blob: 7a38295a5a20e339c472d1d59ceef81ef175c060 [file] [log] [blame]
# Contribute to MXNet
MXNet has been developed and is used by a group of active community members.
Please contribute to improve the project.
After your patch has been merged, remember to add your name to [](
## Code Contribution
### Core Library
- Follow the [Google C++ Style Guide]( for C++ code.
- Use doxygen to document all of the interface code.
- To reproduce the linter checks, type ```make lint```.
### Python Package
- Always add docstring to the new functions in numpydoc format.
- To reproduce the linter checks, type ```make lint```.
### R Package
#### Code Style
- Most of the C++ code in the R package relies heavily on [Rcpp](
- We follow the Google C++ Style Guide for C++ code. This allows us to maintain consistency with the rest of the project. It also allows us to check style automatically with a linter.
- To check the code style, type the following command at the root folder:
make rcpplint
- If necessary, disable the linter warning on certain lines with ```// NOLINT(*)``` comments.
#### Auto-Generated API
- Many MXNet APIs are exposed dynamically from Rcpp.
- mxnet_generated.R is the auto-generated API and documents for these functions.
- Remake the file by typing the following command at root folder:
make rcppexport
- Use this command only when there is an update to dynamic functions.
#### API Document
The document is generated using roxygen2. To remake the documents in the root folder, use the following command:
make roxygen.
#### R Markdown Vignettes
R Markdown vignettes are located on GitHub in [R-package/vignettes](
These R Markdown files aren't compiled. We host the compiled version on [doc/R-package](
To add a new R Markdown vignettes:
* Add the original R Markdown file to ```R-package/vignettes```
* Modify ```doc/R-package/Makefile``` to add the Markdown files to be built.
* Clone the [dmlc/web-data]( repo to the ```doc``` folder.
* Type the following command for the ```doc/R-package``` package:
* This generates the markdown and the figures and places them into ```doc/web-data/mxnet/knitr```.
* Modify the ```doc/R-package/``` to point to the generated markdown.
* Add the generated figure to the ```dmlc/web-data``` repo.
* If you have already cloned the repo to doc, use ```git add```.
* Create a pull request for both the markdown and ```dmlc/web-data```.
* You can also build the document locally with the following command: ```doc```
make html
### Test Cases
* All of our tests can be found in the GitHub repo in [this directory](
* We use Python nose for python test cases, and gtest for C++ unit tests.
### Examples
* Use cases and examples are on GitHub in [examples](
* If you write a blog post or tutorial about or using MXNet, please tell us by creating an issue
in our github repo. We regularly feature high-quality contributed content from the community.
## Standard for Contributing APIs
Make sure to add documentation with any code you contribute. Follow these standards:
### API Documentation
* Document are created with Sphinx and [recommonmark](
* Follow [numpy doc standards]( and
some changes we made [MXNet doc standards](
* If an API is implemented in Python or has a wrapper defined, the documentation and the examples reside
where the function is defined in `.py` file in [python/mxnet]( folder. Same goes for other languages.
* If the API is dynamically generated from the MXNet backend, the documentation is in the C++ code(.cc
file) where the operator is registered in describe method of the `NNVM_REGISTER_OP`. The file and line
number for the function is usually printed with the API documentation on
* A clear and concise description of the function and its behavior.
* List and describe each parameter with the valid input values, whether it is required or optional,
and the default value if the parameter is optional.
* Add an example to help the user understand the API better. If the example can be language-neutral
or is conceptual, add it in the C++ documentation. Make sure your example works
by running a Python version of the example.
* If a concrete and simple language-specific example can further clarify the API and the API arguments, add the
example in language-specific files.
* Refer to these examples for guidance:- [Embedding]( , [ROIPooling]( , [Reshape](
### Testing and Rendering
* Make sure not to break any coding standards. Run
make lint
* You can build documents locally to proof them.
## Guidelines to submit a Pull Request
* Before submitting your contribution, rebase your code on the most recent version of the master:
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master
* If you have multiple small commits,
merge them into meaningful groups (use ```git rebase``` then ```squash```).
* Send the pull request.
* Fix problems reported by automatic checks.
* If you are contributing a new module, consider adding a test case in [tests](
### Resolving a Conflict with the Master
* Rebase to the current master:
# The first two steps can be skipped after you do it once.
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master
* Git might show some conflicts that prevent merging, for example, ``````.
* Manually modify the file to resolve the conflict.
* After you resolve the conflict, mark it as resolved by using:
git add
* Continue rebasing by using this command:
git rebase --continue
* Finally push to your fork. You might need to force the push:
git push --force
### Combining Multiple Commits
If you are submitting multiple commits with later commits that are just fixes to previous ones, you can combine commits into meaningful groups before creating a push request.
* Before doing so, configure Git's default editor if you haven't already done that:
git config core.editor the-editor-you-like
* Assuming that you want to merge last the last three commits, type the following commands:
git rebase -i HEAD~3
* In the text editor that appears, set the first commit as ```pick```, and change later ones to ```squash```.
* After you save the file, another text editor will appear and ask you to modify the combined commit message.
* Push the changes to your fork by forcing a push:
git push --force.
### What Is the Consequence of Forcing a Push?
The previous two tips require forcing a push because we altered the path of the commits.
It's fine to force a push to your own fork, as long as only your commits are changed.