WARNING: the following PyPI package names are provided for your convenience but they point to packages that are not provided nor endorsed by the Apache Software Foundation. As such, they might contain software components with more restrictive licenses than the Apache License and you'll need to decide whether they are appropriate for your usage. The packages linked here contain proprietary parts of the NVidia CUDA SDK and GPL GCC Runtime Library components. Like all Apache Releases, the official Apache MXNet releases consist of source code only and are found at the Download page.
PREREQUISITES: CUDA should be installed first. Starting from version 1.8.0, CUDNN and NCCL should be installed as well.
Run the following command:
{% highlight bash %} $ pip install mxnet-cu101==1.4.1 {% endhighlight %}
{% highlight bash %} $ pip install mxnet-cu92==1.3.1 {% endhighlight %}
{% highlight bash %} $ pip install mxnet-cu92==1.2.1 {% endhighlight %}
{% highlight bash %} $ pip install mxnet-cu91==1.1.0 {% endhighlight %}
{% highlight bash %} $ pip install mxnet-cu90==1.0.0 {% endhighlight %}
{% highlight bash %} $ pip install mxnet-cu90==0.12.1 {% endhighlight %}
{% highlight bash %} $ pip install mxnet-cu80==0.11.0 {% endhighlight %}
{% include /get_started/pip_snippet.md %} {% include /get_started/gpu_snippet.md %}