blob: 9dbec895678dc466b3e381cc85443b69c7329a26 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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import os
import sys
import tempfile
import math
import numpy as np
import mxnet as mx
from mxnet.test_utils import rand_ndarray, assert_almost_equal, rand_coord_2d, default_device, check_symbolic_forward, create_2d_tensor
from mxnet.util import TemporaryDirectory
from mxnet import gluon, nd
from common import with_seed
import pytest
# dimension constants
MEDIUM_X = 10000
VLARGE_X = 4300000000
LARGE_X = 100000000
SMALL_X = 100
SMALL_Y = 50
def test_nn():
def check_gluon_embedding():
m = gluon.nn.Embedding(SMALL_Y, MEDIUM_X)
a = nd.zeros((MEDIUM_X, SMALL_Y))
b = m(a)
assert b.shape == (MEDIUM_X, SMALL_Y, MEDIUM_X)
assert b.asnumpy().size == LARGE_SIZE
def check_fully_connected():
a = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
b = nd.ones(shape=(SMALL_Y, SMALL_Y))
c = nd.ones(shape=(b.shape[0],))
# w/o bias
res = nd.FullyConnected(a, b, num_hidden=b.shape[0], no_bias=True)
assert np.sum(res[-1].asnumpy() == a.shape[1]) == b.shape[0]
# w/ bias
res = nd.FullyConnected(a, b, c, num_hidden=b.shape[0], no_bias=False)
assert np.sum(res[-1].asnumpy() == a.shape[1] + 1) == b.shape[0]
def check_dense():
data = mx.nd.ones(shape=(50*1000*1000, 100))
linear = gluon.nn.Dense(100)
res = linear(data)
assert res.shape == (50000000, 100)
def check_softmax():
input_data = mx.nd.ones((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X))
for axis in [0, 1]:
true_output = np.full((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X), (1 / input_data.shape[axis]))
output = nd.softmax(input_data, axis=axis)
assert_almost_equal(output.asnumpy(), true_output, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5)
def check_softmax_cross_entropy():
# dtype of input data, mxnet cross entropy set explicitly to float64
# numpy implicitly takes care of double precision
batch_size = SMALL_Y
num_labels = LARGE_X
input_data = mx.nd.ones((batch_size, num_labels), dtype="float64")
input_label = mx.nd.zeros((batch_size,), dtype="float64")
true_softmax = np.full((batch_size, num_labels), (1 / num_labels))
# use 1/batch_size when softmax axis=0
# here 1/num_labels since softmax_cross_entropy uses default axis
# by default axis=1
np_one_hot_label = np.zeros((batch_size, num_labels))
np_one_hot_label[:, 0] = 1
true_softmax_cross_entropy = np.sum(-np.log(true_softmax) *
mx_softmax_cross_entropy = mx.nd.softmax_cross_entropy(input_data,
true_softmax_cross_entropy, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5)
def check_softmax_activation():
data = nd.random_normal(shape=(2**29, 2, 2, 2))
out = nd.random_normal(shape=(2**29, 2, 2, 2))
res = nd.SoftmaxActivation(data=data, out=out)
assert res.shape[0] == 536870912
assert res.shape[1] == 2
assert res.shape[2] == 2
assert res.shape[3] == 2
def np_softmax(x, axis=-1, temperature=1.0):
x = x - np.max(x, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
x = np.exp(x/temperature)
x /= np.sum(x, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
return x
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="log_softmax flaky, tracked at "
def check_log_softmax():
ndim = 2
shape = (SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)
axis = np.random.randint(0, ndim)
data = np.random.uniform(-2, 2, size=shape)
sym = mx.sym.log_softmax(axis=axis-ndim)
check_symbolic_forward(sym, [data], [np.log(np_softmax(data, axis=axis)+1e-20)])
# TODO: correctness of prelu (currently flaky)
def check_leaky_relu():
a = -1*mx.nd.ones((LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
def check_leaky():
res = mx.nd.LeakyReLU(a, act_type="leaky", slope=0.3)
assert_almost_equal(res[-1][-1].asnumpy(), 0.3*a[-1][-1].asnumpy(), atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
def check_elu():
res = mx.nd.LeakyReLU(a, act_type="elu", slope=0.3)
assert_almost_equal(res[-1][-1].asnumpy(), 0.3*(np.exp(a[-1][-1].asnumpy())-1), atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
def check_selu():
lam = 1.0507009873554804934193349852946
alpha = 1.6732632423543772848170429916717
res = mx.nd.LeakyReLU(a, act_type="selu")
assert_almost_equal(res[-1][-1].asnumpy(), (lam * alpha * (np.exp(a[-1][-1].asnumpy())-1)), atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
def check_rrelu():
lower = 0.125
upper = 0.333999991
res = mx.nd.LeakyReLU(a, act_type="rrelu")
assert_almost_equal(res[0][-1][-1].asnumpy(), (lower + upper) / 2 * a[-1][-1].asnumpy(), atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
def check_pooling():
a = mx.nd.ones((MEDIUM_X, 200, SMALL_Y, SMALL_Y))
def check_avg_pooling():
res = mx.nd.Pooling(a, kernel=(5, 5), pool_type='avg')
assert_almost_equal(res[-1][-1][-1][-1].asnumpy(), 1.0000001, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
assert res.shape[-1] == SMALL_Y - 5 + 1
def check_max_pooling():
res = mx.nd.Pooling(a, kernel=(5, 5), pool_type='max')
assert_almost_equal(res[-1][-1][-1][-1].asnumpy(), 1., atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
assert res.shape[-1] == SMALL_Y - 5 + 1
def check_sum_pooling():
res = mx.nd.Pooling(a, kernel=(5, 5), pool_type='sum')
assert_almost_equal(res[-1][-1][-1][-1].asnumpy(), 25, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
assert res.shape[-1] == SMALL_Y - 5 + 1
def check_lp_pooling():
res = mx.nd.Pooling(a, kernel=(5, 5), pool_type='lp', p_value=2)
assert_almost_equal(res[-1][-1][-1][-1].asnumpy(), 5., atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
assert res.shape[-1] == SMALL_Y - 5 + 1
res = mx.nd.Pooling(a, kernel=(5, 5), pool_type='lp', p_value=1)
assert_almost_equal(res[-1][-1][-1][-1].asnumpy(), 25., atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
assert res.shape[-1] == SMALL_Y - 5 + 1
def check_layer_norm():
dtype = np.float32
forward_check_eps = 1E-3
axis = 1
eps = 1E-5
in_shape = (LARGE_X, SMALL_Y)
ctx = mx.cpu()
def npy_layer_norm(data, gamma, beta, axis=1, eps=1E-5):
if axis < 0:
axis += data.ndim
broadcast_shape = [1 for _ in range(data.ndim)]
broadcast_shape[axis] = data.shape[axis]
mean = data.mean(axis=axis, keepdims=True).astype(dtype)
var = data.var(axis=axis, keepdims=True).astype(dtype)
std = np.sqrt(var + dtype(eps)).astype(dtype)
out = np.reshape(gamma, broadcast_shape) * (data - mean) / std + \
np.reshape(beta, broadcast_shape)
return out
data = np.random.normal(0, 1, in_shape).astype(dtype)
gamma = np.random.normal(0, 1, (in_shape[axis],)).astype(dtype)
beta = np.random.normal(0, 1, (in_shape[axis],)).astype(dtype)
data_s = mx.symbol.Variable('data')
gamma_s = mx.symbol.Variable('gamma')
beta_s = mx.symbol.Variable('beta')
out_s = mx.symbol.LayerNorm(data=data_s, gamma=gamma_s, beta=beta_s,
axis=axis, eps=eps)
exe = out_s._simple_bind(ctx, data=in_shape)
exe.arg_dict['data'][:] = data
exe.arg_dict['gamma'][:] = gamma
exe.arg_dict['beta'][:] = beta
out_nd = exe.forward()[0]
out = npy_layer_norm(data, gamma, beta, axis, eps)
assert_almost_equal(out, out_nd.asnumpy(), forward_check_eps,
# TODO: correctness of dropout
# currently only test for dropout to work
# since testing for correctness involves flakiness issue #14288
def check_dropout():
shape = (LARGE_X, SMALL_Y)
x = mx.sym.var('data')
y = mx.sym.Dropout(x, p=1, cudnn_off=True)
exe = y._simple_bind(ctx=default_device(), data=shape)
exe.arg_arrays[0][:] = 1
out = exe.forward(is_train=True)
assert out[0].shape == shape
def check_activation():
x = mx.nd.ones((LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
check_x = -2
x[-1, -1] = check_x
# Hyperbolic tangent (tanh)
# y = (exp(x)-exp(-x))/(exp(x)+exp(-x))
y = mx.nd.Activation(x, act_type="tanh")
tanh_x = ((np.exp(check_x)-np.exp(-check_x))/(np.exp(check_x)+np.exp(-check_x)))
assert y[-1][-1] == np.float32(tanh_x)
# Recitified Linear Unit (relu)
# y = max(x,0)
y = mx.nd.Activation(x, act_type="relu")
assert y[-1][-1] == 0
# Sigmoid
# y = x/(1+abs(x))
y = mx.nd.Activation(x, act_type="sigmoid")
sigmoid_x = (1/(1+math.exp(-check_x)))
assert_almost_equal(y[-1][-1].asnumpy(), np.float32(sigmoid_x), atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
# Soft Sign
# y = 1/(1+exp(-x))
y = mx.nd.Activation(x, act_type="softsign")
softsign_x = (check_x/(1+abs(check_x)))
assert y[-1][-1] == np.float32(softsign_x)
# TODO: correctness of batchnorm
# in future, we could test if mean, var of output
# matches target output's mean, var
def check_batchnorm():
def get_np_mean_var(data, running_mean, running_var, eps, use_global_status=True):
if not use_global_status:
# train mode, calculate the real mean and var
mean = np.mean(data, axis=(0, 2, 3))
mean_broad = np.expand_dims(mean, axis=0)
mean_broad = np.expand_dims(mean_broad, axis=2)
mean_broad = np.expand_dims(mean_broad, axis=3)
mean_broad = np.broadcast_to(mean_broad, data.shape)
var = np.square(data - mean_broad)
var = np.mean(var, axis=(0, 2, 3))
# inference mode, use running_mean and running_var instead
mean = np.full((data.shape[1],), running_mean)
var = np.full((data.shape[1],), running_var)
# calculate the inverse of standard variance
invstdvar = 1. / np.sqrt(var + eps)
return mean, invstdvar
# Here use 4D input to cover dnnl BN and non-dnnl BN
shape = (1, 2, LARGE_X, SMALL_Y)
axis = 1 # default
eps = 1e-3
nch = shape[axis]
data = mx.nd.ones(shape=shape)
bn_gamma = mx.nd.random.uniform(shape=(nch,))
bn_beta = mx.nd.random.uniform(shape=(nch,))
bn_running_mean = mx.nd.zeros(nch)
bn_running_var = mx.nd.ones(nch)
output = mx.nd.BatchNorm(data, bn_gamma, bn_beta,
bn_running_mean, bn_running_var, output_mean_var=True)
assert output[0].shape == shape
mean, invstdvar = output[1], output[2]
np_mean, np_invstdvar = get_np_mean_var(data.asnumpy(), bn_running_mean.asnumpy(), bn_running_var.asnumpy(),
eps, use_global_status=True)
assert_almost_equal(mean.asnumpy(), np_mean)
assert_almost_equal(invstdvar.asnumpy(), np_invstdvar)
def check_relu():
def frelu(x):
return np.maximum(x, 0.0)
def frelu_grad(x):
return 1.0 * (x > 0.0)
shape = (SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)
x = mx.symbol.Variable("x")
y = mx.sym.relu(x)
xa = np.random.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=shape)
eps = 1e-4
xa[abs(xa) < eps] = 1.0
ya = frelu(xa)
ga = frelu_grad(xa)
check_symbolic_forward(y, [xa], [ya])
def check_sigmoid():
def fsigmoid(a):
return np.divide(1.0, (1.0 + np.exp(-a)))
shape = (SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)
x = mx.symbol.Variable("x")
y = mx.sym.sigmoid(x)
xa = np.random.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=shape)
ya = fsigmoid(xa)
check_symbolic_forward(y, [xa], [ya])
def check_l2_normalization():
x = nd.ones((2, LARGE_X*2))
x[0] = 3
x[1] = 4
# Channel Mode
z = x.reshape(1, 2, LARGE_X*2)
y = nd.L2Normalization(z, mode='channel')
assert y[0][0][0] == 0.6
assert y[0][0][-1] == 0.6
assert y[0][1][0] == 0.8
assert y[0][1][-1] == 0.8
# Instance Mode
z = x.T
y = nd.L2Normalization(z, mode='instance')
assert y[0][0] == 0.6
assert y[0][1] == 0.8
assert y[-1][0] == 0.6
assert y[-1][1] == 0.8
# Spatial Mode
z = z.reshape(1, 200000000, 2)
y = nd.L2Normalization(z, mode='spatial')
assert y[0][0][0] == 0.6
assert y[0][0][1] == 0.8
assert y[0][-1][0] == 0.6
assert y[0][-1][1] == 0.8
def check_instance_norm():
dtype = np.float32
forward_check_eps = 1E-3
axis = -1
eps = 1E-5
in_shape = (LARGE_X, 1, SMALL_Y)
ctx = mx.cpu()
# Implementation of instance normalization using numpy
def npy_instance_norm(data, gamma, beta, axis, eps=1E-5):
if axis < 0:
axis += data.ndim
broadcast_shape = [1 for _ in range(data.ndim)]
broadcast_shape[axis] = data.shape[axis]
mean = data.mean(axis=axis, keepdims=True).astype(dtype)
var = data.var(axis=axis, keepdims=True).astype(dtype)
std = np.sqrt(var + dtype(eps)).astype(dtype)
out = gamma * (data - mean) / std + \
return out
data = np.random.normal(0, 1, in_shape).astype(dtype)
gamma = np.random.normal(0, 1, (1,)).astype(dtype)
beta = np.random.normal(0, 1, (1,)).astype(dtype)
data_s = mx.symbol.Variable('data')
gamma_s = mx.symbol.Variable('gamma')
beta_s = mx.symbol.Variable('beta')
out_s = mx.symbol.InstanceNorm(data=data_s, gamma=gamma_s, beta=beta_s,
exe = out_s._simple_bind(ctx, data=in_shape)
exe.arg_dict['data'][:] = data
exe.arg_dict['gamma'][:] = gamma
exe.arg_dict['beta'][:] = beta
out_nd = exe.forward()[0]
# Calls implementation of instance norm in numpy and compares the output
out = npy_instance_norm(data, gamma, beta, axis, eps)
assert_almost_equal(out, out_nd.asnumpy(), forward_check_eps,
def check_col2im():
data = nd.random_normal(shape=(1, 2**30, 4))
output_size = (2, 2, 1)
kernel = (1, 1, 1)
res = nd.col2im(data=data, output_size=output_size, kernel=kernel)
assert res.shape[0] == 1
assert res.shape[1] == 1073741824
assert res.shape[2] == 2
assert res.shape[3] == 2
assert res.shape[4] == 1
def check_embedding():
data = nd.random_normal(shape=(LARGE_TENSOR_SHAPE, 1))
weight = nd.random_normal(shape=(LARGE_TENSOR_SHAPE, 1))
output_dim = 1
out = nd.Embedding(data=data, weight=weight, input_dim=input_dim, output_dim=output_dim)
assert out.shape[0] == LARGE_TENSOR_SHAPE
assert out.shape[1] == 1
def check_spatial_transformer():
data = nd.random_normal(shape=(2, 2**29, 1, 6))
loc = nd.random_normal(shape=(2, 6))
transform_type = 'affine'
sampler_type = 'bilinear'
target_shape = (2, 6)
res = nd.SpatialTransformer(data=data, loc=loc, transform_type=transform_type,
sampler_type=sampler_type, target_shape=target_shape)
assert res.shape[0] == 2
assert res.shape[1] == 536870912
assert res.shape[2] == 2
assert res.shape[3] == 6
def check_ravel():
data = nd.random_normal(shape=(2, LARGE_TENSOR_SHAPE))
shape = (2, 10)
out = nd.ravel_multi_index(data=data, shape=shape)
assert out.shape[0] == LARGE_TENSOR_SHAPE
def check_cumsum():
a = nd.ones((LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
axis = 1
res = nd.cumsum(a=a, axis=axis)
assert res.shape[0] == LARGE_X
assert res.shape[1] == SMALL_Y
assert res[0][SMALL_Y - 1] == 50.
def check_multi_lars():
lrs = nd.random_normal(shape=(LARGE_TENSOR_SHAPE + 1, 1))
weights_sum_sq = nd.random_normal(shape=(LARGE_TENSOR_SHAPE + 1, 1))
grads_sum_sq = nd.random_normal(shape=(LARGE_TENSOR_SHAPE + 1, 1))
wds = nd.random_normal(shape=(LARGE_TENSOR_SHAPE + 1, 1))
eta = .1
eps = .9
out = nd.multi_lars(lrs=lrs, weights_sum_sq=weights_sum_sq, grads_sum_sq=grads_sum_sq,
wds=wds, eta=eta, eps=eps)
assert out.shape[0] == LARGE_TENSOR_SHAPE + 1
assert out.shape[1] == 1
# Trigger lazy evaluation of the output NDArray and ensure that it has been filled
assert type(out[0, 0].asscalar()).__name__ == 'float32'
def check_rnn():
data = nd.random_normal(shape=(RNN_LARGE_TENSOR, 4, 4))
parameters_relu_tanh = nd.random_normal(shape=(7,))
parameters_lstm = nd.random_normal(shape=(28,))
parameters_gru = nd.random_normal(shape=(21,))
state = nd.random_normal(shape=(1, 4, 1))
state_cell = nd.random_normal(shape=(1, 4, 1))
mode_relu = 'rnn_relu'
mode_tanh = 'rnn_tanh'
mode_lstm = 'lstm'
mode_gru = 'gru'
state_size = 1
num_layers = 1
out_relu = nd.RNN(data=data, parameters=parameters_relu_tanh, state=state, mode=mode_relu,
state_size=state_size, num_layers=num_layers)
out_tanh = nd.RNN(data=data, parameters=parameters_relu_tanh, state=state, mode=mode_tanh,
state_size=state_size, num_layers=num_layers)
out_lstm = nd.RNN(data=data, parameters=parameters_lstm, state=state, mode=mode_lstm,
state_cell=state_cell, state_size=state_size, num_layers=num_layers)
out_gru = nd.RNN(data=data, parameters=parameters_gru, state=state, mode=mode_gru,
state_size=state_size, num_layers=num_layers)
for out in [out_relu, out_tanh, out_lstm, out_gru]:
assert out.shape[0] == RNN_LARGE_TENSOR
assert out.shape[1] == 4
assert out.shape[2] == 1
assert type(out[0, 0, 0].asscalar()).__name__ == 'float32'
def test_tensor():
def check_ndarray_zeros():
a = nd.zeros(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
assert a[-1][0] == 0
assert a.shape == (LARGE_X, SMALL_Y)
assert a.size == LARGE_SIZE
def check_ndarray_ones():
a = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
assert a[-1][0] == 1
assert nd.sum(a).asnumpy() == LARGE_SIZE
def check_ndarray_random_uniform():
a = nd.random.uniform(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
assert a[-1][0] != 0
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Randint flaky, tracked at "
def check_ndarray_random_randint():
a = nd.random.randint(100, 10000, shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
assert a.shape == (LARGE_X, SMALL_Y)
# check if randint can generate value greater than 2**32 (large)
low_large_value = 2**32
high_large_value = 2**34
a = nd.random.randint(low_large_value, high_large_value, dtype=np.int64)
low = mx.nd.array([low_large_value], dtype='int64')
high = mx.nd.array([high_large_value], dtype='int64')
assert a >= low and a < high
assert a[-1][0].dtype == np.int64
def check_ndarray_random_exponential():
scale_array = nd.random.uniform(shape=(MEDIUM_X, SMALL_X))
a = nd.random.exponential(scale=scale_array, shape=(SMALL_X, SMALL_Y))
assert a[-1][0][0][0] >= 0
assert a.shape == (MEDIUM_X, SMALL_X, SMALL_X, SMALL_Y)
def check_ndarray_random_gamma():
alpha_array = nd.random.uniform(shape=(MEDIUM_X, SMALL_X))
beta_array = nd.random.uniform(shape=(MEDIUM_X, SMALL_X))
a = nd.random.gamma(alpha=alpha_array, beta=beta_array,
shape=(SMALL_X, SMALL_Y))
assert a[-1][0][0][0] >= 0
assert a.shape == (MEDIUM_X, SMALL_X, SMALL_X, SMALL_Y)
def check_ndarray_random_multinomial():
# test 1 shape dimension
probs = nd.random.uniform(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
a = nd.random.multinomial(probs)
assert a[-1] >= 0
assert a.shape == (LARGE_X,)
# test for NDArray multi-dimension shape
a = nd.random.multinomial(probs, shape=(2, SMALL_Y))
assert a[-1][0][0] >= 0
assert a.shape == (LARGE_X, 2, SMALL_Y)
# test log_likelihood output shape
a = nd.random.multinomial(probs, shape=(2, SMALL_Y), get_prob=True)
assert a[0][0][0][0] >= 0
assert a[0].shape == (LARGE_X, 2, SMALL_Y) and a[0].shape == a[1].shape
def check_ndarray_random_generalized_negative_binomial():
alpha_array = nd.random.uniform(shape=(MEDIUM_X, SMALL_X))
mu_array = nd.random.uniform(shape=(MEDIUM_X, SMALL_X))
a = nd.random.generalized_negative_binomial(mu=mu_array, alpha=alpha_array,
shape=(SMALL_X, SMALL_Y))
assert a[-1][0][0][0] >= 0
assert a.shape == (MEDIUM_X, SMALL_X, SMALL_X, SMALL_Y)
def check_ndarray_random_negative_binomial():
k_array = nd.random.uniform(shape=(MEDIUM_X, SMALL_X))
p_array = nd.random.uniform(shape=(MEDIUM_X, SMALL_X))
a = nd.random.negative_binomial(k=k_array, p=p_array,
shape=(SMALL_X, SMALL_Y))
assert a[-1][0][0][0] >= 0
assert a.shape == (MEDIUM_X, SMALL_X, SMALL_X, SMALL_Y)
def check_ndarray_random_normal():
scale_array = nd.random.uniform(shape=(MEDIUM_X, SMALL_X))
loc_array = nd.random.uniform(shape=(MEDIUM_X, SMALL_X))
a = nd.random.normal(loc=loc_array, scale=scale_array,
shape=(SMALL_X, SMALL_Y))
assert a.shape == (MEDIUM_X, SMALL_X, SMALL_X, SMALL_Y)
def check_ndarray_random_poisson():
lambda_array = nd.random.uniform(shape=(MEDIUM_X, SMALL_X))
a = nd.random.poisson(lam=lambda_array, shape=(SMALL_X, SMALL_Y))
assert a[-1][0][0][0] >= 0
assert a.shape == (MEDIUM_X, SMALL_X, SMALL_X, SMALL_Y)
def check_ndarray_random_randn():
a = nd.random.randn(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y)
assert a.shape == (LARGE_X, SMALL_Y)
# TODO: Once PR #15772 for randn ndarray dtype for loc,scale param merged
# Add check for (x,y,m,n) where x,y shape of loc,scale and m,n input shape
def check_ndarray_random_shuffle():
a = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
a[-1] = 3 # assign 3 to entire last row
a = nd.random.shuffle(a)
# slice first column from shuffled array
# pass LARGE_X values to numpy instead of LARGE_X*SMALL_Y
# could have assigned to last column (so as to pass SMALL_Y)
# but shuffle operation is performed along first axis
unique_a = np.unique(a[:, 0].asnumpy())
assert len(unique_a) == 2 # only 2 unique values
assert unique_a[0] == 1 # first unique value is 1
assert unique_a[1] == 3 # second unique value is 3
assert a.shape == (LARGE_X, SMALL_Y)
def check_ndarray_empty():
a = nd.empty((LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
assert a.shape == (LARGE_X, SMALL_Y)
def check_zeros_like():
a = nd.array(np.ones((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)))
b = nd.zeros_like(a)
assert b[-1][-1] == 0
assert b.shape == a.shape
def check_ones_like():
a = nd.array(np.zeros((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)))
b = nd.ones_like(a)
assert b[-1][-1] == 1
assert b.shape == a.shape
def check_broadcast():
a = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
b = nd.arange(0, LARGE_X).reshape(LARGE_X, 1)
res = nd.broadcast_to(b, shape=(b.shape[0], SMALL_Y))
assert np.sum(res[-1].asnumpy() == LARGE_X) == res.shape[1]
res = mx.nd.broadcast_like(b, a)
assert np.sum(res[-1].asnumpy() == LARGE_X) == a.shape[1]
def check_clip():
a = nd.arange(0, LARGE_X * SMALL_Y).reshape(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y)
res = nd.clip(a, a_min=100, a_max=1000)
assert np.sum(res[-1].asnumpy() == 1000) == a.shape[1]
def check_split():
a = nd.arange(0, LARGE_X * SMALL_Y).reshape(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y)
outs = nd.split(a, num_outputs=SMALL_Y, axis=1)
result = sum(1 for i, v in enumerate(outs) if i == v[0].asnumpy())
assert result == a.shape[1]
def check_tile():
a = nd.arange(0, LARGE_X).reshape(LARGE_X, 1)
b = nd.tile(a, reps=(1, SMALL_Y))
assert np.sum(b[-1].asnumpy() == LARGE_X) == b.shape[1]
def check_take():
a = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
idx = nd.arange(LARGE_X - 1000, LARGE_X)
res = nd.take(a, idx)
assert np.sum(res[-1].asnumpy() == 1) == res.shape[1]
def check_slice():
a = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
res = nd.slice(a, begin=(LARGE_X-1000, 1), end=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
assert np.sum(res[-1].asnumpy() == 1) == res.shape[1]
def check_slice_assign():
a = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
a[LARGE_X-1:LARGE_X] = 1000
assert np.sum(a[-1].asnumpy() == 1000) == a.shape[1]
def check_slice_like():
a = create_2d_tensor(rows=SMALL_Y, columns=LARGE_X)
b = nd.array(np.ones((SMALL_Y//2, LARGE_X//2)))
c = nd.slice_like(a, b)
d = nd.slice_like(a, b, axes=(0))
e = nd.slice_like(a, b, axes=(-1))
assert c.shape == b.shape
assert d.shape[0] == b.shape[0]
assert e.shape[-1] == b.shape[-1]
assert c[0][-1] == 0
assert d[-1][0] == (SMALL_Y//2-1)
assert e[-1][-1] == (SMALL_Y-1)
def check_slice_axis():
a = create_2d_tensor(rows=SMALL_Y, columns=LARGE_X)
c = nd.slice_axis(a, axis=0, begin=0, end=SMALL_Y//2)
d = nd.slice_axis(a, axis=1, begin=0, end=LARGE_X//2)
assert c.shape[0] == a.shape[0]//2
assert d.shape[1] == a.shape[1]//2
assert c[-1][0] == (SMALL_Y//2-1)
assert d[-1][-1] == (SMALL_Y-1)
def check_expand_dims():
a = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
res = nd.expand_dims(a, axis=1)
assert a[0][0][0] == 1
assert res.shape == (a.shape[0], 1, a.shape[1])
def check_squeeze():
a = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
data = nd.expand_dims(a, axis=1)
res = nd.squeeze(data)
assert res.shape == a.shape
def check_broadcast_div():
a = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
b = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, 1)) * 2
res = a / b
assert np.sum(res[-1].asnumpy() == 0.5) == a.shape[1]
def check_where():
a = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
b = nd.arange(0, LARGE_X * SMALL_Y).reshape(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y)
res = nd.where(b > 100, a, b)
assert np.sum(res[-1].asnumpy() == 1) == b.shape[1]
csr_cond = nd.sparse.cast_storage(b < 10, 'csr')
res = nd.sparse.where(csr_cond, a, b)
assert np.sum(res[0].asnumpy() == 1) == 10
def check_pick():
a = mx.nd.ones(shape=(256 * 35, 1024 * 1024))
b = mx.nd.ones(shape=(256 * 35, ))
res = mx.nd.pick(a, b)
assert res.shape == b.shape
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Memory doesn't free up after stacked execution with other ops, "
"tracked at")
def check_depthtospace():
def numpy_depth_to_space(x, blocksize):
b, c, h, w = x.shape[0], x.shape[1], x.shape[2], x.shape[3]
tmp = np.reshape(x, [b, blocksize, blocksize, c // (blocksize**2), h,
tmp = np.transpose(tmp, [0, 3, 4, 1, 5, 2])
y = np.reshape(tmp, [b, c // (blocksize**2), h * blocksize,
w * blocksize])
return y
shape_inp = (LARGE_X, 8, 4, 2)
data = rand_ndarray(shape_inp, 'default')
data_np = data.asnumpy()
expected = numpy_depth_to_space(data_np, 2)
output = mx.nd.depth_to_space(data, 2)
assert_almost_equal(output.asnumpy(), expected, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Memory doesn't free up after stacked execution with other ops, "
"tracked at")
def check_spacetodepth():
def numpy_space_to_depth(x, blocksize):
b, c, h, w = x.shape[0], x.shape[1], x.shape[2], x.shape[3]
tmp = np.reshape(x, [b, c, h // blocksize, blocksize, w // blocksize,
tmp = np.transpose(tmp, [0, 3, 5, 1, 2, 4])
y = np.reshape(tmp, [b, c * (blocksize**2), h // blocksize,
w // blocksize])
return y
shape_inp = (LARGE_X, 2, 8, 4)
data = rand_ndarray(shape_inp, 'default')
data_np = data.asnumpy()
expected = numpy_space_to_depth(data_np, 2)
output = mx.nd.space_to_depth(data, 2)
assert_almost_equal(output.asnumpy(), expected, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
def check_diag():
a_np = np.random.random((LARGE_X, SMALL_Y)).astype(np.float32)
a = mx.nd.array(a_np)
# k == 0
r = mx.nd.diag(a)
assert_almost_equal(r.asnumpy(), np.diag(a_np))
# k == 1
k = 1
r = mx.nd.diag(a, k=k)
assert_almost_equal(r.asnumpy(), np.diag(a_np, k=k))
# k == -1
k = -1
r = mx.nd.diag(a, k=k)
assert_almost_equal(r.asnumpy(), np.diag(a_np, k=k))
# random k
k = np.random.randint(-min(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y) + 1, min(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
r = mx.nd.diag(a, k=k)
assert_almost_equal(r.asnumpy(), np.diag(a_np, k=k))
def check_ravel_multi_index():
x1, y1 = rand_coord_2d((LARGE_X - 100), LARGE_X, 10, SMALL_Y)
x2, y2 = rand_coord_2d((LARGE_X - 200), LARGE_X, 9, SMALL_Y)
x3, y3 = rand_coord_2d((LARGE_X - 300), LARGE_X, 8, SMALL_Y)
indices_2d = [[x1, x2, x3], [y1, y2, y3]]
idx = mx.nd.ravel_multi_index(mx.nd.array(indices_2d, dtype=np.int64),
shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
idx_numpy = np.ravel_multi_index(indices_2d, (LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
assert np.sum(1 for i in range(idx.size) if idx[i] == idx_numpy[i]) == 3
def check_unravel_index():
x1, y1 = rand_coord_2d((LARGE_X - 100), LARGE_X, 10, SMALL_Y)
x2, y2 = rand_coord_2d((LARGE_X - 200), LARGE_X, 9, SMALL_Y)
x3, y3 = rand_coord_2d((LARGE_X - 300), LARGE_X, 8, SMALL_Y)
original_2d_indices = [[x1, x2, x3], [y1, y2, y3]]
idx_numpy = np.ravel_multi_index(original_2d_indices, (LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
indices_2d = mx.nd.unravel_index(mx.nd.array(idx_numpy, dtype=np.int64),
shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
assert (indices_2d.asnumpy() == np.array(original_2d_indices)).all()
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Memory doesn't free up after stacked execution with other ops, " +
"tracked at")
def check_transpose():
check_dtypes = [np.float32, np.int64]
for dtype in check_dtypes:
b = create_2d_tensor(rows=LARGE_X, columns=SMALL_Y, dtype=dtype)
t = b.T
assert t.shape == (SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)
ref_out = np.transpose(b.asnumpy())
assert_almost_equal(t.asnumpy(), ref_out, rtol=1e-10)
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Memory doesn't free up after stacked execution with other ops, " +
"tracked at")
def check_swapaxes():
b = create_2d_tensor(rows=LARGE_X, columns=SMALL_Y)
t = nd.swapaxes(b, dim1=0, dim2=1)
assert np.sum(t[:, -1].asnumpy() == (LARGE_X - 1)) == b.shape[1]
assert t.shape == (SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Memory doesn't free up after stacked execution with other ops, " +
"tracked at")
def check_flip():
b = create_2d_tensor(rows=LARGE_X, columns=SMALL_Y)
t = nd.flip(b, axis=0)
assert np.sum(t[-1, :].asnumpy() == 0) == b.shape[1]
assert t.shape == (LARGE_X, SMALL_Y)
def check_sequence_mask():
# Sequence Mask input [max_sequence_length, batch_size, other_feature_dims]
# test with input batch_size = 2
a = nd.arange(0, LARGE_X * SMALL_Y * 2).reshape(LARGE_X, 2, SMALL_Y)
# test as identity operator
b = nd.SequenceMask(a)
assert b[-1][0][1] == a[-1][0][1]
assert b.shape == a.shape
# test with default mask
b = nd.SequenceMask(a, sequence_length=nd.array([1, 1]),
assert b[0][1][-1] == a[0][1][-1] # first sequence of each batch kept
assert b[-1][-1][-1] != a[-1][-1][-1] # rest sequences masked
assert b[-1][-1][-1] == 0
# test with mask value
b = nd.SequenceMask(a, sequence_length=nd.array([1, 1]),
use_sequence_length=True, value=-1)
assert b[-1][-1][-1] == -1
def check_sequence_reverse():
a = nd.arange(0, LARGE_X * SMALL_Y * 2).reshape(LARGE_X, 2, SMALL_Y)
# test as reverse operator
b = nd.SequenceReverse(a)
assert b[-1][0][0] == a[0][0][0]
assert b.shape == a.shape
# test with sequence length
# 2 rows of batch 1 and 3 rows of batch 2 reversed
b = nd.SequenceReverse(a, sequence_length=nd.array([2, 3]),
assert b[1][0][0] == a[0][0][0] # check if reversed
assert b[-1][0][0] == a[-1][0][0] # check if intact
assert b.shape == a.shape
def check_sequence_last():
a = nd.arange(0, LARGE_X * SMALL_Y * 2).reshape(LARGE_X, 2, SMALL_Y)
# test if returns last sequence
b = nd.SequenceLast(a)
assert_almost_equal(b.asnumpy(), a[-1].asnumpy()) # only checks for (2, SMALL_Y) tensor
assert b.shape == (2, SMALL_Y)
# test with sequence length
# parameter sequence_length - NDArray with shape (batch_size)
# (2,3) indicates 2nd sequence from batch 1 and 3rd sequence from batch 2
b = nd.SequenceLast(a, sequence_length=mx.nd.array([2, 3]),
# check if it takes 2nd sequence from the first batch
assert b[0][-1] == a[1][0][-1]
def check_index_copy():
x = mx.nd.zeros((LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
t = mx.nd.arange(1, SMALL_Y + 1).reshape((1, SMALL_Y))
index = mx.nd.array([LARGE_X - 1], dtype="int64")
x = mx.nd.contrib.index_copy(x, index, t)
assert x[-1][-1] == t[0][-1]
def check_one_hot():
# default dtype of ndarray is float32 which cannot index elements over 2^32
a = nd.array([1, (VLARGE_X - 1)], dtype=np.int64)
b = nd.one_hot(a, VLARGE_X)
b[0][1] == 1
b[1][-1] == 1
def check_full():
a = nd.full((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X), 3)
assert a.shape == (SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)
assert a[SMALL_Y//2][LARGE_X//2] == 3
assert a[-1][-1] == 3
def check_shape():
b = create_2d_tensor(rows=SMALL_Y, columns=LARGE_X)
assert b.shape == (SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)
def check_size():
b = create_2d_tensor(rows=SMALL_Y, columns=LARGE_X)
assert b.size == LARGE_SIZE
def check_copy():
a = nd.ones((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X))
b = a.copy()
assert b.shape == a.shape
assert b.size == LARGE_SIZE
def check_copy_to():
a = create_2d_tensor(rows=SMALL_Y, columns=LARGE_X)
b = nd.array(np.zeros((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)))
c = a.copyto(b)
assert c is b
assert b[-1][-1] == SMALL_Y-1
def check_reshape_like():
a = nd.array(np.zeros((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)))
b = nd.array(np.zeros((SMALL_Y//2, LARGE_X*2)))
c = nd.reshape_like(a, b)
assert c.shape == (SMALL_Y//2, LARGE_X*2)
def check_flatten():
check_dtypes = [np.float32, np.int64]
for dtype in check_dtypes:
a = create_2d_tensor(rows=LARGE_X, columns=SMALL_Y, dtype=dtype).reshape((LARGE_X//2, 2, SMALL_Y))
b = nd.flatten(a)
# Here we removed the value asserts due to different precision of `int64` and `float32`.
# For `float32`, it will lose some precision when `LARGE_X` is too large, that is `LARGE_X-1`
# and `LARGE_X-2` can not represent the accurate value in the current situation.
assert b.shape == (LARGE_X//2, SMALL_Y*2)
assert_almost_equal(b[-1,-1].asnumpy(), a[-1,-1,-1].asnumpy(), rtol=1e-8)
def check_concat():
a = nd.array(np.ones((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)))
b = nd.array(np.zeros((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)))
for axis in [0, 1]:
c = nd.concat(a, b, dim=axis)
assert c.shape[axis] == b.shape[axis] * 2
assert c.shape[1-axis] == b.shape[1-axis]
def check_stack():
a = nd.array(np.ones((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)))
b = nd.array(np.zeros((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)))
c = nd.stack(a, b, axis=1)
assert c.shape == (b.shape[0], 2, LARGE_X)
def check_broadcast_axes():
a = create_2d_tensor(rows=1, columns=LARGE_X)
b = nd.broadcast_axis(a, axis=[0], size=2)
assert b.shape == (a.shape[0]*2, a.shape[1])
def check_astype():
x = create_2d_tensor(rows=SMALL_Y, columns=LARGE_X)
y = x.astype('int32')
assert y.dtype == np.int32
assert y[-1][-1] == SMALL_Y-1
def check_cast():
x = create_2d_tensor(rows=SMALL_Y, columns=LARGE_X)
y = nd.cast(x, np.int32)
assert y.dtype == np.int32
assert y[-1][-1] == SMALL_Y-1
def check_repeat():
x = create_2d_tensor(rows=SMALL_Y, columns=LARGE_X//2)
y = nd.repeat(x, repeats=2, axis = 1)
assert y.shape == (SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)
assert y[0][1] == 0
assert y[-1][-1] == SMALL_Y-1
x = create_2d_tensor(rows=SMALL_Y//2, columns=LARGE_X)
y = nd.repeat(x, repeats=2, axis = 0)
assert y.shape == (SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)
assert y[0][1] == 0
assert y[-1][0] == SMALL_Y//2-1
def check_ndarray_convert():
a = nd.zeros(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
b = a.astype(np.int32)
assert b.dtype == np.int32
b = a.tostype('row_sparse')
assert isinstance(b, mx.nd.sparse.RowSparseNDArray)
def check_load_save():
x = create_2d_tensor(SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)
with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
tmpfile = os.path.join(tmp, 'large_tensor'), [x])
y = nd.load(tmpfile)
y = y[0]
assert x[0][0] == y[0][0]
assert x[-1][-1]== y[-1][-1]
def check_pad():
x = create_2d_tensor(rows=SMALL_Y-2, columns=LARGE_X//2-2, dtype=np.float32).reshape(1 , 1, SMALL_Y-2, LARGE_X//2-2)
y = nd.pad(x, mode="edge", pad_width=(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1))
assert y[0][0][1][0] == 0
assert y[0][0][1][-1] == 0
assert y[0][0][-1][0] == SMALL_Y-3
assert y[0][0][-1][-1] == SMALL_Y-3
assert y.shape == (1, 1, SMALL_Y, LARGE_X//2)
def check_gather():
arr = mx.nd.ones((LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
idx = mx.nd.random.randint(0, LARGE_X, SMALL_X)
# Calls gather_nd internally
tmp = arr[idx]
assert np.sum(tmp[0].asnumpy() == 1) == SMALL_Y
# Calls gather_nd internally
arr[idx] += 1
assert np.sum(arr[idx[0]].asnumpy() == 2) == SMALL_Y
def check_binary_broadcast():
def check_correctness(mxnet_op, numpy_op, atol=1e-3):
a = mx.nd.ones((LARGE_X, SMALL_Y)).as_np_ndarray()
b = 2*mx.nd.ones((LARGE_X, SMALL_Y)).as_np_ndarray()
res = mxnet_op(a, b)
np_res = numpy_op(1, 2)
assert np.abs(res[-1][-1] - np_res) < atol
check_correctness(, np.arctan2)
check_correctness(, np.hypot)
def test_basic():
def check_elementwise():
a = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
b = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
res = a + b
assert np.sum(res[-1].asnumpy() == 2) == a.shape[1]
res = a + 1
assert np.sum(res[-1].asnumpy() == 2) == a.shape[1]
res = nd.sqrt(a + 3)
assert np.sum(res[-1].asnumpy() == 2) == a.shape[1]
def check_reduce():
a = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
assert nd.sum(a).asnumpy() == a.shape[0] * a.shape[1]
def check_dot():
a = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
b = nd.ones(shape=(SMALL_Y, SMALL_Y))
res =, b)
assert np.sum(res[-1].asnumpy() == SMALL_Y) == b.shape[1]
def check_argmin():
a = nd.arange(0, LARGE_X * SMALL_Y).reshape(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y)
idx = mx.nd.argmin(a, axis=0)
assert idx.shape[0] == SMALL_Y
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Memory doesn't free up after stacked execution with other ops, " +
"tracked at")
def check_argsort():
b = create_2d_tensor(rows=LARGE_X, columns=SMALL_Y)
s = nd.argsort(b, axis=0, is_ascend=False, dtype=np.int64)
assert (s[0].asnumpy() == (LARGE_X - 1)).all()
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Memory doesn't free up after stacked execution with other ops, " +
"tracked at")
def check_sort():
b = create_2d_tensor(rows=LARGE_X, columns=SMALL_Y)
s = nd.sort(b, axis=0, is_ascend=False)
assert np.sum(s[-1][SMALL_Y//2:SMALL_Y].asnumpy() == 0).all()
s = nd.sort(b, is_ascend=False)
assert np.sum(s[0].asnumpy() == 0).all()
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="Memory doesn't free up after stacked execution with other ops, " +
"tracked at")
def check_topk():
b = create_2d_tensor(rows=LARGE_X, columns=SMALL_Y)
k = nd.topk(b, k=10, axis=0, dtype=np.int64)
assert np.sum(k.asnumpy() == (LARGE_X - 1)) == SMALL_Y
ind, val = mx.nd.topk(b, k=3, axis=0, dtype=np.int64, ret_typ="both",
assert np.all(ind == val)
b = create_2d_tensor(rows=SMALL_Y, columns=LARGE_X)
l = nd.topk(b, k=1, axis=-1, dtype=np.int64, ret_typ="value")
assert l.sum() == np.sum(np.arange(0, SMALL_Y))
def check_exponent_logarithm_operators():
a = 2*nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
# exponent
result = nd.exp(a)
assert result[0][-1] == 7.389056
assert result.shape == a.shape
# exponent minus 1
result = nd.expm1(a)
assert result[0][-1] == 6.389056
assert result.shape == a.shape
# log2
result = nd.log2(a)
assert result[0][-1] == 1
assert result.shape == a.shape
# log10
result = nd.log10(a)
assert result[0][-1] == 0.30103
assert result.shape == a.shape
# log1p
result = nd.log1p(a)
assert result[0][-1] == 1.0986123
assert result.shape == a.shape
# log
result = nd.log(a)
assert result[0][-1] == 0.6931472
assert result.shape == a.shape
def check_power_operators():
a = 2*nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
# sqrt
result = nd.sqrt(a)
assert result[0][-1] == 1.4142135
assert result.shape == a.shape
# rsqrt
result = nd.rsqrt(a)
assert result[0][-1] == 0.70710677
assert result.shape == a.shape
# cbrt
result = nd.cbrt(a)
assert result[0][-1] == 1.2599211
assert result.shape == a.shape
# rcbrt
result = nd.rcbrt(a)
assert result[0][-1] == 0.7937005
assert result.shape == a.shape
# square
result = nd.square(a)
assert result[0][-1] == 4
assert result.shape == a.shape
# reciprocal
result = nd.reciprocal(a)
assert result[0][-1] == 0.5
assert result.shape == a.shape
def check_elemwise_add():
a = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
b = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
res = nd.elemwise_add(a, b)
assert np.sum(res[-1].asnumpy() == 2) == a.shape[1]
def check_add():
a = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
b = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
c = b.__add__(a)
assert c[0][-1] == 2
assert c.shape == a.shape
def check_sub():
a = 3*nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
b = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
c = b.__sub__(a)
assert c[0][-1] == -2
assert c.shape == a.shape
def check_rsub():
a = 3*nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
b = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
c = b.__rsub__(a)
assert c[0][-1] == 2
assert c.shape == a.shape
def check_neg():
a = nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
c = a.__neg__()
assert c[0][-1] == -1
assert c.shape == a.shape
def check_mul():
a = 2*nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
b = 3*nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
c = b.__mul__(a)
assert c[0][-1] == 6
assert c.shape == a.shape
def check_div():
a = 2*nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
b = 3*nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
c = b.__div__(a)
mx_divide = nd.divide(b, a)
assert c[0][-1] == 3/2
assert mx_divide[0][-1] == c[0][-1]
assert c.shape == a.shape
def check_rdiv():
a = 2*nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
b = 3*nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
c = b.__rdiv__(a)
assert c[0][-1] == 2/3
assert c.shape == a.shape
def check_mod():
a = 2*nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
b = 3*nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
c = b.__mod__(a)
assert c[0][-1] == 1
assert c.shape == a.shape
def check_rmod():
a = 2*nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
b = 3*nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
c = b.__rmod__(a)
assert c[0][-1] == 2
assert c.shape == a.shape
def check_imod():
a = 2*nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
b = 3*nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
c = b.__imod__(a)
assert c[0][-1] == 1
assert c.shape == a.shape
def check_pow():
a = 2*nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
b = 3*nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
c = b.__pow__(a)
assert c[0][-1] == 9
assert c.shape == a.shape
def check_rpow():
a = 2*nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
b = 3*nd.ones(shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
c = b.__rpow__(a)
assert c[0][-1] == 8
assert c.shape == a.shape
def check_sum():
a = nd.array(np.ones((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)))
b = nd.sum(a, axis=1)
assert b.shape[0] == SMALL_Y
def check_prod():
a = nd.array(np.ones((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)))
b =, axis=1)
assert b.shape[0] == SMALL_Y
def check_mean():
a = create_2d_tensor(rows=SMALL_Y, columns=LARGE_X)
b = nd.mean(a, axis=0)
assert b[0] == (SMALL_Y/2-1)
def check_min():
a = create_2d_tensor(rows=SMALL_Y, columns=LARGE_X)
b = nd.min(a, axis=0)
assert b[0] == 0
assert b[-1] == 0
def check_max():
a = create_2d_tensor(rows=SMALL_Y, columns=LARGE_X)
b = nd.max(a, axis=0)
assert b[0] == (SMALL_Y-1)
assert b[-1] == (SMALL_Y-1)
def check_norm():
a = np.array(np.full((1, LARGE_X), 3))
b = np.array(np.full((1, LARGE_X), 4))
c = nd.array(np.concatenate((a, b), axis=0))
d = nd.norm(c, ord=2, axis=0)
e = nd.norm(c, ord=1, axis=0)
assert d.shape[0] == LARGE_X
assert e.shape[0] == LARGE_X
assert d[-1] == 5
assert e[-1] == 7
def check_argmax():
a = np.ones((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X))
b = np.zeros((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X))
c = nd.array(np.concatenate((a, b), axis=0))
d = nd.argmax(c, axis=0)
assert d.shape[0] == LARGE_X
assert d[-1] == d[0] == 0
def check_iadd():
a = nd.array(np.ones((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)))
b = nd.array(np.ones((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)))
c = b + a
assert c.shape == a.shape
assert c[0][-1] == 2
def check_isub():
a = nd.array(np.array(np.full((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X), 3)))
b = nd.array(np.ones((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)))
c = a - b
assert c.shape == a.shape
assert c[0][-1] == 2
def check_imul():
a = nd.array(np.array(np.full((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X), 3)))
b = nd.array(np.ones((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X)))
c = b * a
assert c.shape == a.shape
assert c[0][-1] == 3
def check_idiv():
a = nd.array(np.array(np.full((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X), 4)))
b = nd.array(np.array(np.full((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X), 2)))
c = a / b
assert c.shape == a.shape
assert c[0][-1] == 2
def check_eq():
a = nd.array(np.array(np.full((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X), 3)))
b = nd.array(np.array(np.full((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X), 3)))
c = (a == b)
assert np.sum(c[0].asnumpy() == 1).all()
def check_neq():
a = nd.array(np.array(np.full((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X), 2)))
b = nd.array(np.array(np.full((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X), 3)))
c = (a != b)
assert np.sum(c[0].asnumpy() == 1).all()
def check_lt():
a = nd.array(np.array(np.full((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X), 2)))
b = nd.array(np.array(np.full((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X), 3)))
d = (a <= b)
assert np.sum(d[0].asnumpy() == 1).all()
def check_lte():
a = nd.array(np.array(np.full((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X), 2)))
b = nd.array(np.array(np.full((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X), 3)))
c = nd.array(np.array(np.full((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X), 2)))
d = (a <= b)
e = (a <= c)
assert np.sum(d[0].asnumpy() == 1).all()
assert np.sum(e[0].asnumpy() == 1).all()
def check_gt():
a = nd.array(np.array(np.full((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X), 3)))
b = nd.array(np.array(np.full((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X), 2)))
d = (a >= b)
assert np.sum(d[0].asnumpy() == 1).all()
def check_gte():
a = nd.array(np.array(np.full((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X), 3)))
b = nd.array(np.array(np.full((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X), 2)))
c = nd.array(np.array(np.full((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X), 3)))
d = (a >= b)
e = (a >= c)
assert np.sum(d[0].asnumpy() == 1).all()
assert np.sum(e[0].asnumpy() == 1).all()
def check_sign():
a = mx.nd.random.normal(-1,1, shape=(LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
mx_res = mx.nd.sign(a)
assert_almost_equal(mx_res[-1][-1].asnumpy(), np.sign(a[-1][-1].asnumpy()))
def check_logical():
def check_logical_and(a, b):
mx_res = mx.nd.logical_and(a, b)
assert_almost_equal(mx_res[-1][-1].asnumpy(), np.logical_and(a[-1][-1].asnumpy(), b[-1][-1].asnumpy()))
def check_logical_or(a, b):
mx_res = mx.nd.logical_or(a, b)
assert_almost_equal(mx_res[-1][-1].asnumpy(), np.logical_or(a[-1][-1].asnumpy(), b[-1][-1].asnumpy()))
def check_logical_not(a, b):
mx_res = mx.nd.logical_not(a, b)
assert_almost_equal(mx_res[-1][-1].asnumpy(), np.logical_not(a[-1][-1].asnumpy(), b[-1][-1].asnumpy()))
def check_logical_xor(a, b):
mx_res = mx.nd.logical_xor(a, b)
assert_almost_equal(mx_res[-1][-1].asnumpy(), np.logical_xor(a[-1][-1].asnumpy(), b[-1][-1].asnumpy()))
a = mx.nd.ones((LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
b = mx.nd.zeros((LARGE_X, SMALL_Y))
check_logical_and(a, b)
check_logical_or(a, b)
check_logical_not(a, b)
check_logical_xor(a, b)
def create_input_for_rounding_ops():
# Creates an vector with values (-LARGE_X/2 .... -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, .... , LARGE_X/2-1)
# then divides each element by 2 i.e (-LARGE_X/4 .... -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, .... , LARGE_X/4-1)
# and finally broadcasts to
inp = nd.arange(-LARGE_X//2, LARGE_X//2, dtype=np.float64).reshape(1, LARGE_X)
inp = inp/2
inp = nd.broadcast_to(inp, (SMALL_Y, LARGE_X))
return inp
def assert_correctness_of_rounding_ops(output, mid, expected_vals):
# checks verifies 5 values at the middle positions of the input vector
# i.e mid-2, mid-1, mid, mid+1, mid+2
output_idx_to_inspect = [mid-2, mid-1, mid, mid+1, mid+2]
for i in range(len(output_idx_to_inspect)):
assert output[1][output_idx_to_inspect[i]] == expected_vals[i]
# TODO(access2rohit): merge similar tests in large vector and array into one file.
def check_rounding_ops():
x = create_input_for_rounding_ops()
def check_ceil():
y = nd.ceil(x)
# expected ouput for middle 5 values after applying ceil()
expected_output = [-1, 0, 0, 1, 1]
assert_correctness_of_rounding_ops(y, LARGE_X//2, expected_output)
def check_fix():
y = nd.fix(x)
# expected ouput for middle 5 values after applying fix()
expected_output = [-1, 0, 0, 0, 1]
assert_correctness_of_rounding_ops(y, LARGE_X//2, expected_output)
def check_floor():
y = nd.floor(x)
# expected ouput for middle 5 values after applying floor()
expected_output = [-1, -1, 0, 0, 1]
assert_correctness_of_rounding_ops(y, LARGE_X//2, expected_output)
def check_rint():
y = nd.rint(x)
# expected ouput for middle 5 values after applying rint()
expected_output = [-1, -1, 0, 0, 1]
assert_correctness_of_rounding_ops(y, LARGE_X//2, expected_output)
def check_round():
y = nd.round(x)
# expected ouput for middle 5 values after applying round()
expected_output = [-1, -1, 0, 1, 1]
assert_correctness_of_rounding_ops(y, LARGE_X//2, expected_output)
def check_trunc():
y = nd.trunc(x)
# expected ouput for middle 5 values after applying trunc()
expected_output = [-1, 0, 0, 0, 1]
assert_correctness_of_rounding_ops(y, LARGE_X//2, expected_output)
def create_input_for_trigonometric_ops(vals):
# Creates large vector input of size(LARGE_X*10, SMALL_Y/10) from vals using broadcast_to operator
inp = nd.array(vals).reshape(1, 5)
inp = nd.broadcast_to(inp, (LARGE_X*10, SMALL_Y//10))
return inp
def assert_correctness_of_trigonometric_ops(output, expected_vals, atol=1e-3):
# checks verifies 5 values at positions(0, 1, -3, -2, -1) of the input vector
output_idx_to_inspect = [0, 1, -3, -2, -1]
for i in range(len(output_idx_to_inspect)):
assert np.abs(output[1][output_idx_to_inspect[i]].asnumpy()-expected_vals[i]) <= atol
def check_trigonometric_ops():
def check_arcsin():
x = create_input_for_trigonometric_ops([-1, -.707, 0, .707, 1])
y = nd.arcsin(x)
# expected ouput for indices=(0, 1, -3, -2, -1) after applying arcsin()
expected_output = [-np.pi/2, -np.pi/4, 0, np.pi/4, np.pi/2]
assert_correctness_of_trigonometric_ops(y, expected_output)
def check_arccos():
x = create_input_for_trigonometric_ops([-1, -.707, 0, .707, 1])
y = nd.arccos(x)
# expected ouput for indices=(0, 1, -3, -2, -1) after applying arccos()
expected_output = [np.pi, 3*np.pi/4, np.pi/2, np.pi/4, 0]
assert_correctness_of_trigonometric_ops(y, expected_output)
def check_arctan():
x = create_input_for_trigonometric_ops([-np.Inf, -1, 0, 1, np.Inf])
y = nd.arctan(x)
# expected ouput for indices=(0, 1, -3, -2, -1) after applying arctan()
expected_output = [-np.pi/2, -np.pi/4, 0, np.pi/4, np.pi/2]
assert_correctness_of_trigonometric_ops(y, expected_output)
def check_sin():
x = create_input_for_trigonometric_ops([-np.pi/2, -np.pi/4, 0, np.pi/4, np.pi/2])
y = nd.sin(x)
# expected ouput for indices=(0, 1, -3, -2, -1) after applying sin()
expected_output = [-1, -.707, 0, .707, 1]
assert_correctness_of_trigonometric_ops(y, expected_output)
def check_cos():
x = create_input_for_trigonometric_ops([0, np.pi/4, np.pi/2, 3*np.pi/4, np.pi])
y = nd.cos(x)
# expected ouput for indices=(0, 1, -3, -2, -1) after applying cos()
expected_output = [1, .707, 0, -.707, -1]
assert_correctness_of_trigonometric_ops(y, expected_output)
def check_tan():
x = create_input_for_trigonometric_ops([-np.pi/6, -np.pi/4, 0, np.pi/4, np.pi/6])
y = nd.tan(x)
# expected ouput for indices=(0, 1, -3, -2, -1) after applying tan()
expected_output = [-.577, -1, 0, 1, .577]
assert_correctness_of_trigonometric_ops(y, expected_output)
def check_arcsinh():
x = create_input_for_trigonometric_ops([-np.pi/2, -np.pi/4, 0, np.pi/4, np.pi/2])
y = nd.arcsinh(x)
# expected ouput for indices=(0, 1, -3, -2, -1) after applying arcsinh()
expected_output = [np.arcsinh(-np.pi/2), np.arcsinh(-np.pi/4), 0, np.arcsinh(np.pi/4), np.arcsinh(np.pi/2)]
assert_correctness_of_trigonometric_ops(y, expected_output)
def check_arccosh():
x = create_input_for_trigonometric_ops([1, np.pi/2, 3*np.pi/4, np.pi, 5*np.pi/4])
y = nd.arccosh(x)
# expected ouput for indices=(0, 1, -3, -2, -1) after applying arccosh()
expected_output = [0, np.arccosh(np.pi/2), np.arccosh(3*np.pi/4), np.arccosh(np.pi), np.arccosh(5*np.pi/4)]
assert_correctness_of_trigonometric_ops(y, expected_output)
def check_arctanh():
x = create_input_for_trigonometric_ops([-1/4, -1/2, 0, 1/4, 1/2])
y = nd.arctanh(x)
# expected ouput for indices=(0, 1, -3, -2, -1) after applying arctanh()
expected_output = [np.arctanh(-1/4), np.arctanh(-1/2), 0, np.arctanh(1/4), np.arctanh(1/2)]
assert_correctness_of_trigonometric_ops(y, expected_output)
def check_sinh():
x = create_input_for_trigonometric_ops([-np.pi/2, -np.pi/4, 0, np.pi/4, np.pi/2])
y = nd.sinh(x)
# expected ouput for indices=(0, 1, -3, -2, -1) after applying sinh()
expected_output = [np.sinh(-np.pi/2), np.sinh(-np.pi/4), 0, np.sinh(np.pi/4), np.sinh(np.pi/2)]
assert_correctness_of_trigonometric_ops(y, expected_output)
def check_cosh():
x = create_input_for_trigonometric_ops([0, 1, np.pi/2, 3*np.pi/4, np.pi])
y = nd.cosh(x)
# expected ouput for indices=(0, 1, -3, -2, -1) after applying cosh()
expected_output = [1, np.cosh(1), np.cosh(np.pi/2), np.cosh(3*np.pi/4), np.cosh(np.pi)]
assert_correctness_of_trigonometric_ops(y, expected_output)
def check_tanh():
x = create_input_for_trigonometric_ops([-1/4, -1/2, 0, 1/4, 1/2])
y = nd.tanh(x)
# expected ouput for indices=(0, 1, -3, -2, -1) after applying tanh()
expected_output = [np.tanh(-1/4), np.tanh(-1/2), 0, np.tanh(1/4), np.tanh(1/2)]
assert_correctness_of_trigonometric_ops(y, expected_output)
def check_radians():
x = create_input_for_trigonometric_ops([0, 90, 180, 270, 360])
y = nd.radians(x)
# expected ouput for indices=(0, 1, -3, -2, -1) after applying radians()
expected_output = [0, np.pi/2, np.pi, 3*np.pi/2, 2*np.pi]
assert_correctness_of_trigonometric_ops(y, expected_output)
def check_degrees():
x = create_input_for_trigonometric_ops([0, np.pi/2, np.pi, 3*np.pi/2, 2*np.pi])
y = nd.degrees(x)
# expected ouput for indices=(0, 1, -3, -2, -1) after applying degrees()
expected_output = [0, 90, 180, 270, 360]
assert_correctness_of_trigonometric_ops(y, expected_output)
def check_add_n():
x = [nd.ones(LARGE_X) for j in range(SMALL_Y)]
y = nd.add_n(*x)
assert y[0] == SMALL_Y
assert y[-1] == SMALL_Y
def check_modulo():
x = mx.nd.ones((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X))*6
y = mx.nd.ones(LARGE_X)*4
z = (x%y)
assert z[0][0] == 2
assert z[-1][-1] == 2
x = mx.nd.ones((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X))*5
z = nd.modulo(x,y)
assert z[0][0] == 1
assert z[-1][-1] == 1
def check_maximum():
x = mx.nd.ones((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X))*3
y = mx.nd.ones(LARGE_X)*4
z = nd.maximum(x, y)
assert z[0][0] == 4
assert z[-1][-1] == 4
z = nd.maximum(x, 5)
assert z[0][0] == 5
assert z[-1][-1] == 5
def check_minimum():
x = mx.nd.ones((SMALL_Y, LARGE_X))*3
y = mx.nd.ones(LARGE_X)*2
z = nd.minimum(x, y)
assert z[0][0] == 2
assert z[-1][-1] == 2
z = nd.minimum(x, 5)
assert z[0][0] == 3
assert z[-1][-1] == 3
def test_sparse_dot():
shape = (2, VLARGE_X)
sp_mat1 = nd.sparse.csr_matrix(([2], [6], [0, 1, 1]), shape=shape)
mat2 = nd.ones((VLARGE_X, 2))
out =, mat2)
assert out.asnumpy()[0][0] == 2
assert out.shape == (2, 2)