blob: f00122c98e25fca569c218d5ca94e4176f92dc92 [file] [log] [blame]
package Apache::PerlSections;
use strict;
$Apache::PerlSections::VERSION = '1.61';
use Devel::Symdump ();
use Data::Dumper ();
sub store {
require IO::File;
my($self, $file) = @_;
my $fh = IO::File->new(">$file") or die "can't open $file $!\n";
sub dump {
my @retval = "package Apache::ReadConfig;";
local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
my $stab = Devel::Symdump->rnew('Apache::ReadConfig');
my %dump = (
hashes => 'HASH',
scalars => 'SCALAR',
arrays => 'ARRAY',
while(my($meth,$type) = each %dump) {
no strict 'refs';
push @retval, "#$meth:\n";
for my $name ($stab->$meth()) {
my $s = Data::Dumper->Dump([*$name{$type}], ['*'.$name]);
$s =~ s/Apache:{0,2}ReadConfig:://;
if($s =~ /^\$/) {
$s =~ s/= \\/= /; #whack backwack
push @retval, $s unless $s =~ /= (undef|\(\));$/;
return join "\n", @retval, "1;", "__END__", "";
=head1 NAME
Apache::PerlSections - Utilities for work with <Perl> sections
use Apache::PerlSections ();
It is possible to configure you server entirely in Perl using
<Perl> sections in I<httpd.conf>. This module is here to help
you with such a task.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item dump
This method will dump out all the configuration variables mod_perl
will be feeding the the apache config gears. The output is suitable
to read back in via C<eval>.
use Apache::PerlSections ();
$Port = 8529;
$Location{"/perl"} = {
SetHandler => "perl-script",
PerlHandler => "Apache::Registry",
Options => "ExecCGI",
@DocumentIndex = qw(index.htm index.html);
$VirtualHost{""} = {
DocumentRoot => "/tmp/docs",
ErrorLog => "/dev/null",
Location => {
"/" => {
Allowoverride => 'All',
Order => 'deny,allow',
Deny => 'from all',
Allow => 'from',
print Apache::PerlSections->dump;
This will print something like so:
package Apache::ReadConfig;
$Port = 8529;
@DocumentIndex = (
%Location = (
'/perl' => {
PerlHandler => 'Apache::Registry',
SetHandler => 'perl-script',
Options => 'ExecCGI'
%VirtualHost = (
'' => {
Location => {
'/' => {
Deny => 'from all',
Order => 'deny,allow',
Allow => 'from',
Allowoverride => 'All'
DocumentRoot => '/tmp/docs',
ErrorLog => '/dev/null'
=item store
This method will call the C<dump> method, writing the output
to a file, suitable to be pulled in via C<require>.
require '';
=head1 SEE ALSO
mod_perl(1), Data::Dumper(3), Devel::Symdump(3)
=head1 AUTHOR
Doug MacEachern