blob: 5ab090d011e15f823bd2094b9a579838147431f5 [file] [log] [blame]
package Apache::SIG;
use strict;
$Apache::SIG::VERSION = '1.91';
$Apache::SIG::PipeKey ||= 'SIGPIPE';
sub set {
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
if ($r->is_main) {
sub PIPE {
my $ppid = getppid;
my $s = ($ppid > 1) ? -2 : 0;
if (my $r = Apache->request) {
$r->subprocess_env($Apache::SIG::PipeKey => '1');
} else {
warn "[modperl] caught SIGPIPE in process $$\n";
warn "\thint: may be a client (browser) hit STOP?\n";
warn "[modperl] process $$ going to Apache::exit with status=$s\n";
=head1 NAME
Apache::SIG - Override apache signal handlers with Perl's
PerlFixupHandler Apache::SIG
When a client drops a connection and apache is in the middle of a
write, a timeout will occur and httpd sends a B<SIGPIPE>. When
apache's SIGPIPE handler is used, Perl may be left in the middle of
it's eval context, causing bizarre errors during subsequent requests
are handled by that child. When Apache::SIG is used, it installs a
different SIGPIPE handler which rewinds the context to make sure Perl
is back to normal state, preventing these bizarre errors.
If you would like to log when a request was cancelled by a SIGPIPE in your
Apache access_log, you can declare Apache::SIG as a handler (any
Perl*Handler will do, as long as it is run before PerlHandler,
e.g. PerlFixupHandler), and you must also define a custom LogFormat in your
httpd.conf, like so:
PerlFixupHandler Apache::SIG
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b %{SIGPIPE}e"
If the server has noticed that the request was cancelled via a SIGPIPE,
then the log line will end with C<1>, otherwise it will just be a dash.
=head1 CAVEATS
The signal handler in this package uses the subprocess_env table of the
main request object to supply the 'SIGPIPE' "environment variable" to
the log handler. If you already use the key 'SIGPIPE' in your
subprocess_env table, then you can redefine the key like this:
$Apache::SIG::PipeKey = 'my_SIGPIPE';
and log it like this:
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b %{my_SIGPIPE}e"
=head1 AUTHORS
Doug MacEachern and Doug Bagley
=head1 SEE ALSO