blob: 788c0e0587cb6a37fb3467ba191ddc26beacc2ce [file] [log] [blame]
package Apache::StatINC;
use strict;
$Apache::StatINC::VERSION = "1.07";
my %Stat = ($INC{"Apache/"} => time);
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
my $do_undef = ref($r) && ((lc($r->dir_config("StatINC_UndefOnReload") ||
$r->dir_config("UndefOnReload")) || '') eq "on");
my $DEBUG = ref($r) && (lc($r->dir_config("StatINCDebug") || '') eq "on");
$DEBUG = $r->dir_config("StatINC_Debug") if ref($r) && $r->dir_config("StatINC_Debug");
while(my($key,$file) = each %INC) {
local $^W = 0;
my $mtime = (stat $file)[9];
# warn and skip the files with relative paths which can't be locate by applying @INC;
warn("Apache::StatINC: Can't locate $file\n"),next unless defined $mtime and $mtime;
unless(defined $Stat{$file}) {
$Stat{$file} = $^T;
# if modified, reload the module
if($mtime > $Stat{$file}) {
# make sure file's prefix is in @INC
my $found_in_inc;
for (@INC) {
if(index($file,$_) == 0) {
$found_in_inc = 1;
if(!$found_in_inc) {
my $inc_dir = substr($file, 0, length($file)-length($key)-1);
push @INC, $inc_dir;
warn "Apache::StatINC: process $$ adding $inc_dir to \@INC\n"
if $DEBUG > 0;
if($do_undef and $key =~ /\.pm$/) {
require Apache::Symbol;
my $class = Apache::Symbol::file2class($key);
$class->Apache::Symbol::undef_functions( undef, 1 );
delete $INC{$key};
eval{ require $key };
if ($@) {
warn "Apache::StatINC: process $$ failed to reload $key. $@"
if $DEBUG > 0;
} else {
warn "Apache::StatINC: process $$ reloading $key.\n"
if $DEBUG > 0;
$Stat{$file} = $mtime;
return 1;
=head1 NAME
Apache::StatINC - Reload %INC files when updated on disk
#httpd.conf or some such
#can be any Perl*Handler
PerlInitHandler Apache::StatINC
When Perl pulls a file via C<require>, it stores the filename in the
global hash C<%INC>. The next time Perl tries to C<require> the same
file, it sees the file in C<%INC> and does not reload from disk. This
module's handler iterates over C<%INC> and reloads the file if it has
changed on disk.
Note that StatINC operates on the current context of C<@INC>.
Which means, when called as a Perl*Handler it will not see C<@INC> paths
added or removed by Apache::Registry scripts, as the value of C<@INC> is
saved on server startup and restored to that value after each request.
In other words, if you want StatINC to work with modules that live in custom
C<@INC> paths, you should modify C<@INC> when the server is started.
Besides, 'use lib' in startup scripts, you can also set the B<PERL5LIB>
variable in the httpd's environment to include any non-standard 'lib'
directories that you choose. For example, you might use a
script called 'start_httpd' to start apache, and include a line like this:
PERL5LIB=/usr/local/foo/myperllibs; export PERL5LIB
When you have problems with modules not being reloaded, please refer
to the following lines in 'perlmodlib':
"Always use B<-w>. Try to C<use strict;> (or C<use strict qw(...);>).
Remember that you can add C<no strict qw(...);> to individual blocks
of code that need less strictness. Always use B<-w>. Always use B<-w>!
Follow the guidelines in the perlstyle(1) manual."
Warnings when running under mod_perl is enabled with 'PerlWarn On' in
your httpd.conf.
It will most likely help you to find the problem. Really.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item StatINC_UndefOnReload
Normally, StatINC will turn of warnings to avoid "Subroutine redefined"
warnings when it reloads a file. However, this does not disable the
Perl mandatory warning when re-defining C<constant> subroutines
(see perldoc perlsub). With this option On, StatINC will invoke the
B<Apache::Symbol> I<undef_functions> method to avoid these mandatory
PerlSetVar StatINC_UndefOnReload On
=item StatINC_Debug
You can make StatINC tell when it reloads a module by setting this
option to on.
PerlSetVar StatINC_Debug 1
The only used debug level is currently 1.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Currently maintained by Ask Bjoern Hansen <>.
Written by Doug MacEachern.