_elem = {'ctx': dev}
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
def test_reshape_with_type():
sym = mx.sym.Reshape(name='reshape', shape=(-1,1,1,0))
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'reshape_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'reshape_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'reshape_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'reshape_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'reshape_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'reshape_data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'reshape_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'reshape_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'reshape_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'reshape_data': np.float32}}]
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
def test_blockgrad_with_type():
sym = mx.sym.BlockGrad(name='bg')
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'bg_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'bg_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'bg_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'bg_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'bg_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'bg_data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'bg_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'bg_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'bg_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'bg_data': np.float32}}]
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
def test_swapaxis_with_type():
sym = mx.sym.SwapAxis(name='swap', dim1=1)
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'swap_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'swap_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'swap_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'swap_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'swap_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'swap_data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'swap_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'swap_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'swap_data': (2, 2, 2, 10), 'type_dict': {'swap_data': np.float32}}]
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
def test_fullyconnected_with_type():
sym = mx.sym.FullyConnected(num_hidden=3, name='inner')
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'inner_data': (2, 10), 'type_dict': {'inner_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'inner_data': (2, 10), 'type_dict': {'inner_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'inner_data': (2, 10), 'type_dict': {'inner_data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'inner_data': (2, 10), 'type_dict': {'inner_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'inner_data': (2, 10), 'type_dict': {'inner_data': np.float32}}]
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
# Sizes are divisible by 8 to test TensorCore on Volta GPU.
sym = mx.sym.FullyConnected(num_hidden=8, name='inner')
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'inner_data': (16, 24), 'type_dict': {'inner_data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'inner_data': (16, 24), 'type_dict': {'inner_data': np.float32}}]
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
def test_activation_with_type():
act_types = ['relu', 'sigmoid', 'tanh', 'softrelu', 'softsign']
shape = (2, 2, 10, 10)
for act_type in act_types:
sym = mx.sym.Activation(name='act', act_type=act_type)
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'act_data': shape, 'type_dict': {'act_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'act_data': shape, 'type_dict': {'act_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'act_data': shape, 'type_dict': {'act_data': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'act_data': shape, 'type_dict': {'act_data': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'act_data': shape, 'type_dict': {'act_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'act_data': shape, 'type_dict': {'act_data': np.float16}}]
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
def test_lrn():
sym = mx.sym.LRN(alpha=0.0001, beta=0.75, knorm=2, nsize=5, name='lrn')
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'lrn_data': (2, 6, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'lrn_data': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'lrn_data': (2, 6, 10, 10), 'type_dict': {'lrn_data': np.float32}}]
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list)
@pytest.mark.skipif(os.environ.get('MXNET_ENGINE_TYPE') == 'NaiveEngine',
reason="Testing with naive engine consistently triggers illegal memory access. Tracked in #17713")
def test_embedding_with_type():
def test_embedding_helper(data_types, weight_types, low_pad, high_pad):
NVD = [[20, 10, 20], [200, 10, 300], [10000, 4, 20]]
for safe_accumulation in ['0', '1', None]:
for N, V, D in NVD:
with environment('MXNET_SAFE_ACCUMULATION', safe_accumulation):
if N > 1000 and safe_accumulation != '1':
sym = mx.sym.Embedding(name='embedding', input_dim=V, output_dim=D)
ctx_list = []
for data_type in data_types:
for weight_type in weight_types:
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'embedding_data': (N,),
'type_dict': {'embedding_data': data_type, 'embedding_weight': weight_type}})
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'embedding_data': (N,),
'type_dict': {'embedding_data': data_type, 'embedding_weight': weight_type}})
arg_params = {'embedding_data': np.random.randint(low=-low_pad, high=V+high_pad, size=(N,))}
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, grad_req={'embedding_data': 'null','embedding_weight': 'write'},
arg_params=arg_params, scale=0.1)
data_types = [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64, np.int32]
weight_types = [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64]
test_embedding_helper(data_types, weight_types, 5, 5)
data_types = [np.uint8]
weight_types = [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64]
test_embedding_helper(data_types, weight_types, 0, 5)
def test_take_with_type():
sym = mx.sym.take(name='take')
for safe_accumulation in ['0', '1', None]:
for data_ndim in range(2, 5):
for idx_ndim in range(1, 4):
data_shape = ()
for _ in range(data_ndim):
data_shape += (np.random.randint(low=3, high=6), )
idx_shape = ()
for _ in range(idx_ndim):
idx_shape += (np.random.randint(low=3, high=5), )
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'take_indices': idx_shape,
'take_a': data_shape,
'type_dict': {'take_indices': np.float64,
'take_a': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'take_indices': idx_shape,
'take_a': data_shape,
'type_dict': {'take_indices': np.float32,
'take_a': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'take_indices': idx_shape,
'take_a': data_shape,
'type_dict': {'take_indices': np.float16,
'take_a': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'take_indices': idx_shape,
'take_a': data_shape,
'type_dict': {'take_indices': np.float64,
'take_a': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'take_indices': idx_shape,
'take_a': data_shape,
'type_dict': {'take_indices': np.float32,
'take_a': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'take_indices': idx_shape,
'take_a': data_shape,
'type_dict': {'take_indices': np.float16,
'take_a': np.float16}}]
arg_params = {'take_indices': np.random.randint(low=0,
'take_a': np.random.normal(size=data_shape)}
with environment('MXNET_SAFE_ACCUMULATION', safe_accumulation):
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list,
grad_req={'take_indices': 'null',
'take_a': 'write'},
# check a large num of indices: may underflow calculating gradient in FP16,
# if MXNET_SAFE_ACCUMULATION is not activated
with environment('MXNET_SAFE_ACCUMULATION', '1'):
data_size = 4
indices_size = 10000
out_dim = 20
data_types = [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64]
indices_types = [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64, np.int32]
# axis 0
sym = mx.sym.take(name='take', axis=0)
ctx_list = []
for data_type in data_types:
for index_type in indices_types:
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'take_indices': (indices_size,),
'take_a': (data_size, out_dim),
'type_dict': {'take_indices': index_type, 'take_a': data_type}})
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'take_indices': (indices_size,),
'take_a': (data_size, out_dim),
'type_dict': {'take_indices': index_type, 'take_a': data_type}})
arg_params = {'take_indices': np.random.randint(0, data_size,
'take_a': np.random.normal(size=(data_size, out_dim))}
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list,
grad_req={'take_indices': 'null','take_a': 'write'},
# axis 1
sym = mx.sym.take(name='take', axis=1)
ctx_list = []
for data_type in data_types:
for index_type in indices_types:
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.cpu(0), 'take_indices': (indices_size,),
'take_a': (data_size, out_dim),
'type_dict': {'take_indices': index_type, 'take_a': data_type}})
ctx_list.append({'ctx': mx.gpu(0), 'take_indices': (indices_size,),
'take_a': (data_size, out_dim),
'type_dict': {'take_indices': index_type, 'take_a': data_type}})
arg_params = {'take_indices': np.random.randint(0, data_size,
'take_a': np.random.normal(size=(data_size, out_dim))}
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list,
grad_req={'take_indices': 'null','take_a': 'write'},
def test_psroipooling_with_type():
arg_params = {
'psroipool_rois': np.array([[0, 10, 22, 161, 173], [0, 20, 15, 154, 160]])}
# plain psroipooling
sym = mx.sym.contrib.PSROIPooling(spatial_scale=0.0625, output_dim=2, pooled_size=3, name='psroipool')
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0),
'psroipool_data': (1, 18, 14, 14),
'psroipool_rois': (2, 5),
'type_dict': {'psroipool_data': np.float64, 'psroipool_rois': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0),
'psroipool_data': (1, 18, 14, 14),
'psroipool_rois': (2, 5),
'type_dict': {'psroipool_data': np.float32, 'psroipool_rois': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0),
'psroipool_data': (1, 18, 14, 14),
'psroipool_rois': (2, 5),
'type_dict': {'psroipool_data': np.float16, 'psroipool_rois': np.float16}},
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, grad_req={'psroipool_data': 'write',
'psroipool_rois': 'null'}, arg_params=arg_params)
def test_deformable_psroipooling_with_type():
tol = {np.dtype(np.float32): 1e-1,
np.dtype(np.float64): 1e-3,
np.dtype(np.float16): 1e-2}
arg_params = {
'deformable_psroipool_rois': np.array([[0, 10, 22, 161, 173], [0, 20, 15, 154, 160]])}
# deformable psroipooling
sym = mx.sym.contrib.DeformablePSROIPooling(spatial_scale=0.0625, sample_per_part=4, group_size=3, pooled_size=3,
output_dim=2, trans_std=0.1, no_trans=False, name='deformable_psroipool')
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0),
'deformable_psroipool_data': (1, 18, 14, 14),
'deformable_psroipool_rois': (2, 5),
'deformable_psroipool_trans': (2, 4, 3, 3),
'type_dict': {'deformable_psroipool_data': np.float64, 'deformable_psroipool_rois': np.float64,
'deformable_psroipool_trans': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0),
'deformable_psroipool_data': (1, 18, 14, 14),
'deformable_psroipool_rois': (2, 5),
'deformable_psroipool_trans': (2, 4, 3, 3),
'type_dict': {'deformable_psroipool_data': np.float32, 'deformable_psroipool_rois': np.float32,
'deformable_psroipool_trans': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0),
'deformable_psroipool_data': (1, 18, 14, 14),
'deformable_psroipool_rois': (2, 5),
'deformable_psroipool_trans': (2, 4, 3, 3),
'type_dict': {'deformable_psroipool_data': np.float16, 'deformable_psroipool_rois': np.float16,
'deformable_psroipool_trans': np.float16}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0),
'deformable_psroipool_data': (1, 18, 14, 14),
'deformable_psroipool_rois': (2, 5),
'deformable_psroipool_trans': (2, 4, 3, 3),
'type_dict': {'deformable_psroipool_data': np.float64, 'deformable_psroipool_rois': np.float64,
'deformable_psroipool_trans': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0),
'deformable_psroipool_data': (1, 18, 14, 14),
'deformable_psroipool_rois': (2, 5),
'deformable_psroipool_trans': (2, 4, 3, 3),
'type_dict': {'deformable_psroipool_data': np.float32, 'deformable_psroipool_rois': np.float32,
'deformable_psroipool_trans': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0),
'deformable_psroipool_data': (1, 18, 14, 14),
'deformable_psroipool_rois': (2, 5),
'deformable_psroipool_trans': (2, 4, 3, 3),
'type_dict': {'deformable_psroipool_data': np.float16, 'deformable_psroipool_rois': np.float16,
'deformable_psroipool_trans': np.float16}},
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, scale=0.1, rtol=tol, atol=tol,
grad_req={'deformable_psroipool_data': 'write',
'deformable_psroipool_rois': 'null',
'deformable_psroipool_trans': 'write'}, arg_params=arg_params)
def test_deformable_convolution_with_type():
tol = {np.dtype(np.float32): 1e-1,
np.dtype(np.float64): 1e-3}
sym = mx.sym.npx.deformable_convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(3,3), name='deformable_conv')
# since atomicAdd does not support fp16 (which deformable conv uses in backward), we do not test fp16 here
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0),
'deformable_conv_data': (2, 2, 10, 10),
'deformable_conv_offset': (2, 18, 8, 8),
'type_dict': {'deformable_conv_data': np.float64, 'deformable_conv_offset': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0),
'deformable_conv_data': (2, 2, 10, 10),
'deformable_conv_offset': (2, 18, 8, 8),
'type_dict': {'deformable_conv_data': np.float32, 'deformable_conv_offset': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0),
'deformable_conv_data': (2, 2, 10, 10),
'deformable_conv_offset': (2, 18, 8, 8),
'type_dict': {'deformable_conv_data': np.float64, 'deformable_conv_offset': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0),
'deformable_conv_data': (2, 2, 10, 10),
'deformable_conv_offset': (2, 18, 8, 8),
'type_dict': {'deformable_conv_data': np.float32, 'deformable_conv_offset': np.float32}},
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, scale=0.1, rtol=tol, atol=tol)
# test ability to turn off training on bias
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, scale=0.1, rtol=tol, atol=tol,
grad_req={'deformable_conv_data': 'write',
'deformable_conv_offset': 'write',
'deformable_conv_weight': 'write',
'deformable_conv_bias': 'null'})
def test_deformable_convolution_options():
tol = {np.dtype(np.float32): 1e-1,
np.dtype(np.float64): 1e-3}
# 2D convolution
# since atomicAdd does not support fp16 (which deformable conv uses in backward), we do not test fp16 here
# Pad > 0
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0),
'deformable_conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7),
'deformable_conv_offset': (2, 18, 7, 7),
'type_dict': {'deformable_conv_data': np.float64, 'deformable_conv_offset': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0),
'deformable_conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7),
'deformable_conv_offset': (2, 18, 7, 7),
'type_dict': {'deformable_conv_data': np.float32, 'deformable_conv_offset': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0),
'deformable_conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7),
'deformable_conv_offset': (2, 18, 7, 7),
'type_dict': {'deformable_conv_data': np.float64, 'deformable_conv_offset': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0),
'deformable_conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7),
'deformable_conv_offset': (2, 18, 7, 7),
'type_dict': {'deformable_conv_data': np.float32, 'deformable_conv_offset': np.float32}},
sym = mx.sym.npx.deformable_convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(3,3), pad=(1,1), name='deformable_conv')
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, scale=0.1, rtol=tol, atol=tol)
# Stride > 1
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0),
'deformable_conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7),
'deformable_conv_offset': (2, 18, 3, 3),
'type_dict': {'deformable_conv_data': np.float64, 'deformable_conv_offset': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0),
'deformable_conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7),
'deformable_conv_offset': (2, 18, 3, 3),
'type_dict': {'deformable_conv_data': np.float32, 'deformable_conv_offset': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0),
'deformable_conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7),
'deformable_conv_offset': (2, 18, 3, 3),
'type_dict': {'deformable_conv_data': np.float64, 'deformable_conv_offset': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0),
'deformable_conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7),
'deformable_conv_offset': (2, 18, 3, 3),
'type_dict': {'deformable_conv_data': np.float32, 'deformable_conv_offset': np.float32}},
sym = mx.sym.npx.deformable_convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(3,3), stride=(2,2), name='deformable_conv')
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, scale=0.1, rtol=tol, atol=tol)
# Dilate > 1
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0),
'deformable_conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7),
'deformable_conv_offset': (2, 18, 3, 3),
'type_dict': {'deformable_conv_data': np.float64, 'deformable_conv_offset': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0),
'deformable_conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7),
'deformable_conv_offset': (2, 18, 3, 3),
'type_dict': {'deformable_conv_data': np.float32, 'deformable_conv_offset': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0),
'deformable_conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7),
'deformable_conv_offset': (2, 18, 3, 3),
'type_dict': {'deformable_conv_data': np.float64, 'deformable_conv_offset': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0),
'deformable_conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7),
'deformable_conv_offset': (2, 18, 3, 3),
'type_dict': {'deformable_conv_data': np.float32, 'deformable_conv_offset': np.float32}},
sym = mx.sym.npx.deformable_convolution(num_filter=3, kernel=(3,3), dilate=(2,2), name='deformable_conv')
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, scale=0.1, rtol=tol, atol=tol)
# Deformable group > 1
ctx_list = [{'ctx': mx.gpu(0),
'deformable_conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7),
'deformable_conv_offset': (2, 36, 5, 5),
'type_dict': {'deformable_conv_data': np.float64, 'deformable_conv_offset': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.gpu(0),
'deformable_conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7),
'deformable_conv_offset': (2, 36, 5, 5),
'type_dict': {'deformable_conv_data': np.float32, 'deformable_conv_offset': np.float32}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0),
'deformable_conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7),
'deformable_conv_offset': (2, 36, 5, 5),
'type_dict': {'deformable_conv_data': np.float64, 'deformable_conv_offset': np.float64}},
{'ctx': mx.cpu(0),
'deformable_conv_data': (2, 2, 7, 7),
'deformable_conv_offset': (2, 36, 5, 5),
'type_dict': {'deformable_conv_data': np.float32, 'deformable_conv_offset': np.float32}},
sym = mx.sym.npx.deformable_convolution(num_filter=4, kernel=(3,3), num_deformable_group=2, name='deformable_conv')
check_consistency(sym, ctx_list, scale=0.1, rtol=tol, atol=tol)
def check_rnn_layer(layer):
layer.initialize(ctx=[mx.cpu(0), mx.gpu(0)])
with mx.gpu(0):
x = mx.nd.ones((10, 16, 30))
states = layer.begin_state(16)
go, gs = layer(x, states)
with mx.cpu(0):
x = mx.nd.ones((10, 16, 30))
states = layer.begin_state(16)
co, cs = layer(x, states)
# atol of 1e-6 required, as exposed by seed 2124685726
assert_almost_equal(go, co, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-6)
for g, c in zip(gs, cs):
assert_almost_equal(g, c, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-6)
def check_rnn_layer_w_rand_inputs(layer):
layer.initialize(ctx=[mx.cpu(0), mx.gpu(0)])
x = mx.nd.uniform(shape=(10, 16, 30))
with mx.gpu(0):
x = x.copyto(mx.gpu(0))
states = layer.begin_state(16)
go, gs = layer(x, states)
with mx.cpu(0):
x = x.copyto(mx.cpu(0))
states = layer.begin_state(16)
co, cs = layer(x, states)
assert_almost_equal(go, co, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-6)
for g, c in zip(gs, cs):
assert_almost_equal(g, c, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-6)
def test_sequence_reverse():
def test_autograd_save_memory():
x = mx.nd.zeros((128, 512, 512), ctx=mx.gpu(0))
with mx.autograd.record():
for _ in range(200):
x = x + 1
def test_cuda_rtc():
ctx = mx.gpu(0)
source = r'''
extern "C" __global__ void axpy(const float *x, float *y, float alpha) {
int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
y[i] += alpha * x[i];
extern "C" __global__ void saxpy(const float *x, float *y, float alpha) {
extern __shared__ float smem[];
int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
smem[threadIdx.x] = x[i];
y[i] += alpha * smem[threadIdx.x];
compile_opts = get_rtc_compile_opts(ctx)
module = mx.rtc.CudaModule(source, options=compile_opts)
axpy = module.get_kernel("axpy", "const float *x, float *y, float alpha")
x = mx.nd.ones((10,), ctx=ctx)
y = mx.nd.zeros((10,), ctx=ctx)
axpy.launch([x, y, 3.0], ctx, (1, 1, 1), (10, 1, 1))
assert (y.asnumpy() == 3).all()
saxpy = module.get_kernel("saxpy", "const float *x, float *y, float alpha")
saxpy.launch([x, y, 4.0], ctx, (1, 1, 1), (10, 1, 1), 10)
assert (y.asnumpy() == 7).all()
saxpy.launch([x, y, 5.0], ctx, (2, 1, 1), (5, 1, 1), 5)
assert (y.asnumpy() == 12).all()
def test_cross_device_autograd():
x = mx.nd.random.uniform(shape=(10,))
with mx.autograd.record():
y = mx.nd.tanh(x)
y = y.copyto(mx.gpu(0))
y = mx.nd.tanh(y)
y = y.copyto(mx.cpu(0))
y = mx.nd.tanh(y)
y = y.copyto(mx.gpu(0))
y = y.copyto(mx.gpu(0))
dx = x.grad.copy()
x.grad[:] = 0
with mx.autograd.record():
y = x
for _ in range(3):
y = mx.nd.tanh(y)
assert_almost_equal(dx, x.grad)
def test_multi_proposal_op():
# paramters
feature_stride = 16
scales = (8, 16, 32)
ratios = (0.5, 1, 2)
rpn_pre_nms_top_n = 12000
rpn_post_nms_top_n = 2000
rpn_min_size = feature_stride
feat_len = (1000 + 15) // 16
H, W = feat_len, feat_len
num_anchors = len(scales) * len(ratios)
count_anchors = H * W * num_anchors
def get_new_data(batch_size, ctx):
cls_prob: (batch_size, 2 * num_anchors, H, W)
bbox_pred: (batch_size, 4 * num_anchors, H, W)
im_info: (batch_size, 3)
dtype = np.float32
cls_prob = mx.nd.empty((batch_size, 2 * num_anchors, H, W), dtype = dtype, ctx = ctx)
bbox_pred = mx.nd.empty((batch_size, 4 * num_anchors, H, W), dtype = dtype, ctx = ctx)
im_info = mx.nd.empty((batch_size, 3), dtype = dtype, ctx = ctx)
cls = [1.0 * (i + 1) / cls_prob.size for i in range(cls_prob.size)]
cls_prob = mx.nd.reshape(mx.nd.array(cls, dtype = dtype, ctx = ctx), shape = cls_prob.shape)
bbox_pred = mx.nd.array(np.random.randint(-2, 3, size = bbox_pred.shape), dtype = dtype, ctx = ctx)
for i in range(batch_size):
im_size = np.random.randint(600, feat_len * feature_stride, size = (2,))
im_scale = np.random.randint(80, 100) / 100.0
im_info[i, :] = [im_size[0], im_size[1], im_scale]
return cls_prob, bbox_pred, im_info
def check_proposal_consistency(op, batch_size, with_nms=False):
op is mx.nd.contrib.Proposal or mx.nd.contrib.MultiProposal
cls_prob, bbox_pred, im_info = get_new_data(batch_size, mx.cpu(0))
rois_cpu, score_cpu = op(
cls_prob = cls_prob,
bbox_pred = bbox_pred,
im_info = im_info,
feature_stride = feature_stride,
scales = scales,
ratios = ratios,
rpn_pre_nms_top_n = rpn_pre_nms_top_n,
rpn_post_nms_top_n = rpn_post_nms_top_n,
threshold = 0.7 if with_nms else 1.0,
rpn_min_size = rpn_min_size, output_score = True)
gpu_ctx = mx.gpu(0)
# copy data to gpu from cpu
cls_prob_gpu = cls_prob.as_in_context(gpu_ctx)
bbox_pred_gpu = bbox_pred.as_in_context(gpu_ctx)
im_info_gpu = im_info.as_in_context(gpu_ctx)
rois_gpu, score_gpu = op(
cls_prob = cls_prob_gpu,
bbox_pred = bbox_pred_gpu,
im_info = im_info_gpu,
feature_stride = feature_stride,
scales = scales,
ratios = ratios,
rpn_pre_nms_top_n = rpn_pre_nms_top_n,
rpn_post_nms_top_n = rpn_post_nms_top_n,
threshold = 0.7 if with_nms else 1.0,
rpn_min_size = rpn_min_size, output_score = True)
rois_cpu_np = rois_cpu.asnumpy()
rois_gpu_np = rois_gpu.asnumpy()
score_cpu_np = score_cpu.asnumpy()
score_gpu_np = score_gpu.asnumpy()
if not with_nms:
assert_almost_equal(score_cpu_np, score_gpu_np, atol = 1e-3, rtol = 1e-3)
assert_almost_equal(rois_cpu_np, rois_gpu_np, atol = 1e-3, rtol = 1e-3)
# no 100% gurantee with nms
assert(np.sum(np.abs(score_cpu_np - score_gpu_np) < 1e-3) >= 10)