MXNET Builds

This directory contains the files and setup instructions to run all tests. They are running on But you can also run them locally easily.

Run locally

To run locally, we need to first install docker and nvidia-docker.

We may use the AWS EC2 AMI ami-d73bb4b7 available at US West (Oregon) which has both pre-installed.

Then we can run the tasks defined in the Jenkinsfile by using ([./]. For example

  • lint the python codes

    ./ lint make pylint
  • build codes with CUDA supports

    ./ gpu make -j$(nproc) USE_BLAS=openblas USE_CUDA=1 USE_CUDA_PATH=/usr/local/cuda USE_CUDNN=1
  • do the python unittest

    ./ gpu PYTHONPATH=./python/ nosetests --with-timer --verbose tests/python/unittest'
  • build the documents. The results will be available at docs/_build/html

    tests/ci_build/ doc make -C docs html