blob: 80e40d4ea4a8f9e7476f3d62ff2e4d1d1a38c4e2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Utilities to interact with MXNet operator registry."""
from operator import itemgetter
from mxnet import runtime
import mxnet as mx
from benchmark.opperf.rules.default_params import DEFAULTS_INPUTS, DEFAULTS_INPUTS_LARGE_TENSOR, MX_OP_MODULE
def _select_ops(operator_names, filters=("_contrib", "_"), merge_op_forward_backward=True):
"""From a given list of operators, filter out all operator names starting with given filters and prepares
a dictionary of operator with attributes - 'has_backward' and 'nd_op_handle = mxnet.ndarray.op'
By default, merge forward and backward operators for a given op into one operator and sets the attribute
'has_backward' for the operator.
By default, filter out all Contrib operators that starts with '_contrib' and internal operators that
starts with '_'.
Note - All deprecated operators are filtered out as well.
operator_names: List[str]
List of operator names.
filters: Tuple(str)
Tuple of filters to apply on operator names.
merge_op_forward_backward: Boolean, Default - True
Merge forward and backward operators for a given op in to one op.
{"operator_name": {"has_backward", "nd_op_handle"}}
mx_operators = {}
operators_with_backward = []
# Filter out deprecated operators
filters += ("normal", "uniform", "Flatten", "contrib_CTCLoss", "Pad", "Cast",
"Pooling_v1", "Concat", "Reshape", "Convolution_v1", "SliceChannel", "Crop",
"crop", "onehot_encode", "batch_take")
if merge_op_forward_backward:
filters += ("_backward",)
for cur_op_name in operator_names:
if not cur_op_name.startswith(filters):
mx_operators[cur_op_name] = {"has_backward": False,
"nd_op_handle": getattr(MX_OP_MODULE, cur_op_name)}
if cur_op_name.startswith("_backward_"):
if merge_op_forward_backward:
# Identify all operators that can run backward.
for op_with_backward in operators_with_backward:
op_name = op_with_backward.split("_backward_")[1]
if op_name in mx_operators:
mx_operators[op_name]["has_backward"] = True
return mx_operators
def _set_op_arguments(mx_operators):
"""Fetch and set operator arguments - nargs, arg_names, arg_types
for op_name in mx_operators:
operator_arguments = mx.operator.get_operator_arguments(op_name)
mx_operators[op_name]["params"] = {"narg": operator_arguments.narg,
"arg_names": operator_arguments.names,
"arg_types": operator_arguments.types}
def _get_all_mxnet_operators():
# Step 1 - Get all registered op names and filter it
operator_names = mx.operator.get_all_registered_operators()
mx_operators = _select_ops(operator_names)
# Step 2 - Get all parameters for the operators
return mx_operators
def prepare_op_inputs(arg_params, arg_values):
inputs = []
for arg_value in arg_values:
inp = {}
for arg_name in arg_params["params"]["arg_names"]:
if arg_name in arg_value:
inp[arg_name] = arg_value[arg_name]
return inputs
def prepare_op_inputs(op, arg_params, int64_tensor):
inputs = []
# 4d tensor is needed by following ops
ops_4d = ['depth_to_space', 'space_to_depth', 'pad']
# 3d tensor is needed by following ops
ops_3d = {'CTCLoss', 'ctc_loss'}
# For ops with args that need to change shape/value for different ops
custom_data = {'Activation', 'LeakyReLU', 'Softmax', 'BilinearSampler', 'GridGenerator', 'sample_multinomial', 'linalg_maketrian',
'SpatialTransformer', 'col2im', 'GroupNorm', 'Dropout', 'FullyConnected',
'L2Normalization', 'LayerNorm', 'InstanceNorm',
'Embedding', 'Correlation', 'im2col', 'LRN', 'squeeze', 'fill_element_0index'}
custom_data_int64 = {'random_pdf_dirichlet', 'random_pdf_exponential', 'random_pdf_gamma',
'random_pdf_generalized_negative_binomial', 'random_pdf_negative_binomial',
'random_pdf_normal', 'random_pdf_poisson', 'random_pdf_uniform', 'sample_exponential',
'sample_normal', 'sample_poisson', 'sample_uniform', 'sample_gamma',
'sample_generalized_negative_binomial', 'sample_negative_binomial', 'CTCLoss',
'ctc_loss', 'multi_lars'}
int_only = {'random_randint'}
float_only = {'log_softmax', 'softmax', 'softmin'}
# following ops need atleast 1 dim of size 1
ops_dim1 = ['broadcast_axis', 'broadcast_like', 'broadcast_to', 'broadcast_axes']
if int64_tensor == 'on':
custom_data |= custom_data_int64
default_inputs = DEFAULTS_INPUTS
# Prepare op to default input mapping
arg_values = {}
for arg_name, arg_type in zip(arg_params["params"]["arg_names"],
# Due to lack of an internal API for fetching permissible dtype
# added a logic for using float only dtype as input for ops that take only floats
# same for randint (which is the only op that takes only int as input)
# rest all operators take int as well as float
if "NDArray" in arg_type:
if op in int_only and arg_name == "dtype":
arg_values[arg_name] = DEFAULTS_INPUTS["dtype_int"]
elif (op.startswith(('random','sample')) or op in float_only) and arg_name == "dtype":
arg_values[arg_name] = DEFAULTS_INPUTS["dtype_float"]
elif op == "ravel_multi_index":
arg_values[arg_name] = DEFAULTS_INPUTS["ravel_data"]
elif op in custom_data and arg_name + "_" + op.lower() in DEFAULTS_INPUTS:
arg_values[arg_name] = DEFAULTS_INPUTS[arg_name + "_" + op.lower()]
elif arg_name + "_nd" in DEFAULTS_INPUTS:
arg_values[arg_name] = DEFAULTS_INPUTS[arg_name + "_nd"]
elif op in ops_3d and arg_name + "_3d" in DEFAULTS_INPUTS:
arg_values[arg_name] = DEFAULTS_INPUTS[arg_name + "_3d"]
elif op == 'softmax_cross_entropy':
arg_values[arg_name] = DEFAULTS_INPUTS[arg_name + "_smce"]
elif op in ops_4d and arg_name + "_4d" in DEFAULTS_INPUTS:
arg_values[arg_name] = DEFAULTS_INPUTS[arg_name + "_4d"]
elif op in ops_dim1 and arg_name + "_dim1" in DEFAULTS_INPUTS:
arg_values[arg_name] = DEFAULTS_INPUTS[arg_name + "_dim1"]
# default case
elif arg_name in DEFAULTS_INPUTS:
arg_values[arg_name] = DEFAULTS_INPUTS[arg_name]
# arg_type is not NDArray
if op in int_only and arg_name == "dtype":
arg_values[arg_name] = DEFAULTS_INPUTS["dtype_int"]
elif (op.startswith(('random','sample')) or op in float_only) and arg_name == "dtype":
arg_values[arg_name] = DEFAULTS_INPUTS["dtype_float"]
elif op in custom_data and arg_name + "_" + op.lower() in DEFAULTS_INPUTS:
arg_values[arg_name] = DEFAULTS_INPUTS[arg_name + "_" + op.lower()]
elif op in ops_4d and arg_name + "_4d" in DEFAULTS_INPUTS:
arg_values[arg_name] = DEFAULTS_INPUTS[arg_name + "_4d"]
elif op in ops_dim1 and arg_name + "_dim1" in DEFAULTS_INPUTS:
arg_values[arg_name] = DEFAULTS_INPUTS[arg_name + "_dim1"]
#default case
elif arg_name in DEFAULTS_INPUTS:
arg_values[arg_name] = DEFAULTS_INPUTS[arg_name]
# Number of different inputs we want to use to test
# the operator
num_input_combinations = max([len(value) for value in arg_values.values()])
# Prepare key/value args for param to input value
for idx in range(num_input_combinations):
inp = {}
for arg_name in arg_params["params"]["arg_names"]:
if arg_name in arg_values:
if len(arg_values[arg_name]) == num_input_combinations:
inp[arg_name] = arg_values[arg_name][idx]
# This is required when we want to use a param same across all
# input combination. Example: keeping low and high same for random sampling
# operator for all different types of Tensor shape.
inp[arg_name] = arg_values[arg_name][0]
return inputs
def get_all_unary_operators():
"""Gets all Unary operators registered with MXNet.
{"operator_name": {"has_backward", "nd_op_handle", "params"}}
# Cast operators (cast & amp_cast are unary)
cast_ops = {'cast', 'amp_cast'}
# Get all mxnet operators
mx_operators = _get_all_mxnet_operators()
# Filter for unary broadcast operators
unary_broadcast_mx_operators = {}
for op_name, op_params in mx_operators.items():
if (op_params["params"]["narg"] == 1 and \
"data" in op_params["params"]["arg_names"]) or \
op_name in cast_ops:
unary_broadcast_mx_operators[op_name] = mx_operators[op_name]
return unary_broadcast_mx_operators
def get_all_broadcast_binary_operators():
"""Gets all binary broadcast operators registered with MXNet.
{"operator_name": {"has_backward", "nd_op_handle", "params"}}
# Get all mxnet operators
mx_operators = _get_all_mxnet_operators()
# Filter for binary broadcast operators
binary_broadcast_mx_operators = {}
for op_name, op_params in mx_operators.items():
if op_name.startswith("broadcast_") and op_params["params"]["narg"] == 2 and \
"lhs" in op_params["params"]["arg_names"] and \
"rhs" in op_params["params"]["arg_names"]:
binary_broadcast_mx_operators[op_name] = mx_operators[op_name]
return binary_broadcast_mx_operators
def get_all_misc_binary_operators():
"""Gets all miscellaneous binary operators registered with MXNet.
{"operator_name": {"has_backward", "nd_op_handle", "params"}}
# Get all mxnet operators
mx_operators = _get_all_mxnet_operators()
# Filter for miscellaneous binary operators
binary_misc_mx_operators = {}
for op_name, _ in mx_operators.items():
if "choose_element_0index" == op_name:
binary_misc_mx_operators[op_name] = mx_operators[op_name]
elif "reshape_like" == op_name:
binary_misc_mx_operators[op_name] = mx_operators[op_name]
return binary_misc_mx_operators
def get_all_elemen_wise_binary_operators():
"""Gets all binary elemen_wise operators registered with MXNet.
{"operator_name": {"has_backward", "nd_op_handle", "params"}}
# Get all mxnet operators
mx_operators = _get_all_mxnet_operators()
# Filter for binary elemen_wise operators
binary_elemen_wise_mx_operators = {}
for op_name, op_params in mx_operators.items():
if op_name.startswith("elemwise_") and op_params["params"]["narg"] == 2 and \
"lhs" in op_params["params"]["arg_names"] and \
"rhs" in op_params["params"]["arg_names"]:
binary_elemen_wise_mx_operators[op_name] = mx_operators[op_name]
elif "ElementWiseSum" == op_name:
binary_elemen_wise_mx_operators[op_name] = mx_operators[op_name]
return binary_elemen_wise_mx_operators
def get_all_random_sampling_operators():
"""Gets all Random Sampling operators registered with MXNet.
{"operator_name": {"has_backward", "nd_op_handle", "params"}}
# Additional Random Sampling ops which do not start with "random_" or "sample_"
additional_random_sampling_ops = {'GridGenerator', 'BilinearSampler'}
# Get all mxnet operators
mx_operators = _get_all_mxnet_operators()
# Filter for Random Sampling operators
random_sampling_mx_operators = {}
for op_name, _ in mx_operators.items():
if op_name.startswith(("random_", "sample_")) or op_name in additional_random_sampling_ops:
random_sampling_mx_operators[op_name] = mx_operators[op_name]
return random_sampling_mx_operators
def get_all_linalg_operators():
"""Gets all Linear Algebra operators registered with MXNet.
{"operator_name": {"has_backward", "nd_op_handle", "params"}}
other_linalg_ops = {'moments'}
# Already tested linalg_potrf independently
independently_tested = {'linalg_potrf'}
# Get all mxnet operators
mx_operators = _get_all_mxnet_operators()
# Filter for Linear Algebra operators
linalg_mx_operators = {}
for op_name, _ in mx_operators.items():
if (op_name.startswith("linalg_") and op_name not in independently_tested) or op_name in other_linalg_ops:
linalg_mx_operators[op_name] = mx_operators[op_name]
return linalg_mx_operators
def get_all_reduction_operators():
"""Gets all Reduction operators registered with MXNet.
{"operator_name": {"has_backward", "nd_op_handle", "params"}}
# Get all mxnet operators
mx_operators = _get_all_mxnet_operators()
# Filter for Reduction operators
reduction_mx_operators = {}
for op_name, op_params in mx_operators.items():
if (op_params["params"]["narg"] == 4 and \
set(["data", "axis", "exclude", "keepdims"]).issubset(set(op_params["params"]["arg_names"])) \
or op_name == 'norm'):
reduction_mx_operators[op_name] = mx_operators[op_name]
return reduction_mx_operators
def get_all_nn_basic_operators():
"""Gets all NN basic operators registered with MXNet.
{"operator_name": {"has_backward", "nd_op_handle", "params"}}
nn_basic_ops = ['FullyConnected', 'Dropout', 'BatchNorm',
'LayerNorm', 'InstanceNorm', 'Embedding', 'Correlation', 'SpatialTransformer', 'im2col',
'col2im', 'GroupNorm', 'LRN']
# Get all mxnet operators
mx_operators = _get_all_mxnet_operators()
# Filter for NN Basic operators
nn_basic_mx_operators = {}
for op_name, _ in mx_operators.items():
if op_name in nn_basic_ops:
nn_basic_mx_operators[op_name] = mx_operators[op_name]
return nn_basic_mx_operators
def get_all_nn_activation_operators():
"""Gets all NN Activation operators registered with MXNet.
{"operator_name": {"has_backward", "nd_op_handle", "params"}}
nn_activation_ops = {'Softmax', 'SoftmaxActivation', 'softmin', 'Activation', 'LeakyReLU', 'hard_sigmoid', 'softmax', 'log_softmax'}
# Get all mxnet operators
mx_operators = _get_all_mxnet_operators()
# Filter for NN Activation operators
nn_activation_mx_operators = {}
for op_name, _ in mx_operators.items():
if op_name in nn_activation_ops:
nn_activation_mx_operators[op_name] = mx_operators[op_name]
return nn_activation_mx_operators
def get_all_optimizer_operators():
"""Gets all Optimizer operators registered with MXNet.
{"operator_name": {"has_backward", "nd_op_handle", "params"}}
optimizer_ops = {'mp_sgd_update', 'signum_update', 'rmspropalex_update', 'ftml_update', 'rmsprop_update',
'sgd_mom_update', 'signsgd_update', 'mp_sgd_mom_update', 'ftrl_update', 'sgd_update',
'adam_update', 'mp_nag_mom_update', 'nag_mom_update', 'lamb_update_phase1',
# Get all mxnet operators
mx_operators = _get_all_mxnet_operators()
# Filter for Optimizer operators
optimizer_mx_operators = {}
for op_name, _ in mx_operators.items():
if op_name in optimizer_ops:
optimizer_mx_operators[op_name] = mx_operators[op_name]
return optimizer_mx_operators
def get_all_sorting_searching_operators():
"""Gets all Sorting and Searching operators registered with MXNet.
{"operator_name": {"has_backward", "nd_op_handle", "params"}}
sort_search_ops = {'sort', 'argsort', 'argmax', 'argmin', 'topk'}
# Get all mxnet operators
mx_operators = _get_all_mxnet_operators()
# Filter for Sort and search operators
sort_search_mx_operators = {}
for op_name, _ in mx_operators.items():
if op_name in sort_search_ops:
sort_search_mx_operators[op_name] = mx_operators[op_name]
return sort_search_mx_operators
def get_all_rearrange_operators():
"""Gets all array rearrange operators registered with MXNet.
{"operator_name": {"has_backward", "nd_op_handle", "params"}}
rearrange_ops = ['transpose', 'swapaxes', 'flip', 'depth_to_space',
'space_to_depth', 'SwapAxis', 'reverse']
# Get all mxnet operators
mx_operators = _get_all_mxnet_operators()
# Filter for Array Rearrange operators
rearrange_mx_operators = {}
for op_name, _ in mx_operators.items():
if op_name in rearrange_ops:
rearrange_mx_operators[op_name] = mx_operators[op_name]
return rearrange_mx_operators
def get_remaining_miscellaneous_operators():
"""Gets remaining Miscellaneous operators registered with MXNet not covered by individual tests.
{"operator_name": {"has_backward", "nd_op_handle", "params"}}
misc_ops = {'squeeze', 'all_finite', 'clip', 'multi_lars', 'SequenceReverse', 'SequenceLast', 'SequenceMask', 'cast_storage', 'cumsum', 'fill_element_0index'}
# Get all mxnet operators
mx_operators = _get_all_mxnet_operators()
# Filter for Miscellaneous operators
misc_mx_operators = {}
for op_name, _ in mx_operators.items():
if op_name in misc_ops:
misc_mx_operators[op_name] = mx_operators[op_name]
return misc_mx_operators
def get_all_indexing_routines():
"""Gets all indexing routines registered with MXNet.
# @ChaiBapchya unravel_index errors out on certain inputs
# tracked here
# @ChaiBapchya scatter_nd errors with core dump
# tracked here
{"operator_name": {"has_backward", "nd_op_handle", "params"}}
indexing_routines = {'slice', 'slice_axis', 'slice_like', 'take', 'one_hot',
'where', 'ravel_multi_index', 'gather_nd', 'pick'}
# Get all mxnet operators
mx_operators = _get_all_mxnet_operators()
# Filter for Indexing routines
indexing_mx_routines = {}
for op_name, _ in mx_operators.items():
if op_name in indexing_routines:
indexing_mx_routines[op_name] = mx_operators[op_name]
return indexing_mx_routines
def get_all_loss_operators():
"""Gets all Neural Network loss operators registered with MXNet.
{"operator_name": {"has_backward", "nd_op_handle", "params"}}
loss_ops = {'smooth_l1', 'CTCLoss', 'ctc_loss', 'MakeLoss', 'softmax_cross_entropy'}
# Get all mxnet operators
mx_operators = _get_all_mxnet_operators()
# Filter for NN Loss operators
loss_mx_operators = {}
for op_name, _ in mx_operators.items():
if op_name in loss_ops:
loss_mx_operators[op_name] = mx_operators[op_name]
return loss_mx_operators
def get_all_shape_operators():
"""Gets all array shape manipulation operators registered with MXNet.
{"operator_name": {"has_backward", "nd_op_handle", "params"}}
shape_ops = ['split', 'SliceChannel', 'diag', 'reshape',
'reshape_like', 'size_array', 'shape_array']
# Get all mxnet operators
mx_operators = _get_all_mxnet_operators()
# Filter for Array Shape Manipulation operators
shape_mx_operators = {}
for op_name, op_params in mx_operators.items():
if op_name in shape_ops:
shape_mx_operators[op_name] = mx_operators[op_name]
return shape_mx_operators
def get_all_expanding_operators():
"""Gets all array expanding operators registered with MXNet.
{"operator_name": {"has_backward", "nd_op_handle", "params"}}
expanding_ops = ['broadcast_axes', 'broadcast_axis', 'broadcast_to', 'broadcast_like',
'repeat', 'tile', 'pad', 'expand_dims']
# Get all mxnet operators
mx_operators = _get_all_mxnet_operators()
# Filter for Array Expanding operators
expanding_mx_operators = {}
for op_name, op_params in mx_operators.items():
if op_name in expanding_ops:
expanding_mx_operators[op_name] = mx_operators[op_name]
return expanding_mx_operators
def get_all_rounding_operators():
"""Gets all array rounding operators registered with MXNet.
{"operator_name": {"has_backward", "nd_op_handle", "params"}}
rounding_ops = ['round', 'rint', 'fix', 'floor',
'ceil', 'trunc']
# Get all mxnet operators
mx_operators = _get_all_mxnet_operators()
# Filter for Array Rounding operators
rounding_mx_operators = {}
for op_name, op_params in mx_operators.items():
if op_name in rounding_ops:
rounding_mx_operators[op_name] = mx_operators[op_name]
return rounding_mx_operators
def get_operators_with_no_benchmark(operators_with_benchmark):
"""Gets all MXNet operators with not benchmark.
Retrieve all operators registered with MXNet and prepares a list of operators that are not part of given
operators with benchmark list.
operators_with_benchmark: list[Str]
List of operator names that has benchmarks
List of operator names that is registered with MXNet but has no benchmarks.
all_mxnet_operators = _get_all_mxnet_operators().keys()
return list(set(all_mxnet_operators) - set(operators_with_benchmark))
def get_current_runtime_features():
"""Get all current runtime time flags/configuration for MXNet.
Map of current runtime features such as compile flags used by MXNet.
Example: {'runtime_features': {'OPENCV' : '✔ OPENCV', 'CUDA': '✖ CUDA'}}
features = runtime.Features()
runtime_features = {}
for feature, config in sorted(features.items(), key=itemgetter(0)):
runtime_features[feature] = config
return {'runtime_features': runtime_features}