Since Apache 2.4.25, header injection fails with

  protocol.c(957): (22)Invalid argument: [client] Failed to read request header line X-Extra-Header2: Value 2
  protocol.c(1313): [client] AH00567: request failed: error reading the headers

making the server issue a 400 Bad request response and causing test

The problem is that the injected header lines only have a LF and no CR.

RFC 7230, section 3.5 says:

  Although the line terminator for the start-line and header fields is
   the sequence CRLF, a recipient MAY recognize a single LF as a line
   terminator and ignore any preceding CR.

Apache with strict enabled chooses not to implement the MAY. This may or
may not be a good idea, but that is a  different question. In any case, 
mod_perl's test should send a compliant HTTP request.


[Patch from Stefan Fritsch <>]

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
1 file changed