layout: page_api title: SSD Inference permalink: /api/java/docs/tutorials/ssd_inference is_tutorial: true tag: java

Multi Object Detection using pre-trained SSD Model via Java Inference APIs

This tutorial shows how to use MXNet Java Inference APIs to run inference on a pre-trained Single Shot Detector (SSD) Model.

The SSD model is trained on the Pascal VOC 2012 dataset. The network is a SSD model built on Resnet50 as the base network to extract image features. The model is trained to detect the following entities (classes): [‘aeroplane’, ‘bicycle’, ‘bird’, ‘boat’, ‘bottle’, ‘bus’, ‘car’, ‘cat’, ‘chair’, ‘cow’, ‘diningtable’, ‘dog’, ‘horse’, ‘motorbike’, ‘person’, ‘pottedplant’, ‘sheep’, ‘sofa’, ‘train’, ‘tvmonitor’]. For more details about the model, you can refer to the MXNet SSD example.


To complete this tutorial, you need the following:

mkdir -p "$data_path"
wget -P $data_path
wget -P $data_path
wget -P $data_path
  • Test images : A few sample images to run inference on.
    • Use the following script to download sample images :
mkdir -p "$image_path"
cd $image_path
wget -O dog.jpg
wget -O person.jpg

Alternately, you can get the entire SSD Model artifacts + images in one single script from the MXNet Repository by running script

Time to code!

1. Following the MXNet Java Setup on IntelliJ IDEA tutorial, in the same project JavaMXNet, create a new empty class called :

2. In the main function of define the downloaded model path and the image data paths. This is the same path where we downloaded the model artifacts and images in a previous step.

String modelPathPrefix = "/tmp/resnet50_ssd/resnet50_ssd_model";
String inputImagePath = "/tmp/resnet50_ssd/images/dog.jpg";

3. We can run the inference code in this example on either CPU or GPU (if you have a GPU backed machine) by choosing the appropriate context.

List<Context> context = getContext(); ... private static List<Context> getContext() { List<Context> ctx = new ArrayList<>(); ctx.add(Context.cpu()); // Choosing CPU Context here return ctx; }

4. To provide an input to the model, define the input shape to the model and the Input Data Descriptor (DataDesc) as shown below :

Shape inputShape = new Shape(new int[] {1, 3, 512, 512});
List<DataDesc> inputDescriptors = new ArrayList<DataDesc>();
inputDescriptors.add(new DataDesc("data", inputShape, DType.Float32(), "NCHW"));

The input shape can be interpreted as follows : The input has a batch size of 1, with 3 RGB channels in the image, and the height and width of the image is 512 each.

5. To run an actual inference on the given image, add the following lines to the class :

BufferedImage img = ObjectDetector.loadImageFromFile(inputImagePath);
ObjectDetector objDet = new ObjectDetector(modelPathPrefix, inputDescriptors, context, 0);
List<List<ObjectDetectorOutput>> output = objDet.imageObjectDetect(img, 3); // Top 3 objects detected will be returned

6. Let's piece all of the above steps together by showing the final contents of the

package mxnet;

import org.apache.mxnet.infer.javaapi.ObjectDetector;
import org.apache.mxnet.infer.javaapi.ObjectDetectorOutput;
import org.apache.mxnet.javaapi.Context;
import org.apache.mxnet.javaapi.DType;
import org.apache.mxnet.javaapi.DataDesc;
import org.apache.mxnet.javaapi.Shape;

import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class ObjectDetectionTutorial {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String modelPathPrefix = "/tmp/resnet50_ssd/resnet50_ssd_model";

        String inputImagePath = "/tmp/resnet50_ssd/images/dog.jpg";

        List<Context> context = getContext();

        Shape inputShape = new Shape(new int[] {1, 3, 512, 512});

        List<DataDesc> inputDescriptors = new ArrayList<DataDesc>();
        inputDescriptors.add(new DataDesc("data", inputShape, DType.Float32(), "NCHW"));

        BufferedImage img = ObjectDetector.loadImageFromFile(inputImagePath);
        ObjectDetector objDet = new ObjectDetector(modelPathPrefix, inputDescriptors, context, 0);
        List<List<ObjectDetectorOutput>> output = objDet.imageObjectDetect(img, 3);

        printOutput(output, inputShape);

    private static List<Context> getContext() {
        List<Context> ctx = new ArrayList<>();

        return ctx;

    private static void printOutput(List<List<ObjectDetectorOutput>> output, Shape inputShape) {

        StringBuilder outputStr = new StringBuilder();

        int width = inputShape.get(3);
        int height = inputShape.get(2);

        for (List<ObjectDetectorOutput> ele : output) {
            for (ObjectDetectorOutput i : ele) {
                outputStr.append("Class: " + i.getClassName() + "\n");
                outputStr.append("Probabilties: " + i.getProbability() + "\n");

                List<Float> coord = Arrays.asList(i.getXMin() * width,
                        i.getXMax() * height, i.getYMin() * width, i.getYMax() * height);
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                for (float c: coord) {
                    sb.append(", ").append(c);
                outputStr.append("Coord:" + sb.substring(2)+ "\n");


7. To compile and run this code, change directories to this project's root folder, then run the following:

mvn clean install dependency:copy-dependencies

The build generates a new jar file in the target folder called javaMXNet-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.

To run the use the following command from the project's root folder.

java -cp "target/javaMXNet-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:target/dependency/*" mxnet.ObjectDetectionTutorial

You should see a similar output being generated for the dog image that we used:

Class: car
Probabilties: 0.99847263
Coord:312.21335, 72.02908, 456.01443, 150.66176
Class: bicycle
Probabilties: 0.9047381
Coord:155.9581, 149.96365, 383.83694, 418.94516
Class: dog
Probabilties: 0.82268167
Coord:83.82356, 179.14001, 206.63783, 476.78754


The results returned by the inference call translate into the regions in the image where the model detected objects.


Next Steps

For more information about MXNet Java resources, see the following: