blob: 81567eb3b4abce84f9633a76e36669cd28eae989 [file] [log] [blame]
#AUTHOR: Peter Tillemans <pti@MAIL.NET4ALL.BE>
use strict;
use Cwd;
use File::Copy;
use File::Find;
use Win32::Process;
use Win32;
use Config;
use File::Basename 'dirname';
require File::Spec;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
# Config part
my $apache = 'apache';
my $fullapache = find_apache();
my $ap_path = dirname $fullapache;
$ENV{PATH} = join ";", $ap_path, $ENV{PATH};
my $fullperl = $Config{perlpath};
print "Running tests with:\n";
print " perl=$fullperl\n apache=$fullapache\n";
my $port = 8529;
sub ErrorReport {
print Win32::FormatMessage( Win32::GetLastError() );
# prepare config files
my $conf = 't/conf/httpd.conf';
my $win32_conf = $conf . '-win32';
my $bak = $conf . '.bak';
copy($win32_conf, $conf)
or die "Copy of $win32_conf to $conf failed: $!";
#source or binary distribution
for (qw(src/modules/win32/Release
win32/modules)) {
my $dll = "$_/";
next unless -e $dll;
copy $dll, "t/modules/";
# create some bogus files and a place to dump the logfiles
mkdir("/tmp","755") unless -d "/tmp";
for my $d (qw(logs conf)) {
mkdir("t/$d","755") unless -d "t/$d";
for my $f (qw(srm.conf access.conf mime.types)) {
local *FH;
open FH, ">t/conf/$f"; close FH;
# change the paths so everybody agrees on which files to use
# this is to make sure apache knows which files to take :
# apparently apache uner Win32
# change directories to the installation directory so "./t"
# references do not work
my $pwd = cwd();
unless (-e $bak) {
copy($conf, $bak) or die "Copying $conf to $bak failed: $!";
open(BAK, $bak) or die "Open of $bak for reading failed: $!";
open(CONF, ">$conf") or die "Open of $conf for writing failed: $!";
while (<BAK>) {
print CONF $_;
close BAK;
close CONF;
# start ourselves a server to pound on
my $HttpdObj;
"$apache -X -d $pwd/t -f $pwd/t/conf/httpd.conf",
".") || die ErrorReport();
print << "END";
httpd listening on port $port
will write error_log to: t/logs/mod_perl_error_log
letting apache warm up...
sleep 2;
print "done\n";
# Ok, start pounding
system "$fullperl t/TEST @ARGV";
# stop server again
# remove traces
print "letting apache cool down...\n";
sleep 2;
find(\&cleanup, '/tmp/');
sub cleanup {/^(mod_perl|CGItemp)/ && unlink($_)}
unlink $bak;
unlink "$pwd/t/logs/";
sub find_apache {
my $apache;
my $exe = 'Apache.exe';
my $candidate;
for (File::Spec->path) {
$candidate = File::Spec->catfile($_, $exe);
if (-e $candidate and check_win32_apache($candidate)) {
$apache = $candidate;
last SEARCH;
my @drives = drives();
last SEARCH unless (@drives > 0);
for my $drive (@drives) {
for ('Apache', 'Program Files/Apache',
'Program Files/Apache Group/Apache') {
$candidate = File::Spec->catfile($drive, $_, $exe);
if (-e $candidate and check_win32_apache($candidate)) {
$apache = $candidate;
last SEARCH;
unless (-e $apache) {
$apache = prompt("Please supply the full path to Apache.exe:",
if (-d $apache) {
$apache = File::Spec->catfile($apache, $exe);
die "Can't find $exe!"
unless (-e $apache and check_win32_apache($apache));
$apache = Win32::GetShortPathName($apache);
$apache =~ s!\\!/!g;
return $apache;
sub check_win32_apache {
my $apache = shift;
my $vers = qx{"$apache" -v};
return ($vers =~ m!Apache/1.3!) ? 1 : 0;
sub drives {
my @drives = ();
eval{require Win32API::File;};
return map {"$_:\\"} ('C' .. 'Z') if $@;
my @r = Win32API::File::getLogicalDrives();
return unless @r > 0;
for (@r) {
my $t = Win32API::File::GetDriveType($_);
push @drives, $_ if ($t == 3 or $t == 4);
return @drives > 0 ? @drives : undef;